American statesman and economist Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. declared himself, on Jan. 1, for the Presidency in 2004, in order to save the nation now. Days later, LaRouche told the international audience of his Washington, D.C. seminar, that we must revive the Democratic Party of Franklin Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy, to implement measures for economic recovery, just as FDR did in 1932.
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
Lyndon LaRouche’s statement announcing himself for President for 2004.
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
by Paul Gallagher
The President-elect struck poses with the members of his proposed Cabinet, while U.S. manufacturing crashed, andWinter fuel and power bills jumped 50-100% for households nationwide; wholesale electricity prices are up thousands of percent from a year ago, shutting down production of aluminum, farm fertilizers, and other commodities. Now is theWinter of our discontent.
by Marsha Freeman
Documentation: From Franklin Roosevelt, John Kennedy, and three Federal Acts.
by Lothar Komp
by Mary Burdman
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
by Paul Gallagher
by Anna Kaczor Wei
by Dean Andromidas
President Clinton must act now, before he leaves office, to to push through a U.S. position, saying there is no peace in the Middle East, unless there’s a massive program of desalination, to ensure at least that there’s the water and the energy needed, so that the children of the present inhabitants of the region have a peaceful future for their grandchildren.
by Michele Steinberg
by Claudio Celani
by Michael Billington and Gail Billington
by Rainer Apel
by Christine Bierre
by Ramtanu Maitra
by Rachel Douglas
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
by Muriel Mirak-Weissbach
by Linda Everett
by Marivilia Carrasco
Marivilia Carrasco is president of the Ibero-American Solidarity Movement of Mexico, the co-thinkers of Lyndon LaRouche in Ibero-America. An MSIA political statement issued in December 2000.
Dr. al-Nahas is Chairman of Sudan’s General Elections Commission.
by Robert Barwick and Allen Douglas
Racial Vilification Laws Set To Go.
Millennium Decision for Human Beings.