LaRouche to Bush on Madrid Bombs:
`Don't Make a Furor,
Get the Intelligence'
by Jeffrey SteinbergDemocratic Presidential candidate Lyndon LaRouche issued a statement on March 11 after being briefed on the bombings in Madrid that morning, which had claimed at least 190 lives, and left 1,500 people injured. A total of ten bombs detonated simultaneously aboard three trains at the Madrid train station and along local commuter lines during the morning rush hour. Three additional bombs, set to explode a short time later in the midst of rescue efforts, were found and defused.
LaRouche commented: "The recent atrocities in Spain remind me of the Bologna train station bombing of 1980. I am not surprised at this act of brutal terrorism. As a leading U.S.A. public figure, I present the following precise assessment to the government and to the Democratic Party.
"I warned of precisely this kind of development in August of last year, following statements, issued by Vice President Dick Cheney, in which he referenced new terrorist threats to the United States. I stated at the time that it was crucial to look at the Spanish-speaking side of the international Synarchist apparatus. I pointed to Italian, French, Spanish, and South and Central American networks targetting the United States. These networks were activated along the lines of Samuel Huntington's new Clash of Civilizations efforts, aimed at provoking confrontation between the U.S.A. and the Hispanic population of the Americas and the Iberian peninsula.
"In this context, I appeal to President Bush: Do not—I repeat, do not—trigger some crazy furor over the events in Madrid. Instead, get on to the intelligence. We know where these terrorist attacks are coming from. Start with the international Synarchists, the international friends of the granddaughter of Mussolini—in Italy, France, Spain, and the Americas. Don't let it happen again."
LaRouche's August 2003 Warning
On July 24, 2003, Vice President Dick Cheney delivered a speech at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, D.C., promoting the Bush Administration's doctrine of preventive war on terrorism. He virtually promised that the United States would again be subject to catastrophic terrorist attacks, perhaps involving the use of weapons of mass destruction provided to terrorist organizations by "rogue states," such as the Afghanistan and Iraq, that had already been militarily attacked and occupied as the first two "battles" of Cheney's war on terrorism.
In response to the Cheney speech, as well as a recently-detected pattern of reactivation of European and Americas-based Synarchist terrorist networks, LaRouche issued an Aug. 9 memorandum, which circulated throughout the United States in multi-million copies, under the headline, "When Cheney Spoke of Terrorism: Which Terrorists, Dick?" The memo explained what LaRouche meant by the current upsurge in right-wing Synarchist terrorism, and how it might be exploited by Cheney and his neo-conservative allies in and around the Bush Administration.
LaRouche noted that Cheney had emerged, since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, as the most powerful figure in the Bush Administration, and that part of his expanded "Presidential" portfolio was the counter-terrorism policy. "Now," LaRouche wrote, "speaking from that position, he has promised an early terrorist attack on the U.S.A., comparable in political effect to that of Sept. 11, 2001. He does so at a time when his own failing political position requires some lucky such event to put him firmly back in the position he had prior to the recent developments in the Iraq war. He claims to be the expert in such matters. Is he bluffing, or do his advisors know something relevant? Are there any relevant kinds of possible terrorist attacks on the horizon? As, now, the myth of the Arab origin of 9/11 is in the process of becoming buried under a pile of fake yellowcake; what other alternatives exist?
"I know," LaRouche continued, "of two cases which would fit Cheney's requirements. One is typified by the formally deniable capabilities of Pollard Affair star and fugitive Rafi Eitan, currently a subject of concern for both relevant Israeli and U.S. circles. The Israeli fascist circles are masters of disguise. The second, is defined by the cover recently assembled under Spain's leading fascist figure, Blas Piñar. Assess the potential for a relevant type of 9/11-like attack on the U.S. which would be traceable to Blas Piñar, as 9/11 was traced to Arabs. Blas Piñar's current regrouping of international Synarchist forces does contain elements which fit the I.D. of the principal terrorist organizations deployed inside western Europe during the 1970s, in incidents such as the Bologna railway-station bombing and the kidnapping-murder of the Italian leader personally threatened by Henry Kissinger (during a Washington, D.C. meeting), Aldo Moro. These are Synarchist groups whose penetration of Mexico and other parts of the Americas was coordinated, during the 1930s, from Germany, via Spain, by Adolf Hitler's Nazi Party offices in Berlin. They exist, actively, still today."
LaRouche elaborated, "The most significant aspect of the new international regroupment under former Franco official Blas Piñar, is that it is muscular, but of an intrinsically 'mayfly' kind of political-operational potential. It is composed, inclusively, and significantly, of small but muscular groups representing a continuation of those which were used as cover for international terrorist operations in 1970s Europe. Through Blas Piñar's recent action, there are presently ideal instruments for covering terrorist operations run against the internal U.S.A. through South and Central America. Muscular mayfly associations of international Synarchist profiles are, by their very existence, among the most likely sources of international terrorist actions; otherwise, they, like mayflies, die soon."
LaRouche warned: "Think of the effect of a terrorist attack on the U.S.A., comparable in psychological effect to 9/11, but blamed, this time, on Hispanic, rather than Arab populations! Think of the great benefit of that for resuscitating Cheney's re-election prospects!"
A Clear Remedy
LaRouche next turned to the issue of how to respond to such a new terrorist threat of an "Hispanic 9/11": "How should we deal with this? Let us not be stupid again. The methods of Straussians such as Ashcroft and Cheney only make bad matters worse. Use intelligent political methods; expose the Synarchist International. Let people learn from the 1920-1945 wars in Europe, and Nazi subversion of South and Central America, how President Franklin Roosevelt and his leadership dealt politically with such threats. Expose Synarchism for what it actually is. Strip it of toleration by governments and churches, and send quietly waiting counter-intelligence bushes into position, to catch them if they try to move in relevant directions. To make populations as well as leading institutions alert to existing dangers, is the first line of defensive counterintelligence against such dangers. The U.S. has the professional capability for its part in such precautions, were the interference of Cheney's neo-conservative crowd to be removed."
The documentation that accompanied LaRouche's warning, in EIR, Aug. 22, 2003 and in two other dossiers on the same Synarchist terror capability ("Maritornes: New Fascist Threat in Old Bottles," EIR, Jan. 9, 2004, and "LaRouche Blast Exposes Synarchist Pro-Terrorist Operation" EIR, Jan. 23, 2004), provided all the necessary leads for a comprehensive multi-national counterintelligence effort, involving the security services of the Americas and Europe.
Those three combined reports presented a time-line of the still-ongoing regroupment of the Synarchist-fascist circles into a new international apparatus, targetting specific venom against the United States. Indeed, one of the ideologues of the new Synarchism, Uruguayan writer Alvaro Pacheco Sere, president of the national branch of the Charles VII Traditionalist Brotherhood, wrote an Oct. 26, 2001 article in the Brotherhood's bulletin, celebrating the 9/11 attacks. "The historic 11th of September of 2001 altered the march of world events," he wrote. The United States, which "never was a Nation in the classic sense—they were children of an idea: Liberty, as conceived by the Revolution—felt the blows of the revolutionary groups which it itself had fomented against others. Seen from traditionalist thought, Sept. 11, 2001 appears as 'The Day that the [Masonic] Columns Were Brought Down'.... The destruction of the columns and the wounding of the ... Pentagon appear to mean that some high-level circles, secret and unrecognizable, decided that, there, the Revolution would now be disowned.... Anarchy reigns. The false premises of pacifism, ecumenicism, and the civilization of love preached by the modern masonized world, and with it, by the Church since Vatican II, have been questioned."
Pacheco Sere later wrote, "The national republican States find not only their identity questioned, but their very existence, their independence, the legitimacy of their origin. The fracture of America could only be overcome by the convoking voice of that Crown which gave it being and life."
Emergence of the Synarchist Threat
Highlights of a counterintelligence time-line on this case include:
January 2001: Right-wing Italian terrorist Andrea Insabato was caught, in a failed terrorist attack against a Rome newspaper office. In hearings, anti-terror police chief Ansoino Andreassi linked Insabato to Roberto Fiori, the head of the fascist terrorist group Forza Nuova. Fiori had fled from Italy to London in 1981, following his conviction for membership in a neo-fascist organization called Terza Posizione ("Third Position"), linked to a string of terrorist attacks, from the 1969 Piazza Fontana bombing to the 1980 Bologna bombing.
November 2001: A group of Ibero-American and European Falangists and Carlist restorationists launched a new publication, Maritornes: Notebooks of Hispanidad, at a founding ceremony in Madrid. The editorial board represented the nucleus of a new Synarchist International, including several individuals with past ties to the right-wing "strategy of tension" terrorism that destabilized all of continental Europe in the 1970s and early 1980s. Among the leading such figures were Blas Piñar of Spain, a former aide to Francisco Franco, and the founder of the Falangist revival group Fuerza Nueva; and Francesco Maurizio Di Giovine, a leading Italian neo-fascist "historian," who had earlier led blackshirt youth gangs, and was a suspect in the 1974 "Rosa dei Venti" ("Points of the Compass") right-wing terror rampage, that destabilized a succession of Italian governments. It culminated in the 1978 kidnapping/assassination of former Premier Aldo Moro and the December 1980 Bologna train station bombing.
Nov. 16-17, 2002: An international meeting in Madrid launched the new Synarchist International. Among the groups and individuals participating, co-hosted by Blas Piñar's Fuerza Nueva and Falange Español, were: Roberto Fiore of Forza Nuova, who was a featured speaker; Thibault de la Tocnaye, of the French National Front of Jean Marie Le Pen; Udo Voigt of the German National Democratic Party (NPD); a representative of Final Conflict-Third Position of Great Britain, a collection of neo-nazi organizations affiliated with the Romanian Iron Guard; and Argentine retired Army captain Gustavo Breide Obeid, representing the Partido Popular por la Reconstrucción (PPR). Breide and two other PPR leaders toured France and Italy, under the sponsorship of Le Pen and Fiore.
Jan. 26, 2003: A followup meeting took place in Madrid, drawing a reported crowd of 3,000 people, addressed by Fiore and Voigt.
Mid-December 2003: Roberto Fiore announced that his Forza Nuova had formed an electoral bloc with several other neo-fascist splinter parties, including the party of Alessandra Mussolini, the Fascist dictator's granddaughter.
The Jan. 23, 2004 EIR dossier characterized the Mussolini, Fiore, Le Pen, Blas Piñar apparatus as "a broader Synarchist operation now under way.... It is Spanish Carlist in roots, fascist in outlook, and terrorist-linked in current political strategic deployments."
The March 12, 2004 EIR added one additional feature to the dossier ("Huntington Raves Again: Watch Out for a New Cheney War!"). The March/April 2004 issue of Foreign Policy, the journal of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, featured a cover story by Clash of Civilizations promoter Samuel Huntington, this time promoting a civil war in the Americas between Hispanics and "the distinct Anglo-Protestant culture" of the United States. Huntington evoked a "white nativist" fascist movement to be born in the United States against Hispanic immigrants. "A plausible reaction to the demographic changes underway in the United States could be the rise of an anti-Hispanic, anti-black, and anti-immigrant movement, composed largely of white, working- and middle-class males, protesting their job losses to immigrants and foreign countries, the perversion of their culture, and the displacement of their language." Pit the hatred of the Hispanics, promoted by Huntington, against the virulent anti-Americanism of the Blas Piñar/Roberto Fiore apparatus, and you have the perfect Synarchist mix: a recipe for precisely the kind of terrorism that exploded in Madrid on March 11.
One Earlier Warning
LaRouche's credentials as a seasoned specialist on matters of global irregular warfare appear by taking his 2003 warnings of a new Hispanic-linked 9/11, in the context of his Aug. 24, 2001 assessment that the United States was ripe for a major international terrorist attack, likely focussed on the nation's capital. Indeed, as the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 were taking place, LaRouche associates were out on the streets of Washington, D.C. and many other cities, mass distributing a LaRouche Presidential campaign statement, "Jacobin Terror Aims at D.C." In it, the candidate said, "The world is presently gripped by the biggest, most deep-going, most deadly financial and monetary crisis since Europe of the middle-to-late Fourteenth Century. We are in a period in which economic and related circumstances have made the idea of regular modern warfare a sick joke; in which regional and other 'little wars,' terrorism, political assassinations, and other forms of destabilization, are leading items on the agendas of many of the strategic planners. The financial and monetary crisis in its presently advanced stage, drives desperate political forces to the brink, desperate political forces who would ratehr drive civilization itself to the brink, than tolerate the changes in financial and monetary institutions which the present crisis-situation demands.
"Washington, D.C. has become a very shabby sort of world power, but it is still the leading world power. Any movement which would terrify official Washington and its environs into fleeing under its bed, would be a major strategic threat to the peace of the world at large. Just as the Jacobin Terror of 1789-94 led fatefully to those Napoleonic wars, which dominated Europe until the conclusion of that Vienna Congress which sowed the seeds of the later catastrophes to come."