December 15, 2010This report presents and analyzes crucial facts, bearing on those urgently needed, immediate changes in U.S. policy which must be adopted, if we are to equip our republic with those means provided by the intent of our U.S. Federal Constitution, means which must be mustered, now, to prevent the early destruction of our republic by a presently accelerating, hyperinflationary, implicitly global, breakdown-crisis.
The principal threat to civilization, at this moment, is the combination of the just established conditions created by the result of the U.S.A.'s November 2nd election. These are the conditions created by the lack of a sense of the presently existing reality among the Democratic Party's Congressional team, then, as after that election, now. Most among those same Democrats continue to refuse to recognize, as do the Republicans generally, that the world now hangs on a condition of global economic breakdown of nations of the trans-Atlantic community generally, a condition broadly comparable to what struck Europe during moments preceding the breakout of the infamous 14th-century ``New Dark Age.''
This immediate state of our national crisis, is the fruit of certain changes planted into U.S. policy and practice, those changes which began to emerge in the immediate aftermath of not only the assassination of President John F. Kennedy... |
March 23, 2007
EIR News Service announced the publication of
The Anatomy of Russian Capitalism,
by Professor Stanislav M. Menshikov.
Translated from the Russian by Rachel Douglas, the book is an authoritative study of the Russian economy during the first 15 years after the break-up of the Soviet Union. The Preface, by EIR founder and contributing editor Lyndon LaRouche, titled, "Russia's Next Step," poses the need for U.S. policy-makers to study and grasp the "disease" presented in this book, since it represents "an economic global pandemic which we must all join to defeat." |
This Week's Cover
- An Election's Terrible After-Taste:
The Global Crisis Now at Hand
By Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
The ugly result of the Nov. 2 election was no accident. The cowardly failure of so many among the Democratic members of the Congress since that election, until now, was also no accident. That failure was, essentially, a failure to summon effective resistance to a virtually treasonous posture which had been demanded by a deranged, virtual British puppet, President Barack Obama. Therefore, a fresh concept, and matching new methods, are urgently needed. LaRouche outlines here, the necessary conception which you must adopt, if you wish to keep the nation fit for human habitation. This will require a commitment to the kind of artistic and scientific creativity characteristic of such figures as Leonardo da Vinci, Albert Einstein, and LaRouche, himself.
LaRouchePAC Special Report
- Intrigue:
Behind the Duggan & Kronberg Cases; Britain Declared War on the United States
In this report, we draw back the curtain, and provide additional details about the people and methods central to the plot behind the British Empire's case of Kronberg vs. LaRouche et al. However, it is important to note that both hoaxesthe Duggan and Kronberg casesremain active only because they are standing operations against LaRouche, who is correctly perceived by the British Imperial Establishment as the Empire's, and its puppet Barack Obama's, major opponent.
- Next, After This Day, Comes the End of Your Year:
The Day After Christmas
LaRouche writes that, unless the United States acts pre-emptively to reinstate the Glass-Steagall law of President Franklin Roosevelt, to rid the U.S. economy of the trillions in voracious derivatives and other speculative investments, the chain-reaction disintegration of the economies of the transAtlantic system were virtually inevitable.
- The January 1 Deadline:
LPAC Now Brings the World's News!
It is notable, writes LaRouche, that the world has just received the public announcement of President Barack Obama's Adolf-Hitler-like Executive Order 1233, enacting a virtual carbon copy of the 1939, T4 death-care panel law of Adolf Hitler, the beginning of the program of genocide for which culpable Nazi doctors and others were condemned to death at the Nuremberg trials.
World News
- Africa Is Not a British Zoo!
Splitting Up Sudan Is Wrong
Dec. 30The Southern Sudanese will vote on Jan. 9, on whether to secede from Sudan, or remain as part of a united country. If they vote for separation, as expected, the underlying issues between the North and the South will remain unresolved. In fact, the referendum may put Sudan and the region back on the path to war.
- LaRouche Democratic Candidates' Slate Vows To Revive America
Since the Nov. 2 mid-term elections, it has become clear that humanity will not escape a descent into a New Dark Age, unless a new leadership emerges. Now, the newly announced slate of six LaRouche candidates for Congress, is ready to provide that leadership.
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