Published: Tuesday, Aug.29, 2006
Volume 5, Issue Number 35-36
This is a special double issue. The next issue of EIR online will be dated September 12. Watch "Need To Know This Week" for breaking developments.
This Week You Need To Know:
August 23, 2006
Foreword: Engels and the British Myth of Karl Marx
One of the most striking of the direct insights into the continuing, inherent, systemic incompetence of Anglo-Dutch Liberal approaches to economy, is provided by examining the thinly disguised, anti-American leaning of a manufacturer whose income came chiefly from English production of slave-produced cotton. His name was, Frederick Engels.
During the relevant part of the 1870s, Engels took the occasion to express his customary prejudice against the channels through which U.S. influence contributed to the improved social and economic policies of Bismarck's Germany. Engels' lurch, was published, most notably, by nominally Marxist circles, under the rubric of Anti-Dühring. This piece of propaganda was directed by Engels against, implicitly, not only the German-American economist Frederick List, but, also against the world's leading living economist of the 1870s, the U.S.A.'s Henry C. Carey. This connection to Carey is not identified explicitly in that published piece; however, the targeting of Carey was readily recognized by those circles against whom the literary tract was directed.
...full article, PDF
for the
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Recent LaRouche Webcasts*
"Rohatyn as Satan" |
July 20, 2006 |
"Emergency Actions Required by Congress" |
June 9, 2006 |
"The Greatest Economic Crisis in Modern History" |
Apr. 27, 2006 |
"Make a Platonic Revolution to Save Our Civilization" |
Feb. 23, 2006 |
"Rebuild a Looted U.S. Economy"
video: Baltimore: from Industrial Powerhouse to Death Zones |
Jan. 11, 2006 |
"The Tasks Before Us in the Post-Cheney Era"
Videos: US Dams, US Nuclear Plants |
Nov. 16, 2005 |
"Rediscovering America: The Lessons of LaRouche's Famous Oct. 12, 1988 Forecast" |
Oct. 12, 2005 |
Sept. 16, 2005 |
Emergency Webcast,
"Pulling This Nation Together Now!"
Sept. 3, 2005
"LaRouche Addresses Urgent Changes in Economic and Monetary Policy"
Short video (WMA format)
June 16, 2005
April 7, 2005
This Week in
American History
On the night of August 29, 1776, the Continental Army executed General Washington's masterful plan to evacuate Long Island and land the Army in safety on Manhattan. The boats which crossed the East River again and again were commanded by John Glover and Israel Hutchinson, and piloted by the seafaring men of Marblehead, Salem, Lynn, and Danvers, Massachusetts. A British military critic wrote at the time that, "Those who are acquainted with the difficulty, embarrassment, noise and tumult which attend even by day, and with no enemy at hand, a movement of this nature will be the first to acknowledge that this retreat should hold a high place among military transactions."
General Washington and the Continental Army had arrived in New York in the spring of 1776, having received intelligence reports that the city would be the next target of the British Army and Navy. Washington was also under pressure from Congress to defend the port. As early as March 18, the day after the final British ships had left Boston and the Continental Army entered the besieged city in triumph, Washington began to dispatch military units southward. By the time the Declaration of Independence was signed, the Continental Army was entrenched on Manhattan, Brooklyn, and eastward along the Long Island shore.
However, the wide expanse of New York Harbor and its environs provided numerous landing places for the British, and the Americans were stretched thin trying to cover most of them. On June 29, American lookouts spotted a British fleet of more than 100 ships entering the harbor. These troops, under the command of General Sir William Howe, had sailed from Halifax after depositing the Tories who had fled Boston. More importantly, the commander and many of the troops were still smarting from the Pyrrhic victory won by the British at Bunker Hill, where they had suffered very high casualties attacking uphill against a fortified American position.
Howe's force occupied Staten Island and scouted the New Jersey shore, and they were joined at the end of July by more transports and warships sent directly from Britain. This group was commanded by Admiral Richard (Black Dick) Howe, Sir William's brother, and contained the first contingent of German mercenary soldiers hired by King George III. In early August, a third group of ships under Generals Clinton and Cornwallis arrived from South Carolina, making the British Army and Navy contingent threatening New York the largest expeditionary force ever mounted by Britain.
On August 22, part of the British fleet sailed to Long Island, and 88 barges loaded with British and Hessian troops succeeded in landing 15,000 men to the east of the American lines. General Washington had to split his troops between Manhattan and Brooklyn, because he still had to consider the fact that the Long Island move might be a feint. But it proved to be the main attack, and on the night of August 26 the British moved out, following a northwest curve in order to flank the American lines.
By morning, the British and Hessians had smashed into the left and rear of the American defenses, and their troops, who were well-equipped with bayonets, succeeded in wreaking havoc against the Americans who had none. Many Continentals were bayoneted while they attempted to reload their muskets. One British officer wrote in his diary: "It was a fine sight to see with what alacrity they dispatched the Rebels with their bayonets after we had surrounded them so that they could not resist. We took care to tell the Hessians that the Rebels had resolved to give no quarters to them in particular, which made them fight desperately and put all to death that fell into their hands. All stratagems are lawful in war, especially against such vile enemies to their King and country."
The American troops who survived were driven into the fortifications on Brooklyn Heights. General Howe began a methodical siege, digging zig-zag trenches that would eventually reach the walls. He later said that he favored this method as resulting in fewer casualties than the uphill charge which had been unleashed with such horrific results at Bunker Hill.
Howe's tactics gave Washington time to plan his surprise retreat, and he ordered his quartermaster to obtain all the boats in the area, especially those with flat bottoms which could accommodate horses and cannon. The New England fishermen regiments were brought in from Manhattan supposedly to reinforce the troops, and Washington circulated an order that more reinforcements were coming from New Jersey. This meant that some units might have to move, and so all baggage was packed up.
What happened next, on the night of August 29, was described by Colonel Benjamin Tallmadge. Tallmadge had been a friend of Nathan Hale, and became a trusted aide of Washington and the coordinator of his spy networks in New York and Connecticut. "Our intrenchment was so weak," wrote Tallmadge about Brooklyn Heights, "that it is most wonderful the British general did not attempt to storm it soon after the battle. Gen. Washington was so fully aware of the perilous situation of this division of his army that he immediately convened a council of war, at which the propriety of retiring to New York was decided on."
"After sustaining incessant fatigue and constant watchfulness for two days and nights," continued Tallmadge, "attended by heavy rain, exposed every moment to [the danger of] an attack from a vastly superior force in front, and [expecting] to be cut off from the possibility of a retreat to New York by the fleet, which might enter the East Riveron the night of the 29th of August, Gen. Washington commenced recrossing his troops from Brooklyn to New York [in boats manned by a regiment of Massachusetts fisherman under Colonel John Glover].
"To move so large a body of troops, with all their necessary appendages, across a river full a mile wide, with a rapid current, in face of [the before-mentioned enemy threat] seemed to present most formidable obstacles. But ... the Commander-in-Chief so arranged his business that ... by 10 o'clock, the troops began to retire from the lines in such a manner that no chasm was made but as one regiment left their station, the remaining troops moved to the right and left and filled up the vacancies, while Gen. Washington took his station at the ferry and superintended the embarkation....
"As the dawn of the next day approached, those of us who remained in the trenches became very anxious for our own safety, and when the dawn appeared there were several regiments still on duty. At this time a very dense fog began to rise, and it seemed to settle in a peculiar manner over both encampments.... When the sun rose we had just received orders to leave the lines, but before we reached the ferry the Commander-in-Chief sent one of his aids to order the regiment to repair again to their former station, where we tarried until the sun had risen.... The fog remained as dense as ever.
"Finally, the second order arrived for the regiment to retire, and we very joyfully bid those trenches ... adieu. When we reached Brooklyn ferry, the boats had not returned from their last trip, but they very soon appeared.... I think I saw Gen. Washington on the ferry stairs when I stepped into one of the last boats that received the troops. I left my horse tied to a post at the ferry.
"The troops having now all safely reached New York, and the fog continuing as thick as ever, I began to think of my ... horse, and requested leave to return and bring him off. Having obtained permission, I called for a crew of volunteers to go with me, and, guiding the boat myself, I obtained my horse and got off some distance into the river before the enemy appeared in Brooklyn. As soon as they reached the ferry we were saluted merrily from their musketry, and finally by their field pieces; but we returned in safety.
"In the history of warfare I do not recollect a more fortunate retreat."
General Washington greatly valued the actions of the Massachusetts fishermen that night, and he called on them again on Christmas Day in 1776, when the Continental Army crossed the ice-choked Delaware River to victory at Trenton.
Full article on separate page...
See this week's InDepth for the latest news on the world historic campaign of Daniel Buchmann for Mayor of Berlin:
It was comical; it was outrageous; it was double that, if it can be said. Flamboyant melodrama as a substitute for politics and real thinking. As if a maitre d' had approached your dining table and said, "I'm sorry there is nothing today. Our waiters are themselves 'out to lunch'!" These are all valid and keen insights into the state of Berlin and for that matter, German political life....
...full article, PDF
InDepth Coverage

U.S. Institutions, Press Ask: Is President Bush Nuts?
by Jeffrey Steinberg
An Establishment consensus is rapidly emerging over the ever-more obvious lunacy of President George W. Bush, and the strategic implications of allowing a man with long-term and severe psychiatric disorders to remain in the Presidency during a period of systemic financial disintegration, which is driving some leading synarchist bankers to push for World War IIIusing mad George as their patsy.
Lieberman Defeat: Referendum on the DLC
by Debra Freeman
On Aug. 9, the day after Connecticut's Joe Lieberman became only the fourth incumbent U.S. Senator since 1980 to lose a primary election, the Democratic Senate leadership, in a lastditch attempt to get Lieberman to bow out gracefully, held a press conference to announce that they were, as promised, endorsing the winner of the primary racein this case, Lieberman's opponent Ned Lamont.
Principle or Tactic? Fix or Change a System?
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
August 19, 2006
The Platoon Leader gave the order: 'We march. . . Any questions?' The wise guy (a Baby Boomer, obviously) in the ranks asked: 'Do we have to use our legs?'
LaRouche to Seattle Cadre School
The 20th Century Transformed Us From Earthlings Into Solarians
Lyndon LaRouche spoke by telephone to members of the LaRouche Youth Movement in Seattle, Aug. 13. This is a transcript of his opening remarks.
LaRouche To Report From Berlin: A World Historical Moment
This press release was issued by the LaRouche PAC on Aug. 19, 2006.
On Sept. 6, 2006, in this moment of the greatest strategic crisis since 1989, the LaRouche Political Action Committee (LPAC) will be featuring former U.S. Presidential candidate and noted economist Lyndon H. LaRouche, leading a three-hour international webcast, during which he will summarize, and discuss, a fifty-year, positive strategic perspective for dealing immediately with the currently combined, and rapidly worsening threats of economic-financial breakdown-crisis and of generalized asymmetric warfare, now gripping the world system.
LaRouche's Unique Successes
There Is No Secret in My Success
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
August 20, 2006
This paper summarizes one of the leading points, respecting the required method of economic forecasting, which will be featured during the Sept. 6, 2006 LaRouche PAC webcast from the two cities of Berlin and Washington, D.C.
LaRouche's 1988 Forecast Of German Reunification
On Oct. 12, 1988, Lyndon LaRouche announced the impending collapse of the Soviet system, a collapse which he said would begin soon in Poland and would lead to the restoration of Berlin as the future capital of Germany. Not one leading figure of the world agreed with LaRouche then; but it happened the next year. The following is the text of his speech at a press conference at West Berlin's Kempinski Bristol Hotel. He was at the time an independent candidate for the Presidency of the United States.
How the Liberals Tried To Make Engels' Monkey Into a Man
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
August 23, 2006
Foreword: Engels and the British Myth of Karl Marx
One of the most striking of the direct insights into the continuing, inherent, systemic incompetence of Anglo-Dutch Liberal approaches to economy, is provided by examining the thinly disguised, anti-American leaning of a manufacturer whose income came chiefly from English production of slaveproduced cotton. His name was, Frederick Engels.
An Insider's Guide to the Universe
by Bruce Director
Though all human beings are blessed to spend eternity inside the universe, many squander the mortal portion, deluded that they are somewhere else. These assumed 'outsiders' acquire an obsessive belief in a fantasy world whose nature is determined by a priori axiomatic assumptions of the deluded's choosing, and an insistence that any experimental evidence contradicting these axioms must be either disregarded, or, if grudgingly acknowledged, determined to be from 'outside' their world. Typical of such beliefs are the notions of Euclidean geometry, empiricism, positivism, existentialism, or that most pernicious of pathologies afflicting our culture today: Baby-Boomerism.
Israel Debates Madrid II PeaceOr Netanyahu War
by Dean Andromidas
Israel is now debating whether to take up the call of Yossi Beilin and Lyndon H. LaRouche for a Madrid II conference, and a comprehensive Middle East peace, or prepare for the next war. If the choice is war, then Likud Party chairman Benjamin 'Bibi' Netanyahu, the agent of Vice President Dick Cheney and the synarchist financial powers that support them, will become Israel's next Prime Ministerand possibly Israel's last.
- Interview: Yossi Ben-Ari
Israeli General on Prospects for Peace
Brig. Gen. Yossi Ben-Ari (res.) served in the Israeli Defense Forces as a senior military intelligence officer.Heis currently a co-director of the Strategic Affairs Unit of IPCRI (IsraelPalestine Center for Research and Information). He was interviewed on Aug. 22 by Dean Andromidas.
Arabs Are Ready For Madrid II Summit
by Muriel Mirak-Weissbach
'It's either Clean Break or Madrid II,' said a top Continental European strategic analyst, in discussion with EIR, regarding the crises ripping through Southwest Asiafrom Afghanistan to Iraq, from Palestine to Lebanon and Iran. In short, the alternative for the region is either the continuation of the permanent war policy embraced by the Bush-Cheney neocon madmen, as applied to the region in the 1996 'Clean Break' doctrine, or a comprehensive peace between Israel and its Arab and Muslim neighbors, through an international peace conference, modelled on the Madrid conference of 1991.
Israeli Peace Camp Pushes U.S. To Act
by Marjorie Mazel Hecht
Leaders of the Israeli peacemovement have seized an opening in the aftermath of the Lebanon War to take their message for peace negotiations to the U.S. public, highlighting the urgent need for a change of U.S. policy if peace is to be achieved.
- Documentation
Uri Avnery: U.S. Must Change Its Policy
Israeli peace leader Uri Avnery held a conference call on the Mideast situation with the Progressive Democrats of America (PDA), on Aug. 17, 2006.
- Uri Avnery: Peace Warrior
Uri Avnery is a man of principle, who, at every point in Israel's history, acted on the basis of doing what was moral, and could achieve justice for all the human beings concerned. Throughout his long political career, he has organized friends, 'enemies,' Knesset members, and American Jews, among others, to also act morally.
- Documentation
Beilin: Facing the Challenge
These are excerpts from the opening remarks of Yossi Beilin, member of the Israeli Knesset (parliament), to a conference call sponsored by the Jewish Alliance for Justice and Peace, Aug. 20. The transcript and an audiotape are posted at http:// btvshalom.org/resources/transcripts.shtml, under the title 'After the Ceasefire: What Comes Next?'
Bush Administration Unleashes Deadly Institutional Crisis in Mexico
by Dennis Small and Gretchen Small
In an interview published in the Aug. 23 issue of the French daily Le Monde, Mexican Presidential contender Andre´s Manuel Lo´pez Obrador warned that the country could wake up on Sept. 17 with two Presidents-elect.
Trapped in Afghanistan
Where Poppies Bloom Faster Than Democracy
by Ramtanu Maitra
After years of misleading the American population, the BushCheney Administration is now grudgingly admitting that the problems of Afghanistan not only are not going away, but are growing by the day. While the anti-U.S. and anti-NATO Afghan rebels are training their guns more and more effectively at the occupying forces, Afghanistan's poppy fields are blooming as they never bloomed before.
Berlin Mayor Debate Excludes Real World
by Abdul-Aliy Muhammad, LaRouche Youth Movement
It was comical; it was outrageous; it was double that, if it can be said. Flamboyant melodrama as a substitute for politics and real thinking.As if a maýˆtre d' had approached your dining table and said, 'I'm sorry there is nothing today. Our waiters are themselves 'out to lunch'!' These are all valid and keen insights into the state of Berlin and for that matter, German political life.
U.S. Auto Crisis Escalates To the Existential Level
by Paul Gallagher
Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman's Aug. 2 Democratic primary defeat signalled more than the end, in the 2006 Democratic Party, for the pseudo-Republican Democratic Leadership Council (DLC) Lieberman had headed, with its corrupt aiding and abetting the Cheney-Bush White House's lunatic permanent war policy.
Argentina Flanks Synarchists With Ambitious Nuclear Program
by Cynthia R. Rush
In an Aug. 23 ceremony presided over by President Ne´stor Kirchner, and characterized by great optimism and pride, Argentine Planning Minister Julio de Vido announced a national program to 'reactivate and restore' the nation's nuclear industry. To the enthusiastic applause of the audience, which included leaders of the scientific community, the nuclear industry, most of the Cabinet, and the Ambassadors of Brazil, Canada, and Venezuela, De Vido outlined an ambitious plan for the long-term development of the nation's nuclear capabilities, and related infrastructure and human resources.
The United States Must Prepare For a Nuclear Renaissance
by Marsha Freeman
A renaissance in nuclear power-plant construction in the United States will not be possible without the declaration of a national economic emergency, and the enactment of Lyndon LaRouche's U.S. Economy Recovery Act of 2006. No incremental approach to rebuilding this vital industry, which has been virtually dismantled since the 1980s, will meet the needs of either the U.S. economy, or what this economy should be contributing to reshaping the economies of rest of the world.
Book Review:
Book Review
Irony Will Stop World War III
by Spencer Cross, LaRouche Youth Movement
It Can't Happen Here
by Sinclair Lewis
New York: Signet Classics, 2005
reprint of 1935 edition 400 pages, paperbound, $7.95
In light of the chaos in Southwest Asia, the coming teardown of the world financial system, and the moral cowardice of the U.S. Democratic Party to address the current crisis, it is necessary to befriend great figures from the past who recognized, and fought, the same fascist menace which now threatens the world. Sinclair Lewis is just one such friend, who launched a crucial cultural intervention during the 1930s to stop the threat of fascism worldwide, seeing clearly the threat posed by movements taking hold in Europe, and acted to educate the populace to avert the threat from the United States.
How Did That Lunatic Bush Become President of the United States?
As Lyndon LaRouche's recent documents, presaging the upcoming historic Sept. 6 webcast, indicate, we have entered a period of profound crisis, a break point, in which the decision to change axioms away from globalization, and back to those of FDR, are urgently needed to be taken in the immediate period ahead. To present LaRouche's alternative, however, requires focus on the long-wave axiomatic issuesnot distractions, such as short-term news, or popular 'issues.'
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