'Maritornes' Synarchists
Lash Out at LaRouche
by Gretchen SmallU.S. Presidential candidate Lyndon LaRouche's August 2003 exposure of the international terrorist threat represented by the efforts of former Franco official Blas Piñar of Spain, and others, to revive a new fascist international, has drawn blood. These fascist networks, who prefer to operate in secrecy, behind the scenes, have been forced out into the daylight, making the mistake of launching an open attack on LaRouche.
EIR documented the nature and character of this active fascist threat, which had otherwise gone undetected internationally, in its Aug. 22 issue. Drawing on the work of a team of EIR investigators in several countries, EIR identified how a revamped fascist international apparatus in continental Europe—with prominent extensions into Argentina, Mexico, and Venezuela, as beachheads for the Americas—was set into motion at a Nov. 16-17, 2002 meeting in Madrid, organized by Piñar's Fuerza Nueva and the Spanish Falange. Among the leading figures attending that meeting were well-known terrorist Roberto Fiore, of Italy's neo-fascist Forza Nuova party; representatives of France's xenophobic and racist National Front party, of Jean Marie Le Pen; and former Army captain Gustavo Breide Obeid, from the Argentine Popular Party for Reconstruction. These networks, combined, represent a capability for right and left terrorism, which could be used by the Synarchist forces controlling Vice President Dick Cheney, to provide a "Hispanic" cover for a new Sept. 11-style terror attack, LaRouche warned.
Included in that exposé, was a background piece on the Argentine-Spanish magazine Maritornes, which these fascist networks launched a year earlier, as part of the effort to prepare the environment for the new fascist international. EIR's article unmasked the underlying historical and philosophical axioms driving this movement, and called attention to the fact that they, themselves, chose to give themselves the name of a tavern whore, Maritornes, from Miguel Cervantes's immortal Don Quijote.
Unwilling, or unable, to respond to the exposé of the terrorist capability represented by the grouping, Argentine networks associated with the fascist project lashed out at the attention drawn to their magazine, Maritornes. Víctor Eduardo Ordóñez, editor of the first issue of the magazine (and a longtime associate of one of the more incoherent of the self-proclaimed Maritorneses, Antonio Caponnetto), sent a furious open letter to the Schiller Institute, attacking LaRouche, and the American System principles he represents, with an implicit threat to LaRouche and his United States included.
Given the significance of the exchange for international security matters, we here print the revealing Ordóñez letter, LaRouche's response to that letter, and for the reader's background, the article on Maritornes which purportedly set off Ordóñez, et al.