Published: Tuesday, Apr. 25, 2006
Volume 5, Issue Number 17
This Week You Need To Know:
April 16, 2006
Frankly, if you do not think of Felix Rohatyn as a fascist, you do him a grave injustice. Both Felix and the wildly libelous attacks on me which have surfaced in the aftermath of the Senate confirmation of the Supreme Court appointment of Justice Samuel Alito, put the essence of filthy Felix on today's global display. By all rational standards, Felix is a fascist who considers me a prominent threat to his currently larcenous schemes.
So, in keeping with Felix's fears on that account, the Alito confirmation has been followed by an accumulation of various lunatic libels recently featured against me in prominent mass media and comparable other locations, not only in a bankers' Boston, Massachusetts, but also in a featured hoax published in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung, in prominent Leipzig, Germany pro-fascist and related circles, in a leading France radio station, and other relevant places.
for the
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Recent LaRouche Webcasts*
"Make a Platonic Revolution to Save Our Civilization" |
Feb. 23, 2006 |
"Rebuild a Looted U.S. Economy"
video: Baltimore: from Industrial Powerhouse to Death Zones |
Jan. 11, 2006 |
"The Tasks Before Us in the Post-Cheney Era"
Videos: US Dams, US Nuclear Plants |
Nov. 16, 2005 |
"Rediscovering America: The Lessons of LaRouche's Famous Oct. 12, 1988 Forecast" |
Oct. 12, 2005 |
Sept. 16, 2005 |
Emergency Webcast,
"Pulling This Nation Together Now!"
Sept. 3, 2005
"LaRouche Addresses Urgent Changes in Economic and Monetary Policy"
Short video (WMA format)
June 16, 2005
April 7, 2005
This Week in
American History
The terrible worldwide depression of 1893-1897 was agonizingly similar to the subsequent Great Depression of the 1930s. The first warnings were seen a decade before, when a severe agricultural crisis hit the South and Great Plains. Speculation and manipulation of the international money markets then led to an actual Wall Street crash in 1893. As happened during 1929, very little was done to restart the American economy, and the result was that a quarter of the nation's railroads went bankrupt, and in some cities unemployment among industrial workers reached 25%.
This depression hit only 28 after the triumphant end of the Civil War, and many veterans of that war were in a state of shock. Some unemployed veterans carried placards with the message that slavery had been defeated in 1863, and now, in 1893, a new kind of slavery had descended upon the country.
An ironic spectacle was provided by the 1893 Columbian Exposition that opened in Chicago in May, which was visited by 27 million people and featured the latest in American technology. Yet by the time it closed, Chicago had been overwhelmed by another large group of visitors who had come by the trainload from the West, desperate to find work in the industrial center of the Midwest. Many were well-dressed, yet they wound up crowding into police-station hallways, and even the unoccupied cells, at night to escape the cold. Every evening, a thousand men and boys filled the corridors and stairwells of Chicago's City Hall.
On Oct. 28, two days before the Columbian Exposition was to close with a gala celebration, Chicago's Mayor Carter Harrison, who had tried to mitigate the suffering of the unemployed, was shot to death in his home by a man described as a disappointed office seeker. The great "White City" was demolished a few days later, and the wood of many of its buildings was distributed to provide fuel for the increasingly desperate unemployed population.
While the Columbian Exposition was going on, another kind of meeting took place in Chicago. Six hundred delegates, mostly from the West, had attended the Bimetallic League convention in August, formulating plans for the free and unlimited coinage of silver. At the conference, Jacob Coxey, an Ohio delegate, met Carl Browne of California, and Browne later visited Coxey in Ohio to discuss Coxey's plans for public works, which he had been developing since 1891.
Jacob Coxey was born in Pennsylvania in 1854, and had worked in iron-rolling mills, operated a stationary engine, and then moved to Massillon, Ohio where he bought a sandstone quarry in 1881. The quarry yielded very finely ground silica which was used in the production of both steel and glass, and the business prospered enough to allow Coxey to buy three ranches in various parts of the country. But when the depression hit, and he was forced to lay off 40 of his workers, Coxey determined to do something about the economy and the problem of unemployment.
Coxey had been a Greenback Democrat and then became a member of the Greenback Party. He had been an unsuccessful candidate for the Ohio Senate in 1885, and by the 1890s his sympathies were with the Populist Party. He merged many of the ideas circulating among those circles and developed a program which he believed would aid the unemployed, and, at the same time, prevent future depressions.
Coxey's Good Roads Bill, which he sent to a Populist Party Congressman, called for the issuance of $500 million to construct a national network of rural roads. Wages for the unemployed who would be hired to build the roads would be $1.50 for an eight-hour day. Coxey's second bill was the Non-Interest-Bearing Bond Bill, which allowed state and local governments to obtain funds for public works from the Federal government, putting up as security their own state or municipal bonds which would be non-interest-bearing. These projects would also hire the unemployed at a minimum of $1.50 a day.
Carl Browne's suggestion for publicizing this legislation was a march on Washington by the unemployed, ending in a speech by Coxey from the steps of the Capitol. Up until this time, there had been no large protest marches to the Capitol, and there was an 1882 law, not changed until 1972 by judicial action, which prohibited the carrying of banners and the making of any oration or harangue on the Capitol grounds. The law had originally been introduced by Sen. Justin Morrill to counter vandalism and limit the hawking of souvenirs, but it now threatened to stifle any action by the unemployed.
Coxey and Browne sent out announcements of the march, setting May 1 as the day they would reach the Capitol. About 100 unemployed men assembled in Massillon, and this small "Commonweal," as Coxey called it, was dubbed an "army" by the 40 reporters who faithfully followed it all the way to Washington. Many newspapers portrayed "Coxey's Army" as a bunch of tramps, implying that violence would result. Further west, in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Tacoma, Montana, and Chicago, larger groups of the unemployed were forming in response to Coxey's call. They called themselves an "industrial army," and were determined to meet Coxey's deadline for reaching Washington.
In the nation's capital, President Grover Cleveland's administration was fearful of violent protests by the unemployed, and planned for Coxey's arrival by beefing up security at the White House and the Capitol, and by sending agents to infiltrate the march. Cleveland himself was scornful of taking any action to help the unemployed beyond the ministrations of private charity. In his Inaugural Address, he had explained that, "The lessons of paternalism ought to be unlearned and the better lesson taught that while the people should patriotically and cheerfully support their government, its functions do not include the support of the people."
With the exception of a few members, Congress, too, sought to discredit the march. Sen. Edward Wolcott of Colorado asked his fellow Senators to have "the courage to stand together against socialism and populism and paternalism run riot, which is agitating and fermenting this country." Congressmen also claimed that Coxey's group was not representative of "the great voice of the American people," and Sen. Joseph Hawley of Connecticut claimed that it was the Senators who knew the "will of the people."
Coxey's small group of marchers set off from Massillon on Easter Sunday, supported by the Populist Party and by organized labor, who activated their networks to provide food and, sometimes, campsites. Samuel Gompers, the head of the new American Federation of Labor, had himself proposed a temporary Federal works program to improve the roads when he spoke at a 25,000-person rally in Chicago in August of 1893.
Full article on separate page...
Latest From LaRouche
April 20, 2006
The fakery of the outgoing Alan Greenspan administration, in burying the "M3" report, was clearly intended to conceal the fact that the rate of rate of increase of world prices of primary materials has the world as a whole currently on the same kind of "least-action pathway" curve of hyperinflation which gripped Weimar Germany during the second half of the year 1923...
InDepth Coverage

Felix & Fascism
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
April 16, 2006
Frankly, if you do not think of Felix Rohatyn as a fascist, you do him a grave injustice. Both Felix and the wildly libelous attacks onmewhich have surfaced in the aftermath of the Senate confirmation of the Supreme Court appointment of Justice Samuel Alito, put the essence of filthy Felix on today's global display. By all rational standards,Felix is a fascistwho considers me a prominent threat to his currently larcenous schemes.
Felix Rohatyn's Fascist Legacy
by EIR Staff
A well-placed Washington intelligence source told EIR on April 19, that Felix Rohatyn is 'really pissed off' at what LaRouche is doing to him. But, the source added, 'the real target of the LaRouche expose´s is the larger Synarchist apparatus. Rohatyn has become an important player in the French Synarchist apparatus over the last ten years [since his tour as Ambassador]. By going after Rohatyn, LaRouche has hit on a real Achilles' heel of the entire French Synarchist apparatus: their dependence on public money.'
World System on Weimar Collapse Curve
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
April 20, 2006
Already on Sept. 21, 2005, Lyndon LaRouche issued a warning of the expanding commodities bubble, 'Hyperinflationary Patterns,' published in EIR, Sept. 30, 2005. LaRouche wrote, 'The world is presently gripped by a hyperinflationary wave-front of a Riemannian type,' and provided a graphic depicting the 'hedge fund-driven shock wave' of inflation propagating into the entire economy. He briefed a radio/Internet audience how 'Government Can Control Today's Hyperinflation,' published in the same EIR. His September 2005 warnings can be found on the EIR homepage at www.larouchepub.com.
As LaRouche Warned
Loudoun County Real Estate Bubble Is Ready to Implode
by L. Wolfe
Loudoun County, Virginia, one of the nation's fastest-growing counties, and the 'poster child' for the so-called national real estate boom, is in trouble. Economist Lyndon LaRouche had warned last year that this 'white hot' real estate market was 'Ground Zero' for the coming collapse of the Alan Greenspan real estate bubble.
A Surprise Flank Against Delphi-Led Auto Collapse
by Paul Gallagher
Two weeks remain before the potentially industry-destroying bankruptcy plan of Delphi Corporation goes to trial before a New York bankruptcy judge on May 9. But flanks are developing against the attempt of Delphi's pirate CEO Steve Miller, to use bankruptcy to drive outsourcing and globalization to their extreme, and wipe out the irreplaceable U.S. auto/ machine tool sector.
Who's Sabotaging the PBMR?
A Neo-Con, a Prince, And a Speculator
by Dean Andromidas
There is an ongoing international campaign to block South Africa's development of the Pebble Bed Modular Reactor (PBMR), the small high-temperature nuclear reactor that promises to produce cheap and abundant energy for all of Africa. The campaign brings together mega-speculator George Soros, the U.S. neo-cons, the Danish government, and the Prince Consort to the Danish Queen.
LaRouche: Conyers' Health-Care Bill Is a 'Litmus Test' for Congress
by Marcia Merry Baker
Bill H.R. 676, 'U.S. National Health Insurance Act of 2005,' introduced by Rep. John Conyers, Jr. (D-Mich.) et al., in the first session of the current 109th Congress (Feb. 8, 2005), remains on target as the way to deal with the current healthcare crisis in the United States; namely, to put into place coverage and facilities to be sure that all citizens have needed medical treatment and care.
Interview: Wilhelm Hankel
Nation-States Must Survive, Not Supranational Currency Unions
Prof. Wilhelm Hankel, economist and former senior government official, is a leading opponent in Germany of the European Monetary Union and its unitary euro currency. He spoke with Lothar Komp and Michael Liebig on March 16 at his home near Bonn. The interview has been translated from German.
Report From Germany
Stop the 'Rohatyn' of Berlin!
by Rainer Apel
Berlin's chief budget-cutter, Senator of Finances Thilo Sarrazin (Social Democrat), is out to privatize large chunks of what remains of the city's public sector, hoping to lock in his policy by June. But he hasn't calculated on the opposition that is being mounted by the LaRouche Movement, whose German party, the Civil Rights Movement Solidarity (Bu¨So), is running 20 candidates in the city's muncipal elections in September.
Will Cheney's 'Strangelove' Bush Go for Nuclear War Against Iran?
by Nancy Spannaus
If there were any lingering doubt in anyone's mind that the President is clinically insane, it was dispelled, forever, by George 'Strangelove' Bush's performance on April 18 in the Rose Garden. At a press conference, ostensibly called to announce the appointment of Rob Portman as the new head of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), President Bush had the following exchange with a reporter: 'Q: Sir, when you talk about Iran, and you talk about how you have diplomatic efforts, you also say that all options are on the table. Does that include the possibility of a nuclear strike? Is thatsomething thatyour administrationwill plan for? 'The President: All options are on the table.'
Bush Loses Ally Berlusconi as Prodi Wins Italian Elections
by Claudio Celani
With the electoral defeat of Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi on April 10, the Cheney-Bush Presidency lost one of its closest allies. However, there will be no radical change in Italian policy, such as immediate withdrawal of troops from Iraq. The new Prime Minister, Romano Prodi, who is making a comeback after a few years in 'exile' as chairman of the European Union Commission, is expected to freeze the situation, while joining the mainstream line in the EU.
The LaRouche Youth Movement Makes Its First Trip to Moscow
by Sergei Strid
Three members of the LaRouche Youth Movement (LYM) from Berlin, Jessica Tremblay, Daniel Grasenack-Tente, and Sergei Strid, were invited to attend a conference in Moscow on 'Human Being Formation,' organized by the Moscow International Film School (MIFS), a secondary school using alternative methods in education, which was founded in 1991, after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The principals of the school had visited the LaRouche movement's office in Los Angeles earlier this year, where they became inspired by the curriculum, which encompasses physical science and Classical art. The Russians were overwhelmed by the level of concentrated intellectual work, which begins early in the morning, with a study group on geometric curvature, and ends late in the evening, with the rehearsal of a string quartet. Now, they want to bring this process to their school in Moscow.
LaRouche to South African Radio:
'The Universe Does Not Belong to the Devil'
Lyndon LaRouche was interviewed on Radio 786, in Cape Town, South Africa, hosted by Fahri Hassan's program 'Prime Talk' on April 18, 2006. Hassan, the news director, last interviewed LaRouche on Dec. 28, 2004. The Muslim community station was founded in 1995.
Science and Technology:
Nuplex City-Building Will Transform the Third World
Detailed plans to build nuclear-powered agro-industrial complexes date back to the Eisenhower Administration, but were never implemented. It's high time to revive them, as Marsha Freeman reports.
Nuclear Desalination: A Proven Technology Whose Time Has Come
by Christine Craig
Early in the 1960s, foreseeing a time when freshwater needs would outstrip available supplies, the United States Department of the Interior's Office of Saline Water (OSW) authorized funding for five research facilities to study and develop various desalination technologies for the country. These facilities were strategically placed ...
From Promethean Fire To Nuclear Energy
by Manuel Romero Lozano
The author is a LaRouche Youth Movement member from Mexico.
There can be no doubt that these are times in which the moral and historic quality of individuals is being put to the test, as modern civilization faces the worst economic, financial, and existential crisis ever. Now, as in other historic periods, civilization needs extraordinary individuals to serve as leadership to guide humanity in a good direction, just as Prometheus did in giving fire to humankind.
What We Really Know About Chernobyl Today
by Marjorie Mazel Hecht
It has been 20 years since the Chernobyl nuclear explosion on April 28, 1986. The accident shocked the entire world and continues to keep most of the population in the area around Chernobyl frightened about what happened and about their future, while worldwide, anti-nuclear organizations and media keep fanning the flames of fear, without regard for science or truth. What do we really know after 20 years about the effects of the radiation released from Chernobyl?
Otto von Bismarck and John Lothrop Motley
by Michael Liebig
This article first appeared in the German weekly Neue Solidarita¨t. Quotes from Motley are from the original English, while quotes from Bismarck are translated from German, unless otherwise noted.
Otto von Bismarck (1815-98) is seen today as a 'controversial' figurenot just outside, but even within Germany. A typical sterotype of Bismarck presents him as the 'Blood and Iron' Chancellor who created a united, but 'reactionarymilitaristic' Germany. Bismarck's historical image is often blended with that of the pompous Kaiser Wilhelm II, who, in reality, ousted Bismarck as Chancellor in 1890. Bismarck is a contradictory personality, but he was certainly neither 'reactionary,' nor 'militaristic.' He was what nowadays is called an 'authoritarian personality'a 'natural leader.' His tradition was not democratic-republican, but that of the Prussian constitutional monarchy based on an untainted judicial system and a highly qualified civil service, without corruption.
How Carey and Bismarck Transformed Germany
by Anton Chaitkin
A stunning reversal in strategy in the late 1870s rapidly changed Germany into an industrial giant. Otto von Bismarck's military and political leadership had earlier formed a unified German nation out of smaller princely states, in the 1860s and early 1870s. But under British-directed 'Free Trade,' the country was relatively weak and backwarduntil Chancellor Bismarck adopted the protectionist outlook of the United States of America.
Abraham Lincoln's Presidency: Leadership at the Highest Level
by Nancy Spannaus and Stuart Rosenblatt
Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
by Doris Kearns Goodwin
New York: Simon & Schuster, 2005 915 pages, hardcover, $35.00
Lincoln's War: The Untold Story of America's Greatest President as Commander-in-Chief
by Geoffrey Perret
New York: Random House, 2004
470 pages, hardcover, $35.00
Contrary to the pseudo-psychiatric drivel which often passes for Lincoln scholarship these days, these two books make a significant contribution to elaborating the kind of leadership President Abraham Lincoln provided to our nation. We recommend them both to those looking to understand the qualities, and the mission, of our nation's greatest President, and especially to those elected to leadership in the U.S. Congress.
In Memoriam
Rabbi Arthur Hertzberg (1921-2006)
Defender of the Defenseless
Rabbi Arthur Hertzberg, who died April 17, was a rare combination of scholar, historian, teacher, religious leader, and political leadera bold fighter for truth and humanrights. What made him special in all his endeavors was his mission to 'defend the defenseless,' a mission that he considered to be at the heart of Judaism.

LaRouche: `The Immortality of Martin Luther King'
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
speaks to the Martin Luther King Day Prayer Breakfast in Talladega County, Alabama on Jan. 19, 2004
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