Published: Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Volume 5, Issue Number 21
This Week You Need To Know:
During the second quarter of 2006, entire chunks of the world became, conspicuously, subjects of an accelerating and spreading pattern of collapse among leading and other governments. The most notable examples include the Blair government of the United Kingdom, the Chirac government of France, and the Bush-Cheney government in the United States. This global calamity is now spreading, most notably, throughout the rest of western and central Europe.
There is no possibility that coincidence in this pattern is merely statistical; the timing and pace of this spreading pattern of current governments which are now in a state of virtual existential crisis, around more and more of the world, is a reflection of the onrushing disintegration of the present form of global monetary-financial system. In other words, these are not as much individual cases as they represent symptoms of a dynamic process of interaction within a global system of self-destruction. This is a process which is typical of the fag-end of the recent decades' drive toward globalization.
...more ...full article, PDF
Rogers Tours Texas To Bring Democrats 'Out of the Bushes, Into the Future'
by Nancy Spannaus
"People are looking for leadership from young people," said Lakesha Rogers, the member of the LaRouche Youth Movement running for Chairman of the Texas State Democratic Party, when reached on the road May 18. "We are getting a very good reception, and people are ready to take action."
Rogers has been on tour for the last two weeks, travelling around eastern and central Texas between Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Corpus Christi, Tyler, and Austin. She and four of her LYM colleagues are driving a car packed with the literature that reflects the LYM's nature as a "university on wheels": works of Plato, Alexander Hamilton, Gauss, and LaRouche, and stopping at college campuses in town after town. The response has been very positive.
On the weekend of May 19-20, Rogers will participate in candidates' events in Houston and Austin, which will bring together all four candidates for Party Chair, as well as statewide Congressional and other candidates. However, Rogers is not waiting for formal events, but is taking her campaign for the revival of FDR's approach for economic development, to every constituency group she can find.
Labor Is Key
Rogers has sought in particular to activate the labor constituency, and the response has been a lot of excitement. Exemplary was the May 17 meeting of Amalgamated Transit Union Division 1338 in Dallas, where she was a featured speaker. After a warm introduction by the President of the local, Rogers didn't just describe the incompetence of the Bush Administration, but issued a challenge to the unionists to get involved in politics again. "If you aren't part of the decision-making of the Democratic Party, who is going to lead it?" she asked.
During the course of her remarks and the discussion that followed, Rogers reviewed how the Democratic Party has been destroyed by the abandonment of the Roosevelt tradition by the '68ers, who have embraced the post-industrial paradigm shift, and turned their backs on the lower 80% of family income brackets. She urged the union members to support her campaign, and mobilize side-by-side with her to put the country, and the party, on the path toward economic development.
The response, Rogers said, was very strong. One unionist got up and called for a second standing ovation for her, saying that she reminded him of great Texas political leaders who fought for civil rights in politics. He declared that he agreed that the unionists could do a lot more, and volunteered to be her collaborator in Dallas. The positive impact was also reflected in the fact that not only did the 50-60 persons present all take literature, including LaRouche's Prolegomena to a Party Platform, and draft legislation to save the auto industry, but many took bundles of pamphlets to distribute, promising to get them out "everywhere."...
...full article, PDF
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Recent LaRouche Webcasts*
"The Greatest Economic Crisis in Modern History" |
Apr. 27, 2006 |
"Make a Platonic Revolution to Save Our Civilization" |
Feb. 23, 2006 |
"Rebuild a Looted U.S. Economy"
video: Baltimore: from Industrial Powerhouse to Death Zones |
Jan. 11, 2006 |
"The Tasks Before Us in the Post-Cheney Era"
Videos: US Dams, US Nuclear Plants |
Nov. 16, 2005 |
"Rediscovering America: The Lessons of LaRouche's Famous Oct. 12, 1988 Forecast" |
Oct. 12, 2005 |
Sept. 16, 2005 |
Emergency Webcast,
"Pulling This Nation Together Now!"
Sept. 3, 2005
"LaRouche Addresses Urgent Changes in Economic and Monetary Policy"
Short video (WMA format)
June 16, 2005
April 7, 2005
InDepth Coverage

A glimpse of Sodom and Gomorrah, or perhaps the fantasy life of today's ruling elites...
'Garden of Earthly Delights' by Hieronymous Bosch (detail)
The Cities of the Plain
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
During the second quarter of 2006, entire chunks of the world became, conspicuously, subjects of an accelerating and spreading pattern of collapse among leading and other governments. The most notable examples include the Blair government of the United Kingdom, the Chirac government of France, and the Bush-Cheney government in the United States. This global calamity is now spreading, most notably, throughout the rest of western and central Europe.
Trans-Atlantic Powers in Free-Fall
George W. Bush and Other 'Failed States'
by Jeffrey Steinberg
As Lyndon LaRouche, Vladimir Putin, and Hu Jintao are painfully aware, the world is witnessing a rapid, generalized disintegration of the governing institutions of most of the leading nations of the trans-Atlantic 'Western system.' Each failing state is going through its own unique process of selfdestruction, but the common factor is that all of the governments in free-fall are hysterically clinging to the same set of policy axioms that have already failed.
The Financial Bubbles Are About To Burst
by EIR Staff
In the midst of Weimar-style hyperinflation, which has taken precious and industrial metal prices to all-time highs, occasional short-term dips by profit-taking notwithstanding, the world's financial markets were suddenly hit with a wave of dramatic turbulence during the second week of May. Stock markets in both the industrialized nations and the emerging markets were hit with major sell-offs, at the same time that the prices of the major commodities began to jump around like a yoyo, and bond markets soared.
Blair Joins Bush: The Lamest of Ducks
by Dean Andromidas
British Prime Minister Tony Blair's regime is rushing down the same tube as that of President George W. Bush and his Vice President, Dick Cheney. Tony Blair's lame-duck status was confirmed by the City of London's own mouthpiece, the Economist, whose cover story May 11 was entitled: 'Axis of feeble: A world bestriding partnership is drawing to a close,'
Economic Crisis Causes Government Implosion
by Christine Bierre
While all attention in France is focussed on the 'Clearstream affair'a French 'Watergate' in which Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin and President Jacques Chirac are being accused of having used the fraudulent affair to smear Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy and other political enemiesthe reason for the collapse of the Fifth Republic is to be found where few are looking: in the economy.
Will Prodi Take 'Left' Road to Disaster?
by Claudio Celani
On May 17, the newly designated Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi, swore in his Cabinet ministers and began procedures for a Parliamentary vote, which is scheduled to be over by May 22-23. A lengthy, but normal transition is thus completed. But the new government is born under the worst auspices, those of the infamous 'financial markets' and globalization sharks.
Germany Is No 'Island of Stability'
by Rainer Apel
Many among the German policymaking elites, watching the increasing chaos in France, Britain, and other European countries, have smugly concluded that this will benefit Germany as an 'island of stability.' Many would even go so far as to say, in the wake of Chancellor Angela Merkel's talks with President George W. Bush at the White House, that Germany's rating is much improved now in Washington, D.C., coming close to a 'special relationship.' But were Merkel a leader with real political-economic vision, she would not be tying Germany's boat to a sinking ship like the Bush-Cheney team.
Put Millions to Work Rebuilding the Nation
by Marcia Merry Baker and Edward Spannaus
In November 1933, at the direction of President Franklin Roosevelt, his emergency relief administrator Harry Hopkins established the Civil Works Administration, putting 800,000 people to work within ten days, and almost 2 million to work within two weeks. Over 4 million people were working on CWAprojects within nine weeksthe largest peacetime mobilization in U.S. history.
Report from Ground Zero
Housing Bubble Is 'Dead Man Walking'
by L. Wolfe
According to a very depressed realtor in Loudoun County, Virginia, the Washington, D.C. suburb that was the posterchild for the so-called national housing boom, and now is what Lyndon LaRouche calls 'Ground Zero' for the coming collapse of that bubble, the residential real estate market is a 'dead man walking.' Some people are still buying homes, but not enough to absorb the growing inventory of unsold properties, which, according to the latest figures, is now up by more than 500% over last year. This translates to sharp collapse of prices in the not-distant future.
France's Inland Water Transport: Abolish Short-Term Thinking!
by Karel Vereycken
The following is a programmatic report for the campaign of Jacques Cheminade, 2007 Presidential candidate of the Solidarity and Progress party in France. For more on the campaign, see www.cheminade2007.org.
CEOs' Bio-Fuel Comedy Distracts Congress From Auto Crisis Action
by Paul Gallagher
Amid the circulation in Congress of Lyndon LaRouche's proposed emergency retooling legislation to save and use the 50%-unutilized capacity of the U.S. auto industry, the May 18 visit of the 'Big Three' auto CEOs to Capitol Hill was a tragi-comic waste of Congress' time, and a diversion of its attention from needed action on the crisis-collapse of the auto sector.
IAM President to Congress: Save Manufacturing!
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) President Thomas Buffenbarger told delegates to burn the backsides of Congress, with the message that defending the U.S. industrial base is a matter of national security.
Rogers Tours Texas To Bring Democrats 'Out of the Bushes, Into the Future'
by Nancy Spannaus
'People are looking for leadership from young people,' said Lakesha Rogers, the member of the LaRouche Youth Movement running for Chairman of the Texas State Democratic Party, when reached on the road May 18. 'We are getting a very good reception, and people are ready to take action.'
George Shultz Pushes Next 'Preventive War'
by Michele Steinberg and Roger Moore
The Committee on the Present Danger (CPD), in a new Iran Policy Paper released today, calls for regime change in Iran to be U.S. policy. . . .
R. James Woolsey and George P. Shultz, co-chairmen, CPD, Jan. 23, 2006
Shanghai Paper Highlights LaRouche on Global Crisis
by William Jones
As the foreign ministers of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) convened in that Chinese city on May 15, the Shanghai daily Wen Hui Bao highlighted Lyndon LaRouche's warnings about the onrushing economic collapse. Under the title 'He Ran for President Seven Times and Continues To Say Astonishing Things,' the article was based on a two-hour interview that LaRouche conducted with several journalists from the newspaper on April 9.
Rise of Maoists in India: A Side-Effect of Globalization?
by Ramtanu Maitra
In a press release on May 15, an assortment of Maoist guerrillas in India threatened to blow up Bihar's state assembly buildings sometime between May 28 and July 29. No one in New Delhi believes this is an empty threat. It is widely recognized that the Maoists in India have taken control of a huge swath of land, running from the state of Bihar in the north, all the way to the state of Tamil Nadu in the south, encompassing in the process highly underdeveloped areas of Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Orissa, and Andhra Pradesh. One common thread that runs through this massive stretch of land is: underdevelopment and poverty.
LaRouche in Berlin: 'We're Marching Down the Road That Leads to Victory'
Here are Lyndon LaRouche's opening remarks to a LaRouche Youth Movement cadre school in Berlin, Germany, on May 13, 2006, followed by a selection of the questions and answers.
A Foreign Intelligence Service Killed Aldo Moro
by Claudio Celani
In the small town of Oriolo Romano, on the outskirts of Rome, a conference took place on May 9, entitled 'The Moro Case Among Doubts and Truth, 28 Years Later.' In the words of one of the speakers, the conference was aimed at keeping alive the memory of the 'gravest terrorist act in Italian postwar history,' and preventing 'the game from being called off' on the fight for the truth about the Moro case.
Crisis Requires Emergency Action By Congress
Upon hearing the reports, which circulated broadly over the weekend of May 13-14, that Bush confidante Karl Rove had already been indicted, and that Independent Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald was simply giving him time to wrap up his affairs, Lyndon LaRouche issued the following statement on May 14...

LaRouche: `The Immortality of Martin Luther King'
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
speaks to the Martin Luther King Day Prayer Breakfast in Talladega County, Alabama on Jan. 19, 2004
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