Published: Tuesday, Aug. 1, 2006
Volume 5, Issue Number 31
This Week You Need To Know:
July 22, 2006
Many important conclusions must be reached on the basis of the U.S. Senate's wretchedly negligent, even, as some would say, implicitly treasonous expression of cultural decadence, in permitting the Synarchist banker Felix Rohatyn's virtual destruction of the U.S.A.'s national automobile industry, with its associated, strategically crucial machine-tool capacity.
While the pattern of sophistry involved in this wicked result is a reflection of the typical cultural flaws of the privileged strata from the so-called "Golden Generation," the Senate's capitulation to a known fascist enemy, its abandonment of the most essential concept of national sovereignty, in favor of the fascist Felix Rohatyn, has gone beyond folly, to, in effect, virtual, if apparently unwittingor, should I say "witless"treason.
As I have repeatedly emphasized, publicly, over the years, the victory which President Abraham Lincoln had led, established us as a continental power which could not be conquered by invaders, but only by corruption. Now, that treasonous corruption has ensconced itself, full blown, in the role of the circles of fascist Felix Rohatyn.
...full article, PDF
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Recent LaRouche Webcasts*
"Rohatyn as Satan" |
July 20, 2006 |
"Emergency Actions Required by Congress" |
June 9, 2006 |
"The Greatest Economic Crisis in Modern History" |
Apr. 27, 2006 |
"Make a Platonic Revolution to Save Our Civilization" |
Feb. 23, 2006 |
"Rebuild a Looted U.S. Economy"
video: Baltimore: from Industrial Powerhouse to Death Zones |
Jan. 11, 2006 |
"The Tasks Before Us in the Post-Cheney Era"
Videos: US Dams, US Nuclear Plants |
Nov. 16, 2005 |
"Rediscovering America: The Lessons of LaRouche's Famous Oct. 12, 1988 Forecast" |
Oct. 12, 2005 |
Sept. 16, 2005 |
Emergency Webcast,
"Pulling This Nation Together Now!"
Sept. 3, 2005
"LaRouche Addresses Urgent Changes in Economic and Monetary Policy"
Short video (WMA format)
June 16, 2005
April 7, 2005
This Week in
American History
On August 3, 1641, John Winthrop, Jr. left the shores of Massachusetts Bay on a mission to England. The younger Winthrop, son of the leader of the Massachusetts Bay republic, was a skilled physician and a scientist with a special interest in metallurgy. He was now taking on the task of establishing iron production in New England.
When discussions about the projected Massachusetts Bay settlement were held during the early 1620s, the Puritan leaders made extensive plans not only for the survival of the settlement during its first years, but also for a productive future. In addition to the food, clothing, tools, and medicine which were loaded onto the ships, there were also specialists in various productive trades which the expedition's leaders hoped could be established in New England. These included glass-making, the weaving of cotton, linen, and wool, lumbering, ship-building, mining, the building of gristmills, and salt-making.
There were also provisions made for iron production. Two men, Malbon and Graves, were hired for their experience in English iron works, and they arrived in Salem in 1629, a year ahead of the major settlement which founded Boston. But Malbon returned to England after a year, and Graves returned in 1623, leaving no one with actual iron-making experience among the settlers. During the first ten years, this was not a major problem, because the other industries which had been planned did develop, and it was possible to obtain iron utensils from England.
But, by 1641, a major change was taking place in England. The large waves of immigration into New England slowed to a trickle, and investments into New England projects from Old England almost stopped. Hard times hit the Massachusetts Bay, stemming from the disruptions caused by the impending English Civil War between the Royalists and the Parliamentarians.
King Charles I had taken more and more power into his hands, and when the Puritans' arch-enemy William Laud was named Bishop of London, he used the Star Chamber to prosecute nonconformists, even if they were within, as were the Puritans, the Church of England. By 1642, Laud's quo warranto ("by what authority") proceedings were threatening the existence of the Massachusetts Bay settlement itself.
In this worsening situation, the leadership of the Massachusetts Bay determined that they must speedily establish their own iron industry. The younger John Winthrop travelled throughout the area, following up on any claims by settlers that they had found mineral deposits. He carried the samples back to his laboratory and tested them, and in this way, he pinpointed many areas that contained the bog iron which could support forges and bloomeries (a type of furnace once widely used for smelting iron from its oxides).
Then, in June of 1641, the General Court of Massachusetts, which was its elected legislature, passed a measure entitled "Encouragement to Discovery of Mines, &c." The bill allowed the discoverer of any mine to have a 21-year lease, after which, "this Court shall have power to allot so much of the benefit thereof to public use as they shall think equal." Armed with the legislation and the samples of bog iron he had gathered, Winthrop sailed for England to find investors and the wherewithal to operate an iron manufacturing complex.
The mission took longer than Winthrop had anticipatedhe was not able to sail home to New England until a year and a half had passed. During that time he succeeded in recruiting a number of investors, who formed themselves into the "Company of Undertakers of the Iron Works in New England." These investors were not only Puritan merchants of wealth, but included clergymen, brewers, drapers, merchant tailors, contractors for military supplies, two public officers, physicians, and three ironmakers. He also recruited several skilled workers, and ordered tools and materials.
In the late summer of 1642, Winthrop made a trip to the European continent. The horrific Thirty Years War was still raging, but he managed to visit Hamburg, Amsterdam, The Hague, and Brussels. All these locations served as safe havens for scholars who had fled the war, and Winthrop met with many of the refugees, receiving both political intelligence and news about the state of science in Europe. When Winthrop visited Brussels, it is very possible that he visited the Duchy of Brabant's famous ironworks, for the sophisticated Walloon process of "indirect" iron refining was introduced in Braintree and Saugus when he returned to New England.
While on the Continent, Winthrop also met with Johannes Amos Comenius, a refugee Czech scholar who was a Bishop of the Moravian Church. Comenius was known for his linguistic ability and his educational theories. He proposed that classes be taught in the vernacular, instead of Latin, and that languages should be learned by the conversational method. Comenius also favored a universal system of education that would give equal opportunity to women. John Winthrop, Jr. almost succeeded in recruiting Comenius for the faculty or even presidency of Harvard College, but the Chancellor of a Swedish university offered him overwhelming inducements to stay in Europe.
By the spring of 1643, Winthrop had gathered his men and materials and set sail for New England. The voyage was long and difficult and almost all of the passengers suffered from scurvy as a result. They landed in Massachusetts in the fall, and thus had to wait until spring before the preliminary steps toward building a furnace could be taken. Then, Winthrop made a complete survey of possible sites for the ironworks, travelling from Plymouth Colony northward to Cape Elizabeth in the present state of Maine. The survey looked at possible water power, means of transportation, the availability of worker housing, what supplies could be obtained in the area, and the accessibility to markets.
In the meantime, the General Court granted to the Company of Undertakers land, exemption from taxes and military service, and a monopoly on the production of iron within its jurisdiction. However, the government also imposed a ceiling price on what could be charged for bar iron, in order to guard the general welfare. The legislature also stated that iron could not be exported until the needs of the Massachusetts Bay residents were met.
Full article on separate page...
The governing institutions of Europe show blushing and despairing ignominy; while most 68ers show utter obstinance, as would make Denial himself bow his head in disgrace. Many deluded others would rather compose fantasia than deal with real crises on the plain. And lastly, the heads of state of Europe are running headlong into a mosh pit fitted by Rohatyn and his like, here in "Old Europe."
How do you deal with it? Well, here in Germany, that question is ever germane. The Grand-Coalition Regime of Germany, which is composed of the Christian Democrats and Social Democrats, is rewriting history; according to the health-care reforms recently passed in the German Parliament, they would posit that Bismarck was a socialist. Through dismantling the very thing that defined Germany as a nation, namely the concept of the "social state," they would fling Germany back into feudalism as if a fly caught on one's shirt.
...full article
InDepth Coverage

Reanimating an Actual Economy
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
July 22, 2006
Many important conclusions must be reached on the basis of the U.S. Senate's wretchedly negligent, even, as some would say, implicitly treasonous expression of cultural decadence, in permitting the Synarchist banker Felix Rohatyn's virtual destruction of the U.S.A.'s national automobile industry, with its associated, strategically crucial machine-tool capacity. While the pattern of sophistry involved in this wicked result is a reflection of the typical cultural flaws of the privileged strata from the so-called 'Golden Generation,' the Senate's capitulation to a known fascist enemy, its abandonment of the most essential concept of national sovereignty, in favor of the fascist Felix Rohatyn, has gone beyond folly, to, in effect, virtual, if apparently unwittingor, should I say 'witless' treason.
Strategic Studies:
Know Your Actual Enemy
by Lyndon H.LaRouche, Jr.
July 23, 2006
Some foolish people believe that Israel is behind the war against Lebanon. Some other people think that the U.S.A. is behind Israel's role in the war. Some point to the British government's plotting behind the war. Meanwhile, actually well-informed people know that it is the international financier circles of which Felix Rohatyn is a part, which are the actual forces steering the current plunge toward what is fairly described as 'World War III.'
- Fact Sheet: The Enemy Is Oligarchism
by Jeffrey Steinberg
In November 1940, the Coordinator of Information (COI), the predecessor to the U.S. Office of Strategic Services (OSS), prepared a classified report titled 'Synarchie and the policy of the Banque Worms group.' The three-page confidential document began, 'In recent reports, there have been several references to the growing political power of the Banque Worms group in France, which includes amongst its members such ardent [Nazi] collaborationists as Pucheu, BenoistMechin, Leroy-Ladurie, Bouthillier, and representatives of the big French industrial organizations.' The report continued, 'The reactionary movement known as 'Synarchie' has been in existence in France for nearly a century. Its aim has always been to carry out a bloodless revolution, inspired by the upper classes, aimed at producing a form of government by 'technicians' (the founder of the movement was a 'polytechnician'), under which home and foreign policy would be subordinated to international economy.
Who Owns the Israeli War Party?
by Dean Andromidas and Steven Meyer
The true architects of the new Middle East war between Israel and Lebanon, as Lyndon H. LaRouche has stated, are the international financial circles typified by Felix Rohatyn, his colleagues at Lazard Fre`res, and others who are have created 'financier conglomerates more powerful financially than any government.'
Lyndon LaRouche on Stockwell Show
Citizens Must Change the Congress, To Stop the Drive to World War III
Lyndon LaRouche was interviewed by Jack Stockwell, morning radio host on K-TALK radio in Salt Lake City, Utah, on July 27.
Behind the Mumbai Bombings: Tracking the British Role
by Ramtanu Maitra
The seven synchronized serial bombs that tore through suburban trains in Mumbai, India on July 11, taking at least 207 lives, and injuring more than 600 others, is an indication that the international Islamic jihadis have found a soft target in the country. So far, New Delhi's investigation has little to show, beyond indicating a Pakistani involvement in this dastardly act. No group has claimed responsibility, and the initial arrests carried out by the Mumbai police have revealed virtually nothing.
- LaRouche: Hit on India Was Strategic Attack
In an analysis entitled 'The Strategic Significance of the Hit on India,' which appeared in the July 21 EIR, Lyndon LaRouche identified the Mumbai bombings as a marker for a new phase of global crisis, being provoked by Synarchist financial forces. We quote from the opening paragraphs of that report: 'This was no ordinary sort of 'terrorist incident'; the characteristics of the attack themselves bespeak the hand of a leading strategic power.
Regional Powers Key To Lebanon Peace
by Muriel Mirak-Weissbach
When the conference of the Lebanon Group of 15 nations ended in Rome on July 26, without any agreement on an immediate cease-fire in the Israel-Lebanon war, Israeli Justice Minister Haim Ramon concludedrightlythat this meant that Israel had been given 'authorization' to continue its twoweek-long aggression against Lebanon. True enough: Thanks to the indomitable efforts of U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and her British counterpart, Margaret Beckett, the other 13 governments, plus United Nations General Secretary Kofi Annan, were blocked from forcing through a resolution calling for an immediate truce. It was a green light for Israel.
Investigation Proves Bush-Cheney Illegal Activities in Italy
by Claudio Celani
Italian prosecutors in Milan have renewed an extradition request, blocked by the previous government of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, for 26 CIA agents accused of having organized the kidnapping of Egyptian citizen Abu Omar on Feb. 17, 2003, on Italian soil. Abu Omar was seized in broad daylight on the streets of Milan, driven to the U.S. airbase in Aviano, Vicenza, and flown to the U.S. airbase in Ramstein, Germany, and thence to Cairo and delivered to Egyptian police. Eventually, Omar was able to contact his family in Milan and report that he had been imprisoned and tortured.
Mexico Must Come to Grips With López Portillo's Legacy
by Dennis Small and Gretchen Small
It is over a month since Mexico's July 2 Presidential election, and the country still has no President-elect. The announced leader of the vote count, by a minuscule 0.6% of the vote, is Felipe Calderón of the Synarchist-spawned PAN party. But Andre´s Manuel López Obradoruniversally known in Mexico as AMLOthe candidate of the For the Good of All coalition, has contested the election before the Federal Electoral Court, and is demanding a full vote-by-vote recount, charging that massive, documented fraud occurred. The court has yet to issue its ruling.
Report From Germany
Barbed Wire and Barbecue
by Rainer Apel
Bush's 'charm offensive' was facilitated by none other than John Kornblum, chairman of Lazard's German branch.
The GOP's Trillion-Dollar Ripoff for the Super-Rich
by Jeffrey Steinberg
A group of Congressional Republicans, led by House Majority Leader John Boehner (Ohio), House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Bill Thomas (Calif.), and Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (Tenn.), orchestrated a shameless taxpayers ripoff at 1:30 a.m. Saturday morning, July 29, giving America's wealthiest 7-8,000 families what could amount to a $1 trillion tax cut over the next decades.
'Truman Project' Outed at DLC Confab
by Anton Chaitkin
The Democratic Leadership Conference (DLC) put on display, for a limited audience at its national convention, its pro-fascist iniatative: Use Harry Truman's image to crush Franklin Roosevelt's legacy in the Democratic Party.
U.S Mayors Our Cities Are Not Prepared for Disaster
by Pat Salisbury
The official organization of mayors of the United States held a press conference July 26 to issue a chilling report documenting that America's cities are not prepared to survive upcoming disasters, be they natural or man-made. The mayors' conclusions, presented by a bipartisan panel, were released under the title: 'Five Years Post 9/11, One Year, Post Katrina: The State of America's Readiness. A 183-City Survey.'
Power Outages Hit U.S. Grid; Utility Deregulation to Blame
by Mary Jane Freeman
More than 3 million Americans found themselves without electricity from July 16 to 29, some for hours, others for ten days. It was not only the intense heat wave across much of the nation that brought this harm and economic loss, but also the impact of deadly deregulation. Under deregulation, 'power pirates'made up of formerly regulated utilities have been looting the electrical infrastructure system, especially the distribution grid. The result is that more than 100 people died in the July heat wave, and there were billions of dollars of spoilage and interrupted business activity.
Not Much Time Left To Retool and Save Auto
by Paul Gallagher
The pace at which the U.S. auto industry, its machine-tool capacity, and its skilled workforce, are being lost, has undeniably accelerated during the second quarter of 2006. The quickening shutdowns bear out the warning first circulated by Lyndon LaRouche and EIR in early 2005, that without a Congressional intervention into the oncoming auto crisis to protect, retool, and diversify auto production, the United States could lose its most important and versatile industry to globalization, and become a 'Third World nation industrially.'
Mercosur Dumps U.S. Economic Lunacy
by Cynthia R. Rush
Contrary to twisted media reports and the howls emanating from various centers of world finance, the July 20-21 Presidents' summit of the Common Market of the South (Mercosur), in Córdoba, Argentina, was not some meeting of IberoAmerican leaders 'moving to the left,' supposedly evidenced by the presence of Cuban President Fidel Castro and Venezuela's Hugo Cha´vez.
Interview: Geronimo Z. Velasco
Globalization's Destruction Of the Philippines
When Marcos was deposed in 1986 in a U.S.-directed 'regime change,' Velasco was [also] thrown out, and the nuclear power plant, finished and ready to go, was mothballed. After 20 years, Velasco has finally published a powerful memoir, Trailblazing: The Quest for Energy Self-Reliance, telling the story of the lost potential, and of the role of the U.S. in that subversion. His book was reviewed in EIR,May 12, 2006. The following interview was conducted on July 23 in San Francisco, by Mike Billington.
Guns of August, One Year Later
It was approximately one year ago, on July 27, 2005, that American statesman and Democratic Party leader Lyndon LaRouche issued an international alert covering the period of August 2005, identifying it as the 'likely timeframe for Vice President Dick Cheney, with the full collusion of the circles of British Prime Minister Tony Blair, to unleash the recently exposed plans to stage a preemptive tactical nuclear strike against Iran.' LaRouche's warning spread like wildfire internationally. It was translated into Arabic, Russian, and many other major languages, and was reprinted widely in both Internet and print publications. LaRouche's Political Action Committee circulated hundreds of thousands of pamphlets, exposing Cheney's Hitler-like plans, and demanding that the Congress, and patriotic citizens, act to stop them. From one standpoint, you could say that this mobilization was extremely successful. Cheney was unable to activate his plans, due to opposition within the Bush Administration itself, as well as within the military and the broader institution of the Presidency. Yet, today, the danger of the wider war, with or without nuclear weapons, looms larger than ever. The fundamental point is this: Holding actions are not sufficient in periods of systemic breakdown.
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"Our Purpose is to organize people to contribute, intellectually and otherwise, to the organizing of a mass-based movementa Gideon's Army, but with mass-base potential and actual supportto mobilize the members of Gideon's Army to study, to read, to think, to consult together, to organize together, to try to reach out and influence broader and broader layers of the population."
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. |
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