by Susan Maitra
India and “the Brady Plan.”
by Mark Sonnenblick
New Riots Confront Venezuela’s CAP.
by Rubén Cota
Food Supply: Fantasy vs. Fact.
by Ulf Sandmark and Göran Haglund
Satanist Rock Concert Flops in Sweden.
by Rainer Apel
Ecologists Want a FEMA-Type Agency.
by Carlos Wesley
U.S. Plans a “Philippines Election.”
Too Much Is Indeed Too Much.
by Rogelio A. Maduro
With not a shred of hard scientific evidence to back it, the “greenhouse effect” is being used to turn the nation into a police state.
List of sponsors and co-sponsors of green fascist legislation.
by L. Talionis
The plan is a “leveraged buy-out” of Third World debt, which could be very lucrative to the banks participating.
by Michael Billington
The “forced collapse” that swept Ibero-America in the 1980s, has now reached China.
by Ramtanu Maitra
by Rachel Douglas
by Cynthia R. Rush
by Antonio A.S. Valdes
by Jeffrey Steinberg
Documents confirm in spades what EIR charged a decade ago in the first edition of the book, Dope, Inc.
by Linda Everett
by Marcia Merry
Soviets Demand Record Food Imports.
by William Engdahl
What Happened to Nuclear Energy?
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
The full implications of SDI are not adequate to solve the multiple crises now unfolding, but there is certainly no solution possible without it. By the “intellectual author” of SDI.
by Konstantin George
Hungary, Poland, Yugoslavia—any one of them, not to mention the Baltic republics, could explode out of control, forcing the Kremlin to search for the right combination of imperial manipulation to keep hold of them.
by Mark Sonnenblick
by Thierry Lalevée
A guest commentary by a Bangkok observer.
by Sandro Mitromaco
Washington pundits who anticipated an “October surprise” that would demolish Bush’s political ambitions before the presidential elections, wonder whether that “surprise” may now be in the making.
In the trial of Rochelle Ascher, political loans were declared “securities,” the jury expressed open bias, and the judge was just as crooked as the prosecutors.
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
Attorneys for the political figure and his six co-defendants filed a motion for bond pending appeal, containing material that should lead to a reversal of their convictions.
Documentation: The section of the appeal dealing with the jury.
by Kathleen Klenetsky
Namely, Richard Burt as chief arms negotiator.
by Kathleen Klenetsky
LaRouche Dem Puts Warner on Hot Seat.
by Nicholas F. Benton
Left and Right Embrace.
by William Jones