Here are Lyndon LaRouche's remarks to an international webcast on March 12, 2008, sponsored by the LaRouche Political Action Committee, in Washington, D.C.
...I start by saying something I shall qualify in the course of these remarks. First of all, Felix Rohatyn is guilty of something tantamount to high treason against the United States, in the fact that he is supposedly a citizen of the United States, but is working, to my knowledge, with sources which are intent on destroying the United States. And therefore, the man is a traitor, and should be regarded as such by any honest citizen who is not absolutely stupid....
March 23, 2007
EIR News Service announced the publication of
The Anatomy of Russian Capitalism,
by Professor Stanislav M. Menshikov.
Translated from the Russian by Rachel Douglas, the book is an authoritative study of the Russian economy during the first 15 years after the break-up of the Soviet Union. The Preface, by EIR founder and contributing editor Lyndon LaRouche, titled, "Russia's Next Step," poses the need for U.S. policy-makers to study and grasp the "disease" presented in this book, since it represents "an economic global pandemic which we must all join to defeat." |
- LaRouche:
Rohatyn Crimes 'Tantamount To High Treason'
Lyndon LaRouche opened his March 12 webcast address from Washington, D.C., asserting that investment banker Felix Rohatyn 'was guilty of something tantamount to high treason against the United States' for working 'with sources which are intent on destroying the United States.' LaRouche's strategic overview of the global situation showed how we arrived at the danger of fascism again in the world today including in the United Statesand what we must do, immediately, to prevent that from occurring. Included in the transcript is an extensive question and answer session, dealing with virtually all aspects of the economic and political situation in the country and the world.
The Lisbon Treaty
The American Patriot
- Georgia vs. South Carolina:
The Battle Over Slavery in the American South
The history of the South is far more complex than most would believe, and is determined by the battle over ideas, not geography. James Edward Oglethorpe (1696-1785), the republican founder of Georgia, created the colony to outflank the AngloDutch oligarchy. Georgia was the first colony to ban slavery, and the last to legalize it! If Oglethorpe had succeeded, the South might have led the way in overthrowing slavery. Fred Haight reports.
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