Playing the Great End-Game
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
April 9, 2011
A. The fateful moment in modern history now approaches. It will come, one way or the other, soon.
The world has now come to the present, frazzled fag-end of Lord Jacob Rothschild's 1971 Inter-Alpha Group (of global banking notoriety). This defines, a situation which now closes in upon the greater part of the nations of the trans-Atlantic denomination. Thus, the British world empire itself, which lackey Lord Rothschild's concoctions now represent, has reached the point of rotten-ripe maturity, a point at which that set of what have already been classed, variously, in intention and effect, as those "bad banks" which are merely typified by the so-called "BRIC," "Euro," and U.S. Federal Reserve System, are each and all now past the putrid point of ripeness at which they are coming quickly into the condition that they were to be either fundamentally reformed to conform to a Glass-Steagall standard, or they will be hopelessly doomed to an early, rotting end.
As for the needed reforms themselves: unless the U.S. Glass-Steagall law of 1933 is re-introduced for the purpose of preventing such a presently menacing catastrophe, this breakdown would occur either by methods akin to the process which the Franco-British cabal used for the creation of the 1923 hyper-inflationary crash of the Weimar Republic, or, it must be said once again, we are to be rescued, if at all, by nothing other than the only visible alternative to be seen at this time, the return to a 1933 Glass-Steagall law.
B. The crucial fact here, is, that the rates of inflation built into the present U.S. Federal Reserve System (since what became the now obviously ruinous 1999, Gramm-Leach-Bliley repeal of the U.S. Glass-Steagall law, especially so since Summer 2007 through Autumn 2008), the BRIC (e.g., Brazil, Russia), and the Euro system, have, each and all, presently reached levels within the trans-Atlantic sector, levels which are being now compounded, in effect, as a process of hyper-inflationary acceleration, such that either a Glass-Steagall mode of reform takes over almost immediately, or the British imperial monetarist system will be impelled, out of a desperate attempt at virtually "last minute" self-defense, to detonate the explosive charge which the British monetarist interest has built up, intentionally, since the 1999 cancellation of the U.S. Glass-Steagall law.
The currently accelerating collapse of production within the trans-Atlantic regions, together with the collapse of the productively employed segment of the labor force, all combined with presently accelerating rates of financial inflation, define a presently, "exponentially" accelerating rate of inflation within the trans-Atlantic sector, over the span of the 2008-2011 interval. The point has been reached, now, that either the equivalent of President Franklin Roosevelt's 1933 Glass-Steagall law is applied to the scope of the principal components of that trans-Atlantic region, or an uncontrollable inflation, this on a global scale, strikes down the present world economic systems.
There are deeper reasons than most would suspect, for the unique potential of the Glass-Steagall principle in this present situation.
C. So, in summing up the leading facts of leading relevance, whichever of several potential options available are chosen, there is either the choice of Glass-Steagall, or, the alternative of a general breakdown crisis of the planet akin to that of Europe's 14th-Century "New Dark Age," a threat which is on the verge of being uncorked at this moment, as if in Fourteenth-century "Venetian style."
As I have just said, there are options for halting that collapse, but, for reasons I shall clarify within this present report, without a virtually immediate, U.S. re-enacting of the original 1933 Glass-Steagall law, the world at large is on the verge of a plunge into "new dark age" within this immediately present time-frame during the course of the weeks and months ahead. The present rates of acceleration of already zooming trends of hyperinflation, are not merely forecast events; they are already under way—unless we re-install the original 1933 U.S. Glass-Steagall law, and that virtually immediately.
Admittedly, that much said, the survival of civilization could probably not occur without the prompt ouster of U.S. President and British puppet Barack Obama, that done under the terms of Section 4 of the 25th Amendment of the U.S. Federal Constitution.
D. You, throughout this trans-Atlantic region, have no other chances than these presently aforesaid options.
Since there is no marginal room remaining for shilly-shallying on the urgent matter presently before us, I write the following prefatory remarks of general introduction, speaking with that rude directness which meets what these circumstances demand.
What has been, until now, the presently tolerated economic and social trend in both opinion and official policy-shaping, has the present characteristics of a hopeless one for mankind; but, despite that, the potential in the situation is not yet necessarily hopeless, otherwise. There remain some options, but only radical options, for a change in policy for the better, options which will be regarded by many, especially the nominally rich, as the sudden and, for them, unpalatably drastic actions needed to curb the principal causes of this danger.
It is certain, for example, that, unless President Obama is soon promptly removed from office, under the provisions of Section 4 of the 25th Amendment, that there is very little chance for the survival (include your own, personally) of the present organization of our United States; or, if chain-reaction factors are considered, there is not much hope for anywhere on this planet, the trans-Atlantic region of the planet most emphatically. Therefore, nothing less than very frank, summary, and painfully truthful language is urgently required for this occasion.
For example, failure to push the summary removal of President Obama, as under the provisions of Section 4 of the 25th Amendment of the U.S. Federal Constitution, would be a savagely tragic failure of political nerve with certain grave consequences, existential consequences which would not be seen as having been morally forgivable by sane future generations. No one in authority has the actually moral right to refuse to execute this proposed immediate action of reform by the present United States. The decision to be made is nothing other than to decide to save civilization, or to let it rot in Obama's disgusting embrace; there is no middle ground. It is time to abandon the mere shibboleths of politics, and, this time, try truth instead.
The Moral Form of the Crisis
Proceed now with the question: What is wrong in the relevant design of what has been, unfortunately, the presently widely accepted system among nations, especially since the ominous assassinations of President John F. Kennedy and his brother, that Robert who had become the prospective candidate for the 1968 election to the U.S. Presidency?
It must be taken into account, from review of the millennia of known trans-Atlantic history, that, up to the present day, the imperial systems of European civilization, have been lately dominated by policies which have been congruent with either what Philo of Alexandria denounced as the "God is dead" doctrine of both Aristotle and Friedrich Nietzsche, and, therefore, also Aristotle's follower Euclid, or society would be the likely victim of that revised version of the Aristotelean oligarchical principle which is provided by the Paolo Sarpi whose scheme gave birth to the morally depraved system of Adam Smith.
There will be strongly expressed objections to this treatment of Aristotle by me, objections to be expected from among certain religious and other influential circles; but, as in this instance, that which is not true must never be considered as being hallowed, especially when the failure to adopt the alternative is ruin. I mean such traditions as those, or kindred, systemic errors, which are akin to the form of error represented by Aristotle. These are errors which are deeply embedded in policies and practices among nations still today, which must be considered for reform as follows.
The Evil of Liberalism
Consider, foremost, the lies on which Liberalism, as defined by such as Sarpi and Adam Smith, depends. Think of fragments of conversation of the following general type.
"But, he feels that ..." "She feels offended by ..." "You hurt his feelings ..." "This would make him happy." Think of utterances of that form which, in each of those types of cases, is the argument premised on what is actually the irrationalism of "feeling," a motive which has been presented as an argument for condoning an opinion which is, in fact, contrary to truth, or, better named as "lies," or even a bloody crime against humanity. In other words, such beliefs, when they are successfully argued, constitute a practice of sophistry whose practice turns any body of law into a sea of moral depravity. Passion then colors argument in such a fashion, and to such a degree, that almost everything in such a society is already, almost axiomatically, a hardened lie even before it has been actually stated.
That is the result of the system of British Liberalism which was introduced to modern Europe by the evil Paolo Sarpi, and which was swallowed whole hog by the rotten little scamp known as Adam Smith. Such are the low moral standards set by a British conception of the matters of "morals and legislation" presented by that slippery scoundrel known as Lord Shelburne's chief political pimp (and top British spy-master for the newly-founded British Foreign Office) Jeremy Bentham, or the recent model for the current period of diplomacy recently, under the disgusting, notoriously lying practice of diplomacy by Tony Blair or his like.
In respect to the principal matter at hand in the argument to be considered in this present report, this situation reflects the essentially underlying nature of that echo of a systemically evil principle of monetarism, such as that which infects the customary transactions pertaining to the present day's ostensibly prevalent mode of attributing value to money.
This means that we must now reconsider retracing the idea of money from the vantage-point of identifying those social processes which have underlain the prevalent notion of money, as that notion might be compared with such relatively ancient cultural expressions as the use of the cuneiform as a form of accounting practices in Sumer and such related cases as may be found also in ancient Egypt. The manner in which Sumer declined from its relatively high moral character as a "bow tenure" culture, to degenerate into what is loosely referenced as "feudalistic" or "slave systems," prompts our attention to the generality of cases in which the notion of "a principle of money," reached the forms expressed by such cases as Babylon, the Achaemenid empire, and so on.
So, similarly, the most notable case for our references here, today, that of the reign of the maritime monetarist system of the Delphi Apollo Cult of Apollo-Dionysos, continues to typify the leading role of the maritime-based cultures of the Mediterranean in the form of what has continued to be the leading root-stock of European civilization from the rise and fall of ancient Greece, and of its successors.
The error to which I have just referred, is the monetarist principle which has continued to underlie all European systems and their extension since the time of the founding of the Roman Empire, which was founded in the course of the negotiations between the future Augustus Caesar and the cult of Mithra on the Isle of Capri. This has been perpetuated into the form of the present-day British empire, an empire which is to be recognized as the fourth stage of an imperial succession-in-principle since the founding of the Roman Empire on Capri.
The reference to that affair on the Isle of Capri, is indispensable for conceptualizing the root of the present world-wide crisis. Our necessary consideration of the subject-area of relatively well-known expressions of European civilization, compels us to reconsider the legacies, for both good and evil, in various expressions of globally extended European culture. We are obliged to focus attention on the most characteristic feature of what have been the typically reigning varieties of the political-economic systems extended to the planet by the majority among known European nations whose present existence continues to be premised on the root of a Roman imperial European model. The nature of the leading issues treated in this report, requires our attention to the subject of the inherent fraud inherent in the very idea of monetarism.
Continuing to write in rather plain words, the matter can be stated summarily as follows.
The presently reigning effect of monetarism within European civilization was institutionalized, and has been maintained, with some relatively brief interruptions, since Augustus Caesar's reign. It has been conducted throughout European history, and areas beyond, since the reign of Caesar Augustus, to the present reign of Britain's imperial Queen Elizabeth II.
However, the deeper root of the concept of modern imperialism in the Roman tradition, is located in certain pre-Roman developments, including what are classed as what still reign as reflections of outrageously mythical origins. Those conceptions, whether their origins may be, from case to case, partially mythical, or not, are the adopted root of the actual, deeply embedded, traditional conceptions which have defined Europe-centered imperialist forms of all actual monetarist systems dated since the time of the supranational role embodied in the ancient international banking center at the site of the Delphic cult of Apollo-Dionysos.
The Delphic Root of Modern Monetarism:
For as far back as even only the oldest presently living among us, what few today could possibly actually remember as having been such actual events, European culture has been dominated by the thematic implications of that exact-same conflict once presented as an already ancient precedent treated by the great Aeschylus in his Prometheus trilogy: the ostensibly mythical struggle between the worshipers of that virtual Satan known as the Olympian Zeus, and the Prometheus who suffered torture for the cause of justice for mankind.
Since then, the enemy of justice for mankind, has been actually typified by those, such as Aristotle, and such as the Paolo Sarpi who revised, without actually abandoning the core of Aristotle's original design, what has remained as being the doctrine of Plato's and Alexander the Great's arch-enemy, the notorious assassin-poisoner, Aristotle, who was charged with evidence of his being the author of one attempted assassination of Alexander, and what the known evidence had strongly suggested as a second such instance, the actual death of Alexander. Aristotle's presumed motives for killing Alexander were most numerous, including some of the same elements of motive for Aristotle's murderous hatred of Plato: there was never any principle of agreement between the latter two, or in Aristotle's hatred against Alexander.
So, the evil doctrine of a "tyranny of popular notions of pleasure and pain," the doctrine of the morally putrid Adam Smith, is to be traced as an official practice of states or cultures, to earlier times in the history of Europe, since the original cult of Delphi, and then still earlier. Adam Smith is to be known in the times of the British Empire as the pimp of that same Britain's Lord Shelburne who had carried forward the flag of the New Venetian Party's William of Orange. Thus, Shelburne worked to create, under his own leading, if hated influence, the actual British Empire launched against France and other victims of the Seven Years War, as settled at Paris, in February 1763. That empire, as actually established, thus, in Shelburne's time, has been the root of the greatest evils which the British empire has brought upon the world up to the present instant.
Perhaps you, too, might be among those misled into believing that Adolf Hitler was worse than the British monarchy, when Hitler was actually only a product and part of a still-ongoing project which has been created by the British monarchy? Despite floundering attempts at denial of such facts as the British use of Hitler, it was, in fact, the Bank of England which created the Hitler regime (with Wall Street complicity) and also the precedents for those actions which are knowable still today as the British-created Hitler regime's crimes against humanity, as being the fruit of policies which are still continuing such crimes in places such as on the continent of Africa today. George Soros' role as a British agent, illustrates that point.
Such is the tradition of that more recent British scheme which has been the base for the launching of the evil of Lord Rothschild's 1971 founding of the Inter-Alpha Group's actions, in launching the destruction and ruin of the U.S. fixed-exchange-rate system. Similarly, one must not forget, that it had been Prince Albert Edward (Edward VII) who organized, since no later than the early 1890s, what became an intermeshed series of what were defined by the British intention as the geopolitical warfare which has remained British imperial geopolitical warfare since the British Royal Family's success in orchestrating the ouster of Chancellor Bismarck from Germany in 1890 to the unnecessary such geopolitical warfare still ongoing at the present time.
From the standpoint of Britain as a nation of people, there is one reality, a human reality; for the British empire and the British monarchy's imperial tradition, there is the inhuman tradition of such as that of the William of Orange and the Lord Shelburne who are among the notable precedents in evil represented as similar afflictions today. The British monarchy's supporting, and, later, dumping of Hitler, were not matters of principle, but, for that empire, a momentary shift of conveniences among the pattern of shifting choices adopted by the empire as such.
Empires sometimes pretend to express national interests, but as the successive cases of Rome, Byzantium, the Crusader system under Venice, and the British empire today attest, the national emblem and trappings of empire may be changed, but the empire sees itself as an empire above all nations, and that as eternally so, just as Lord Shelburne did in his time.
It had been the combination of President Lincoln's victory over Lord Palmerston's Confederacy, as aggravated for the British empire's agents by the bringing of Germany's Chancellor Bismarck and other European leaders to adoption of the model of the U.S. trans-continental railway conception, which has been, for the British empire, the geopolitical issue of every imperial warfare and the like on this planet which has been practiced by the British empire from 1890 to the present day, including two "World Wars" and the installation of the pitiably wretched puppet, Barack Obama, as U.S. President, presently.
Such are the essentially plain, and authoritative facts of the case. There is much that must be explained, at a suitable length, here and now. Begin with the subject of those human beings who have not been degraded to the status of empiricist wind-up toys of the pleasure-pain mechanism.
I. About Human Beings
Even today, many among those politically minded bureaucrats nominally classed as among the scientists, seem, from appearances, to know almost nothing about the deep principles which actually distinguish the healthy expression of the development of a human being from the category of the beasts. This is not to overlook what actually qualified scientists often do accomplish; I am merely emphasizing that anyone who believes in a notion of sense-certainty, as the Sarpi/Adam Smith believers in the supreme authority of pleasure and pain do, would seldom even desire to know the actually essential distinction of the relevant, deeper powers of the human mind from the aptitudes of some talking variety of beast. Ironically, those who are essentially political figures sometimes do have those deeper mental powers within them, and, sometimes, do use them; but, usually, they lack an appropriate, actually working insight into the essential nature of even those creative powers which they might have been able to express, were they sufficiently thoughtful and courageous enough to be willing to do so.
Even a parrot might say that he is the emperor, but who ("in Hell") trained such a parrot to talk? Some kings, queens, and emperors sometimes talk, even utter decrees, in a like fashion—or, for example, produce the current babbling of a U.S. President Barack Obama.
Such is the characteristic mass-effect of that disease known as belief in "liberalism,"or other influences which operate to similar effect on this account.
The actual, which is to say "functional" distinction of the matured human personality from the categories of beasts and liberals, is the specific quality of those powers of mind unique to human beings' often neglected, higher cognitive potentials. The mental illness which is known as Paolo Sarpi's, Adam Smith's, and Jeremy Bentham's notion of "pleasure and pain," is a specific expression of that mental disorder known as modern "empiricism," or "liberalism," or the comparable precedents in the ancient dogma of Aristotle.
Science Against the Hoaxsters
The most relevant insights into the anti-scientific doctrines of the economists met among members of modern European cultures, are provided by exemplars of modern science such as the followers of the modern European Renaissance's Filippo Brunelleschi and Nicholas of Cusa, and in such among their heirs as Gottfried Leibniz, Bernhard Riemann, and V.I. Vernadsky (most notably for our purposes here). Riemann's 1854 habilitation dissertation provides the relevant illustration of this point; the work of Academician V.I. Vernadsky depends fundamentally on the precedent of the discoveries of Bernhard Riemann, but, in return, Vernadsky provides access to the substance on which the application of Riemann to a science of political-economy depends absolutely.
Most "politically correct" frauds encountered in the modern doctrine respecting this topical area of science and economy, are rooted in the intrinsically incompetent, a-priorist forms of faith in "sense certainty," as Riemann's dissertation diagnosed certain of the most essential incompetencies to be emphasized for correction. The conventional chatter about the importance of "the five senses," when contrasted with the content of Riemann's habilitation dissertation, illustrates the reductionist form of mental disorder under consideration at this point in the report.
The same type of mental disorder is expressed even among scientists, as that type of mental disorder illustrated by case of the loquacious talking parrot, or the cases of the career-minded opportunist's impassioned defense of Isaac Newton, against Kepler, respecting the principle of gravitation. Such career-minded opportunism has often revealed a crippling misuse of the mental powers among even what would often be qualified scientists otherwise.
Take as illustration, the case of the Isaac Newton whose fame rests upon his actually having discovered nothing at all, but, whose attributed scientific discoveries uttered have all been exposed as hoaxes. That clarification was accomplished, as by the Ecole Polytechnique and Carl F. Gauss, usually by a time early during the Nineteenth Century, and exposed as hoaxes by means of conclusive experimental demonstrations, as had been done earlier by Gottfried Leibniz and the Ecole Polytechnique. Or, take the related, but contrary case of the hoaxes of Charles Darwin. Similarly, most of the world's leading political opportunists of late have tended in the direction of the "talking parrot" syndrome. U.S. President Barack Obama is a case in point, a case which may be used to show that even the loquacity of some parrot's maliciousness does not actually earn that parrot an award for human intelligence.
Among the most important of the pathological effects of persisting, widespread faith in sense-certainty, is that shown in the emotional attachments of the victims of such beliefs. For example, contrast Riemann's repeated emphasis, as in his habilitation dissertation, on the way in which the crucial ontological issue of physical science is posed in the closing section of his crucial 1854 habilitation dissertation. The subsequently increasing emphasis, in experimental physical science, on "artificial" powers of sense-perception, such as those of scientific instruments, now shows, proudly, boldly, and widely, the degree to which the continuing flood of modern scientific instruments has superseded the ordinary faculties of sense-perception as such, as this has been illustrated, in respect to, as Riemann emphasized, the very large and the very small. Or, consider the manner in which Riemann has emphasized in the closing sentence of his habilitation dissertation, the emphasis on the importance of departing the domain of the merely mathematicians, as a prerequisite for the successful entry into the appropriate fundamentals of the domain of experimental physical science.
The problem for which Riemann's habilitation dissertation is most emphatically the essential remedy, is his "casting out of the devils" of apriorist forms of credulous confidence in sundry varieties of what is to be catalogued as sense-certainty. As Johannes Kepler had already demonstrated, as in his The Harmonies of the Worlds (1619), the discovery of the principle of universal gravitation demonstrates that a principle of gravitation could be adduced for discovery only through contrasting, ontologically, the distinction of the sense perception of vision from that of harmonics.
No true physical principle could be competently adduced from a mathematical-physics of bald sense-perception as such; any true principle of physical science is located in none among the presumably lawful qualities of sense-perception or the like. The subject of true human reason exists only as manifestly physical effects which have been prompted from outside the bounds of mere sense-perceptual powers as such.[1]
Thus, the particular quality of mental disease common to truly believing mathematicians, as Riemann emphasized this, as among other locations shared with such as Lejeune Dirichlet, and with Riemann's followers of the celebrated Italian school, is that an a-priori mathematical formalism must give way to the conclusive evidence that fools such as Aristotle, or Aristotle's followers in this, as also "environmentalist" and other varieties of existentialist followers of the Friedrich Nietzsche of "God is dead" notoriety, do not believe in the existence of a principle of ongoing creation. Philo of Alexandria rightly and roundly denounced Aristotle on this specific account, and as such epigoni of Nietzsche as Werner Sombart and Joseph Schumpeter continued that fascist tradition of Nietzsche's followers.
Thus, to supply the relevant point of contrast, the victims of the reductionist delusions of sense-certainty, follow Aristotle and Euclid in denying the existence of an actually efficient physical universe, but, in attempting to replace that universe, treat what are actually a subject of cognitively blind powers of the presumed certainties of sense-perception, as a defense of the ontological absurdity of pretending to elucidate the entirety of creation from the supposedly magical, a-priori powers of a system of Euclid-like, a-priorist dots and lines.
On this account, all competent modern physical science, including any competent science of economy, must be derived from the premises chosen by Nicholas of Cusa in his De Docta Ignorantia.[2] In this, and all other actually relevant cases, any actually competent scientific standpoint is lodged, essentially, in the discovery of a higher domain of the real universe in respect to which sense-certainties are merely the shadows cast by reality upon the domain of sense-perception.
In this case, the scientist's discovery of the efficiency of a universal physical principle which is lodged, in the creative powers of the individual human mind, is the point of origin for reference to those powers by means of which the individual creative scientist adduces a principle which then serves as a new quality of power gained by the human mind of the individual and that individual's society. The same principle is expressed in the domain of Classical artistic composition. In both examples, true science, and truly Classical artistic composition, the principle of metaphor prevails over the naive crudeness of bald sense-certainty.
Thus, modern existentialism has destroyed much of the native creative potential of the mind of a great part of more than two generations of trans-Atlantic cultures to present date. Hence, we have the contemporary popularity of that quality of depravity typified by a form of perversion known as the contemporary existentialism which was fostered by the 1950 launching of the European Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF).
It is typical on this account, that the successful pursuit of modern microphysics and astrophysics have been led presently into domains beyond the bounds of what Riemann's habilitation dissertation had labeled those very large and very small extensions which reach, in fact, beyond the powers of raw sense-perception. Thus, the crafting of the mathematical appreciation of the extents of astrophysics and microphysics far beyond the reach of sense-perception, have revealed to the sentient modern thinker the proof that the reality attributable to the evidence of sense-perceptions is merely shadows cast by a reality which exists, ontologically, only beyond the reach of sense-perception as such, rather than representing eternal verities of any reality.
It is those creative powers of the human mind which discover and enable the crafting of the qualities of instruments which enable us to extend our reach into a larger apprehension of the universe. Such is the necessary definition of human practical knowledge of reality, and, therefore the basis for a human being's achievement of self-knowledge of a real place in the real universe, a place which exists only beyond those sometimes useful fantasies we know as sense-perception.
Thus, the crucial issue is expressed as the relationship among, and the distinction between human sense-perceptions and universal physical principles, as Riemann's work did so much to clarify the latter aspect of the matter. Such is the case for any competent insights into the actual principles of economy.
Therefore, what are those principles?
II. The Power of the Human Mind
Now, we have arrived at the crucial point at issue here, The principal source of the failures of both economists, accountants, and also governments in the matters of economy, is their attachment to the poisonous delusion that knowledge of the ability to define and manage an economy can be found within the domain of belief in a primacy assigned to sense-perception as the root-basis for human knowledge. The adoption of the notion of a monetary value as a standard for measurements in economy, is the hoax which leads to all principal root-types of failures in the domain of economy.
Monetarism is the essential ingredient of all European forms of economic doctrine for practice, excepting the U.S. constitutional model whose relevant precedent lay in the original Massachusetts Bay Colony, prior to the loss of the original charter. The creation of the U.S. Federal Constitution, which was effected by means of a crucial contribution of Alexander Hamilton, was a realization of the same principle enjoyed by the original Massachusetts Bay Colony prior to the relevant rampages of England's James II and the New Venetian Party's William of Orange.
Thus, the most crucial of the destructive actions launched in the effort to destroy our United States since the death of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, have been the step by step efforts launched under Winston Churchill's puppet, Harry S Truman, to destroy, bit by bit, the sense of the U.S. Constitutional principle which had been upheld under President Franklin Roosevelt.
For an understanding of the difference between a credit system, such as that practiced under the original charter of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, and under the U.S. Federal Constitution, we must look to the work of a leading figure of the Fifteenth-century great ecumenical Council of Florence, Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa. It was Cusa who led in recognizing that European culture had slipped into a period of oncoming, self-inflicted doom, and who had projected the need for trans-oceanic settlements as a means of restoring civilization during some future time in the course of the oncoming crisis of Europe's "Old World."
The first voyage of Christopher Columbus across the Atlantic, had been explicitly motivated by Columbus's knowledge of Cusa's prescription. Unfortunately, the political-rape-by-marriage practices of the Habsburg dynasty, placed the Iberian colonization in the Americas under the tyranny of the Habsburg system's predatory practices of the period of the 1492-1648 interval of religious warfare. Thus, the founding of the combined efforts of the Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay colonies were the first durable efforts at establishing within the Americas a system of self-government freed of the habituated oligarchical-imperialist depravities of "Old Europe." The intended destruction of the North American colonies, and, then, the United States itself, has been an expression of the continuation of the Roman imperial tradition on which the monetarist systems of Europe have been grounded since the Isle of Capri to the present day.
There could be no competent economic science in the world today which did not reflect that principle of a "credit system," which is the constitutional basis for the existence of the United States, despite all the evil influences of the British empire's Wall Street branch and the like, rather than an intrinsically monetarist system.
All of the significant failures of the economic systems of Europe, and in the United States itself, have been the products of the influence of the specifically Anglo-Dutch, "New Venetian" imperial monetarism which has dominated Europe since the 1649 outcome of the monstrous wave of European religious warfare of 1492-1648, the outcome whose most appropriate technical term is "the Fourth Roman Empire" under the Anglo-Dutch monarchy of "The New Venetian Party" of William of Orange.
The root of this modern European affliction of the planet must be traced significantly to the imperial systems of "Old Asia," which have been superseded by the maritime form of such an imperialism which emerged within the Mediterranean in the wake of the Peloponnesian and Persian wars, as what became the first Roman Empire. The hegemony of that same monetarism which was once worshipped in practice at the site of the Delphi cult of Apollo-Dionysus, persists today as the marker of the principal, pro-imperialist systems of economy throughout the world at large presently.
The meaning of that system of what became known as European maritime forms of global imperialism, is what has dominated the practice of economy among the nations dominated by this system, to the present date.
Essentially the notion of a monetarist system of value has absolutely no connection in principle with a credit system akin to that launched within the Massachusetts Bay Colony and by the role of Alexander Hamilton and his associates in crafting the central principle of the U.S. Federal Constitution expressed as a system of government as designed within the parameters of that Constitution's Preamble.
I have been forecasting general trends and developments of U.S. and some other national economiesb, in the field of practice of what is defined as "physical economy," for the greatest part of my life, from my first formal forecast, launched in the late Summer of 1956 to the present day. Insofar as I have claimed to have delivered such a type of forecast, I have never erred in any claims in this category of physical science, whereas, all those who might be classed as my "rivals" in this field of practice, have not only failed, but continue to blunder, and, that, for the most part awfully, over that entire span to date.
Once I had recognized the intrinsic error of the monetarist principle, a recognition which was rooted in my rejection of the inherent, a-priorist fraud systemically embedded in a quasi-Aristotelean notion of geometry, my systemic rejection of such a fraudulent notion of geometry, led, phase by phase, into my early 1950s adoption of certain essential principles of Bernhard Riemann's 1854 habilitation dissertation. Initially, as Riemann opened his dissertation with exactly that crucially important point, the effect was my recognition that we must reject the notion of a physical science rooted in an a-priorist geometry of a Euclidean or quasi-Euclidean type, in favor of a notion of mathematics as an instrument controlled by physical principles, rather than merely mathematical ones. All of the essentials of this standpoint were waiting for my deeper appreciation of that fact, an appreciation which was expressed by me in the notion of a science of physical economy.
On that account, Riemann's 1854 habilitation dissertation resonates as essential, to the present day.
There has been one, and only one, most essential change from Riemann's original outlook on this account. That essential change has been provided by the achievements of Academician V.I. Vernadsky's defining the universe as composed of the interaction of the Lithosphere, Biosphere, and Noösphere, to form the kernel of a universal physical system. Even that depended absolutely on the content of the concluding section of Riemann's habilitation dissertation: we must depart the domain of mathematics, for that of physical science. Mathematics must, therefore, be redefined as the product of a higher form of physics.
That higher physics is to be recognized from what is rooted in the relevant Classical Greek sources, and thence, by the revolution led by Nicholas of Cusa's De Docta Ignorantia, by such successors of Cusa as Leonardo da Vinci, Johannes Kepler, and Gottfried Leibniz, by Leibniz's Abraham Kästner, and (from behind a certain cloak) Carl F. Gauss, Alexander von Humbolt's selection of Lejeune Dirichlet, and by Dirichlet's sometime student and successor, Bernhard Riemann.
What was actually accomplished by Riemann, as in arguments presented in the closing, third section of his 1854 habilitation dissertation, was to present a rigorously defined case for the development of a physical science superior to mathematics, by identifying the actual physical-spatial states of existence whose role Riemann had required as this was expressed in the proverbial "full body" of the 1854 habilitation dissertation. V.I. Vernadsky's work fulfilled the notion of the required "fuller body."
As the outcome of the radiated intellectual effects of Vernadsky's own achievements, we are now compelled, as such as Max Planck and Albert Einstein would have agreed, to locate physical science's primary subject-matter in a universal system of cosmic radiation which excludes the existence of the old notions of space, time, and matter. There exists no known "empty space" to be traversed.
The issue so posed can be defined most simply and clearly by my standpoint in a science of physical economy. Now proceed from those points on background, always keeping in mind the essential features of Riemann's habilitation dissertation, from opening to close. Now, as a matter of preparing for attention to economic practice as such, look at the human mind on which the competence of that practice depends.
The Illusion Called Sense-Perception
We continue, for the moment, within the bounds of the subject of Riemannian physical science. There is a particular subject which remains to be identified and settled before we turn to the subject of this report as a whole.
The chief impediment to competent thought among persons who are not demented by insanity or by pathetic degrees of lack of development, is the problem represented by impassioned belief in what is often termed as "sense-certainty." The problem so outlined is not that the sense-perceptions themselves are not reliable instruments; the problem is that they are merely instruments, rather than being a direct representation of reality. The more or less deadly error to be considered on that account, is the error of presuming that those sense-perceptual experiences are uniquely explicit representations of the reality to which the human mind should submit itself as if in "blind faith."
In truth, sense-perceptions are merely footprints left behind by a passing, unseen foot. Consider the celebrated case of Helen Keller, who struggled to discover the world she inhabited, but without the use of a normally adequate sensory knowledge of those experiences she came to know as real. Perhaps the most useful way to describe this paradox, is to examine the role of those scientific instruments on which we rely to define a principle of action which can not, in and of itself, be experienced as in one-for-one correspondence to a standard sort of sense-perception.
That paradoxical question, impels us to distance ourselves from the mere passions of sense-perceptual experience, to adduce a knowledgeable experience of the human mind itself. This improved point of view is the standard to be employed in defining the mentally health state of the matured adult mind. The mind must interpret those effects which are mere shadows cast by reality, shadows called "sense perceptions," by aid of which the mind is enabled to create a true image of reality, but an image of reality which is not merely a copy of sense-perception as such.
Among people of adequately cultivated intellect, this superior view of the meaning of sensory experiences should be classed as virtually "second nature," as a qualified scientist experiences the discovery and repeated use of a discovery of principle, a discovery which is never a mere sense-perception in and of itself. Lack of the capacity to rise above bare sense-perception as such, results in behavior which may be considered as even criminal when it is expressed by adults.
What the sane, and actually intelligent quality of human mind experiences, is a mental outlook in which sense-perceptions are regarded as shadows cast by an unsensed principle of action within that real universe which exists outside the raw experience of sense-perceptions. Such is the distinction between an adult person whose development is actually one of a sane personality, and the childishly simple-minded person whose identity is represented by raw outbursts of what is fairly described as brutish passions which are premised upon the triggers of sense-perception as such.
It is of clinical interest, at this point of our account, to take note of the fact, that much of the behavior among human individuals is of a "mixed character" on this account: sometimes elegant, but sometimes brutishly bestial-like.
When we reflect on the characteristics of sundry cultures, or varieties of cultures, the typically British mentality's pathologies come to mind. The most relevant such cases for our consideration here, are those which coincide with the doctrines of "common sense" associated with victims of indoctrination into the pathological British type of "sense-certainty-polluted" followers of the pleasure-pain doctrine of Adam Smith, or the really filthy version of the same proffered by Jeremy Bentham. These types may appear to be conscientiously human in some settings, but are bestial in the generally brutish character of the type considered as a whole. In effect, the typical "Brit" is "brain-washed," sometimes almost a zombie, in this specific sense of the matter. They have a "code," as in the likeness of the behavior of a programmed machine, but are rarely controlled by an actually human quality of conscience. Even the adult of that species, exhibits patterns of behavior which one late British figure identified as the "neotonous" degeneration of the member of a species into a qualitatively inferior species-like existence and behavior.
The protection of society from such pathologically "neotonous" manifestations, requires a maturing of culture in the adult state of humanity which is freed from the "pleasure-pain" mechanisms inherent in the currently prescribed British Liberal ideology.
What Is the Mind?
A sizeable ration of notable professionals in economy have been personally competent in many other aspects of their work, despite the failures of their methods in the field of national-economic, and related forecasting. In many cases, leading names in economic forecasting have simply been charlatans, whose role in such matters is of a character close to the category of political "court jester" working to entertain those, either themselves or others, or even both, who richly deserve to be fooled.
Many of those are simply charlatans. More of them are simply fools who seek to earn an income and perhaps a bit of academic or other sorts of prestige. However, once considerations such as those have been taken duly into account, the proverbial "bottom line" is that they are simply dupes, usually of the variety classed under the heading of "singing for their suppers."
The root of the relevant failures is the practice of walking the streets of the political-academic "red light district" in the desperate hope of a tawdry bit of prestige and financial rewards. The wild-eyed devotion to "statistical methods," is a customary root of their incompetence.
What I have just stated in this chapter thus far, is intended to clear away the noxious underbrush; that much said on topics such as those, we are now freed to concentrate on serious matters of relevant science. This brings us to the corrupting influence of statistical methods in economics and physical science.
The trouble with so-called "statistics," and "mathematical economics" generally, is, essentially, that, as I have repeated this above, no true physical principle could be adduced from mathematics as such. This fact should be recognized as being inevitable, as soon as one realizes that what is considered the evidence of sense-perceptions, are nothing other than the footprints of an invisible foot. As for the notorious "five senses," this is most often a belief which is deployed to befuddle the believer. All of the most crucial of the fallacies of prevalent notions of economy and economic forecasting, are rooted in widespread academic and other sources of confusion of these points.
That much said, now turn to the crucial issue of economics today.
The Fraud of British Economy
Once we have taken under serious consideration, the subject of the role of an internationalized monetarist system in the "brainwashing" of the minds of the citizens of those sundry nations, we come to realize that it is the entire, international system which is the big lie, the essential corruption. It is through the regulation of those notions of relative value by which the population, and its respective component parts are controlled, that international imperialist practice depends upon playing the economies and perceptions within and among the respective nations, and other expressions of social sub-organizations, through the system of prices, on which imperial control over groups of social sections within and among economies depends.
Take the case of the effect of the "runaway shop" policy introduced to the United States within the early decades of the post-World War II period.
Within the United States itself, the policy which is lately called Schumpeter's fascist system of "creative destruction," as applied to shifting employment from regions of higher cultural development and skills, to regions of cheaper labor, the so-called "runaway shop" tactic, brought down the standard of living and per-capita physical productivity of the United States economy considered as a unified whole
Within the western hemisphere, the same practice, as emphasized within the U.S.A. during the 1950s, was extended to the regions within the Western Hemisphere. In these processes, both within the post-World War II USA and then within the hemisphere, the level of intellectual development and well-being of successive generations underwent overall, generally accelerating rates of decline in both intellectual cultural potential and productivity, always using cheapening of labor and its households, down, down, down, in the continuation of this process
Meanwhile, nations below the U.S. border pled for the opportunity to undergo successive stages of rot fostered by the desperate need for pennies which replaced payment in worthwhile dollars.
The same is done with the British imperial looting of all Africa in a similar, usually even more extreme form. Africans butcher one another in a zealous search for pennies, while the British and even UNO measures accelerate the process of mass-murderous brutalization. Such is the essence of British morality.
There is nothing intrinsically new in those criminal practices of leading nations and regions of the world. This is the same old oligarchical system prescribed under the reign of what is recalled by Nietzschean, existentialist passions today, as the practices of the ancient Delphi cult of Apollo-Dionysus. The prevailing system of rule over the world as a whole today, is the same cult-rule by the oligarchical principle of the social order within society which Aeschylus had portrayed in his Prometheus Trilogy.
In brief, the world has not yet grown up to a civilized system of relations among and within nations. The persistence of the Roman Empire, up to the point of the British system which is destroying our United States today with the assistance of its puppet Barack Obama, is a new page in a seemingly endless old story.
This state of affairs, has been ultimately extended in one form of expression, or another, over known thousands of years, especially as the Roman empire repeatedly reincarnated into the form of the British empire of today.
Only the induced brutishness of the promoted culture as typified by the trans-Atlantic region, could have permitted the British empire and its paradigm to exist still today. We the people become, thus, the slaves of our self-corruption. The fact of the successive U.S. Presidencies of George W. Bush, Jr. and Barack Obama attests to the corruption within our population at large, as much as leading institutions, which have permitted this development to have occurred.
III. The Remedy for These Evils
At this point, it will be convenient for both of us, to acknowledge essential points of argument which I have made so frequently in what I have published in recently earlier times, that it is not appropriate to repeat such well-known, frequently presented points again, here. The concluding point to be made must be proffered.
There is no actual principle of nature corresponding to the fraudulent assertion of the existence of a Second Law of Thermodynamics. The record of the successions of species, and of the transformations of the galaxy, our Solar System, and our planet over millions of years of relevant accumulation of factual physical evidence has shown that the existence of Earth, and the ordering of the successions of living species and the pre-conditions for existence of successively more advanced states of existence of species, rids us of any obligation to even tolerate the assertion of "Second Law of Thermodynamics." The general trend in the known universe, is anti-entropic in general direction.
However, ridding ourselves of the fraud of a "Second Law of Thermodynamics," does not rid us of the notion of an underlying developmental principle. The problem is, that the universe is running ahead, and that our existence depends upon our combined ability and devotion to overtake that development. We exist amid a plethora of "red shift" surroundings wherever we exist; progress, or die.
It is on precisely that account, that mankind must, most urgently, bring to an end the reign of that oligarchical principle whose expression is presently centered in the power exerted by the British empire. The great fraud which has been perpetrated by President Barack Obama, in denying that earthquakes are forecastable by civilized mankind, illustrates the explicitly Satanic quality of the policy-trends and perspectives proffered by this President.
First, we must, at minimum, learn to live with the advancing quality of challenges confronting our present and future within the vicinity of our galaxy now. This means that we must control our influence over the net effect of the conditions for life of mankind, and, hopefully, acquire those rates of man's command of forces orders of magnitude more powerful than we possess in sight today. As we approach the ominous point of a 62-millions-year cycle within the galaxy which we inhabit, our present knowledge of what brought down entire sets of species in the past, but also brought new, often higher species must provoke us into accepting nothing less than that increase of mankind's power to exist, per capita and per square kilometer of Earthly surface.
We are already familiar with those conceptions of usable powers which are of orders of magnitude greater than any presently in human use. We know that mankind has made great leaps forward and upward of a comparable nature in the course of the scientific and technological progress of human society. We know that halting progress of that sort, would doom the entirety of mankind.
During the decades since the assassinations of U.S. President John F. Kennedy and his brother who should have been elected as President, the British oligarchical circles which have taken over control of our nation, increasingly, since the 1968-1971 interval, have sent the condition of humanity on this planet, especially the trans-Atlantic region, backwards, and at an accelerating rate. The generations which have come into power since the assassinations of the two Kennedys, have been "degenerations" in effect as whole populations. This decline in culture, as hall-marked by the 1950 launching of the depraved Congress for Culture Freedom in Europe, and the subsequent "68er" phenomenon, have taken mankind backward to a presently horrifying degree.
The time has come for a willful, sweeping change in all that, or, else, it might be that humanity, like the people of the fabled Cities of the Plain, have already lost the fitness for survival. If you accept that latter destiny, humanity's survival were not possible.
[1] Consider the comparable precedent of Filippo Brunelleschi's uniquely original discovery of the role of the catenary as expressing a physical principle, in its part as an essential feature of his success in crafting the cupola of the Florence Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore. Consider Nicholas of Cusa's De Docta Ignorantia in this same light.
[2] Much of the modern knowledge of the leading role of Cusa in the founding of a competent modern physical science has been a benefit of the profound and wide-ranging efforts of the Cusanus Gesellschaft's Father Rudolf Haubst, for which my wife and I are deeply indebted.