Executive Intelligence Review

Volume 48, Number 20, May 14, 2021



Zepp-LaRouche: If Mankind Is Going to Survive … 

Schiller Institute International Conference May 8, 2021
The Moral Collapse of The Trans-Atlantic World
Cries Out for a New Paradigm

Conference Program 

I. Conference Panel 1: Can Mankind End the March of Folly?

Moderator’s Opening Remarks 

by Harley Schlanger

Keynote Address: Is Mankind the Immortal Species, or More Stupid than Animals? 

by Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Restore International Law: Respect Syria’s Perfect Sovereignty 

by Dr. Bouthaina Shaaban

The Immorality of Sanctions: The Case of Syria 

by Col. Richard Black (ret.)

Unilateral Economic Sanctions: Immorality and Arrogance of Great Powers 

by Prof. Dr. Hans Köchler

Global Governance—An Answer from China and Russia 

by Prof. Dr. Wilfried Schreiber

A Perspective for the Economic Development of Afghanistan in the Setting of the New Silk Road 

by Minister-Counsellor Sayed Mujtaba Ahmadi

Reflections for a New Foreign Policy 

by Eric Denécé

The Obama Sanctions Sabotaged Japan-Russia Development 

by Daisuke Kotegawa

Sanctions Against Syria, Conflict with China: Who Benefits? 

by Caleb Maupin

Discussion Session 

II. Greetings and Panel 2 Preview


Dr. Ivan Timofeev and Augustinus ‘Gus’ Berkhout

Report on Panel 2 

by Janet West

III. The China Wave

Ten Years Later: Why Xi Jinping’s ‘New Era’ of Modern China Is Here to Stay 

by Robert Wesser

Review of The China Wave: Rise of a Civilizational State, by Zhang Weiwei.

Economics Briefs 

Africa Report 
