Our World-Outlook Now
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
May 30, 2008
With London's continued efforts to ram through the Lisbon Treaty which the Fabian Society's London had intended to impose on continental Europe before the Summer, London clearly did not intend that it should submit its own self to that imperial tyranny, the presently proposed Treaty, which it has been hastening to impose on the western and central regions of the continent. Ambrose Evans-Pritchard's almost incoherent babbling recently, reflects the consternation being spread in Britain and Ireland out of fear that that Lisbon Treaty might also be actually imposed now on the British Isles. As time passes, the anxiety and fear grows within the United Kingdom and Ireland, while Prime Minister Gordon Brown sits uneasily in his chair.
As a coquettish fit uttered by the Daily Telegraph's Evans-Pritchard warned us lately, neither London's reigning oligarchy, nor actual British patriots, ever really intended to put the United Kingdom and Ireland under the reign of the new, radical substitute for the earlier, failed version of the Lisbon agreement. The intention of the relevant Fabians, in particular, was, frankly, shades of the war-time Nazi occupations of the continent, a scheme to get continental Europe locked into what would be a British occupation-style dictatorship under the Lisbon Treaty, but with Britain itself remaining to gloat over the prisoners of that Treaty, while London preyed merrily upon the suckers' plight from a safe diplomatic distance, from without.
The proverbial fly in London's dish, is that the present international financial-monetary system is already at the verge of an early plunge into a vortex, a global breakdown-crisis now menacing the world at large. Thus, the effort to ram through the Lisbon Treaty, creates a world crisis which is already echoing, immediately, many of the kinds of economic and related features which are to be associated with the earlier outbreaks of the two so-called world wars of the previous century.
A Lesson From Dunkirk:
The spreading doubts from inside the United Kingdom now grow rapidly. Those who remember the years and fears of 1938-1940, before Dunkirk, will think back, more and more, to the years when Britain's leaders, including members of the monarchy's family, had boosted not only dictator Mussolini, but also Hitler, into power, but then began to regret it later, as Winston Churchill did.[1] A similar reflex is being expressed, increasingly in the same or similar quarters today. Some might even be tempted to ask: "Is Gordon Brown a virtual new Neville Chamberlain'?" Brown is certainly not a happy camper right now; but, like the once celebrated "Miniver Cheevy," he has his reasons.[2]
The launching of the Lisbon Treaty, on London's initiative, coincides with the role of such British traditional financier assets under fascism as Lazard-Freres (e.g., Felix Rohatyn) and also Soros' money operating inside the currently leading U.S. Democratic Party circles, the latter now currently working to rig, or wreck the U.S. Presidential elections. To be clear, I repeat my earlier reports, that these are Party circles nominally led by a Democratic Party Chairman Howard Dean, the Dean who is backed by the formerly fascist, financier circles now led by Lazard Freres offshoot Felix Rohatyn, who is the de facto controller of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, together with Howard Dean's own de facto financial backer, the notoriously predatory, London-created financier George Soros. Net blame for that ugly Democratic Party leadership's charade, must be traced, obviously, much more to the apparently very deep pockets of Soros and Rohatyn, rather than those of the not-so-wealthy, readied replacement for the early 1930s Morgan interests' John Raskob, Howard Dean.
The hatred of Dean and his backers against Senator Hillary Clinton, like Felix Rohatyn's repeatedly expressed, personal hatred of me, is clearly rooted in a virtually primordial hatred by Rohtayn, against the memory of President Franklin Roosevelt. I am honored to be regarded, as Rohatyn has warned, by being considered by him as a model for the policies of a potentially new President Franklin Roosevelt, which is a quality none of these fascists, such as synarchist-like Felix "pee-pee-pee" Rohatyn, are prepared to tolerate in a new U.S. President at this time, or, if they had their wishes, ever before, or after my time.[3]
The indicated part of the operation from inside the Democratic Party leadership, is designed, as Senator Obama's pledge[4] to London implied, to wreck any possible role of a future U.S. President who would be potentially independent of the tyrannical, imperialist, Anglo-Dutch Liberal financier cartel now operating within the U.S. political system: this at the ominous point that London stooge and virtually-legacy-less George W. Bush, Jr. is about to leave the U.S. Presidency.[5]
Hence, we see London's fanatical, vastly funded effort to pretend, at least temporarily, to secure the Democratic Presidential nomination for the now recently avowed stooge of London, Senator Barack Obama. Actually, the primary motive for London's backing of its virtual financial captive (by George Soros, et al.), U.S. pre-candidate Senator Obama, is prompted by London's and other circles' hysterical hatred of the memory of President Roosevelt, haters such as the Bushes, whose expressed hatred against Senator Clinton, and her husband the former President, prompts them to prevent any Clinton from "getting anywhere near" to the U.S. Presidency at this time.
Hence, the fact that only an obviously unbalanced Obama could have become so desperate under pressures to which he is subjected, as to permit himself to be lured into being chargeable in today's press as proffering the position of the future Secretary of State, virtually simultaneously, to three current Senators, Kerry, Dodd, and Biden, in return for their respective endorsements of Obama's campaign. Obama's failure to quickly deny this evidence of attempted moral corruption, is clearly a sign that Obama himself is "losing it" under the stress of his sponsors' desperation in pushing his Presidential campaign.
How This Mess Came About
This operation targeting both the future Presidency and the U.S. Senate, came to the surface at the beginning of 2006, representing, thus, today, the current fruit of a continuing British imperial policy-trend in London's efforts to hold the U.S. captive to London-centered international financier predators such as the "hedge funds." This echoes a trend to be traced from such past experiences as the roots of current British policy in the intention of Winston Churchill's London, as typified by an effort then intended, near the close of that war, to wreck the anti-colonialist policies of Franklin Roosevelt's U.S.A. The present phase of that continuing operation, since that time, has now been timed to coincide with the July-August 2007 entry of the current world monetary-financial system into an intrinsically hyper-inflationary form of an already ongoing, general breakdown-crisis of the planetary monetary-financial system as a whole.
The British imperialists, and some of their lackeys in Germany, had already telegraphed this now current intention several years ago, during the same general time-frame during which one spokesman for such influential political opinion boldly bragged to us of his solidarity with dedicated, anti-U.S.A., western and central European circles which were, in fact, associated with Britain's Prime Minister Tony Blair's avowed and practiced policies at that time. The policy was, as the relevant German gentlemen stated it, and as it is an open fact of practice today, that there was an intention by Blair et al., to eradicate the tradition of the "Peace of Westphalia," an eradication to be accomplished by the influence and efforts of leading, anti-U.S.A. circles operating throughout western and central Europe. These efforts were intended not merely to prevent the nations of western and central continental Europe from returning to a Westphalian policy, but to eliminate the existence of those national sovereignties by means of which they would be sovereign nations retaining the power to make a decision in favor of a return to a Westphalian policy.
So, accordingly, the crisis of Germany's Red-Green coalition, which led into the present government of Chancellor Angela Merkel, was already a crucial step in the direction of what has now become the Lisbon Treaty draft. That draft has been a step which, adopted, would eliminate all future possibility of sovereign governments from relevant parts of western and central Europe. It is currently intended that this should be done, and that very soon, in favor of a dictatorship over Europe operating from London. This change reflects a commitment to foreseeable mobilization of NATO and other military forces based in a Europe united into the nuclear-armed force of a single British colony under the reign of the draft Lisbon Treaty. This would be a dictatorship designed for launching what is already in progress as escalated postures of armed confrontation, and even nuclear-armed "preventive" warfare against Russia, China, India and their Asian and African partners.
This is the evil policy-trap into which pre-candidate Barack Obama has become snared, under the influence of the largely Europe-based financier cabal which has controlled his election campaign thus far.
The best present estimation available now, is, that indicated presumption, that an incoming U.S. government reduced to impotence by the combination of a general financial-breakdown-crisis and by the London-directed operations against the Clintons, would be easy political prey for a London armed with the captive resources of a united western and central Europe's NATO and related military forces.
The Clintons, Obama & World War
So, in point of fact, Russia, China, and now India, have reacted, together with others, chiefly from Asian ranks, who have responded to these strategic, existential threats from London with relevant strategically asymmetric postures. From the relevant Asian view, and the view by others, too, the crucial issue posed to the members of the new Asia-based coalition, is an echo of the famous slogan uttered by our Benjamin Franklin in the context of the outbreak of the American Revolutionary War: "Either we hang together, or we hang separately." A potential new kind of world-wide war is implied in this present set of chiefly London-steered arrangements. That war, if uncorked, will include the use of relevant new types of nuclear weaponry, and the warfare so fought will be a global nuclear-armed manifestation of what the late British agent Alexander Helphand ("Parvus")[6] had called the British Fabians' policy of "permanent war, permanent revolution."
Crucial aspects of my own economic and complementary assessment of this situation are now therefore gaining acceptance as to point of fact, that rather rapidly, among significant circles of leading opinion in Eurasia and other quarters. Like the recent statement of Europe's social-democratic "Elders,"[7] this kind of reaction rarely mentions my name publicly—at least, not so far, but many leading elements of that "Elders" statement echo, coincidentally or otherwise, key provisions of my widely circulated analysis and proposals bearing upon the world's current economic and political situation.
The strategic economic and military issues of the current U.S. Presidential election campaigns, now come into globally strategic focus, accordingly.
Back here, in the U.S.A., the pattern of results from Democratic Presidential primary elections shows, so far, a rising trend of massive support for the kind of political ferment from among households from the lower eighty-percentile of family-income: a ferment which represents support for the leading economic-reform measures associated, coincidentally, but not accidentally, with the candidacy of Senator Hillary Clinton. Notably, she is bitterly hated, and also feared, by circles such as those associated with the Bush family interests, feared as a threat to the current strategic schemes of Britain and its U.S.A. and continental European-licking variety of lackeys.
In the matter of economic and related issues, for example, Senator Clinton's views are, not surprisingly, also widely supported sentiments among the rank and file of leading circles representing the recent voters for Senator Barack Obama's candidacy, although these issues and related policies are conspicuously absent from Obama's campaigning. Thus, the prevalent current estimates are, that Senator McCain would humiliate, even almost obliterate an Obama candidacy in a Presidential contest, whereas Senator Clinton's broad and deep popular base would tend to overwhelm a McCain candidacy; such are some among the highly relevant considerations were an Obama candidacy posed against what the Republican campaign is likely to be, crafted around the figure of Senator McCain opposed by Senator Obama, as contrasted with a McCain campaign against Senator Clinton, the former would be a very, very ugly package with prominent pro-fascist (e.g., "pee-pee-pee" features) embedded in the Republicans' choice of McCain's Vice-Presidential nominee.
Therefore, a very careful and thorough preliminary examination of some among the most crucial, continuing, strategic implications of the contrast between Senators Clinton and Obama, is required.
Obviously, there is the making of a unity of the majority of the Democratic voters for the Presidential nomination, in the coincidence of sentiments, if not between the candidates, among the portion of the constituency which expresses the vital interests of the lower eighty percentile of income-brackets from among voters. This coincidence is as absent from the actual policy-statements of Senator Obama, as there was a similar lack of a programmatic platform in the self-inflicted 2000 defeat of the Presidential candidacy of former Vice-President Al Gore, the thudding beat of the Al-gorerythm that gave the U.S.A. a resulting two terms under President George W. Bush, Jr.
Amid these ironies of the situation, the best forecasts based on such considerations, show us, clearly, that the notorious Chairman Howard "Scream" has yet to improve his performance over that he showed at the close of the 2004 Missouri primary campaign. Of course, getting an artificed majority, as by Dean's exclusion, or chopping out the votes from the legally binding conditions of conducting the Florida primary when it occurred, and fraudulently reassigning the votes of the legal voters in the Michigan primary, is neither a rational definition of a real consensus, nor intelligent policy generally, especially under conditions of the nation's presently grave, and rapidly worsening economic-breakdown crisis.
However, the existence of a potential majority for a needed kind of policy exists, if Dean and Company had not done so much to ruin both the potential unity, and thus the likelihood of a Democratic November victory. Thus, Senator Obama would be ill-served, in the end, if he continued to entertain the kind of advice he has been receiving from relevant, inherently corrupt and otherwise objectionable, international financier and related quarters. Bringing together that majority of the popular base from both campaigns, including Senator Clinton's, would be the obvious key to any reasonably foreseeable Democratic victory in the November general election.
In short, that same Fabian-led London crowd (i.e., the heirs of butcher of Africa Cecil Rhodes and of H.G. Wells of The Open Conspiracy and The Shape of Things to Come notoriety) which is presently controlling the critical mass of the funding of Howard Dean's efforts to suppress the votes of the Florida and Michigan voters, is in deadly fear of the ghost of U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt's victory, with support of "the forgotten man," over both Democratic Party bosses, such as Morgan's Raskob, and over the catastrophic Presidency of Herbert Hoover. Notably, meanwhile, the major financing of all parts of the leading political campaigns in the U.S.A. at present, is currently under de facto control of London-based financier-cartel circles of the type typified by Lazard Freres offshoot Felix Rohatyn and London-created George Soros, or even worse.
London is now at the verge of a situation in which the termination of Senator Clinton's candidacy would free London to dump the rather readily defeatable November candidacy of Senator Obama, and that, probably, quickly, and readily. The likely result of that outcome of the primary campaigns would be the virtually assured defeat of a shattered Democratic Party in the general election. This defeat would be built up around the painful experience of the crafting of yet another Republican Administration like, but far worse than one dragged out of Prescott Bush's tribe.
This presently threatened situation has been created by the fact that Obama's campaign is, so far, all charismatic "personality," without any relevant commitment to economic substance, despite the ironical reality that the motivation of most serious leading supporters of the Obama campaign, unlike Obama himself, has been oriented, increasingly, to serious social and economic issues. In fact, they would prefer Hillary's programmatic postures to Senator Barack "Lady Godiva" Obama's attempt to caricature the role of a naked black man on a white horse (or, perhaps, vice versa).
That much said by me here, so far, the really defining issue of the present U.S. election-campaign is not personality as such, but program. Recall the chiefly self-inflicted defeat of the former Vice-President Al Gore who refused to craft and utter a program which would address the actual leading economic-crisis issues of Y2000. However, for this occasion, no program but that which I have offered, could be treated seriously, from any source, during the Autumn months when the selection of the next U.S. President is presently scheduled to occur.
Any intelligent citizen's curiosity should be piqued by the extreme irregularity of the behavior of the present Democratic Party's largely London-owned leadership. The question to be asked is of the form: "Why are we experiencing an electoral phenomenon like Winter in Summer-time, or something equally absurd?"
What Does London Intend Now?
The world as a whole is not only gripped by a great depression, far more menacing than that of the 1930s, but an intrinsically hyper-inflationary, incurable, general breakdown crisis, akin in its quality of menace to that of the Fourteenth-Century "New Dark Age." Under these conditions, with their presently built-in potentials for major nuclear conflicts amid other forms of asymmetric warfare, the existing world monetary system could not be maintained, or saved. Only a radical, sudden return to the principles expressed by President Franklin Roosevelt's 1944 Bretton Woods design, could bring the presently soaring world crisis under reasonable degrees of control.
Why is the obviously sane, proven alternative, that provided so uniquely by President Franklin Roosevelt's example, pushed so fanatically, as Speaker Pelosi might express it, "off the table"?
I repeat the important point, that every indication so far indicates, on balance, that London currently intends, still, to dump Senator Obama whenever it considers Obama's utility as a "Clinton-slayer" will be used up. That London commitment is still, currently, subject to change, as we have already seen such changes as a shift, but not any essential change, in the secondary features of London's policy toward Obama, since the Chicago Rezko trial.
What most so-called political and financial experts, such as the official mourners deployed to decorate the ceremony of the interment of Bear Stearns, either do not, or will simply but hysterically refuse to understand, is the following crucial set of facts.
London's goal is that typified by a kind of revival of the city-based financier-oligarchical system of the Venetian financier oligarchy's doomed Fourteenth-Century Lombard League. That Lombard system of debt-management is the equivalent for today, as I have already indicated, of the fascist model used to create the Mussolini dictatorship. This Mussolini model is that which has been resurrected now by the Rockefeller Foundation, New York Mayor Bloomberg, Governor Schwarzenegger, et al. as their "city state" centered, "pee-pee-pee" program. However, amid all such scurrilous doings, it remains clear that Obama has not been intended, by London, to perform more than a potential wrecking role against Senator Clinton. Wrecking Senator Clinton's campaign would be essential to clear the way for the election of the kind of McCain candidacy whose campaign London could then recraft as the carrier of the fascist program, based on the Rockefeller Foundation's and Mayor Bloomberg's proposal for "pee-pee-pees," a scheme which is intended to become something as medieval as a Mussolini-modeled copy of that self-doomed Fourteenth-Century Lombard League.
I stress the point, that the latter policy, that known as "public private partnerships ("pee-pee-pees") is again, what I have just identified above, as the same policy which has been expressed in the frankly fascist "infrastructure" policies of New York Mayor Bloomberg, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, et al., and the Rockefeller Foundation. This expresses exactly the same London policy-matrix for all of western and central Europe plainly to be seen in study of the clearly fascist Lisbon Treaty's scheme.
This scheme, echoing the imperialist follies expressed by the Fourteenth Century's Lombard League, is the key to the intended creation of a single, world-wide empire over a world whose population would be rapidly reduced to less than one billion survivors, that through the greatest holocaust of mass-death of entire cultures in the prior known history of mankind.
If one had any doubt that that is London's policy, as much as it is Mayor Bloomberg's, read the medieval map laid out in the fine print details of imperial London's current Lisbon Treaty scheme.
Such are those reflections of the issues of global strategy which are to be recognized as symptomatic features of current global strategy. That much said, turn attention now to the principal subject of this report, to the matter of strategy itself.
1. Our U.S.A.'s Imperial Enemy
Let us be clear, this author wishes nothing but good for the people of the United Kingdom, and for the nominal nationalities of which that kingdom was composed.[8] He demands, however, the elimination of the empire in all its guises. On this account, it must be stated, that that empire is the only actual empire which exists in the world today. On this account, the root of London's implicitly adopted enemy status against our republic, in times past, as now, has always been nothing other than premised on the control over the kingdom exerted by the international, Venetian financier cabal represented by the legacy of Paolo Sarpi, his Liberal dogma, and his following in the financial centers, internationally, of the entire world today.
The myth to be exposed and dispelled on that account, is the widely popularized, and frankly racialist delusion, that the design of that British empire occurred as the expression of a spontaneous national sentiment among the three traditional kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Wales.[9] The dangerous delusion which that myth carries with it, is the errant, underlying presumption that the empires which European civilization has experienced within it, were essentially secretions of some national ambition by the people resident in the vicinity of whatever the current ostensible capital of that empire.
The fact of the matter is, that the phenomenon of empire as Europe has experienced it since ancient Babylon (in particular), has been the political equivalent of a pandemic political-social disease, which has moved its headquarters of the given moment, to one location or another. imperialism within the extended European experience.
Admittedly, there have been periods of rival empires, in the ancient and medieval past, as in some more recent times. The issues involved, when dealing with phenomena of modern European times, are centered in the nature of monetary-financial systems, as typified by the inherently anti-imperialist, "Hamiltonian" character of U.S. money under our Federal Constitution, as opposed to the monetarist system such as the Anglo-Dutch Liberal financial system, under which Europe, for example, (when not protected by the U.S. Bretton Woods system), has been the victim of Anglo-Dutch Liberal imperialism, as since the developments of the early 1970s.
That much said, return to the matter of the ancient roots of modern imperialism.
This pattern of migration of the incarnations of this empire, since Babylon or earlier, has been a social phenomenon which seeks to extend its power to world rule, as the Anglo-Dutch Liberal imperialism does still today, and has more of the character of a disgusting pandemic disease than the home-grown artefact of the people resident in the vicinity lately chosen as the empire's new capital.
Let us attempt to make the present practical implications of this fact clear, through the following crucial illustration.
Begin now with a refreshing glance at the principal facts of the conflict between what became our United States and our republic's past, present, and continuing foe, the British empire, since February 1763. Then, that done, turn to the genetic roots common to that series of empires which has been changed in variety and circumstances, but has never been actually broken "genetically," to the present moment. This has been the case during the span from ancient Babylon through that of Rome, and into the Anglo-Dutch Liberal system of imperialism which regained its domination of the world at large in the aftermath of a series of events, beginning with the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy, the consequent U.S. long war in Indo-China, and President Richard Nixon's wrecking of the Bretton Woods monetary agreements. This includes the creation of what has become the imperial power of London's BAE, through operations centered on the global swindle which established the Amsterdam "spot market" power to manipulate the values of the currencies of the world, including the values of the U.S. dollar itself.
So, go back to the proximate beginnings of this struggle, in ancient Mesopotamia, between what has become the cause of that British empire, and what became the United States, to which that British empire has been the principal enemy, from the February 1763 Peace of Paris, until today.
So, the actual date of conception of what became known as the British empire, occurred preceding the later birth of the United States of America, on the occasion of the February 1763 Peace of Paris. At that point, the British crown established itself an implicit empire, but, did this actually on behalf of an imperial, private enterprise which had its own army and puppet governments, an entity called the British East India Company. The threat which this London policy represented to the liberties of the populations of the North American English colonies, was delivered immediately during that period, in the course of the adoption and continuing implementation of that 1763 Peace of Paris.
Thus, the two most notable, English-speaking cultures, one, that centered in the English-speaking colonies of North America, predominantly committed to freedom, the other centered currently in the Anglo-Dutch Liberal financier-oligarchical factions in Britain, the latter committed to oligarchical-imperial tyranny.
The British empire as such, was actually formed originally as a kind of unification among a set of nominally "national" so-called "India" and related private companies, which emerged as essentially united in a combined, Eighteenth-Century role as a chiefly privately owned empire, implicitly from February 1763 onward. This remained largely a private empire deep into the Nineteenth Century.
This Company was led by Lord Shelburne from about the time, in 1763, that Shelburne dispatched his lackey, the miserable swindler and plagiarist Adam Smith, for espionage against France, and also assigned to plot against both France and the English colonies in North America.[10] This was done with regard for the political institutions of growing relative economic independence emerging in North America, an English-speaking colonization which was considered by Shelburne et al. as the chief source of long-term threat to the empire from within the globally extended culture of the English-speaking world. This was a threat seen increasingly from London and Amsterdam, as like a dagger pointed at the British East India Company's imperial throat.
The Interim Phase: Queen Anne
The professional historian, the late H. Graham Lowry, spent his major efforts between 1983 and 1989, in tracking down what he had characterized, as early as 1983, as what he termed a "missing link" in the presented account of the interval between the great influence of Gottfried Leibniz within the English-speaking world during the interval of reign of Queen Anne, until the temporary crushing of Leibniz's former great influence in England with the death of Queen Anne and installation of the United Kingdom under George I.[11]
This was essentially the interval between the crushing of the Massachusetts Bay Colony's independence in 1688-89, and the resurgence of the influence of the ideas of the Winthrops and Mathers, with the emergence of the leading role of Benjamin Franklin in both Europe and North America. Graham Lowry explored, and solved the apparent mystery of the gap between those two phases.
Graham Lowry's book still speaks for itself, as its own essential contribution to the understanding of the real history of the origins of the United States. The aspects of that matter of crucial relevance for our subject immediately at hand, pertain to the background to the crucial shift, as expressed most prominently in examining the source of the role of the international genius of the scientist and statesman Franklin, in shaping relevant positive developments throughout much of Europe, as also in North America. The importance of this work, as Lowry shared my sense of the crucial special importance of his work on this matter, is, that it represented a shift from the usual historian's effort at interpretation of predicates of a period of history, to the more appropriate, crucial role of the subject of the ideas of principle themselves, rather than the supposed percussive effects (predicates) of mere events, as the actually determining, long-ranging effects in the shaping of history.[12]
Franklin's resumption of the emphasis on the European influence of Leibniz, on both sides of the Atlantic, is the most significant feature of the American War of Independence, and of the adoption of the 1776 Declaration of Independence and the Federal Constitution. It defines the axiomatic quality of difference in underlying principles of the founding and persistence of our U.S. republic, to the present day, as contrasted with the predominantly pro-oligarchical principles of the prevalent, respective empiricist and Habsburg ideologies which define the oligarchical traits still prevalent, top down, in the societies of western and central Europe today. Since the deaths of U.S. Presidents Franklin Roosevelt and then John F. Kennedy, the pendulum of ideological history has swung against the influence of the ideas which had characterized the U.S. patriotic leadership of 1776-1789.
That unfortunate swing of the ideological pendula notwithstanding, the imprint of the historical past is still embedded deeply within the American psyche. This imprint is currently marked most visibly to all by the turn-out for Senator Clinton's candidacy's emphasis on the practically urgent issues of life faced by normal citizens from the lower eighty percentile of the income-brackets of our population, and is also expressed, with great importance, although less conspicuously, by those dedicated professionals associated with government service, who provide an indispensable sort of professional quality of what might appear to be a conservative outlook among circles found in both leading parties.
We of that latter special category of what may be called the patriotic professionals, provide a factor with a touch of a sense of immortality in our devotion to the service of our republic. We think of ourselves, of course, but, as Graham Lowry's work attests to the commitment expressed in his book, there is among us a quality of devotion to past and future alike, which is both deeper and higher at the same time, which knows what is to be ashamed of what our nation has sometimes done in its past, but with a strong commitment to the conditions we work to bring about for a time when we will have been deceased. We of this inclination love life, but, nonetheless, care less for what we experience in life now, than what we, like the Biblical Moses contemplating his death, do in service to our accountability for the past which has been bequeathed to us, and for the future we contribute to causing, but will not otherwise experience ourselves.
It is the quality of that latter special category which is of the greatest ultimate significance for any culture, any nation. That is a quality rooted in ideas of the kind to which the heritage of Leibniz belongs in the shaping of the history of peoples.
This British imperial interest's deadly fear of the success of the U.S. economy, expressed a fear born in the empire's awesome prospect of the future. This experience was brought to a proverbial fever-pitch for the British empire, by the victory of a United States led by President Abraham Lincoln over the creations of Britain's Lord Palmerston, a victory over the Confederate insurrection, as also the British, Napoleon III's French, and Spanish pro-fascist invasion of President Benito Juarez's Mexico and the mass-murder campaigns conducted by Britain's Habsburg puppet, the Emperor Maximilian.[13]
The leading patriots of the North American English-speaking colonies, recognized that kind of imperial threat from Anglo-Dutch Liberalism as early as the February 1763 Peace of Paris, and sought to flank the threat from London in sundry more or less peaceful ways, until the Revolutionary war had become clearly inevitable in July 1776.
At the same time, that set of developments which had begun during 1763, established what has remained a party of treason within English-speaking North America, chiefly within the American branch of the British East India Company. This division, between patriotic "American Whig" and treasonous "American Tory," has been a key factor in U.S. and world history since that time,[14] up to and including the present-day operations currently conducted within the body of the Democratic Party now formally led by Chairman Howard Dean and his accursed, London-connected financier circles centered around such viciously predatory, British-coordinated financier powers as Lazard Freres offshoot Felix Rohatyn and London-steered George Soros.
This has been the governing spirit of the history of that party of treason against our republic, from within as from without, which was once represented by the Aaron Burr who was controlled by the British Foreign Office's Jeremy Bentham. It is, to the present day, a continuing party of what are intended as treasonous goals within the U.S.A., a party of treason formed through what has come to be regarded as the "Wall Street" gang, to the present day. Hatred of President Franklin Roosevelt became the most relevant hall-mark of the spirit of that party of treason among us, since the time Franklin Roosevelt was placed in nomination for the 1932 Chicago nominating convention.
Therefore, the question should be: where do these recent developments of today fit within the skein of world history over the recent several thousands of years? Where, especially, within the skein of the history of specifically globally extended European civilization? In other words, where does the conduct of the leading world financier power of today, the Anglo-Dutch Liberal form of imperial financial system, fit into the legacy of empire traced to such origins as the legendary fall of the Belshazzar of Babylon?
Our nation's history has deep roots, spanning more than many thousands of years, and reaching deep into regions below the superficial awarenesses of contemporary cultures and their present times. One of these roots of today's globally extended reach of European civilization, is the history of a continuing institutional phenomenon, called imperialism, a phenomenon no less ancient than what the principal surviving leader of Christianity then, the Apostle John, identified as that old whore called Babylon.
This principle of empire is not something merely to be described; the principle is that which has generated every known empire based in Europe and the Mediterranean region, and their extensions beyond, since no later than the historical time referenced by Giuseppe Verdi's Nabucco.
The Spread of That Empire
Thus, that empire, which is traced from Asian sources such as ancient Babylon, was reincarnated through the extended influence of the Babylonian priesthood, into control over the Achaemenid empire which it infested. It was also reincarnated as the resurgence of that imperial tradition, through a pact established between the Octavian who became known as Augustus Caesar, with the oriental priesthood of Mithra[15] .
Later, out of the rotten husk of what had become the Roman empire in the west, quasi-Asiatic imperialism was reincarnated as the Byzantine empire. Then, with the decadence of Byzantium, the blood-sucking vampire called empire reappeared, as if reincarnated, in a Venetian financier-maritime power which treated the medieval system of Norman chivalry as the plague it controlled through Crusades and kindred devices, like blood-sucking vampires from the British version of the Dracula legend, creating, thus, the empire formed around Venice usurers and their crusading dupes and partners of the Norman chivalry. The Venetian blood-sucking creatures, like the vampire bats associated with Britain's Prince Philip today,[16] the creatures which infested the Lombard banking system, also created the role of the Habsburg dynasty as the anointed parasite to suck on the deceased realm of Italy's Frederick II, and then to gobble up the leading royal family of Spain in that family's own marriage-bed.
Then, came the Habsburg imperialism of the Sixteenth-Century Philip II (the real-life model for the fictional Don Quixote with the latter's disgusting affinity for an old whore) and beyond, and the emergence of the new-model Venetian imperial system, founded under Venice's Paolo Sarpi, of Anglo-Dutch Liberal financier power.
That is a short sketch, but it sets the stage for the essentials to be considered here.
The essential point which must be made clear, if the present world strategic situation is to be competently understood, is what can be summarized as the fact, that the experience of empire, as I have sketched the outlines and continuation of European imperialism here, is not a history of a series of empires as if each were phenomena created independently of one another; rather, all of these and related expressions of empire within that outlined range of historical experience, are the expression of but one single empire, which, like the legendary Phoenix, would appear to die in one place, but reincarnate itself, as if from ashes, in another. Empire is, in principle, a self-subsisting form of foul disease, which infects sundry locales in each time it appears as if reincarnated.
Therefore, to understand empire, we must look at it from the top, down, rather than as credulous historians and others have done, from the bottom up. A remark on that point itself, is required here and now.
The Role of Principle in History
To many readers, that foregoing statement will be taken as considerably beyond the bounds of what they presently consider, mistakenly, as their informed belief. This should not be surprising, since most of what most people believe, even in universities today, are fairy-tales, minted by tall-story-tellers as "the wisdom which my ancient ancestor passed down to a fellow who told me personally," a credulity cloaked, thus, with the doubtful reputation of representing sacrosanct "traditions." One must, therefore, adopt precaution in approaching such academically, or otherwise popular lunacies. We must adopt the view, that, in such matters, what can not be recreated scientifically, as corresponding to the actual conditions of each part of real or imagined history, may be merely innocent fiction, or worse.
As I have emphasized the relevant, crucial issue of scientific method in locations published earlier, we must recognize, as in the instance of the so-called a-priori assumptions of Euclidean geometry, that popular assumptions have often turned out to have been scientific nonsense, as modern physical science has shown in that case.
For as far back as the reasonably detailed knowledge of the principal issues of strategy in the history of European civilization, as the Seventh Century B.C., the principled issue of strategy has always remained, in fact, the conflict describable, in modern terms, as that between the notion of the sovereign nation-state and that of empire. From the time since the outbreak of the Peloponnesian War, until approximately the A.D. 1439 great ecumenical Council of Florence, the recurring trend had been toward the temporary triumphs of successive empires. With the launching of the expulsion of the Jews from Spain, by the murderous monster Torquemada, empire was given rebirth as the regained power of Venice.
For those who have had access to relevant knowledge of history, the point I have just made should have been obvious. Unfortunately, in what passes for current knowledge on the matter of strategy, for example, the knowledge of the relevant issues of strategy ranges from very poor, to worse than non-existent. The core of the issue was expressed with clarity by Aeschylus in his famous Prometheus Bound. The core conception of empire is to be recognized in the conflict, as presented there, between the monstrous Olympian Zeus and noble Prometheus, in which that ostensibly fictitious Zeus serves there as the citable model for the notion of emperor.
This work by Aeschylus is crucial for any competent insight into the nature of empire. The banning of human underlings' knowledge of the principle of fire, by the figure of the Olympian Zeus, in that drama, pin-points the axiomatic principle of imperialism. "Fire," in that instance, signifies mortal man's knowledge of universal physical principles, or principles of the same genre. "Fire" in that drama symbolizes any knowledge of universal physical principles by means of which mankind can willfully increase the human species' power to exist, or, in other words, the opposition to Malthusianism as practiced by Britain's Prince Philip and his World Wildlife Fund today.
Friedrich Schiller's Jena lecture on history, on the subject of Solon versus Lycurgus, typifies the core of the distinction to be made by the competent modern historian. That principle can be defined to the following effect.
In both competent doctrine of law, and in social practice, the principal issue of all strategy is expressed, at its root, in the age-old conflict between what modern history identifies as science-driven economic progress, versus the kinds of evil expressed by the Malthusians, from the British empire's thoroughly evil Jeremy Bentham, through today's Prince Philip of World Wildlife Fund notoriety and his American lackey, former Vice-President Al Gore. The issue is that of the working definition of the distinction between the individual human being and the beasts; it is the great principle common to the 1648 Peace of Westphalia and the Preamble of the U.S. Federal Constitution. This is the issue of the conflict between the principle of freedom upheld by the Declaration of Independence, and the practice and advocacy of slavery of human beings by Britain's John Locke.
In this matter, the Olympian Zeus' prohibition against transmitting knowledge of the use of fire (e.g., nuclear fission) to ordinary people, exposes the essence of empire. Such is the notion of the word "empire" when stripped of its tinsel-like tokens of courtly pageantry. In British (or, Brutish) ideology today, the cult of ignorance of principles is called "free trade."
I explain.
The Ancient Roots of Modern Empire
The only true empire existing on this planet today is that of the so-called "British Empire," otherwise better identified as the Anglo-Dutch Liberal system of financier power. This British Empire is that which was established as a private company, the British East India Company, under the conditions of the February 1763 Peace of Paris. Later, title to the empire was formally conferred upon Britain's Queen Victoria and her heirs, up to the present day, a change under conditions provided by the combination of that Company's financial difficulties and the U.S.A.'s defeat of Lord Palmerston's 1861 launching of combined forces of the United Kingdom, of Britain's French puppet Napoleon III, of the monarchy of Spain, and of Habsburg interests against both the United States and Mexico.
Any competent view of the global situation of strategic crisis today, will abandon the sundry popular and academic mythologies respecting that empire's origins and current nature.
However, to understand that empire, its character, and its origins, we must recognize it as, in principle, an institution established as Babylon, whose priesthood handed over the title, but not the essential power of that empire, from the possibly apocryphal figure of Belshazzar, to a succession of other Asian dynasties. and, later to the succession of European empires, beginning, most notably with ancient Rome.
In the process of those transitions, there was a period of an apparent break, but, as I emphasize here, this was a case of the exception which proves the rule. The attempt of that empire to extend its power to European territories, was blocked, partly, over a long period, by Egypt, and, more briefly, by Greek resistance to the Empire's attempts to take over what is called ancient Greece today. However, in the wake of Athens' great folly, in its criminal acts against the people of Melos, which launched what became the Peloponnesian War, power in Europe was temporarily transferred to a significant degree to King Philip's Macedon. The break came, first, briefly, with Alexander's defeat of the Achaemenid rule, and with the division of the territory under Alexander's command by his successors. Later, the empire was re-established by agreement between the legal heir of Julius Caesar, the so-called Augustus Caesar (Octavian), and the priests of the oriental cult of Mithra, a pact struck upon the Isle of Capri, an island which, consequently became the sacred property of the Roman emperor for the subsequent period of approximately half a millennium.
The crucial change, in the transition to the Roman Empire, has been the "geopolitical" shift of the character of the empire's pivotal center, from an inland, to a maritime power, implicitly a division of the territory from approximately east of the Halys and Euphrates rivers, the core of the old empire, to the Mediterranean rim. Some crucial aspects of this history were clarified with post-World War II archeological discoveries respecting both the iron-working Hittite domain east of the Halys and the nature of the monetary features, of the shift from a parchment, back, temporarily, to the cuneiform mode of denoting property-titles in trade, for the commerce between that Hittite domain and Mesopotamia, prior to the decline of the Hittite power.[17]
Thus, the distinction of the emergence of the Roman empire, was that it marked the attempted reunification of the elements of what implicitly were intended to become a universal empire, combining the inland area to the east with the maritime centers to the west.[18] Since that time, the maritime character of imperial power remained culturally dominant, until a powerful, but temporary challenge to maritime supremacy was made by Charlemagne, until his death, with the launching of the inland-waterway system of continental western and central Europe (a design finally completed, by closing the link of Rhine to Danube, just recently); but, then, later came the mightier challenge to the British empire, the challenge created by the U.S.A.'s development of its transcontinental railway system. This system was the successor to densely developed inland waterways; this feature of the American system established the geopolitical aspect of the conflict between the British Empire and most of the rest of the world, during the second half of the Nineteenth Century.[19]
Thus, since the aftermath of World War I, the halting and then, the post-World War II destruction of national-railway systems as the principal mode of long-distance transport of goods and people, has been the characteristic expression of the effort, led by the Anglo-Dutch Liberal-led financier cartels and corrupted governments to turn back the clock of progress in a fashion typified by the role of the British Royal family (e.g., Princes Philip and his son Charles), and also Prince Charles' virtual lackey, former U.S. Vice-President Al Gore, to turn the world-clock of history back to medieval conditions and levels of world population.
Now, implicitly contrary to the intention of the Anglo-Dutch Liberal policy, with the appearance of magnetic-levitation ground-transport, and the prospective liberation of nuclear-fission power utilization from the geopolitically-motivated resistance organized by the British empire and its dupes, a great new era of mankind is now, prospectively, on the horizon, if we first remove the factor of resistance to this by the so-called British empire[20].
The Imperial Maritime Oligarchies
As already emphasized above, the gap, from the death of Alexander the Great to the emergence of the consolidated, Mediterranean-rim-based empire with its capital at Rome, is to be seen as a process of the shift of the phoenix-like continuity of empire from a land-based, to a maritime-based system of economic and military power. As I have emphasized repeatedly in sundry studies since the 1950s, the civilizations which emerged in the aftermath of the great melting, beginning about 17,000 B.C., of the last great glaciation in the northern hemisphere, were chiefly coastal and upriver reflections of the impact of transoceanic maritime cultures upon the areas of settlements, such as the founding of Sumer by a non-Semitic maritime culture, along the emerging new coastlines. This process of transition was steered to a large degree by astronomical calendars whose characteristics reflected products of continuing transoceanic navigation over very long intervals of time.[21]
Notably, the very idea of science depends crucially upon the notions of "universe" and "universal systems of change" which, contrary to the essential dogma of modern Sarpian empiricism, are crucially self-defined as reflections of the impact of sustained navigation by oceanic navigators, as these are reflected in evidence of ancient calendars.
Let angry scholars lambaste the Roman culture's Sicilian chronicler Diodorus Siculus as it may please them to do so, Diodorus' report, based largely on extractions he identifies as from Egyptian chronicles and interviews with Berber populations of his time, has characteristic internal features. It is an account with features which are in accord with the notion of the Atlantic maritime origins of the Olympian myth emphasized by such sources as the Homeric[22] .
It were generally safe to say, that cultures based upon functions such as those of trans-oceanic maritime cultures, are the only ones capable of development of a competent and comprehensive basis of knowledge of physical science's practice. The relevant best illustration of this point provided in European history is the case of the development of science in Egypt, known to the Pythagoreans, and Plato, for example, as also Thales, as compared with the crucially inferior, usually referenced Mesopotamian mathematics. The importance of Sumer, for example, lies in the fact that it was a product of colonization by an Indian Ocean-based maritime culture.
The factor to be taken into account, for a properly refined view of this subject-matter, is the effect of the subjugation of a poorer quality of culture by an inland population, in the case the latter is subjugated by a morally degenerating maritime culture, such as the Anglo-Dutch Liberal imperialism of today. The result must tend to be, as case studies attest to this, precisely the kind of pro-Satanic effect we encounter in both the Zeus of Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound and in the pro-Satanic culture of the Delphic Apollo-Dionysus cult. In these cases, it were permitted to suggest that "absolute power corrupts absolutely." The asserted "absolute" authority of "free trade," for example.
It should follow clearly from reflection on that observation, that the "will of the popular masses," if they are ignorant, is not good government. However, the will of a parasitical oligarchy which depends upon keeping the masses of the subject population relatively stupid, as in the trend in U.S. education during recent decades, is not merely bad, but unquestionably Satanic.
The history of empire, from such known examples as ancient Babylon, through Rome, to Anglo-Dutch Liberalism and its control of the London-steered, current Howard Dean leadership of the U.S. Democratic Party organization today, is the effects of the degradation of the entire society when the mass of the population is subjugated to the arrogance of those corrupted strata which wield power in service of the depraved conceptions associated with our former Vice-President Al Gore.
Stupefying the general population, by wielding neo-malthusian cult-dogmas to the effect of suppressing employment in ever more advanced technologies of characteristically higher energy-flux density, such as nuclear-fission technologies, typifies the kind of virtually Satanic practice of evil which Prince Philip's World Wildlife Fund and his minions, such as former Vice-President Al Gore, typify.
This illustrates the essential principle of empire, from Babylonian through British. Imprison the popular masses by cultivating their banalities and stupidities, denying them thus the competence to rule themselves, that they might be reduced to the cognitively helpless political condition of virtual cattle, and thus as dependent upon the higher authority which sends them to slaughter, as are the farmer's cattle. Popular leaders, under such conditions, tend to be those selected from among persons who imitate the bull whose interest lies in the next available cow-in-heat, a passion which obscures that bull's view of what the farmer intends as the poor destiny of that bull and his targeted cow alike. It is that principle of empire, like the Wall Street stock market, which has repeatedly incarnated itself, Phoenix-like, as the succession of known empires of European civilization from Babylon to Brutish Britain today.
2. To Bury a Brutish Empire
The lesson of that history whose key feature I have identified in the preceding chapter of this report, is that the safety of future generations of humanity now depends absolutely upon our now burying, forever, all of the genetic traces of the systemic characteristics of empire, as I have identified empire here.
On the negative side of this task, we have the image of the empire as the enemy-in-principle of all mankind, the most terrible of the diseases specific to mankind. We must recognize that the existence of empire so defined, must be described in law as the specific ideological infection which, over recent thousands of years of repeated experiences, has proven to be, the worst known living enemy of mankind, the current mother of all great evil during this entire span. The very fact that existing institutions have the characteristics of empire which I have identified here, is sufficient reason to nullify the continued existence of such wretched habits as theirs, as if they were the true embodiment of the essential evil which has infected mankind.
On the positive side of this same task, we must affirm Prometheus' cause, the liberation and development of the specific creative powers of the individual human mind, as the work of Johannes Kepler most aptly affirms this in two essential ways: as science, and as the significance of the work of Kepler, as a person being among the most typical victims of that specific evil which is that evil legacy of Paolo Sarpi called philosophical Liberalism. That is to say: the Liberalism to be seen as the freedom to be stupid and to lie officially, as our currently leading U.S. press is now habituated to do. This, Liberalism, has been the chief evil unleashed on the minds of people of this planet during the recent four centuries.
Among the affirmative measures presently required, if we are to fulfill such requirements, there is the need for a truly efficient affirmation of the 1648 Peace of Westphalia, the Peace which is not only the exemplary affirmation of a Christianity liberated in practice from the pro-Satanic evils of the Inquisition and kindred horrors, but the appropriate affirmation of common aims of mankind, whatever man's nominal religious affiliation.[23] We must free mankind from the persisting tendency, as during the reigns of Britain's Prime Minister Tony Blair and President George W. Bush, Jr., for the relationship of man to man in society to often mimic that of feral beasts.
Why Kepler?
We must understand that that distinction of humanity from the beasts, lies essentially in that which defines the human being as unique among all living creatures, as being a universal being, a being whose unique power, among all known living creatures, is to know, and to act upon the discovery of universal principles. Thus, we have the exemplary significance of Kepler for modern society, in defining the principle which we must adopt for our indicated purposes. This principle lies, to a large degree, in his choice of subject-matter for his work as an avowed follower of Nicholas of Cusa, the ontological uniqueness of the principle by which the universe is efficiently ordered.
Albert Einstein's argument on this subject of Kepler's importance bears on our intention here: no different approach than that fulfilled by Kepler, qualifies our work as a competent fulfilment of a foundation in method for science in general. However, its more immediate significance is, that the knowledge of that which makes humans universal beings, must be seen as the principle which defines the ordering of the relations among human individuals, as also among nations.
On this account, one might think, honestly but mistakenly, that the British empire, the modern prototype of a maritime power, more than all other candidates to be considered on this account, would have seized upon the work of Kepler as its only proper choice in defining modern science. Ah! But, for them to do so would give away the secret of their business, those principles of science which the Delphic archetype presented as Aeschylus' Olympian Zeus were most passionately committed to concealing from ordinary mortals in general; thus, for the rulers of that empire, the true principle of science, must be concealed from those over whom they rule. The principle which they are at pains to conceal, is, that in the stellar system considered as a whole, as by Kepler, lies the pathway of access to the secret of "fire."
For the human observer, that true secret of fire lies, in its symbolic significance as exemplifying the existence of a universal value. As I have pointed out on earlier occasions, the significance is expressed in the proof, as supplied by the characteristics of gravitation expressed in relations among the principal bodies of the Solar system, as this is supplied in the evidence that it is the human mind, rather than the human senses, which defines the truth about both the universe and ourselves as knowable by mortal human beings.[24] That knowledge, as I have already emphasized in such locations, is the true meaning of the "fire" to which Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound refers.
As I have implied in the preceding paragraphs, there is also a higher truth involved here, the truth concerning that aspect of the nature of the human mind which defines man as a universal being, a quality which is lacking in all other presently known living creatures. Such is the meaning of the individual human soul, as distinct from the nature of all lower forms of life.
I am obliged to emphasize again, in this immediate location, that the greatest of the evils embodied in doctrines respecting moral and other law today, is the evil epitomized by the Olympian Zeus of Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound, the evil embedded in Aristotelean dogma, that Zeus' "Malthusian's" ban on the transmission of the knowledge of "fire" to mortal human beings.
As the friend of the Apostle Peter, Philo of Alexandria insisted, the doctrine of Aristotle is an evil one, which in fact mocks the Creator in what must be seen as a truly Satanic fashion. The false doctrine of Aristotle and his followers argues, as such notorious followers of Aristotle as Euclid and Claudius Ptolemy do, that God had crafted a perfect universe, but perfect only in the sense that the work of creation had been so perfectly completed that no change could be introduced by Him, and should not be introduced by any other agency. This implicitly Aristotelean doctrine of a self-castrated Creator, is functionally equivalent to the pro-Satanic doctrine of the referenced Olympian Zeus.
Every known consequence of the attempt to enforce that policy, as attributed to Aristotle, has proven in historical practice to have been nothing but cruelly evil.
Once it were made clear, that it is the creative powers of the human mind, as Kepler's successful method of work illustrates this, which distinguish the individual member of the human species, then society must define human relations accordingly. This consideration places the greatest emphasis on fostering the expression of those uniquely human powers, instead of relegating most members of society to the status of virtual cattle, as the Olympian Zeus of Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound does. It is when we recognize that true science, as Leonardo da Vinci's follower Kepler illustrates the fact, and Classical art alone, among all forms of art, are what is suited to human beings, rather than keeping the mass of humanity as cattle, in cattle-like service to the amusements, comforts, and other typical pranks of a reigning imperialistic oligarchy and its brutish lackeys.
Such is the nature of the true morality which society must practice. The progressive elevation of all mankind to the sense of personal identity and its values specific to that outlook which I have just described, should be seen as the true meaning of Gottfried Leibniz's intention in posing the notion adopted by the U.S. 1776 Declaration of Independence, "the pursuit of happiness."
Hence, also, the significance of the principle which underlies the 1648 Peace of Westphalia.
Westphalia: The Practical Challenge
The specific expression of the creative powers of the sovereign individual human mind, is the notion of value as something located in a principle of progress. This is a principle whose practical nature is expressed in the benefits of those creative innovations which are typified by the discovery of universal physical principles, or, kindred principles of Classical artistic composition. These benefits are expressed in both the human individual and social practice of our species as a whole, by the increase of the potential relative population-density, per capita and per square kilometer of planetary surface.
The nature of the presently onrushing general collapse of the currently existing modalities of world economy, especially the awfully defective financial system, has prompted me to set forth three distinct types of steps of interim reform of relations among what presently exist, or should become respectively, truly sovereign nation-states.
- A principle of law of economies in a systemically bankrupt condition, as relevant law should be typified in practical expression by my proposal for a Homeowners' and Bank Protection Act for the United States of America.
- A two-tier credit-system within and among sovereign nations, to provide a low, fixed range of discount-rates for certain specific, preferred activities and investments, while allowing interest-rates on other classes of borrowing to float. This is done as an aid to safely liquidating the present great mass of socially undesirable, relatively worthless types of holding and investment of nominal monied values implicitly in circulation: it is to be done to shrink the great mass of both counterproductive and unproductive fictitious values, while protecting and encouraging healthy reconstruction within what is otherwise a presently, hopelessly bankrupt world system.
- That the U.S.A., should approach the key large nations of Russia, China, and India, with the proposal to combine their separate powers and influence to the common purpose of establishing an early and powerful rallying point for bringing most of the nations of the world together, voluntarily, to create a new kind of global fixed-exchange-rate system of international credit, this for the purpose of establishing a mechanism for establishing and maintaining a true and enduring realization of the intention, the benefit of the other, sought by the 1648 Peace of Westphalia.
In other words, we must establish an order of affairs among nations which is consistent with Gottfried Leibniz's principle, named the pursuit of happiness in the 1776 U.S. Declaration of Independence.[25]
My emphasis here is on the third and last of those three stated categorical measures. My emphasis, at this point, is upon the coincident economic and moral principles which are to be served by the outlined arrangement in world affairs. While these purposes, and the measures they imply, have moral value, no consideration akin to sentimental, utopian moralizing is implied as tolerable by me here; I abhor a-prioristic mere sentimentalities as the sophistries which they are, as others should, too. The attempted dichotomy of physical science and Classical art must be ended, to such effect that the reason given for any adopted principle must qualify itself as well-designed, in physical practice, to achieve an intended physical effect for mankind in general.
The standard of achievement required, must be that principle of a science of physical economy known as the increase of the potential relative population-density of the human species at large: for, as actual history has warned those who can think clearly, any set of measures which failed to promote that indicated type of outcome, has been the work of fools, charlatans, or worse.
The principled character of the argument to be made on that account is efficiently illustrated by summarizing the criminal effects of that presently hegemonic "free trade" system, the system which has been the principal mechanism by which the presently, hyperbolically accelerating breakdown-crisis of the world economy has been brought about during, most clearly, the course of the 1971-2008 interval. The obvious alternative to be considered, in judging the presently bankrupt "free trade" system, is the design presented by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt to the 1944 Bretton Woods conference.[26]
Vernadsky's Relevant Contribution
In all cases known to me from the recent decades following the close of World War II, my own methods for long-range forecasting (e.g., those of a span of approximately a decade or more), have enjoyed a relatively unique success in terms of their performance on record thus far.
My advantage in this respect lies less in what might appear to some as my extraordinary cleverness, than the stubborn adherence of relevant academic and other professional practice to intrinsically incompetent kinds of axiomatic presumptions. In fact, my principled advantages have been entirely due to my reliance on what should be recognized as the concept of dynamics which I adopted for economics, first, from the work of Gottfried Leibniz, and, later, that of Bernhard Riemann's habilitation dissertation. I came to recognize dynamics as having been adopted by Leibniz from the essential principles of the ancient principles of Sphaerics of the Pythagoreans, such as the constructive solution for the duplication of the cube, by Archytas, and from Plato.[27] Whereas the prevalent practice among economists today employs a statistical method attributable to roots in Descartes, Laplace, or worse.
One of the most significant contributions to my approach to long-range forecasting, has been my slow, but persistently increasing attachment to the discoverable implications of the relevant work of the great Russian (and, also Ukrainian) Academician V.I. Vernadsky. Whether Vernadsky would agree with me entirely today, or not, is not yet clear to me;[28] however, his argument in defense of reductionist notions of thermodynamics presented on an occasion during the 1930s, is plainly in error, whatever evolution in his views has occurred during the last years of his life. In any case, his defense of reductionist thermodynamics is systemically inconsistent with his emphatic and repeated arguments for a Riemannian, dynamic conception of the Biosphere and Noösphere. In any case, Vernadsky's conception of the Biosphere and Noösphere was emphatically Riemannian otherwise, and is, therefore, a crucial approach to a solution to some of the most important scientific issues, including those of my field, the science of physical economy, facing mankind today.
The crucial point to be taken into account, in beginning this specific part of the discussion, is that neither the method of Aristotle, nor the modern empiricist followers of Sarpi and their like, accept the existence of the kind of experimentally defined universal principles associated, on the one side, with the dynamics of the ancient Pythagoreans and Plato, or, for modern times, the method of the founder of modern science, Nicholas of Cusa, and his followers such as Kepler, Fermat, Leibniz, and Riemann. This difficulty of the modern reductionist is expressed typically by the latter's lack of comprehension of the deeper implications of Leibniz's presenting the notion of the problem of analysis situs confronting all mathematicians' efforts to supersede the symbolic implications of a mere mathematics in ways which convey the real action which were presumably to be adumbrated as a suitable reform of mathematics.[29]
Whatever we might discover, or belatedly recognize as Vernadsky's insight into the error of Clausius' and Grassmann's aberrant ontological dogma, Vernadsky's ultimate conclusions respecting the implications of the concept of Noösphere require a rejection of the reductionists' error in the matter of thermodynamics.
As I have previously emphasized in various relevant locations, the comparison of the changes in composition, as to mass, among the three relevant categorical components of the mass of planet Earth, the abiotic, the Biosphere, and the Noösphere, reflects a principled, physically efficient, categorical division of the total mass of the planet, such that a principle of life not yet located by us within the abiotic processes, is increasing its portion of the planet's total mass, and that the principle of human cognition, absent among the lower forms of life, is increasing the total mass it specifically generates, relative to the respective abiotic, Biosphere, and total mass of the planet as a whole. All of this is congruent, systemically, with the principles of Riemannian dynamics.
The typical error in method among the assorted varieties of reductionists, is to insist on attempting to derive the replication of a relatively higher systemic state of existence, as if from the relatively lower. Thus, the science pervert, Professor Norbert Wiener, sought to derive life virtually from mechanical processes, and Wiener's younger and more rabid ally, John von Neumann, avowed that human consciousness could be derived from his outlook for computer technologies. Such infantile errors as theirs, in the practice of what is presumed to be science, are to be recognized as being simply the implicit assumption of that method of William of Ockham drawn out towards the extreme, as many of the post-World War II followers of Bertrand Russell's fanatical Principia Mathematica have done[30] .
While we do not actually know that human creative cognition is the upper limit of the demonstrably universal principles within the still higher rank of the universe per se, we must recognize the existence of those categorical expressions of distinct universal principles, non-life, life, and creative human cognition, as included among what are known to be efficiently universal physical principles. All deconstructionists of contrary opinion be damned, as they all surely are.
The Economy of Our Noösphere
As the late Dr. Edward Teller had already stated during the 1980s Erice conference, the watchword for a united nations of humanity now, is still the "the common aims of mankind." As I had already emphasized in earlier portions of this present report, this common interest of mankind depends upon avoiding the inherently brutalizing, imperialist lunacy of a new attempt at the implicitly pro-imperialist tyrannies of a Tower of Globalist Babble; for this purpose we must establish a new quality of cooperation among the respective sovereignties of nations of differing principal language-cultures.
Where Rome sought to control its system of imperial military repression with roads, the great Charlemagne enriched the progress of European civilization with the aid of a system of inland waterways. Roads made travel easier than without them, but inland waterways gave society the advantage of an improvement in physical principle of movement of people and freight, as did our own experience with waterways in the development of the North American colonies, as the United States continued the legacy of Charlemagne for Europe. It was the leap in physical-economic development of the use of territory typified by the American transcontinental railway-system, which became the crucial, world-wide challenge to the role of the imperial form of Anglo-Dutch, global maritime supremacy developed on the initiative of Paolo Sarpi.[31]
It was this development of the U.S.A. as an integrated continental nation, from ocean to ocean, and from Canadian and Mexico border, through both inland waterways and transcontinental rail grids, which became that great, geopolitical challenge to British imperialism which prompted the Britain of Prince Edward Albert to react against what the monarchy hated as the assassinated U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, and to prepare the launching of those holocausts which became known as both World Wars I and II, and the present Brutish imperialist campaign for both the methods of Malthus, and, now, the Lisbon Treaty approach to realization of the system of virtual slavery of peoples, called Globalization.
Now, we have available a greater, and better technology than transcontinental rail systems, the feasibility of uniting nearly all continents by a single, continuous network of magnetic-levitation transport systems for both people and freight. With the presently urgent investment in geometrically expanding generation of power, through very-high-energy-flux-density nuclear and also thermonuclear sources of power, mankind as a whole is implicitly enabled to employ productive technologies far superior to those presently available otherwise, and to effect the systemic physical-economic integration of production and transport of useful goods and passengers in a way which outmodes all alternative methods of aerial and ocean-borne transport for both high-value produced goods and, in most cases, passengers, too. It is notable to recognize that magnetic-levitation transport eliminates the presently problematic practice of relatively short-haul passenger and other air transport.[32]
However, the realization of the full benefits of an efficiently unified intercontinental magnetic-levitation transport system also requires, implicitly, a required end to the practice of transferring production of virtually everything to markets where the nominal cost of labor is the cheapest and where the development of the basic economic infrastructure is not designed to meet requirements of both a modern standard of living and productivity for the entirety of a nation's population as a whole. The principles of real economy require that there must be an end to the use of the practice of the financial oligarchy's routing of the production of produced goods to locations where the price of labor employed is made the cheapest for the purpose of creating virtually slave-labor conditions in the world's standard for production of essentials. The transfer of production to cheap labor markets actually lowers the productivity of the planet as a whole by eliminating the payment of implicit costs of production, and thus lowering the average productivity of the planet per capita and per square kilometer!
The goal of production and transportation must be the increase of the productive potential per-capita and per-square-kilometer throughout all territories of the world. This requires a constant increase in the relative physical investment in both production and infrastructure, per capita and per square kilometer, for almost all inhabited parts of the world. It also means a continuing, interrelated trend of rise in both the physical investment in infrastructure and in modes of production, in localities throughout the nations of the world. It also means an emphasis on raising the level of relative energy-flux density for modes of production, as typified today by a shift to magnetic-levitation modes of mass transport of goods and people, and a constant rise of relative energy-flux density, as by use of nuclear-fission power, of modes of production employed.
That much said on that account thus far, return attention now to economies in production and distribution. Take the example of the absolute silliness of making the world rely as much as it does currently, on the transport of the highly speculated, but essentially cheap substance called petroleum, used as a fuel, over long distances around the world. The goal should be continual up-shifts of the energy-flux density of sources of power for production, transportation and public utilities. The optimum goal for the present, is the use of high-energy-flux density nuclear-fission power for such uses as local generation of hydrogen-based fuels from water, shifting the major part of consumption of petroleum to its realization as a chemical feedstock. Another use of nuclear fission power, is its required part in supplying sufficient desalinated water for direct and also urgent, indirect requirements of human consumption.
Take into account the folly of shipping a cheap product long distances, as opposed to converting the relevant raw material which is now being shipped long distances, into use as a chemical feed-stock which is to be usually shipped, when shipping is warranted, as a product of vastly greater economic value, per ton, when shipped.
Similarly, if we measure the cost of living per capita in terms of the cost of production per square kilometer and per unit of distance shipped of the products produced to sustain that standard of living, the advantage lies with capital-intensive investment in production relying on high-energy-flux density modes of production and transportation, and a relatively small, optimal ration of consumed production produced at great distances from the point of consumption.
Then, consider the costs per ton and per passenger for transport of various modes of transportation, such as air, highway, rail, and local commuter automobiles. Measure costs of transportation in hours expended by the commuter from household to work and return, as well as the incurred cost per hour of the transportation itself. For all short- to medium-haul purposes, the equivalent of rail or magnetic-levitation-based transport is the most economical and efficient in both cost and time lost. Include the effect of longer hours of transport required per day or week on the effective standard of living and quality of cultural life of the commuter and his or her family.
Obviously, every trend of change in the organization of communities, of production and of personal life, which has occurred since the death of President Franklin D. Roosevelt has been increasingly for the worse. The spread of dense suburban areas filling up a large expanse of the territories around towns and cities, rather than spreading agriculture, in areas between urban developments, and rather than emphasizing production of consumed agricultural products in the nearby rural territories, has been both stupid and cruel.
Take the bellwether example of metropolitan New York City. What an economic horror-show the policy-changes made there, since the death of Franklin Roosevelt, have been.
New York City, and its associated metropolitan area was an industrial power-house, on which product the available standard of living and tax-revenue base depended to sustain the incurred costs of maintaining what became, increasingly a looted, de-industrialized city. When we consider the antiquity of much of the infrastructure base of public services and the like, the actual costs per capita and per square kilometer are far greater than what current estimates imply.
The foregoing examples just given in this section of the chapter, above, provide some highlights of the much larger treatment required; but the illustrations supplied here should be found sufficient to illustrate the direction of the argument to be made.
That much said, return to the lessons to be learned from Vernadsky's work.
The Real Cost of Production
In general, the cost of investment in increasingly capital-intensive and other capital investment in improved technologies, increases the potential productive power of labor, per capita and per square kilometer of the relevant area by a factor which is usually much greater than the incurred cost represented by the investment in the relevant progressive technology. This includes not only investments in production of goods, but investments in elements of infrastructure which are essential to the improvements of productivity. The essential margin of profitability is provided by those creative powers of the individual human mind which do not exist among lower forms of life.
This factor of technological "leveraged gain" in productivity of labor, applies to the costs of public education, and to other investments which increase the potential for productive advances in technology and other capital factors of net gains in productive powers of labor. Look at these factors which I have just mentioned in terms of a physical economy whose advancement is driven by the principles expressed in terms of V.I. Vernadsky's notion of the "capital factors" of Biosphere and Noösphere.
For example, useful capital investment in the increase of the productive powers of labor per capita and per square kilometer, has typically added more to the output of labor than the cost incurred by that capital investment.
Consider the problematic case of bio-fuels. The use of bio-fuels represents a net loss in value to the relevant society, a loss caused by bio-fools, relative to the useful consumption of the product used for extracting bio-fuels, had the living material been employed for consumption by man or animals, or used for increasing the productivity per square kilometer through living growth, such as trees.
The effect of increasing the acreage of trees, for example, is the lowering of the temperature of the relevant area by what is in net effect a very significant amount. The absorption of solar radiation in growth of plant-life, especially trees, is very significant for both moderating the temperature of an area, and in other ways. Using plant growth for bio-fuels is net waste, and bio-degradation of the locality. The benefit to be encouraged is in the order of magnitude of between 2% and 10% of the solar radiation consumed in the production of biomass by living plants.
The principle of life itself is a physical force, just as the development of the human mind (i.e., the Noösphere) through effects of creativity unique to the powers of the human mind, is a physical force which increases the productivity of society.
These same considerations have other implications of major significance. Examine the current best estimates for the increase of the ratio of biomass to abiotic masses of the planet. Life did that! Look at the astonishing rate of rate of increase of the mass of the Noösphere, relative to the mass of biomass, caused by the activity of society. Take the period from the beginning of the European Fifteenth-Century Renaissance to the present time; consider the estimated increase of the mass of the Noösphere relative to both the abiotic mass of the Earth, and to the rate of increase of the biomass relative to non-living processes. The factors of life, and of advances in technology-driven productivity of labor, are each active agents in increasing the planetary ratio of biomass to abiotic mass, and of the mass accumulated by action of the Noösphere relative to the Biosphere.
Contrary to the formulations for reductionists' thermodynamics, life and human creative reason, and living processes are each creative forces not available in non-living processes. The generally accepted idea of "energy" is a terrible mistake. The universe is not entropic, but is inherently expanding, both quantitatively and qualitatively. The universe is anti-entropic.
However, there is a certain problem in all this.
The magnitude of, for example, abiotic resources for use by mankind is finite, whereas the increase of man's activity, as through population-growth and elevated productivity consumes those abiotic resources at relatively increased rates of consumption. This does not mean that those resources are destroyed by the fact of their use; it does mean that there is increased use of the finite mass of those materials per capita, and by the population as a whole, even when much of the consumed material is returned to the stock of supply.
The problem, as defined, so, for abiotic resources, exists in a somewhat similar way, for biotic resources used, or affected as if used by mankind.
There is no limit in sight, nonetheless. The limits are essentially relative, not absolute. The limit is relative, and is defined by the requirement for a more or less steady advance in primary forms of technology, as by scientific revolutions turned into society's productive and environmental practices.
This does mean, however, that any society which accepts the rule of the Olympian Zeus, of banning knowledge of qualitatively more advanced technologies of human practice, as such bans are imposed by the methods of the Malthusians, or those of Britain's Prince Philip, Prince Charles, and former Vice-President Al Gore, creates an "environmental barrier" for its own continued, more or less stable existence, often a catastrophic barrier as the world is experiencing many expressions of such a catastrophic barrier which has been closing in upon the world through the recent forty years (1968-2008) of so-called "environmentalist" lunacy under the present reign of the "Baby Boomer" generation's increasing control over the policies of our planet.
It should be clear, that the only hope for avoiding a general, planetary "new dark age" for the planet as a whole, is the elimination of every change in policy away from those policies which are typified by the intentions associated with President Franklin Roosevelt on the day that OSS Chief Donovan left the office of a visibly dying President Franklin Roosevelt, saying softly to his associate in the waiting area outside the President's office: "It's over!"
We must go back, insofar as such were possible, and adopt policies which, in effect, restore that President's policies, as they were, in principle, then.
The New Factor To Be Added
Now, the terrible time has come, to return our attention to the third of the three immediate actions which I identified as needed to check the presently onrushing, hyper-inflationary breakdown-crisis of the economy of our planet. I refer to the proposal which the President of the United States must proffer to Russia, China, and India, a proposal, in effect, to assemble the willing nations of the world to save the world's physical economy from the present careening of the world's physical economy toward the brink of its doom.
We have not yet reached the condition at which military establishments can be treated as things of the past; however, we can, and must effect an efficient design for seeking a permanent peace, an opportunity which can be put within our reach by nations' fear of the horrifying onrushing conditions among the principal nations of this planet right now. This means a certain quality of extension of the principle of the Peace of Westphalia, as my proposal for the U.S.A.'s approach to Russia, China, and India implies such a reform: in effect, using the United Nations' role, implicitly, as an available medium of facilitating agreement to cooperation among what must remain, respectively, perfectly sovereign nation-states.
In my estimation, the current Russian plan for a rail bridge across the Bering Straits (Figure 1), if upgraded to a magnetic-levitation system connecting the Americas, Africa, and the Eurasian nations, would define the most obvious pivot for creating, in effect, a system of administration of essential elements of mass transport of people and freight, a system which would serve as the optimal opportunity for global progress shared among sovereign nations into the foreseeable future, perhaps for a century or more ahead, before additional categorical reforms became suitable[33] .
Such a system of transportation, based essentially on the development of magnetic-levitation transport for people and high-grade freight, will serve, clearly, as the point of reference in policy-shaping, for organizing a world system of trade and credit among the nations of the world, catalytically, as a system into which each nation can "plug in," so to speak, without impairment of its effective sovereignty.
Indispensable other elements, include the need for a durable, fixed-exchange-rate money and credit system, and for nested sets of long-term treaty agreements, concerning credit and trade, of certain common development targets over approximately the coming next two or more generations, developments which are needed for promoting a stable system of parity in national currency and credit among the participating nations.
The most essential precaution to be adopted, concerns the proper nature of national currency. The experience under the British empire, and earlier history, warn us that usury can not be permitted, and, similarly, that the existence of monetary systems must be eliminated, and replaced with an international, treaty-based credit system based on the same "Hamiltonian" principle of economy built into the happier times of the U.S. Federal Constitutional system. The result of the reform must be a fixed-exchange-rate among currencies, including such tariff and related protectionist arrangements as may be required from time to time.[34]
The number of conditions which a concert of nations imposes upon itself, must be limited to some essential terms of cooperation, and additional standards developed because they are admired, more than because they are prescribed.
It is time to make peaceful cooperation through development, the principal standard for relations among nations, rather than the implicit adversary relationship associated with the term competition, thus far today.
This matter which I have just outlined in these few closing paragraphs here, must be seen in terms of the terrible misery which prevails for most among the populations and nations of the world, not only in the forms of brutal conflicts and relative deprivation, but in the poor regard for one's neighbor, whether another nation, or among one's fellow-citizens, throughout most of today's populations in the world today. In my view, there is no credible reason why such nasty conditions present must exist, except that they have become more or less habitual.
My point on this here and now, is, that while very few people living on this planet today recognize yet how deadly, and how terribly near the presently immediate threat to every part of the world today has become, especially during the courses of the recent two decades, especially the most recent one nominally under U.S. President George W. Bush, Jr., we are now all as if minutes away from the worst global catastrophe in what has been recorded as the narratable history of mankind.
The world is now, also, at the point of the somewhat comparable case of the adoption of the 1648 Peace of Westphalia, that, then, after thirty years of a horrible war. This was a kind of persistently recurring war, since 1492, in which, in the description by Friedrich Schiller, men fought men not as men, but as beast to beast, as in much of Southwest Asia presently. It was only with the sheer horror of that Thirty Years War, after the similar conflicts of the earlier century, that men and women despaired sufficiently to accept the peace.
The world now faces what threatens to become a far worse holocaust than the conditions of that Thirty Years War might suggest. The possibility of the kind of peace which I propose, summarily, here, depends upon some degree of recognition, especially in high places, of the nature of the sheer global horror which looms just before people throughout this planet, unless the specific type of treaty-agreement which I propose be initiated by a U.S.A. proffer to Russia, China, and India, to be taken up very soon.
It is time, at last, to venture into the domain of the moral adulthood of the human race.
So let us, at least, bury the Olympian Zeus of Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound.
[1] Winston Churchill was a shamelessly public booster of Benito Mussolini's fascist dictatorship almost up to the day Italian forces joined with Hitler's forces in the invasion of France. As Germany's Field Marshall Walter von Reichenau said: "We have not conquered France. She was given to us." The fascist character of the culpable Synarchist-controlled government of France, was already massively documented in U.S. intelligence reports received during that period. See the report filed on the relevant archive materials by EIR's Pierre Beaudry on the massively documented subject of Synarchy. When last seen alive, Benito Mussolini was being chased by the U.S.A.'s OSS field chief for Italy, Max Corvo, while Mussolini himself was in desperate flight, accompanied by his mistress, driving frantically toward the Swiss border where Mussolini's old crony Winston Churchill was waiting. Mussolini and the mistress turned up hanging, upside-down, in a gas station, minus the trailer full of documents which Mussolini was taking toward the Swiss border, documents which turned up only in some part, much later. Churchill's own stated part in the affair of Britain's King Edward VIII, may be read as one might choose. After all, it was the head of the Bank of England, Montagu Norman, who pushed Hitler into power with cooperation of a business partner, Prescott Bush, who is the grandfather of U.S. President George W. Bush, Jr. and who was the relevant financial officer of Brown Brothers, Harriman at that time. See Anton Chaitkin et al. (Webster Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin, George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography [Washington, D.C.: EIR, 1992]) on the Bush connection to the relevant financing of Hitler's London-backed rise to power.
[2] The poem of Edward Arlington Robinson, reputed as highly esteemed by President Theodore Roosevelt.
[3] In the aftermath of the defeat of Lord Palmerston's armed attempts of 1861-1865 to destroy both the U.S.A. and President Benito Juarez' Mexico—with the aid of Napoleon III's and Spain's monarchy at that time, the policies of the British Foreign Office made an important adjustment, from its earlier use of Palmerston-controlled '48ers such as "Young Europe's" Karl Marx, to a new fad, synarchy, which has continued to exist in many parts of the world under such titles as either anarchism, or fascism. The Confederacy of 1861-65 was created by the American branch of the British Foreign Office's Mazzinian projects, as a "Young America" extension of "Young Europe." This was, in significant part, a parody on, and outgrowth of what Simon Bolivar himself was to denounce, from Colombia, as Jeremy Bentham's "Bolivarian" movement.
[4] Speaking by telephone to a fundraising meeting in London on April 28, Obama said that America's "special relationship" with Britain needed to be "recalibrated." An Obama advisor explained, according to the Guardian: "We have a chance to recalibrate the relationship and for the United Kingdom to work with America as a full partner. It's no longer going to be that we are in the lead and everyone follows us."
[5] President George W. Bush, Jr. has been shielded from the rather obvious charge that his policies of practice have been liberally fascist, by both the doubts concerning his mental health, and, also, the evidence that poor Bush was chiefly a mere tool of the Vice-President Dick Cheney who was, in turn, a tool of the same George Shultz who, with the complicity of Felix Rohatyn, installed the fascist Pinochet dictatorship and its fascist advisors in the mass-murderous dictatorship of that government of Chile.
[6] Helphand had been an asset of the British Fabian Society since his mid-1890s Pilgrimage to London, where he was inducted through the encouragement of a meeting with Fabian Society asset Frederick Engels. "Parvus' " services to British intelligence included a role in gun-running and kindred activities from within the context of London's direction of the Young Turk operation.
[7] See "Free Markets Cannot Ignore Social Morals," EIR, June 6, 2008.
[8] Since I have a large dose of English as much as French ancestry, those dating in America since about the middle of the Seventeenth Century, and a strong addition of Scottish from the middle of the Nineteenth Century, with a bit of Irish thrown in, I do admit a certain affection for the memories of those who were "left behind" on the old sod, so to speak.
[9] For me, the attributable interest of the British people lies not in plausible rumors of descent from Norman chivalry, but the cultural development, especially since the accession of Henry VII, of the great Renaissance Classical cultural upsurge from the Fifteenth Century, a culture to which the followers of the Winthrops and Mathers of the Plymouth settlement and the Massachusetts Bay colony, such as Benjamin Franklin, and the intellectual heirs of Gottfried Leibniz, have owed so much.
[10] It is notable that this assignment was made in 1763, following the 1759 publication of Smith's pathetic Theory of the Moral Sentiments, and preceding, by more than a dozen years, the outcome of Shelburne's assignment to Smith. Smith's explicitly anti-American tract of 1776, The Wealth of Nations, relied heavily on extensive plagiarisms taken from A.R.J. Turgot's Reflections on the Formation and Distribution of Wealth: a case of the disgusting pilfering of the supposed wisdom of the defective.
[11] H. Graham Lowry, How The Nation Was Won: America's Untold Story (Washington, D.C.: Executive Intelligence Review, 1988).
[12] Cf. Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Science & The Making of History, EIR, June 10, 2008. Abraham Gotthelf Kästner (1719-1800), a leading Eighteenth-Century mathematician and leading defender of the work of Gottfried Leibniz and Johann Sebastian Bach, was also the key figure in the European circle which reached out to assist Franklin, was also a key figure in the work of Gotthold Lessing et al. in reviving the life's work and tradition of William Shakespeare from Germany, and was the leading educator in mathematics and its history during that century. E.g., his Geschichte der Mathematik (1796), Reprinted: (Hildesheim-New York: Georg Olms Verlag: 1970). Unfortunately the preface added to this reprint edition includes a representation of Kästner's influence during the late Eighteenth Century, which is a typically fraudulent comment all too typical of late-20th-Century gossip respecting Kästner's rank among mathematicians of his own lifetime.
[13] While it was Lord Palmerston, the one-time sponsor of Britain's asset Karl Marx, who supervised these operations by himself and by his creation Napoleon III, the roots of that operation go back to 1782 with Lord Shelburne's launching of the British Foreign office, and the appointment of Shelburne's lackey Jeremy Bentham as the head of a Secret Committee which not only ran the Foreign Office from within, but sculpted the Bolivarian revolution in South America (as Simon Bolivar later personally denounced this), as an imperial anti-U.S.A. operation, and as Bentham had also created the Lord Palmerston who authored the launching of Britain's treasonous puppet, the Confederate States of America. Understand the strategic significance of the situation of the restoration of the legitimate Mexico government of President Benito Juarez through the U.S. victory over Britain's slaveholding, Confederacy puppet. The attribution of "fascist" to Maximillian's occupation of Mexico refers, historically, to the roots of synarchism imported from Napoleon III's France, and to the persistence of the synarchism which Maximilian bequeathed to his present-day admirers in Mexico, and to other parts of Ibero-America.
[14] Cf. Anton Chaitkin, Treason in America: From Aaron Burr to Averell Harriman (Washington, D.C.: Executive Intelligence Review, 1999).
[15] Ominously, for relevant theologians, the birth of Jesus of Nazareth coincides with the reign of Augustus Caesar, and his crucifixion was ordered by the authority of the Tiberius resident on Capri at that time. The execution was ordered by Tiberius' adopted family member Pontius Pilate. The Roman imperial mass-murderous persecution of Christians was at the order of the imperial successors of the Tiberius associated with the cult of Mithra's palace on Capri.
[16] Prince Philip's World Wildlife organization provides tokens in the form of stuffed vampire bats for those who support that association's work.
[17] This was an included subject of the author's elaboration of his notions of the evolving notions of money and commerce within the bounds of a science of physical economy, during the early to middle 1950s. The crucial feature of that period of ancient history, there, was the temporary decline of the use of parchment for writing contracts in trade, with a reversion to a system of cuneiform tablets which involved the placement of a title in an inner baked tablet, combined with a baked outer clay-tablet element. Unfortunately, Biblical archeologists exploring Mesopotamia during a relevant period, were too busy searching for the street address of Abraham in Ur, to concern themselves with decent treatment of the precious historical knowledge to be adduced from study of ancient cuneiform records. The use of parchment records for financial or kindred modes in transactions, is generally attributed to the influence of Tyre in commerce.
[18] This involved the curious evolution of the status of the cult of Mithra, within the Roman empire, that from the time of Octavian/Augustus Caesar's negotiations with the Mithra cult, on the Isle of Capri, onwards. Despite the Mithra cult's status as a protected cult of the Caesars, it was not accepted in the city of Rome until a later time.
[19] So, the appearance of magnetic levitation technology, to supersede friction-rail systems, and the present commitment to a Bering Straits link between Eurasia and the Americas, define a high-speed mass-transit medium of passengers and freight, world-wide, which outflanks air-transport of freight and of much passenger transport economically.
[20] Notably, for a United Kingdom freed of the encumbrance of its imperial parasites, both of these developments would be a great boon. Thus, most of the population of the United Kingdom is kept in reduced physical-economic and related conditions of life by nothing as much as the special greed of its imperialist classes. More on the important subject of this paragraph at a later point here.
[21] As, for example, Bal Gangadhar Tilak compares Vedic with European sources in his Orion, or Researches into the Antiquity of the Vedas (1893).
[22] We can not simply pass over the issue of crucial differences often arising between actually scientific method embedded in these immediate observations, and forms of scholarship which substitute interpretation of text per se for what should be recognized as the higher authority of physical-scientific methods which take into account the quality of considerations of principles of human mentation which I have emphasized here, as in related earlier literature. Scholars who lack that relevant kind of intellectual development which I emphasize should be ashamed of themselves.
[23] Notably, Britain's former Prime Minister Tony Blair has been, recently, the most notable offender on account of his service to the father of lies, in his fully witting promotion of the misguiding of the poor, credulous, and mean-spirited fool of a President in the White House, into a recently, prolonged, criminally stupid adventure in practice of evil, the war in Southwest Asia. On this account, among others, Blair's behavior was clearly Brutish, not Christian.
[24] E.g., analysis situs, expressed as the principle intrinsic to the Kepler-Leibniz notion of the ontologically (rather than spatially) infinitesimal.
[25] It is to be understood that the place of Leibniz's "pursuit of happiness," in the U.S. Declaration of Independence, is the principle of fundamental law which subsumes the fundamental principle of law permeating the design of the U.S. Federal Constitution, as in its Preamble.
[26] Note, as I have emphasized elsewhere, that President Roosevelt's design was intended to break up the British and like imperial arrangements, and terminate monetary systems of the Anglo-Dutch Liberal "monetarist" types, this as an indispensable part of eliminating the existence of bald colonialism and its approximations. On President Roosevelt's death, his successor and Winston Churchill sympathizer, President Harry S Truman, acted to assist the British empire in both restoring the Anglo-Dutch and related colonial systems which Roosevelt intended to eliminate, and adapting neo-colonialist arrangements to the proposal which Keynes had presented to the 1944 Bretton Woods meeting, an abandonment of President Roosevelt's design, in favor of adapting the post-war Bretton Woods system, internationally, to the Anglo-Dutch Liberal monetarist system, rather than a system of truly sovereign national currencies. The last significant effort to save the most essential elements of President Franklin Roosevelt's design, went down the shaft with the combined assassination of President John F. Kennedy and the fraudulent launching of what became the 1964-1975 warfare in Indo-China. The 1969-1981 administrations of Presidents Nixon, Ford, and Carter, eliminated all the most essential remaining traces of economic sanity from our national practice. After that, it was only a matter of the passage of time before the presently onrushing general collapse of the world financial system would be the fruit of what had been planted by the measures of the 1969-1981 interval.
[27] This was reflected in my use of the term "Dynamic Economic Methods," which I abbreviated to form the title "Dynemco" during the 1959-1962 interval.
[28] My uncertainty on this point was increased by the experience of a 1994 debate, in Moscow, with a subsequently deceased friend, Pobisk Kuznetsov, on the subject of "energy," in which Pobisk echoed an error, a defense of the reductionist misconception of energy by Clausius et al., from some of Vernadsky's arguments during the 1930s.
[29] The problem of representing the ontologically infinitesimal of a competent physical calculus, is the prototypical example of the relevant problem. See Riemann on this matter.
[30] Although this view of economics was already advanced, on the premises of Russell's Principia Mathematica, during the late 1930s, it was the war-time and post-war development of von Neumann's and Oskar Morgenstern's successive editions of The Theory of Games and Economic Behavior which sparked the related, radically positivist rampage in the field from the beginning of the post-war period.
[31] As the experience of our "melting pot" nation has demonstrated, it is not language as such which defines a sound national sovereignty, but a viable, and richly self-developing language-culture. It is the challenge of developing a common national culture through forcing this development through the exertion involved in stimulation of the varieties of language to a truly dynamic process of sharing a common culture. The uniqueness of the Preamble of our own Federal Constitution prescribes, and has demonstrated what is required. The cases of China and India today typify the relevant principled challenge to nation-building. The seemingly contradictory goals of unity of national purpose while preserving the legacy of the ironies located in language-customs, must be utilized, as we of the U.S. should have learned, and demonstrated for the edification of others. It is notable to include the plan for development of a China railway system by Sun Yat Sen.
[32] It is to be recognized that the take-down of the U.S. railway transport grid, in favor of substitution of highway and air transport, since the close of the 1939-1945 war, was a deliberate, pro-Malthusian swindle by the powerful Anglo-Dutch Liberal and allied financier monopolies, just as export of industrial and agricultural production to areas outside the U.S.A. and Europe, has effectively pauperized those sectors of the world, at an accelerating rate, especially since 1969. These are clearly pro-Malthusian measures in their intended effects.
[33] At my age of eighty-five, I am not awe-struck by contemplation of the lapse of a mere century.
[34] Let the currencies be pegged at fixed-rates, and allow the prices to float according to those standards of parity for the physical product.