This article appears in the December 9, 2022 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
‘Pre-Bunking’ Mind Control Set for School Curricula in Europe, USA
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Dec. 4—The state legislature of New Jersey passed a bipartisan bill Nov. 21, 2022, requiring its K-12 public schools to teach “media literacy,” to combat “misinformation.” It will become law immediately, when signed by Gov. Phil Murphy, making New Jersey the first state to require information literacy curriculum standards statewide. The Philadelphia Inquirer described the intent as benign: “They want school librarians and media specialists and teachers to help develop standards for information learning.”
But the “information learning” they refer to could not be more insidious. It is a program to prevent the young person from knowing how to think, and to brainwash young minds with fabricated narratives.

A push is on to enforce this in classrooms in other states, Europe, and other targeted nations. On October 11, the EU Commission released an incredible document, “Guidelines for Teachers and Educators on Tackling Disinformation and Promoting Digital Literacy Through Education and Training.”
The developers of the methods discussed in that document interconnect with researchers on “information inoculation” at NATO and related financial and other circles, to police any opposition to their approved narratives regarding everything from what is happening in Ukraine, to what you are supposed to think about China, to how an economy works.
USA—‘Media Literacy’
The national agency promoting “combatting disinformation” in U.S. schools is the Media Literacy Now group, based in Watertown, Massachusetts, which keeps a map of all 50 states, and where this can be rammed through. The group’s founder and President, Erin McNeill, praises New Jersey as the first state for this program for K through 12. Illinois has it only for high schools.
There is a media literacy curriculum, described as teaching the young person how to determine credible sources, etc., in order to “address the mis- and disinformation,” according to the leader of the New Jersey chapter of Media Literacy Now, Olga Polites, a retired teacher, and major lobbyist for the new bill. She offers as an example of disinformation, the charge that 2020 elections had problems.
Other concerns on the Media Literacy Now blog are to stop what it calls “media stereotypes” about gender broadcast to young children.
These moves in the U.S. are parallel to the European Union actions to dictate school curricula in the name of combatting disinformation.
EU ‘Tackling Disinformation’
Much of the 40-page EU Commission set of guidelines for “tackling disinformation” is deliberately vague, while offering such things as tips for “Working with your students on pre-bunking and debunking” (p. 29). But the content can be inferred from what fellow EU agencies put out as acceptable “information,” against which any contradictory view is to be declared dis-information, mal-information, or fake.
For example, the East StratCom Task Force, created by the European Council in 2015, keeps an open, current list of “false narratives” and “Russian disinformation” that no one dare believe or investigate. Some examples of what the EU agency declares fake information as of the present time:
• NATO’s eastward expansion poses a serious threat to Russia.
• NATO is using Ukraine to fight Russia.
• Missiles that fell on Poland are Ukrainian but the West blames Russia anyway.
• Western sanctions lead to food crises and price hikes.
• EU sanctions hurt Europe more than Russia.
• Western countries enforce censorship and silence dissenters.
• Azov nationalists take up firing positions inside residential buildings.
• The U.S. benefits from the Nord Stream sabotage.
Different academic and research agencies keep thousands of points like these, on many topics from weather to food and causes of hunger, dictating what is considered true or fake information.

The targeting of young people in school is part of the larger picture of mind-warping and threats, called “pre-bunking” and “information inoculation,” which seeks to wipe out any ability to think.
There is a whole wing of so-called social/psychological researchers and institutions involved in pre-bunking and information control. One prominent example is Professor Sander van der Linden, based at Cambridge University in the UK. He was co-author of the technical report, “Inoculation Theory and Misinformation,” October 29, 2021, published by the NATO Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence, in Riga, Latvia.
Zepp-LaRouche: ‘It’s Mind Control’
Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Schiller Institute founder and leader, is focusing attention on the danger of the EU school curricula initiative, and how it goes together with the curbs to freedom of thought and speech already in place in Germany. On her December 1 Schiller Institute webcast, she reported:
One German court ... confirmed a change in Paragraph 130 of the Criminal Code, Article 5, which was an attachment to other legislation. It means a tremendous sharpening of the law against so-called “incitement.” According to that, [it would apply] if you cover up any war crimes, or if you say something which could lead to an increase in hatred. But, as several legal experts have noted, this is such a rubbery paragraph, that it gives room for the courts and police; it opens up the floodgate to completely suppress any opinion!
If you take that together with another atrocity, namely the EU guideline for teachers, whereby they’re supposed to “pre-bunk” pupils, that is, children, against Russian propaganda. Now, “debunking” means if somebody says something bad, you can always debunk it: You say, “This is not true,” and say what you think is the truth. But “pre-bunking” means that you inoculate people in such a way that they don’t even get the idea to ask questions.
They have made a list of things you are not allowed to say, for example [you cannot say], “NATO expansion is hurting the interest of Russia”; or, “NATO is aggressive.” There’s a big list of things—including that there is even a pre-history to the war in Ukraine—all of these things are supposed to be forbidden. And pupils, that is, children, are supposed to be psychologically vaccinated against any such interpretation.
Now, in my view, this is not “freedom of expression.”… This is a dictatorship. This is mind control. We are now doing an investigation into the various, many, many efforts to completely manipulate the debate. Many people complain about the fact that there is no more discourse; you cannot have different opinions.
I’m afraid this means we are not living in a democracy; it means we are living, increasingly, in an authoritarian regime.