Ad Hoc Democratic Party Platform Hearings Give Voice to the 80% of Lower Income Brackets
WASHINGTON, D.C., June 22, 2000 (EIRNS)--A panel of eleven Democratic state legislators, joined by former U.S. Sen. Eugene McCarthy, came together in Washington, D.C. today, to preside over Ad Hoc Democratic Party Platform hearings. Under the chairmanship of Rep. Erik Fleming of Mississippi, the panel took testimony on the real state of the U.S. economy, from ten constituency representatives. The entire event was both webcast and videotaped.
The panel included:
- Sen. Eugene McCarthy (ret., Minnesota)
- State Sen. Carlos Cisneros (New Mexico)
- State Sen. Joe Neal (Nevada)
- State Rep. Perry Clark (Kentucky)
- State Rep. Erik Fleming (Mississippi)
- State Rep. John Hilliard (Alabama)
- State Rep. Thomas Jackson (Alabama)
- State Rep. Harold James (Pennsylvania)
- State Rep. Ernest Newton (Connecticut)
- State Rep. Coy Pugh (Illinois)
- State Rep. Ed Vaughn (Michigan)
- State Rep. LeAnna Washington (Pennsylvania)
The first witness was economist and Presidential candidate Lyndon LaRouche, who testified via videotape.
Highlights of the proceedings are being released on the "EIR Talks" weekly radio program.