by Lorenzo Carrasco
Brazil “Integrates” Argentina.
by Augustinus
Economic Justice Theme of Asia Trip.
by Rainer Apel
An Adviser Who Came In from the East.
by Yves Messer
Student Demos Used against Chirac.
by Mark Sonnenblick
AIDS Conferences Held in Lima.
by Luba George
The KGB and the Dzerzhinsky Method.
by Thierry Lalevée
Will Moscow Really Gain in Irangate?
by Josefina Menéndez
Mexican “Big MAC” Suggested to Japan.
Time To Dump AIFLD.
by Marsha Freeman and Robert Gallagher
Even the aerospace and defense industries have not fared well during the “economic recovery.”
by Gretchen Small
The financial empire of one of the Sandinistas’ top financiers and benefactors, narcotics finance king Robert Vesco, sits at the center of Contra operations. Confusing? Not if you understand the workings of Dope, Inc.
by David Goldman
by Luba George
by Susan Maitra
by William Engdahl
A survey of the West German economy.
by Benjamin Castro
by David Goldman
“Consensus Forecast” on the Titanic.
by Marcia Merry
Food Disputes in a World of Hunger.
by John Grauerholz, M.D.
New Technology for Cancer Detection.
by David Goldman
The First Cracks in Securitization.
Sensational revelations in the European press about Palme’s love affair with Emma Rothschild provide the key to unraveling the mystery. Little wonder, then, that NBC-TV and the U.S. Justice Department have launched a new disinformation attempt, reviving the discredited line of a “LaRouche angle” in the murder. Our Feature presents the findings of a team of researchers in Europe and the United States.
by William Engdahl
by Mark Burdman
by Criton Zoakos
The communiqué issued after the NATO foreign ministers’ meeting was contrary to the policy of both the U.S. government and NATO. The allied governments find themselves in the dangerous position of having a foreign ministers’ revolt on their hands.
Documentation: Recent statements by Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger, NATO Supreme Commander Gen. Bernard Rogers, and U.S. Ambassador to West Germany Richard Burt.
by Paul Goldstein
One of the main targets for cleanup in the Irangate scandal is the National Security Council’s Israel connection.
by M.T. Upharson
Scandal Shuttle on the Northern Route — Lonrho, Libya, Dr. K, Rothschild.
by Jeffrey Steinberg
The purging of the Kissinger and Mossad-contaminated elements is only the surface of an expected deeper change, in both the structure and substantive policy orientation of the Reagan Administration.
Sheila Jones, a leading LaRouche collaborator in the Midwest, has accepted a mandate from the “forgotten majority” to run for Mayor of Chicago in the primary in February 1987.
by Leo Scanlon
The Democratic Leadership Council, meeting in Williamsburg, Virginia, grappled with the fact that the country is undergoing one of the greatest economic and military crises in its history. Some of the results are quite surprising.
Documentation: Excerpts from a speech by Rep. Jim Wright (D-Tex.), Speaker of the House, at the DLC meeting.