Volume 37, Number 50, December 24, 2010


LPAC NAWAPA Conferences Spur Campaign for Real Recovery  

by Nancy Spannaus

Two high-powered LaRouche PAC conferences, one in Pasadena, Calif., and the other in Kennewick, Wash., on the prospects and implications of the immediate implementation of the NAWAPA project, point to the immediate potential for a successful, expanded organizing drive for this crucial great project. The optimism which LPAC has generated among engineers with the expertise to implement the biggest biosphereengineering project ever, has sparked a dynamic that is desperately needed by the demoralized U.S. population.

We Will Solve Problems Continuously; We Are Going To Open Up New Frontiers

by Dr. Howard Chang

Hydrological engineer Dr. Chang held the Pasadena audience spellbound, with his lively, and often humorous PowerPoint presentation on the history of water infrastructure, including his personal involvement in building China’s Three Gorges Dam. He delivered the optimistic message that problems should be welcomed, as offering the opportunity for creative new solutions.


No EU Political Union, But a Europe of Sovereign States!  

by Helga Zepp-LaRouche

The EU governments at the Brussels summit once again missed an opportunity adopt a real solution to the euro/financial crisis, and are pushing the idea that the EU should become a superstate, eliminating the last remnants of national sovereignty.

Nuclear Power in Asia Is a Matter of Survival  

by Marsha Freeman

While nuclear power advocates in the United States lament that the “nuclear renaissance” here has “stalled,” the nations of Asia are proceeding full steam ahead.

The David Kelly Case: Will New Revelations Sink Tony Blair?

by Jeffrey Steinberg and Scott Thompson

There is growing evidence that the ex-PM was deeply involved in the coverup of the suspected murder of British nuclear weapons expert Dr. David Kelly, in the Summer of 2003.

Cheminade in Niger: A Project To Renew Lake Chad Presented


Six LaRouche Democrats Announce Campaigns for 2012  

Confronted with the disastrous outcome of the 2010 midterm elections, Lyndon LaRouche has announced that his political action committee will field six candidates for the 2012 Congressional elections, to provide competent leadership, now.

We’ve Nothing To Fear But Pessimism Itself

by Kesha Rogers

Fighting Words Launch Campaign for Congress

by Rachel Brown

‘For Their Deeds Do Follow Them’

by Summer Shields

A Turning Point: Obama Tax-Cut Swindle Triggers Dem Revolt

by Edward Spannaus

The corrupt and unconstitutional tax-cut deal that President Obama worked out with Republican leaders, behind the backs of his own party, has triggered a revolt among Democrats.

History: The Real Boston Tea Party, Dec. 16, 1773

by Colin Lowry


The Evil We Fight
