`Strategic Significance of the Hit on India'
For information on how the British Empire uses terrorism as a geopolitical weapon, the following EIR articles and Special Reports provide extensive evidence:
Oct. 13, 1995: A 61-page EIR Special Report, "The New International Terrorism" by Lyndon LaRouche, followed by two sections: "London's Afghansi," and "A Case Study: South Asia." Part I of III.
Nov. 10, 1995: "London's Irregular Warfare vs. Nations of the Americas," with case studies of narcoterrorism and London's operations in Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Mexico, and Puerto Rico. Part II of III.
Nov. 17, 1995: "RIM: London's Narcoterrorist International." The conclusion of a three-part series, with dossiers on the Maoist Revolutionary Internationalist Movement (RIM) and the Basque separatist group ETA (Euskadi and Freedom).
March 7, 1997: "New British Terrorist Offensive Unleashed Throughout the Middle East," describing how Britain legalized fundraising and operations of terrorist groups, including Egypt's Islamic Jihad, al-Jihad al-Islami, and al-Gamaa al-Islami.
April 4, 1997: "Sanction Britain for Harboring Terrorists," including "Governments Worldwide Protest London Harboring of Terrorists," and "EIR's Yellow Pages of Terrorist Groups in London." Also a dossier on Osama bin Laden's fundraising apparatus in London.
Aug. 22, 1997: "Britain's 'Invisible' Empire Unleashes the Dogs of War," the third feature in the series called "The True Story Behind the Fall of the House of Windsor," provided extensive documentation of the war the British Empire is waging to seize the mineral wealth of the planet, and to destroy the U.S.A., that nation-state uniquely capable of stopping the Empire's designs.
Aug. 28, 1998: "Behind the Bombings of the U.S. Embassy in Kenya: What Will Happen If ... ," by Lyndon LaRouche
Nov. 20, 1998: "Susan Rice Caught in Iran-Contra-Style Capers in Africa." The State Department's Africa specialist Susan Rice sits at the center of a web of dirty operations in Africa, including supplying arms and logistics to warlords and "rent-a-rebels."
Nov. 26, 1999: "British Declare Terrorist 'Jihad' Against Russia" describes how top terrorist organizations, including Osama bin Laden's International Islamic Front, operate from bases in London, with the complicity of the British Foreign Office.
Dec. 3, 1999: "Russians Protest British Terror," "The U.S. State Department List of Terrorist Groups," and "Her Majesty's Favorite Narco-terrorists."
Jan. 21, 2000: A memorandum prepared for delivery to U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, and delivered to other top officials of the U.S. Executive and Legislative branches: "Put Britain on the List of States Sponsoring Terrorism."
Aug. 24, 2001: " 'Anti-Globalist' Terrorists Support Global Empire," an investigative report on anti-globalist terrorists and rioters from Genoa to Seattle, funded by George Soros and Sir Jimmy Goldsmith.
Sept. 21, 2001: "LaRouche: Let Calm Heads Prevail To Stop Destabilization," a special section on the 9/11 attacks, including LaRouche's January 2001 forecast of a "new terror" attack on the United States, a modern-day version of the Nazis' Reichstag Fire, which would pave the way for dictatorship.
Oct. 5, 2001: "Why the Real Name Is 'Osama Bin London,' " including a review of world leaders exposing Britain as "Londonistan," a safe haven for terrorism.
Oct. 12, 2001: "Who Harbors Terrorist FARC Cartel? The 'Grasso Factor.' " The outrageous story of how Richard Grasso, chairman of the New York Stock Exchange, embraced the FARC narcoterrorists of Colombia immediately after 9/11, and the launching of the Bush Administration's so-called "global war on terror."
Nov. 30, 2001: "Profile: Bernard Lewis, British Svengali Behind Clash of Civilizations."
Jan. 11, 2002: "Zbigniew Brzezinski and September 11th."
Sept. 5, 2003: "What Ashcroft Would Prefer You Not Know: Religion and National Security: The Threat from Terrorist Cults," by Lyndon LaRouche.
Dec. 16, 2005: "War on Terror Spawns Fresh Terror," focussing on Afghanistan, Pakistan, and South Asia.
Feb. 17, 2006: Book Review: "Our Sordid Love Affair with London's Muslim Brotherhood."
July 21, 2006: "The Strategic Significance of the Hit on India," Lyndon LaRouche, with a documentary package on the July 11, 2006 Mumbai train bombings.
Aug. 4, 2006: "Behind the Mumbai Bombings; Tracking the British Role," by Ramtanu Maitra, on the British-born officer who founded the Pakistan ISI, how this network carried out the July 11, 2006 Mumbai train bombings, with a historical note on why the British partitioned India: to create a weak Pakistan.
Sept. 1, 2006: "Trapped in Afghanistan, Where Poppies Bloom Faster Than Democracy."
June 29, 2007: A feature on "BAE: The World's Biggest Loose End," includes LaRouche's July 21 webcast, and documentation of Anglo-Saudi operations.
Jan. 4, 2008: "LaRouche Assails British Role in Bhutto Murder" and "The Planned Killing of Benazir Bhutto."
March 21, 2008: "Will Londonistan Succeed in Dismembering Pakistan?"
April 8, 2008: "NATO Faces Existential Crisis in Afghanistan, as Taliban Escalates."
July 18, 2008: "Combatting Britain's New Opium War," with Ibero-American case studies, and "The British Plan To Recolonize the Subcontinent Is Gaining Ground."
Aug. 1, 2008: "PKK Terrorists Named Drug Kingpins; Nations Move Against Narcoterrorism"
Aug. 15, 2008: "Dangerous Saudi Input into Afghan Bloodshed."
Oct. 3, 2008: "Vulnerable India Faces a New Threat."
Oct. 18, 2008: "The British/Saudi Slush Fund and the Rise of Wahhabism."