LaRouche on Carter's Mid-East Policy
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
INGELHEIM AM RHEIN, GERMANY, Sept. 23—Since a long struggle with the awful legacy of his single term of office as U.S. President, Jimmy Carter has acted upon notable improvements in his political outlook, but not always.
For example, his suggestion that hostility to President Obama's health-care initiatives is motivated by racism, is utter nonsense. In fact, the reality is that the opposition is prompted by citizens' correct assumption that Obama intends to kill them in the same fashion that current British policy is already perpetrating mass murder of exactly the type which Obama has so far demanded.
Otherwise, while the former President has often played a useful part in addressing the conflicts within Britain's Sykes-Picot-controlled Middle East region, he, like many others, refuses to face the reality that the continuation of the Arab-Israeli conflict in its presently continuing form, is chiefly the result of the British monarchy's continued playing of both sides against one another. Until the British imperialist influence is kicked out of Asia, as also Africa, the idea that peace can be achieved through Britain's Arab and Israeli puppets-on-London's string, continues to be the source of the persisting sense of hopeless frustration among quarrelling, London-manipulated Arab factions on the one side, and chronically bellicose Israeli factions on the other.
In both matters, the former President, like many, many others, has substituted wishful fantasies akin to the tale of the Wizard of Oz, for the realities of the existing world.