by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
Lyndon LaRouche spoke by simulcast to two town hall meetings on March 31, in Detroit hosted by Michigan Congressional candidate Bill Roberts, and in Boston, where Rachel Brown is the national slate candidate for Congress.
LaRouche began on a sober note: “We’re on the verge of general warfare, thermonuclear warfare, which has to be prevented, because it would mean the virtual extinction of the human species—maybe not entirely, but virtually—which is about to be launched by Obama on behalf of the British monarchy.” But, he said, if Obama is removed from the Presidency, we can bring about a recovery of the nation and the planet, with a return to Glass-Steagall, a national credit system, and great projects like NAWAPA.
by Claudio Celani
No sooner had European Central Bank boss Mario Draghi uttered the words, “The worst of the crisis is over,” than Europe’s woes—sovereign debt crisis, the credit crunch, political instability—again erupted.
by John Hoefle
Under examination by the Financial Services Authority, Coutts, bankers to the Queen, was found to have “serious, systemic” failings in its “anti-money laundering systems” and its dealings with “high-risk” individuals.
The leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (BRICS), meeting in New Delhi, attacked the “aggressive” use of “excessive liquidity” by the central banks of “advanced countries,” and warned that “the situation concerning Iran cannot be allowed to escalate into conflict.”
by Ulf Sandmark
Ulf Sandmark, EIR’s Stockholm Bureau Chief, gave this speech to the Schiller Institute Conference in Berlin Feb. 25-26, 2012.
by Mike Billington
With Obama threatening to go to war against Syria and Iran, countries with which both China and Russia share important strategic and economic interests, the encirclement of these great powers with U.S. ABM systems must be recognized as further confirmation of Lyndon LaRouche’s warning that Obama and his British sponsors are preparing to unleash global thermonuclear war.
by Christine Schier
Presidential candidate Jacques Cheminade’s campaign is breaking through the “collective anesthesia” throughout France.
by Ramtanu Maitra
The geographical location where Russia, China, and the Indian Subcontinent meet, has become the focus of the British Empire and its lackeys.
by Marcia Merry Baker
The urgency of immediate adoption by of LaRouche PAC’s NAWAPA XXI, and away from the present collapse and warfare, by creating massive new water resources, is dramatized by a new report from the highest intelligence institution in the U.S. on the question of water security.
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.