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Published: Tuesday, Mar. 21, 2006
Volume 5, Issue Number 12
This Week You Need To Know:
LaRouche Democrats Drive Institutional Resistance
by Jeffrey Steinberg
On March 14, the Los Angeles County Democratic Party Central Committee voted to authorize the charter of the Franklin Roosevelt Legacy Club. The initiators of the ClubQuincy O'Neal and Cody Jonesare elected members of the Central Committee, and have been involved in leading the day-to-day organizing in California against the fascist policies of George Shultz's leading operatives, Vice President Dick Cheney and California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.
O'Neal and Jones are also leaders of the LaRouche Youth Movement (LYM), the nationwide youth organization of American statesman and former candidate for the Democratic Party Presidential nomination, Lyndon LaRouche.
"Over the course of the past several years, of waging successive, successful proof-of-principle fights, we saw that if the Democratic Party were to succeed in defeating the disastrous course of the Cheney-Bush Administration, we must bring the best of its traditions, that of Franklin Roosevelt, to life within the Party. Thus, we created the Club as a vehicle for that expression," said Cody Jones, vice president of the club.
...full version, PDF
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Recent LaRouche Webcasts*
"Make a Platonic Revolution to Save Our Civilization" |
Feb. 23, 2006 |
"Rebuild a Looted U.S. Economy"
video: Baltimore: from Industrial Powerhouse to Death Zones |
Jan. 11, 2006 |
"The Tasks Before Us in the Post-Cheney Era"
Videos: US Dams, US Nuclear Plants |
Nov. 16, 2005 |
"Rediscovering America: The Lessons of LaRouche's Famous Oct. 12, 1988 Forecast" |
Oct. 12, 2005 |
Sept. 16, 2005 |
Emergency Webcast,
"Pulling This Nation Together Now!"
Sept. 3, 2005
"LaRouche Addresses Urgent Changes in Economic and Monetary Policy"
Short video (WMA format)
June 16, 2005
April 7, 2005
This Week in
American History
On his 18th birthday in 1900, Groton Academy senior Franklin Roosevelt lost his first current-affairs debate when he argued that the Philippines, then under U.S. military government, should be given independence. Thirty-four years later, on March 24, 1934, President Roosevelt signed the Tydings-McDuffie Act, also referred to as the Philippines Independence Act, which provided for a Philippines Commonwealth Government that would be followed by complete independence in ten years.
It had been a long road for the Philippines to reach that point. The Philippine Islands had been under Spanish control since the second half of the 16th Century, but in the 1890s an independence movement had developed, led by Jose Rizal. When Rizal was executed by the Spanish in 1896, the movement was carried on by Emilio Aguinaldo, the leader of the Filipino military forces. During the Spanish-American War, Aguinaldo accepted aid from the United States, and when victories followed for Adm. George Dewey and Gen. Wesley Merritt, Aguinaldo declared a republic. But the U.S. treaty with Spain at the end of the war transferred the Philippines to the United States.
Aguinaldo then began military action against the American army, which subsided into guerrilla warfare after Aguinaldo was captured in 1901. The year before, President William McKinley had sent the Taft Commission to study conditions in the Philippines and to recommend improvements. William Howard Taft, the future American President, headed the commission, and was then named Governor-General of the Philippines. In 1909, Congress passed legislation which set up duty-free trade with the Philippines, but this left the Philippines very dependent on export of raw materials such as sugar, coconut oil, and abaca.
President Woodrow Wilson appointed Francis Burton Harrison as Governor-General, and he instituted a different policy. The Democrats favored moving toward independence for the Philippines, and so Harrison replaced American office holders with Filipinos, and encouraged infrastructure development. The U.S. Congress passed legislation which set up a Philippine legislature, almost all of whose members were elected by popular vote.
When the Republicans won the White House in 1920, this policy was reversed. Harrison was replaced by Gen. Leonard Wood, who suspended most development plans, moved Americans back into government positions, and installed semi-military rule. During the last days of President Herbert Hoover's Administration, however, the U.S. Congress passed the Hawes-Cutting Act of 1932, which provided for complete Philippine independence in 1945. President Hoover vetoed it, but Congress passed it over his veto.
When Franklin Roosevelt entered the Presidency, he replaced General Wood with Frank Murphy, the legendary Mayor of Detroit who had done everything in his power during the bleak days of the Depression to make sure that the city's residents stayed alive and well. But then, Roosevelt received word that on Oct. 17, 1933, the Philippine Legislature had rejected the Hawes-Cutting Act. Manuel Quezon, the leader of the Nationalist Party, opposed the act because of the threat of American tariffs against Philippine products, and also because there were provisions which left military bases in American hands.
President Roosevelt therefore sent a message to Congress on March 2, 1934, requesting that the Hawes-Cutting Act be amended. The message opened by saying that, "Over a third of a century ago, the United States, as a result of a war which had its origin in the Caribbean Sea, acquired sovereignty over the Philippine Islands, which lie many thousands of miles from our shores across the widest of oceans. Our Nation covets no territory; it desires to hold no people against their will over whom it has gained sovereignty through war.
"In keeping with the principles of justice and in keeping with our traditions and aims, our Government for many years has been committed by law to ultimate independence for the people of the Philippine Islands whenever they should establish a suitable Government capable of maintaining that independence among the Nations of the world. We believe that the time for such independence is at hand.
"A law passed by the seventy-second Congress over a year ago was the initial step, providing the methods, conditions and circumstances under which our promise was to be fulfilled. That Act provided that the United States would retain the option of keeping certain military and naval bases in the Islands after actual independence had been accomplished.
"As to the military bases, I recommend that this provision be eliminated from the law and that these bases be relinquished simultaneously with the accomplishment of final Philippine independence.
"As to the naval bases, I recommend that the law be so amended as to provide for the ultimate settlement of this matter on terms satisfactory to our own Government and that of the Philippine Islands.
Full article on separate page...
Latest From LaRouche
This is a transcript of a taped interview with Lyndon LaRouche, conducted March 15, 2006, by Morteza Jabbari of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) English Radio in Tehran. IRIB is the state-owned radio and TV broadcasting network.
InDepth Coverage

LaRouche: Milosevic Murder To Trigger East-West Conflict
by Jeffrey Steinberg
Lyndon LaRouche forcefully intervened on March 15 into the crises provoked by the sudden death of former Serbian President and accused war criminal Slobodan Milosevic, who was found dead in his prison cell on March 11, the victim of an alleged heart attack. Milosevic had been on trial at The Hague for the past four years, and had been complaining for months that he was being poisoned. On March 8, less than 72 hours before his death, the former Yugoslav ruler had written a note to the Russian Foreign Ministry, asking them to intercede to win permission from the Balkan War Crimes Tribunal to go to Russia for medical care...
- Documentation
Lavrov, Russian Doctors Dispute Hague Tribunal Russian Foreign Minister
Sergei Lavrov answered questions from the press on March 13: Q: I would like to learn about the text of Slobodan Milosevic's letter. Did he write about any attempts to poison him? Lavrov: Slobodan Milosevic's letter arrived yesterday. It is dated March 8, but arrived only yesterday. I do not know the cause of the delay. The letter is not addressed to me personally, but to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs....
- Explosive Legacy of The 1990s Balkan Wars
by Elke Fimmen
The death of Slobodan Milosevic occurred on the same day that Agim Ceku was elected Prime Minister of Kosovo. Ceku having been the commander on the Kosovo-Albanian side during Madeleine Albright's unnecessary Wellsian war against Yugoslavia in 1999, the timing smacks of something more than coincidence.
- Hot Spots Flare in Russia's 'Near Abroad'
by Rachel Douglas
In Russian parlance the Near Abroad comprises countries that were formerly part of the Soviet Union. The Balkans region is not in the Near Abroad, but it, especially Serbia, is a traditional area of Russian interesta factor that British and Venetian geopoliticians played on to embroil Russia in Balkan wars in the 19th Century and in 1912-14, on the eve of World War I.
- 'The Open Conspiracy'
H.G. Wells Plots The World Empire
by Michele Steinberg
This is reprinted from 'Zbigniew Brzezinski and September 11th,' a Special Report issued in February 2002 by the LaRouche in 2004 Presidential campaign committee.
- Documentation
Madeleine Albright on Her Debt to H.G.Wells
In 1998-99, President Clinton was faced with a Synarchist insurgency, including from inside his own Administration, following his and Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin's moves towards a 'new, global financial architecture.' In the same time period, as Clinton was faced with an impeachment assault on the Presidency, the Albright/Holbrooke/Gore crowd in the Administration staged the Kosovo War. At the time, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright openly boasted of her 'Wellsian democracy' roots. In an Oct. 14, 1999 address to the Institute of International Education in New York City, Albright avowed her
A Relevant Chronology
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
March 14, 2006
An informed source told one of my associates, today, that the accumulation of international financial storms associated with the Iceland crisis of the world's so-called 'carry trade,' must be seen as a collapse of the Greenspan bubble,' and thus viewed as a consequence of policies introduced in 1987 by now-retired U.S. Federal Reserve System Chairman Alan Greenspan. That source's observation is, of course, broadly correct, and does not differ essentially from the assessment of Greenspan's role which I had publicized widely during the recent decade.
Internal Fissures Rend EU's Maastricht System
by Rainer Apel
Beset by conflicts between national governments attempting to prevent economic collapse in the face of a deepening depression, and a supranational bureaucracy committed to even more deregulation and austerity, the European Union (EU) is falling apart. Briefed on the latest developments on March 14, Lyndon LaRouche said that Europe is actually far more vulnerable to a physical economic collapse than the United States, because Europe is under the yoke of the Maastricht Treaty which founded the EUthe straitjacket that blocks any possibility of an economic policy turnaround in Europe. Unless Maastricht is torn up, and replaced by a new, nonmonetarist arrangement among the nations of Europe, there is no solution for the continent.
Albert Wohlstetter's Legacy
The Neo-Cons, Not Carter, Killed Nuclear Energy
by Marjorie Mazel Hecht
The conventional wisdom in the nuclear community and in general is that President Jimmy Carter drove the nail in the civilian nuclear coffin when he stopped the reprocessing of nuclear fuel in 1976. But this is wrong. The dishonor does not belong to Carter. The policy that ended nuclear reprocessing was first promoted under the Ford Presidency, in a 1975 policy paper written under Ford's chief of staff Dick Cheney. And long before the Ford Administration, the idea that civilian nuclear power was bad, and that reprocessing should be stopped, was extensively argued by Albert Wohlstetter, one of the most ghoulish, secretive, and influential of U.S. nuclear strategists, from the late 1950s to his death in 1997.
- The Inside Job Against Nuclear Energy
While Albert Wohlstetter’s nuclear report put a hold on nuclear development from the top down, other forces were squeezing nuclear development from the bottom and middle levels of policy-making.
LaRouche on Iran Radio:
War Against Iran Is British Policy
This is a transcript of a taped interview with Lyndon LaRouche, conducted March 15, 2006, by Morteza Jabbari of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB). IRIB is the state-owned radio and TV broadcasting network. The interview was translated into Farsi and broadcast.
Russia's Lavrov:
There Is No 'Deal' Against Iran
Russia and Iran continued negotiations on March 13-14 in the effort to find a solution to the dispute over Iran's nuclear program. An Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman described the talks as successful, underlining that both sides agreed 'on the necessity to abstain from hasty decisions.'
Cheney and Blair Intervene in Israeli Elections To Promote Regional War
by Dean Andromidas
The transparent orchestration of the Israeli attack on the Palestinian prison in Jericho in the occupied West Bank March 14, leaves no doubt that the Bush Administration and the government of British Prime Minister Tony Blair are working to bring to power in Israel a government that will be a full partner in an attack on Iran, Syria, and a resultingnew regional war.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche
Hope for Germany's Future Lies in Defeating the 'Clash of Civilizations'
Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche, chairwoman of the Civil Rights Movement Solidarity (BüSo) in Germany, gave this speech to EIR's seminar in Berlin on March 2. It has been translated from German, and subheads added. The seminar was titled 'The Iran Crisis: The Danger of a Global Assymetric War Must Be Stopped.' Other presentations, including the keynote by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., appeared in EIR on March 10 and March 17.
Mohammad el-Sayed Selim
Dancing with Wolves: But Iran Will Be Next
Prof. Mohammad el-Sayed Selim is Professor of Political Science at Cairo University. He submitted this written speech to the March 2 EIR seminar in Berlin. Subheads have been added. See last week's EIR for further seminar discussion of the issues raised here, notably that of the Nuclear NonProliferation Treaty (NPT).
Pakistan's Uncertain Future: A Victim of Geopolitics
by Ramtanu Maitra
The spate of violence in Pakistan in recent months has deeply undermined Islamabad's authority over its people and has posed questions in the minds of its well-wishers: Where the country is heading? Pakistan has become a nation that has no clear objective for its people, and is driven exclusively by the geostrategic goals of the powers-that-be. What makes the problem even more complex, are Islamabad's simultaneous efforts to accommodate geostrategic directives issued by the United States and China, and at the same time, gingerly hold back the growing power of homegrown and foreign militant Islamic groups, who strongly resent the Pakistani authorities' kowtowing to the policies of the United States, in particular.
Bachelet Inaugural: 'In Chile, There Will Be No Forgotten Citizens'
by Cynthia R. Rush
On March11, Chilean President Michelle Bachelet was sworn into office in the city of Valparaý´so before 1,000 invited guests, and a jubilant crowd. Highly visible among the guests were the leading figures in the informal Ibero-American 'Club of Presidents,' whose motion toward an economic alternative to the International Monetary Fund's free-market austerity has greatly alarmed London and Wall Street bankers.
Book Review
'Pax Americana' Offers No Future for Iraq
by Muriel Mirak-Weissbach
Die Zukunft des IrakPax Americana? (The Future of IraqPax Americana?)
by Jürgen Hübschen
Wiesbaden: Dr. Böttiger Verlags-GmbH, 2005
640 pages, hardback, EUR 28.80
If a book is worth anything at all, the first sentence should tell a lot. In the case of Jüregen Hübschen's book, this is indeed the case. He opens with the clear announcement: 'This is no 'anti-America book,' even though a superficial reading might give that impression.' Key to understanding the articulate analysis that the author gives of the most recent Iraq War, is, indeed, his clear differentiation between the neo-conservative clique running the war policy, and the real America.

LaRouche: `The Immortality of Martin Luther King'
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
speaks to the Martin Luther King Day Prayer Breakfast in Talladega County, Alabama on Jan. 19, 2004
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