The famous American philosopher Yogi Berra, whose day job was as a catcher for the New York Yankees, once analyzed the key to the intricacies of hitting a baseball: ``It's 90% half-mental.'' Surprisingly enough, it is a complex domain that combines the visual mapping of the incoming baseball with the required inverse, curved arc of the bat's trajectory. Whether or not Yogi had in mind the drawing at the end of Carl Gauss's 1799 ``Fundamental Theorem of Algebra,'' Yogi's maxim holds. Gauss re-organized his own mind, along the lines of the non-visible geometry of the complex domain at the core of causality expressed in the material world. It was, to say the least, 90% half-mental!
Gauss's most distinguished followers, Lejeune Dirichlet and his student Bernhard Riemann, further developed this power of the mind, to embody the causal features of the non-visible complex domain. Rigorous and fruitful analysis proceeded, but not as dictated by numbers. The reality of the so-called subjective processes of the mind (and not so-called hard particles of reality), conveying a rigorous causality, was now primary: Mathematics had been taught how to sing....
March 23, 2007
EIR News Service announced the publication of
The Anatomy of Russian Capitalism,
by Professor Stanislav M. Menshikov.
Translated from the Russian by Rachel Douglas, the book is an authoritative study of the Russian economy during the first 15 years after the break-up of the Soviet Union. The Preface, by EIR founder and contributing editor Lyndon LaRouche, titled, "Russia's Next Step," poses the need for U.S. policy-makers to study and grasp the "disease" presented in this book, since it represents "an economic global pandemic which we must all join to defeat." |
This Week's Cover
- LPAC Weekly Report:
LaRouche Offers a Vision for the Post-Obama Era
Lyndon LaRouche addressed LaRouche PAC's weekly video report June 4, to raise the level of discussion from the 'issues' that consume most people, and instead, posed the problems that must be addressed to reverse course from the deepening dark age, and elaborated on the organizing process required.
World News
- An Appeal for a Two-Tier Banking System:
Europe Will Go Under Without Global Glass-Steagall
by Helga Zepp-LaRouche.
If Europe's nations follow the recommendations of the European Central Bank, contained in its recently published annual financial stability report, then Europe will plunge into economic, political, and social chaos. The ECB warns politicians and banking supervisors against forbidding local banks from trading with hedge funds and private equity firmsi.e.: Keep the casino economy going! Only a Global Glass-Steagall will rescue Europe from utter disaster.
- Netanyahu Must Go Now, If Israel Is To Survive Latest Gaza Atrocity
A review of Israeli and other media coverage prior to the May 31 pre-dawn Israeli commando assault on the Gaza aid flotilla, confirms, beyond a doubt, that the operation was not a bungled mistake, but a carefully planned military operation. Some U.S. intelligence veterans have warned that Netanyahu and company could take the weak-kneed response of the Obama Administration as a green light for an Israeli attack against Iran.
- LaRouche Supports Russian Drive for Afghanistan Opium Eradication
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
LaRouche sent this memorandum to Victor P. Ivanov, head of Russia's Federal Narcotics Control Service, who is leading a vigorous effort to secure international cooperation against the plague of heroin flowing out of Afghanistan. LaRouche writes, 'I am in full agreement with your stated intent for the specified, immediate measures to eradicate the opium production and trafficking within and from Afghanistan.'
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