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Volume 1, Number 33, November 17, 1974
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November 17
Brandt to Push Pro-Rockefeller Line on Breakup of EEC
Death of Two Saudi Arabian Officials Adds Confusion To Sheikhdoms
Special Report
The Coming Mideast War: An Appraisal
November 16
West Germans Push for Economic Realpolitik in East Germany
Poland Backs the CIA’s Shah
French Government Escalates “Red Scare” Campaign
Trilateral Commission Sovietologist Lays Mideast Blame on Soviets
D’Ornano Given Powers of Fuehrer over French Economy
CIA Press Conduits Build for Mideast War
Agricultural Report
Special Feature: Rockefeller Murders 20 Million in India, Bengal
ICLC Indicts World Food Conference, Demands Emergency Measures
Rockefeller Cannibals Conclude Final Solution Lobbying Effort
Crop Failure In Tanzania Estimated At 80 Percent
EEC Moves to Create Grain Hoard; Livestock Production Sacrificed for Rockefeller’s World Food Control Scheme
Food Conference Officials Eject IPS for “Spreading News” and “Subversive” Information
Food Production Doesn’t Pay, Bankers Admit
Local Media Drums CIA Line on Sugar; Professional Agents Organize Boycott
NFU Leads Canadian Livestock Producers Down Blind Alley
November 15
Leading West German Journalist and NATO Specialist Lays Out Political Line
CIA Press Organs Link Terrorists to ICLC
Arab Petrodollars to Finance Canadian Housing
How Votes Are Stolen: CIA “Machine Politics”
Officials Admit Voting Machines Easily Fixed
Australia Gears Up for Rockefeller Slave Labor Projects
November 14
Egyptian Embassy in Bonn Confirms Egypt’s Nuclear Capability
Strauss Revives Nazi Movement in West Germany
North Carolina IUD Blocks Labor Party Penetration
Hong Kong “Williamsburg Conference” Plans Asian Slave Labor
November 13
UN Report: Arafat Fans War Hysteria
PLO Spokesman: PLO “Ready” To Receive US Arms
Canada’s National Defense College Holds Informal Policy Meeting With Soviets
OAS Refuses To Lift Sanctions Against Cuba; Rocky’s Message to Castro: Crawl Lower
Rent-A-Slave Relocation Schemes Grind North American Workers