Lyndon LaRouche delivered this address to an audience in Washington, D.C., on July 22.
The first thing to settle, is that the present international monetary-financial system will die, and will never recover. This system is finished. The only possibility that exists now, is to create a replacement system, based on the principles of the founding of the U.S. economic system, with the founding of the actual Constitutional government, as defined under, particularly, Alexander Hamilton. And if you don't understand, and agree, with Alexander Hamilton, it's like saying, there is no future for you.
Now, last year, I proposed, in steps, three specific remedies, which are not cures to the problem, but are absolutely necessary to be put into place immediately, then, and even more so, now....
March 23, 2007
EIR News Service announced the publication of
The Anatomy of Russian Capitalism,
by Professor Stanislav M. Menshikov.
Translated from the Russian by Rachel Douglas, the book is an authoritative study of the Russian economy during the first 15 years after the break-up of the Soviet Union. The Preface, by EIR founder and contributing editor Lyndon LaRouche, titled, "Russia's Next Step," poses the need for U.S. policy-makers to study and grasp the "disease" presented in this book, since it represents "an economic global pandemic which we must all join to defeat." |
LaRouche Webcast
- Still Not Too Late for You
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. declared, in a webcast one year ago, that the collapse of the global financial system was not 'about to occur,' but was, in fact, ongoing. Now, a year later, he told a Washington webcast audience on July 22 that we are not facing a depression, but a general breakdown crisis. He emphasized that 'the present international monetary-financial system will die, and will never recover. This system is finished,' and 'the only possibility that exists now, is to create a replacement system, based on the principles of the founding of the U.S. economic system, with the founding of the actual Constitutional government, as defined under, particularly, Alexander Hamilton.' LaRouche called for three specific remedies, which are not cures to the problem, but without which 'there's no future for the United States and no future for the world.' We publish the full text of the webcast, including the extensive discussion period.
- British Unleash Ergenekon To Destroy Turkey and Its Peace Role
The Ergenekon, a criminal network with links both to NATO and state security services and to terrorist, assassination, and criminal networks, had planned a 'strategy of tension,' aimed at paving the way for a military coup against the government of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Behind these moves are British efforts to launch another Southwest Asian war.
- PKK Terrorists Named 'Drug Kingpins'; Nations Move Against Narcoterrorism
The Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) is a British-protected separatist outfit based in Turkey, a drug-funded 'narcoterrorist' army, whose only purpose is to destroy the nation-states of Southwest Asia.
- Obama the Souffléor the Gullibility of the German Masses
Helga Zepp-LaRouche writes that Barack Obama's speech in Berlin showed him not only to be of little substance, but to have policies nearly indistinguishable from those of the Bush-Cheney Administration. But even more disquieting, is the German masses' continued susceptibility to 'charismatic leaders.'
- Sanctions, Foreign Prosecutions Aimed To Sabotage African Crisis Resolution
- International Intelligence
- Youth Regained:
Democratic Party Begins To Come Alive
Only by understanding the impact of the LaRouche Youth Movement on the Democratic Party at the July 2004 Democratic National Convention in Boston, can one account for the revolutionary ferment which is erupting in the Party today, in an insurgency against the British-backed attempt to impose an Obama Presidential nomination.
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