A delegate at large from Haiti’s National Campaign for Unity, Peace, and Reconciliation describes the effects of the embargo against his country.
by Muriel Mirak-Weissbach
The Apostolic Delegate in Jordan discusses the status of diplomatic relations between the Vatican and Israel, and the prospects for peace in the Mideast.
by Muriel Mirak-Weissbach
Iraq’s Deputy Minister of Health exposes the hideous and illegal manner in which life-saving medical supplies not prohibited under the embargo are being kept from the people of Iraq.
by Ernest Schapiro, M.D.
The Forgotten Plague: How the Battle against TB Was Won—and Lost, by Frank Ryan, M.D.
by Paul Gallagher and Irene Beaudry
A review of a draft translation of Mosaic of Betrayal: Serbian Collaboration with the Nazis, published in Croatia by Ljubica Stefan and Tomislav Vukovic.
by Muriel Mirak-Weissbach
Reports from Baghdad, after three years of a cruel and inhuman embargo.
by Muriel Mirak-Weissbach
An interview with Dr. Shauki Tuma.
by Rainer Apel
The Decline of Geopolitics.
by Tore Fredin
Sweden Toes the Anglo-American Line.
by Lorenzo Carrasco
Lula and the Armed Forces.
Put the Lid on Environmental Hoaxes.
by Anthony K. Wikrent and Christopher White
Treasury Secretary Bentsen calls it a “preemptive strike” against inflation. But, in fact, it’s Phase Three in the attack on foreign currencies, designed to prop up the speculative bubble.
by Rogelio A. Maduro
by Michael Billington
by Ramtanu Maitra and Susan Maitra
by Mary Burdman
by Lawrence Eyong-Echaw
The author is a journalist writing from Cameroon.
by Rosa Tennenbaum
Russia Facing Mass Starvation.
by Dennis Speed
The Anti-Defamation League’s loud cries of “anti-Semitism” directed against the Nation of Islam, are part of a systematic campaign mapped out in Montreal in 1991, which included the sale of intelligence on the NOI to South Africa. When revenues began to lag after the December 1992 exposure of ADL espionage against its political opponents, the campaign went into high gear.
Excerpts from a Feb. 3 news conference by the Nation of Islam leader.
From an ADL policy memorandum.
by Katherine Kanter
Once again, the British are preparing a trap for the Clinton Administration. Unless the geopolitical game of the British-led Entente Cordiale is overturned, the Balkan war could soon engulf the rest of Europe.
by Elke Fimmen
An interview with Paul Hebert.
by Linda de Hoyos
by Cynthia R. Rush
by Muriel Mirak-Weissbach
An interview with Msgr. Raouf Najjar.
by Kathleen Klenetsky
The bitter recriminations over the granting of a temporary visa to Gerry Adams, head of Ireland’s Sinn Féin, are but the surface manifestation of much deeper differences.
by Scott Thompson
by Edward Spannaus
by John Sigerson
In Illinois, the friends of Sen. Paul Simon are chewing the rug.
by Linda Everett
Judge Richard C. Kaufman has overturned Michigan’s law banning “assisted suicide,” as Dr. Jack Kevorkian cheers.
by William Jones