Bankrupt British Imperial Interests
Running Coup Against Putin
by Rachel Douglas
April 9—Reports from Russian sources, together with recent events in London and Moscow, reveal a trend toward a British-orchestrated coup in process against Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. Ex-Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachov, the Queen's favorite Communist Party general secretary, figures centrally in the developments, alongside the whole group of Russian functionaries who serve as agents of the Pirates of the Caribbean—the London-centered offshore financial interests who seek to control monetary flows worldwide, crush sovereign nations, and slash the world's population.
The irony of the situation, Lyndon LaRouche observed yesterday upon hearing these reports, is that the British manipulators themselves are doomed and dying. "The reality is that the entire British system of Lord Jacob Rothschild's Inter-Alpha Group is doomed," LaRouche said. "The euro system is doomed. Inter-Alpha's 'BRIC' project is nothing but a 'bad bank.' There is a general world collapse, taking place in the galactic crisis. The pirates are reaching for the bottom of the barrel, so they can pick up the pieces and rebound, but they can't find a bottom, because there is no bottom. It's out of control."
The setting of the latest events in Russia was outlined by former Defense Ministry official Gen. Leonid Ivashov (ret.) in a March 4 article: "Under current policy, Russia has no future. Catastrophe looms: a split and disintegration of the country.... Even government statistics alone are enough to make your hair stand on end. We have 100 million ethnic Russians [out of a total population of 142 million], with 23 million alcoholics, 6 million drug addicts, 6 million HIV-infected people, and 4 million prostitutes." Meanwhile, in advance of December 2011 elections to the State Duma and the 2012 Presidential election, British-oriented institutions, from Transparency International to Freedom House (the New York-based project founded by Jay Lovestone and Leo Cherne), to the Times of London are demanding that Putin step aside, not run for the Presidency, and even resign in the short term.
"Has Putin the Courage To Take a Back Seat?" demanded Christopher Granville in a signed editorial in the London Times of April 5. This week's issue of the Moscow weekly Zavtra linked that editorial with the huge hoopla around Gorbachov's 80th birthday, celebrated last week by the London elite at a gala in the prestigious Royal Albert Hall, as "elements in a set of signals being given to Dmitri Medvedev, aimed at provoking him to take decisive 'anti-Putin' actions and become the leader of a new 'perestroika' [Gorbachov's policy in the 1980s] in Russia."
Gorbachov himself gave a press conference in Moscow on Feb. 21, warning that unless Russia cleans up corruption, "I think the probability of the Egyptian scenario will grow."
Medvedev Buys In
President Medvedev has bought into the anti-corruption agenda, as events of the past two months testify. Key to his statements and actions is the notion that large amounts of money from abroad will stream into Russia as foreign direct investment (FDI), if only the Kremlin can clean up corruption. This argument is ridiculous, even on the surface, and in the short term, one Moscow analyst noted: At the moment, money is already streaming into Russia's reserves because of sky-high oil prices. But, Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin once again insists that these funds be sequestered in a replay of the Stabilization Fund, and not invested in the economy; the previous Stabilization Fund was largely spent in 2008-10 to bail out Russian banks and corporations, enabling them to meet their debt obligatons to City of London financiers!
The first quarter 2011 events:
Jan. 21. Medvedev's aide Arkadi Dvorkovich announced that new plans to "combat corruption" will be decisive in improving "the investment climate" in Russia.
Feb. 18. Kudrin prefaced his keynote speech to the Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum with a warning that only "free and fair elections" will bring FDI to Russia.
March 4. Medvedev held a special meeting on his "Moscow financial center" scheme, saying that Russia must implement international financial reporting standards (IFRS) and meet transparency demands, in order to be able to have a full-fledged financial center, "offering all of the main types of financial instruments."
March 15. Speaking of corruption, Medvedev received Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein in the Kremlin, to get his advice on the international financial center and explore an institutional role for Goldman Sachs and Blankfein therein.
March 30. Medvedev dedicated a session of his Commission on Modernization to the tasks of anti-corruption. Russia will not get the money it needs in FDI, the President shouted in the nationally televised presentation, unless it defeats corruption and the appearance of corruption. Government ministers must not be allowed to serve on the boards of state-owned companies.
March 31. Dvorkovich explained what this means in practice. Putin's ally Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin must resign from the board of the state-owned oil company, Rosneft, and two other firms. Energy Minister Sergei Shmatko, a nuclear power expert, must resign from two boards. The agricultural minister must leave Russia's major grain company; Kudrin will step down from the board of VTB bank, and so forth.
"We are treating this as a 'coup'," said the Moscow analyst, "as it is a serious blow. These people have been ousted from control of the financial flows of these state-owned companies." It was independently reported that the Kremlin is head-hunting among senior executives of the major Moscow banks—hotbeds of the London-linked pirates—for "outside directors" to replace the fired officials.
March 31. Freedom House issued a report titled "The Perpetual Battle: Corruption in the Former Soviet Union and the New EU Members." The Wall Street wire service Bloomberg headlined, "Putin's Russia Risks Fate of Mideast Regimes, Rights Group Says."
During this same time period, came the open friction between Medvedev and Putin over the NATO bombing of Libya, which Putin denounced as a crusade. Medvedev criticized the use of this language. In March, Russia abstained from the UN authorizing resolution, instead of using its veto. The Russian ambassador in Libya, career diplomat Vladimir Chamov, was relieved of his duties amid rumors that he had savaged Medvedev's decision, in a diplomatic cable.
LaRouche observed yesterday that there is a positive factor in this dire situation:
"The positive factor is that the crisis is coming on. And we have the seismic crisis, for the entire planet. The British don't care. Catastrophic earthquakes are fine with them, chaos is fine with them. But, there are moves that can be taken to prevent the disintegration of society."