This article appears in the May 14, 2021 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
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Schiller Institute International Conference, May 8, 2021
The Moral Collapse of
The Trans-Atlantic World
Cries Out for a New Paradigm
Panel 1 “The March of Folly: Can Mankind Still Extinguish the Now-Lit Fuse of Thermonuclear War?”
Welcoming Remarks: Harley Schlanger (moderator)
Keynote Address: “Is Mankind the Immortal Species, or Worse than Animals?”
– Helga Zepp-LaRouche, President, the Schiller Institute
“Restore International Law: Respect Syria’s Perfect Sovereignty”
– Dr. Bouthaina Shaaban, Political and Media Advisor to the Syrian Presidency
“The Immorality of Sanctions: The Case of Syria”
– Col. Richard H. Black (ret.), former head of the U.S. Army’s Criminal Law Division
“Unilateral Economic Sanctions: Immorality and Arrogance of Great Powers”
– Prof. Dr. Hans Köchler, University Professor of Philosophy, Austria; President, International Progress Organization
“Global Governance—An Answer from China and Russia”
– Prof. Dr. Wilfried Schreiber, World Trends Institute for International Politics,
Potsdam, Germany
“A Perspective for the Economic Development of Afghanistan in the Setting of the New Silk Road”
– Sayed Mujtaba Ahmadi, Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of Afghanistan, Canada
“Reflections for a New Foreign Policy”
– Prof. Eric Denécé, Director, French Center for Intelligence Research
“The Obama Sanctions Sabotaged Japan-Russia Development”
– Daisuke Kotegawa, former Ministry of Finance official; former Director
for Japan at the IMF
“Sanctions Against Syria, Conflict with China: Who Benefits?”
– Caleb Maupin, U.S. journalist and political analyst; founder, Center for Political Innovation
Panel 2 “The Method of the Coincidence of Opposites: Only a United Worldwide Health Effort, Without Sanctions, Can Reverse a Worldwide Pandemic”
Opening Remarks: Dennis Speed (moderator), with excerpts from Lyndon LaRouche’s 1999 video, Storm Over Asia and from a recent interview with Rear Adm. Mark Pelaez (ret.), former nuclear submarine commander
Introductory Remarks: Helga Zepp-LaRouche, President, the Schiller Institute
“Join or Die: Why A World Health Platform Protects Each of Us”
– Dr. Joycelyn Elders, former Surgeon General of the United States
“Report on Mozambique Pilot Aid Project—Toward World-Scale Mobilization”
– Dr. Khadijah Lang, Chairman, National Medical Association Council on International Affairs, and President, Golden State Medical Association; and Marcia Baker, Editorial Board, Executive Intelligence Review
“Do Not Forget: The Global Concentration Camp Oven Is Now Nuclear”
– Luis Vasquez, Schiller Institute, Peru
“Report: The Coincidence of Opposites Committee Work in Washington, D.C. and the Mississippi Delta”
– Dr. Walter Faggett, former Chief Medical Officer, Washington D.C. Department of Health, and Co-Chair D.C. Ward 8 Health Council; and Ms. Genita Finley, second-year medical student, and Howard University, and designer, Mississippi Delta Medical Extension School program
“German Farm Protest Leaders: ‘Green Deal’ Cuts Farmers, Food, and People!”
–Rainer Seidl, farm leader, Land Creates Connection (Land schafft Verbindung), video Feb. 7, Munich; and Alf Schmidt, independent farmer, video March 23, Berlin
“‘Physician, Heal Thy Self’: Saving a Nation in Crisis Through Love”
–Pastor Robert Smith, Jr., Pastor, New Bethel Missionary Baptist Church, Detroit, Michigan; Chairman, Foreign Mission Board, The National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.
“They Knew or Should Have Known: The Cases of Venezuela and Chile”
–Antonio Sánchez, Chile, International LaRouche Youth Movement
Greetings and Messages to the Conference
Dr. Ivan Timofeev, Director of Programs, Russian International Affairs Council; head of the Euro-Atlantic Security Program, Valdai Club
Augustinus Berkhout, Emeritus Professor of Geophysics, Delft University of Technology; Member, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
Ray Flynn, former Mayor of Boston; former U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican
Fouad Al-Ghaffari, President, BRICS Youth Parliament of Yemen
Mike Gravel, former U.S. Senator, Alaska; past U.S. Presidential Candidate