A Conservative Member of Parliament takes the John Major government to task for seeking scapegoats abroad for the humiliation of the pound sterling.
by Mel Klenetsky
A leader of the civil rights movement, Reverend Bevel is now the vice presidential running-mate of independent presidential candidate Lyndon LaRouche.
by Rainer Apel
A Change in Monetary Policies?
by Carlos Méndez
Clamor Grows for CAP’s Resignation.
by Susan Maitra
Asia Watch in Bed with Naxalites.
Soviet Justice from American Courts.
by William Engdahl
The assassination of two of the Bonn government’s most competent economic policy strategists, Alfred Herrhausen and Detlev Rohwedder, had a disastrous effect, as the Anglophile free-traders moved in. Will the lessons be learned before it is too late?
by William Jones
The International Monetary Fund’s director says the chaos on the world financial markets is a sign of the “remarkable resilience” of the monetary system. Meanwhile, the bankers and heads of state continue their suicidal replay of 1931.
by Marcia Merry
by Mark Burdman
by Konstantin George
by Birgitt Vitt
by Kathy Wolfe and L. Wolfe
by Anthony K. Wikrent
by Suzanne Rose
Documentation: Testimony before the House Agriculture Committee by Sue Atkinson, candidate for Senate in Iowa and a Food for Peace activist.
by Rosa Tennenbaum
Farmers Rally on German-Polish Border.
by Mel Klenetsky
Rev. James Bevel, who was one of the top lieutenants of Dr. Martin Luther King, explains why he is campaigning as the vice presidential running-mate of independent presidential candidate Lyndon LaRouche. “Any American,” he says, “black or white or indigenous, who does not join this revolution, will stand on the side five years up the road being ashamed of themselves for allowing the greatest revolution to take place right in their midst, and themselves too cowardly to join in it.”
A profile of Rev. James Bevel.
by Christine Bierre and Volcker Hassmann
The slim victory for the partisans of the treaty creates a situation of maximum instability. The treaty itself is kaput, but the monetarist arguments that define Maastricht’s outlook define economic thinking at the top of nearly every government.
by Luis Vásquez Medina
by Muriel Mirak-Weissbach
An international appeal by the Schiller Institute.
by Joyce Fredman
by Uwe Friesecke and Linda de Hoyos
by Roger Moore
by Edward Spannaus
Kissinger railed against “talk of conspiracy extending through five administrations,” concerning U.S. jettisoning of prisoners of war in Vietnam and Laos. Exactly, Henry.
by H. Graham Lowry
by Rochelle Ascher
Ascher documents the sweeping reorganization of the U.S. economy along American System principles that was carried out by President Lincoln and his associates.
by Katherine Notley
Clinton-Gore Currying Green, White Votes.
Howard Forum Targets ADL.
by William Jones