Executive Intelligence Review

Volume 51, Number 46, November 22, 2024



Act Now To Bring About a New Era
We Are Beholden to the Human Majority, and to the Majority To Come

by Megan Dobrodt

I. International

International Peace Coalition: ‘We Are All Sitting in One Boat’ 

by EIR Staff

Schiller Institute Weekly Dialogue With Helga Zepp-LaRouche: Hit the Howling War Pigs with Polyphony 

II. Interviews

General Fabio Mini: Why Ukraine’s War Propaganda Is Failing 

Sharon Njix: What Does the BRICS Process Mean for African Nations? 

III. Science

A Fusion Plasma that Can Drive a Rocket in Space 

by Ned Rosinsky, M.D.

The fourth part of a four-part series on fundamentals of fusion and plasmas.

IV. From Lyndon LaRouche

The Basel Washerwoman’s Cartel 

by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

November 4, 1977

V. Correction

EIR’s Exchange with Russian Presidential Advisor Anton Kobyakov 

The article, “EIR’s Exchange with Russian Presidential Advisor Anton Kobyakov” on page 22 in our Nov. 1 issue (Vol. 51 No.43) contained some inaccuracies, as it was only a paraphrase. We print in this issue an edited transcript.
