From an interview conducted with the economist and political prisoner for the Scottish legal news bulletin Scolag. LaRouche discusses the role of a small country like Scotland in his proposed European Productive Triangle.
by Webster G. Tarpley
Two natives of Sarajevo, representing the Bosnia-Hercegovina Information Center of Ottawa, Canada, visited Washington to press U.S. officials to act swiftly to help save their country from destruction.
by Rainer Apel
Debt Moratorium a Moral Imperative.
by Carlos Wesley
“The Panama Deception.”
by Ramtanu Maitra
Benazir Bhutto’s “Principles.”
Karadzic and Kissinger: Two of a Kind.
by Joseph Brewda
ADL International Affairs director Morton Rosenthal claims that LaRouche blames the “U.S. Jewish community” for Lincoln’s assassination. True, Rosenthal’s own pro-slavery B’nai B’rith was involved, but who says they have ever represented Judaism?
by Anton Chaitkin
by Jeffrey Steinberg
by Scott Thompson and Ana M. Phau
by Manuel Hidalgo and Carlos Méndez
by John Hoefle
Readers of EIR have known about the secret Federal takeover of Citicorp since November 1991, but the news must have come as quite a shock to those gullible enough to believe the regulators’ pronouncements that the banking system is solvent.
by Prof. Taras V. Muranivsky
by Carlos Cota Meza
A new book published in Mexico, The Likely Effects of a Free Trade Treaty on Mexico’s Farm Sector, by José Luis Calva, reveals that as bad as things now stand, the full effects of NAFTA will be far worse.
by Cho Wen-pin
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
An interview.
by Poul Rasmussen
by François Lepine
by Christopher White
EIR’s economics staff analyzes the bubble of so-called financial derivatives which is threatening to explode, taking the whole economy with it. Lyndon LaRouche has proposed a simple measure to bring the market under control: Tax it!
by Anthony K. Wikrent and Christopher White
by Anthony K. Wikrent, Richard Freeman, and John Hoefle
by Richard Freeman
by Richard Freeman
by William Jones
The resolve of the Clinton Administration to lift the arms embargo against Bosnia and use military force to knock out Serb artillery positions, is wavering, under pressure from Britain, France, and Henry Kissinger.
by Webster G. Tarpley
An interview with Djenana Campara and Zeljko Milicevic.
by Mark Burdman
by Valerie Rush
Documentation: From a manifesto by Air Force Commander-in-Chief Lt. Brig. Ivan Moacyr da Frota.
by Muriel Mirak-Weissbach
President Mubarak should repudiate the austerity policies of the International Monetary Fund, declare a moratorium on the foreign debt, and reorganize the economy for development, in cooperation with other nations of the region. If he doesn’t, he’s finished.
by Nancy Spannaus
The passage of President Clinton’s tax revenue package in the House Ways and Means Committee is almost as disastrous as the defeat of his paltry economic stimulus program a few weeks before.
by Paul Gallagher
Documentation: From statements by President Clinton, Secretary of State Christopher, Secretary of Defense Aspin, and a Russian commentary opposing a joint U.S.-Russian ballistic missile defense program.
by Edward Spannaus
by Carl Osgood