The president of the Croatian Democratic Party and a longtime political prisoner of the communist regime in Yugoslavia discusses his country’s strategic battle.
by Frederic Henderson
Lee Considered: General Robert E. Lee and Civil War History, by Alan T. Nolan.
by Carlos Cota Meza
Will the Peso Be Pegged to the Dollar?
by Maria Cristina Fiocchi and Giuseppe Matteucci
“Beware of Tolstoyan Christianity.”
by Cynthia R. Rush
Kissinger Pals in Trouble in Venezuela.
Total War.
by Fujio Nakano
Japanese writer Fujio Nakano reports on the scientific breakthroughs that some people, strangely, would like to suppress: excess heat production and 100% repeatability. While MIT and the Anglo-American science establishment are trying to put the genie back in the bottle, some surprises may soon be in store from Japan.
by Stephen Parsons
While the Wall Street tea-leaf readers are babbling about October being “a bad month,” European bankers are more sober. They say that the “light at the end of the tunnel” which U.S. economists think they see, is really the headlights of an oncoming train.
by Linda Everett
by Leif Johnson
by Gabriele Liebig
by Helga Zepp-LaRouche
A speech by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, president of the Schiller Institute in Germany, to a conference in Vienna organized by the International Progress Organization.
by Marcia Merry
Cartels Cry for Protection!
by Silvia Palacios
The “war” between EIR’s Brazil correspondent and Environment Secretary José Lutzenberger is getting hot. The special commission of the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies which is investigating the “internationalization of the Amazon” is now demanding Lutzenberger’ s resignation, citing his funding by the Gaia Foundation, a London-based Mother Earth cult.
Documentation: Presentation by EIR’s Lorenzo Carrasco Bazúa at the National Press Club in Washington.
by Kathleen Klenetsky
The man in charge of running Eco-92 is a certifiable lunatic.
by Joseph Brewda
Peace under the “Perm Five” of the U.N. Security Council, means that any country that opposes being looted to death by the IMF will get the Iraq treatment.
by Joseph Brewda
An interview with Marko Veselica.
by Cynthia R. Rush
by Valerie Rush
by Lydia Cherry
From a report by the Palestinian human rights organization Al-Haq, documenting Israel’s policies in defiance of international law.
by Carlos Wesley
The prosecution has spent up to $6 million to buy witnesses, the judge has barred defense evidence implicating George Bush, and in general the railroad is running in Miami. But even so, defense lawyers are ripping up the lying testimony of the convicted drug runners who are taking the stand.
by Francis A. Boyle
Francis A. Boyle, professor of international law at the University of Illinois, is submitting to the United Nations this stinging indictment of President Bush and the United States of America, for crimes against The 4.5 Million Children of Iraq.
by Kathleen Klenetsky
Bush Readies Run for Reelection.
by M.T. Upharsin
Rep. Gonzalez Probes Kissinger Associates.
by William Jones