October 29, 2008
It is time to be realistic about the situation which will menace the very continued existence of our U.S. Republic, whatever the outcome of the November 4th general election.
What must be addressed in the accompanying report, is the wretchedly corrupted state of the present leadership of the political parties, especially since about February 2006, at a time that the Democratic Party leadership, in particular, had refused to respond to the votes cast by the electorate in the preceding mid-term election--on any leading issue, then, or to the present date. Similar problems, even critical ones, have existed for our republic during some past times, but the state of our national political affairs during the recent two years has been perhaps the most deadly threat of that type in the entire experience of our nation as a Federal republic....
March 23, 2007
EIR News Service announced the publication of
The Anatomy of Russian Capitalism,
by Professor Stanislav M. Menshikov.
Translated from the Russian by Rachel Douglas, the book is an authoritative study of the Russian economy during the first 15 years after the break-up of the Soviet Union. The Preface, by EIR founder and contributing editor Lyndon LaRouche, titled, "Russia's Next Step," poses the need for U.S. policy-makers to study and grasp the "disease" presented in this book, since it represents "an economic global pandemic which we must all join to defeat." |
This Week's Cover
- A True Classical Tragedy:
Our Economy Is Bushed!
Lyndon LaRouche asserts that the wretchedly corrupt state of the present leadership of U.S. political parties, especially over the last two years, has led to the most deadly threat that the nation has faced during its existence. 'In this moment of the gravest threatened crisis in all modern history, the fate of the nation hangs not so much on the particular personality of an elected President whose very life may be in jeopardy, but on those institutions of the Presidency which persist as Presidents come and go.'
- Is Assassination of Obama Britain's Next Move?
- It's Time To Choose:
WWF Hitlerians or Humanity!
Renewing their push for genocidal policies the World Wildlife Fund and the Zoological Society of London issued a manifesto asserting that three-quarters of the world's population lives in nations which are using up more resources than the 'Earth's biocapacity' can sustain, and therefore, that governments and international agencies must impose measures which reduce human activity by at least a third, as rapidly as possible.
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