by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
A webcast speech Lyndon LaRouche in Washington on Nov. 9, in the aftermath of the Presidential election. “We must educate people now,” he said. “We must move, and organize, now, between now and the inauguration proceedings, to ensure that we have a bipartisan assembly of men and women of conscience who are prepared to move in the Congress on the day that happens, to make sure that the worst does not happen. It, at this point, is the only visible chance for the survival of the United States. An essential part of our job, and of my job in particular, is to make clear to people that we do have policy alternatives to an onrushing, great world depression.”
by Edward Spannaus
“The kinds of fraud which were perpetrated by the Republicans alone in this election, were sufficient to send these guys to jail, if not to un-elect them,” declared Lyndon LaRouche. webcast. “Voter suppression!... That’s tyranny! That’s dictatorship! And there was a lot of it.”
Documentation: LaRouche’s reply to a question about vote fraud, at his Nov. 9 webcast.
by Michele Steinberg and Judy DeMarco
Documentation: Election Day notes from a volunteer from the Election Protection Coalition in Ohio; Congressmen demand that the GAO investigate vote suppression.
by Stanley Ezrol
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
“The sheer idiocy shown by the current Bush Administration’s effort to cut back on the X-43A program, a real scientific breakthrough in space and related fields, is typical of a government which is not content with shooting itself in the foot, but insists on also shooting itself in the head.”
by Lawrence K. Freeman
by Marsha Freeman
Reprinted from 21st Century Science & Technology, Fall 2001.
by Marcia Merry Baker
by Cynthia R. Rush
by Marcia Merry Baker
An interview with Peter T. Ginaitt.
by Rainer Apel
by Muriel Mirak-Weissbach
The U.S. assault on Fallujah, in Iraq’s “Sunni triangle,” will only spread the resistance and lend it strength, nationally and internationally. Fallujah is becoming a symbol for the anti-occupation struggle, throughout the Arab world.
by Alan Clayton
by Kathy Wolfe
by Emmanuel Grenier
by Ramtanu Maitra
by Michael Billington
From the Schiller Institute’s Sept. 24-26 conference in Germany.
by Dr. Nino Galloni
by Dr. Jan Carnogursky
by Dr. Stanislav Fischer
The Rhode Island State Representative serves on the Health, Education and Welfare Committee; he is a firefighter, rescue captain, and registered nurse.
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.