EIR Makes Available Crucial
Background to Mumbai attack
Dec. 1, 2008 (EIRNS)—Writing in the wake of a horrific terrorist bombing spree in Mumbai, India on July 11, 2006, EIR founding editor Lyndon LaRouche identified the strategic significance of the attack, as lying in the preparations being made by the Anglo-Dutch financial oligarchy, to sabotage any effective international alternative to a New Dark Age. The follow-up attack on Mumbai on Nov. 27, 2008 reflects an even more desperate attempt toward the same end.
LaRouche's article, entitled "The Strategic Significance of the Hit on India," put into historical perspective the attack, which he described as having "lit the fuse of a simmering force of global strategic explosion like nothing which has happened in history before this time." Two weeks later, EIR's New Delhi correspondent, Ramtanu Maitra, wrote a followup piece, tracking the British role in creating and supporting the terror networks who had killed over 200 people, and injured hundreds of others.
Among the crucial issues raised by Maitra in that article, which remains to be followed up today, is the fact that Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, according to the London Times, raised with British Prime Minister Tony Blair a detailed dossier which India had given to Britain three years previous, calling for the investigation of 14 men who were living in Britain, and were suspected of being involved in the bombings.
Links to the 2006 articles are being posted on, under hot news, under the header: EIR Makes Available Crucial Background to Mumbai attack. A fuller background on the profile of British-controlled terror networks published by EIR on Oct. 13, 1995, and can be found on the EIR site.
EIR has also decided to provide the full text of the Jan. 11, 2000 memorandum which its issued to Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, and Congress, requesting a formal investigation to determine whether Great Britain should be placed on the list of State Sponsors of terrorism.