What Is the Manhattan Project?
by Dennis Speed
On condition that we show, that classical fine art depends upon the generating function of the same individual creative mental processes otherwise responsible for the generation and assimilation of valid fundamental scientific discoveries, and only on condition of that proof, are we able to supply valid general statements about “human nature.”
—Lyndon H. LaRouche,
“Beethoven as a Physical Scientist,”
May 1989It was not ’til the last session that I became unequivocally convinced of the following truth—That Mr. Madison cooperating with Mr. Jefferson is at the head of a faction decidedly hostile to me and my administration, and actuated by views in my judgement subversive of the principles of good government and dangerous to the union, peace and happiness of this country.
—Alexander Hamilton,
letter to Edward Carrington,
May 26, 1792
Nov. 29—The LaRouche “Manhattan Project” is the resurrection of Alexander Hamilton’s United States in New York City. That United States cannot co-exist with Wall Street.
Every Saturday afternoon, since late June 2015, Lyndon LaRouche engages in a face-to-face, and “mind to mind,” dialogue with a self-selected sample from the population of New York City. Schoolteachers, baggage handlers, musicians, retired professionals, and students participate. This dialogue, and what flows from it, is called “the Manhattan Project.” As with its World War Two predecessor, born of the desperate necessity to achieve a scientific breakthrough, this contemporary Manhattan Project is a “crash program,” but with a difference. Instead of “success” being defined by the timely discovery of a new means of deployment of physical principles, resulting in the creation of the greatest weapons of mass destruction ever devised, the LaRouche Manhattan Project is designed to unleash the dormant power of the American citizenry to take back its government.
In current history’s present moments, unfortunately defined by the bone-headed Obama Administration—a “strange beast, slouching toward Armageddon”—and its sullen, sneering provocation of general thermonuclear war, the Saturday LaRouche dialogue is an essential process, and an exceptional one. The sense of solidarity among the citizenry that once emboldened the United States to “take arms against a sea of troubles, and, by opposing, end them,” has all but been eradicated. This, however, can be revivified, and even instantaneously so, as has been demonstrated by the varied exchanges among participants in the discussions with LaRouche these past five months.
The Process
A short opening statement is given by LaRouche, or sometimes not. Each person then steps to the microphone and states a question, concern, or report. Then “the fun begins.” The back and forth is not “pair-wise,” as it might appear. Rather, representative government, in the person or the “assembled body” of the chorus-audience, deliberates. The struggle to formulate what the real questions of policy must be for our nation, and to better our nation by removing from the Presidency the “democratic tyranny” of the last fourteen years’ Bush/Cheney-Obama Administration, is a pedagogical exercise led by LaRouche, at the conclusion of which, people leave the assembly better than when they arrived.
![]() clipart.com
Alexander Hamilton as a young caption of the Artillery in New York City in 1776. Here, he salutes General Washington.
It was this deliberative and self-governing process that Alexander Hamilton had always intended for the free, singular, and sovereign republic of the United States. Alexander Hamilton’s two Presidential co-terms with George Washington, extending from April 30, 1789 until eight years later in 1797, however, espoused principles that were completely rejected by those “Confederacy-minded” co-founders of the nation such as Thomas Jefferson, whose Third Presidency began on March 4, 1801.
LaRouche in October of 2014 initiated the Manhattan Project expressly to resurrect the principle of Alexander Hamilton’s New York and United States—to create and empower the most productive, literate, and skilled free citizenry in the world, exerting and improving the productive powers of its labor, impeded not by ethnic background, skin color or lack of title, but only by the limitations of human creativity—which has no limitations.
Nothing but limitations on the United States, however, will exist so long as Wall Street, which sits geographically and morally at the bottom of Manhattan, is allowed to continue to exist. Hamilton was assassinated by the original “child of Satan,” Aaron Burr, and his Bank of Manhattan, directly and consciously on behalf of the militarily defeated British Empire. Various contemporary ongoing attempts to re-assassinate Hamilton, including the current weird Broadway hip-hop musical “about his life,” and the drive to remove his visage from the ten-dollar bill, underscore Wall Street’s ongoing treasonous role, and the present President Obama’s spiritual descent—if that is possible—from British agents Aaron Burr, Martin Van Buren, Fernando Wood, August Belmont, Robert Moses, and Felix Rohatyn.
Washington, Hamilton, and Hamilton’s mentor Benjamin Franklin, as well as Hamilton’s close friends, New Yorkers Gouverneur Morris and John Jay, after successfully crafting between 1787 and 1789 what would come to be adopted as the United States Constitution, established the economic foundation for an independent sovereign nation for the first time in world history. The Society for Establishing Useful Manufactures (SEUM) set up by Hamilton and collaborators in Paterson, New Jersey; the great Erie Canal project (in the which Phillip Schuyler, Hamilton’s father-in-law, had played a major role); the development of the West Point Military Academy and the American engineering corps (Treasury Secretary Hamilton purchased the land for it in 1790); and the expansion and fortification of the Port of New York, were expressions of the real intent behind the Preamble of the United States Constitution.
Hamilton, Jay, and Morris’ fierce, though unsuccessful, battle against slavery at the 1787 Constitutional Convention, merely convinced Hamilton and Washington all the more, that manufacturing, industry, and internal improvements such as the Potomac and Erie Canal systems (later, under Lincoln, transcontinental rail systems) were the means for the permanent liberation of the new nation from its recently-broken thralldom to the still-dominant British Empire. (Alexander Hamilton and John Jay, Hamilton’s collaborator in writing the Federalist papers, co-founded the New York Manumission Society in 1785. Slavery was partially abolished in New York State in 1799, and was then fully abolished in 1827.) Revolutionary technological breakthroughs, and the “taming of nature and fate” through new forms of power, like the application of steam-engine power, were the hallmark of the American character, what was sometimes referred to as “American Know-How,” or “Can-Do.”
![]() Wall Street’s agent Aaron Burr depicted assassinating Hamilton in Weehawken, N.J. on July 11, 1804.
LaRouche On Manhattan: Winning the War
In November 2014, LaRouche revealed the principle of Alexander Hamilton’s Manhattan to his associates: ”. . . my first impression of this sort of thing: I was in New York City. It was at the time of the launching of the [Second World] war against the United States. And I was walking on a tour, on Sunday, to go to a business meeting. . . . And then I heard the voice of President Roosevelt speaking, and soon enough I got the message. And most of the citizens of New York City in particular were rushing to places to sign up for warfare, who didn’t even know what warfare was, or didn’t know where to go to register. . . And that is exactly what the New York spirit represents. That’s what it embodies, when it functions.”
He continued: “You have to centralize our organization as a national organization. And the best way to do that, is with Manhattan. If you establish the principle of Manhattan as being a rallying point for the nation as a whole, a rallying point based on a principle, based on a passion, into which people are captured, then you can beat the enemy! It doesn’t guarantee you’re going to, but you can, then. If you do what you’ve been doing heretofore, you will never beat the enemy.”
(A year later, he reported this evaluation to the now-weekly Manhattan audience: “Okay, well, we’re at an opportune moment, where we’re ready to produce our own ability to project the kind of conception of organization which is required at this time. This is the moment of readiness where we can move to take over in the process of our party, our own political organization.”)
The Manhattan Project has incorporated the best elements of the “deployment repertoire” of LaRouche forces over decades. Rallies on Wall Street don’t just discuss “the economy” or “re-instating the Glass-Steagall Act.” Classical music is performed there by members of the recently-established Schiller Institute New York Community Choir, both satirical and straightforward. Sometimes the Queen of England, or Barack Obama, or their sponsor, Satan, also join the rallies. Leaflets are distributed and literature is given out; the international audience that characterizes Wall Street learns that there is an American faction that is co-organizing, with a comprehensive unique-in-the-world report, the new world scientific and economic revolution that is presently headquartered in the BRICS nations, particularly China.
![]() Hamilton revived: A poster being deployed by LaRouche’s Manhattan Project shows Alexander Hamilton as the sixth member of the BRICS leadership.
When the United Nations opened in September, Manhattan Project organizers were there, opposing the UN’s “global warming/climate change” depopulation policy. Even more important, LaRouche anticipated and prepared New Yorkers for the strategic “ass-whipping” that Vladimir Putin delivered to a befuddled Obama in Syria, revealing the latter’s de facto support for the very ISIS grouping that he claimed to oppose.
Interventions challenging the policy outlook of the “financial elite” have personally challenged former Fed chief Ben Bernanke, Obama’s Timothy Geithner, and Mervyn King, the former head of the Bank of England on their own turf, be that a university, a bookstore, or church. Table deployments in downtowns, in the subways, and at local sites like post offices or stores, allow for the organizers to obtain a first-hand evaluation of what people really think. This is generally otherwise completely unknown, or made unavailable, kept that way especially through the fraud known as “public opinion polling.”
Weekly phone calls, including a Thursday call also featuring LaRouche, allow citizens to incorporate important developments and changes in the world strategic situation into their thinking, allowing for a rapid re-conceptualization of the national focus and intention of the week. Now the citizen is supplied the conceptual basis, through a daily briefing and weekly discussion from which thinking must start.
No ‘Information, Please’!!!
The Manhattan Project is the most “impractical” political process that could be devised. Some organizers are fond of pointing out that “if you think you know what the Manhattan project is, then you have probably lost touch with the whole process.” Perhaps the best way to convey what is meant here, is to refer to the remarks LaRouche made in an answer to a question this last Saturday, November 27.
Referring to himself, he said, “many of the people who were in my organization at different times and so forth, they were not adequate. So what do I do? I make myself adequate. And I’m still fighting. . . And I don’t worry about anybody except me. I’m responsible for me, and what I contribute to any around me. That’s it! And I don’t have any other standard. . . . So the point is, in this point, every individual human being, in the final analysis, is totally responsible to themselves for the future of mankind. And when people understand that, as I do, that’s the best.”
How does one go about discovering this principle, and conveying it to others? It is not done by “giving information,” but by the opposite—by removing disinformation, challenging assumptions, uprooting axioms.
“O Freunde, nicht diese Töne!” “O friends, not these tones,” as Beethoven admonishes in the first spoken words of his Ninth Symphony, is, in this sense, the “stretto” of the Saturday LaRouche dialogue. A music class, focused on the Italian bel canto method of singing, as well as on solfège, given by LaRouche Policy Committee member Diane Sare, usually precedes the policy discussion, because it is an effective way of jamming the noise in the heads of those forced to submit to the mental prison of today’s popular sub-culture, and because, as Beethoven’s friend Friedrich Schiller pointed out, it is “through Beauty” that one proceeds to “Freedom” of thought. “Nicht diese Töne” is the first law of mental hygiene that the Manhattan Project suggests to and requires of all of those who would call themselves responsible and accountable for their nation, and for the world as a whole.
Whether the United States might survive its present head-long, and accelerating, descent into barbarism, cruelty, and chaos, depends upon the citizenry resolving to take back its government from the likes of Barack Obama and the predecessor Cheney/Bush Administration. This cannot be done without starting from the reassertion of the singular national character of our nation as a sovereign, economically independent, and scientifically progressive republic—not a collection of folksy fiefdoms jokingly referred to as “states,” “a confederacy of dunces.”
“Nicht diese Töne,” but a return to the certain trumpet of Alexander Hamilton’s original United States, “that a bolder note than this might swell” from the united voices of America’s forgotten citizens, is the purpose, and obligation of the “great experiment” called the Manhattan Project.