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Published: Tuesday, Feb. 8, 2005
Today is:
Here is Jeffrey Steinberg's keynote to weekend cadre schools of the LaRouche Youth Movement Feb. 5, that took place on the West Coast, Ohio, Boston, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C. Following his keynote, questions continued for just under an hour and a half.
I'm going make a presentation that will probably run in the vicinity of about 45 minutes, and hopefully, it will provoke a lot of thinking and room for questions and discussion afterwards.
I'm calling this address, "The World Since Jan. 12," because, on Jan. 12, in his keynote address in Berlin, addressing an extremely impressive audience of leading political figuresintellectuals, people with important political voices in their home countries, representing the whole spectrum of Eurasia, Africa, and the AmericasLyn launched a vital new updated, global strategic initiative. And since those remarks of Jan. 12, and the day and a half of intensive discussion that took place after that, the world has gone through some very dramatic changes, and we're in a fundamentally different strategic situation now, than we were when those keynote words were delivered by Lyn.
This Week in History
February 7-13, 1791
'Doing Something Difficult': Peter Cooper and the Public Benefit
Several outstanding Americans from various centuries share a Feb. 12 birthday with Abraham Lincoln, and one of them, Peter Cooper, is associated with the speech which Lincoln himself felt had gained him the Presidency. That was the Cooper Union speech in New York in 1860, but it was only the first of two Cooper Union meetings which played an important role in Lincoln's ability to save the nation.
Peter Cooper was born in 1791, when George Washington was President, and died in 1883, a year after Franklin Roosevelt was born. During this long span of time, he contributed to the public good in an amazingly varied number of ways. Peter's father was a veteran of the Revolutionary War, as was his mother's father. In 1799, Peter's father held him up above the crowd so that he could see George Washington's funeral parade wending its way down Broadway, in New York City. Peter also got to see Thomas Jefferson riding up to the building where Congress was meeting.
Because his family was poor, Peter received only three terms of schooling. He had to go to work at a young age, and learned hatmaking, brickmaking, grocery clerking, cloth shearing, and carriage manufacturing. Even as a boy, his great curiosity about how things worked led to his invention of a mechanical washtub for his mother, and to his being able to make shoes for his family after he found one on the street and took it apart. At the age of 17, he invented a machine for mortising carriage wheels, never patented it, and noted in 1879 that his design was still "mortising all the hubs in the country."
Cooper described himself in a memoir as "never satisfied unless I was doing something difficultsomething that had never been done before, if possible." As a young man, Cooper invented an endless-chain device for propelling boats. First demonstrated successfully on the East River, the device was then offered to DeWitt Clinton, who wanted to use it on the Erie Canal. The plan was quashed because the farmers along the canal had been promised the rights to sell feed for the mules that pulled the canal boats.
Peter Cooper then bought a glue and isinglass factory, and resolved to build it into the best factory in the world. His glue became world-famous because it had such reliable uniformity. He once refused to raise the price as high as the large demand for it would have warranted, saying that, "The world needs this thing." He stayed in the glue-manufacturing business for over 30 years, for it enabled him to both work on his myriad inventions and become an entrepreneur in other industries.
First, Cooper joined other investors in buying a large plot of land across from Fort McHenry on Baltimore Harbor, and branched out into iron production, especially for the emerging railroad industry. The commissioners of the new Baltimore and Ohio Railroad had pushed the construction of the roadbed through hilly country, and now found that their curves were too sharp for any known engine. Cooper came to the rescue by designing and building a legendary locomotive called the "Tom Thumb."
In August of 1830, the little brass engine had a successful run, with six men on the engine and 36 men on the passenger car. The train achieved a top speed of 18 miles an hour. This frightened the owners of the local stagecoach lines, who challenged the engine to a race. Cooper's engine was beating the horse-drawn carriage when his pressure device failed, and by the time he fixed it, the horse had an insurmountable lead. Despite the defeat, the railroad was extended westward, and by 1834, the B&O had seven locomotives, 34 passenger cars and a thousand freight cars running as far as Harper's Ferry. The race between the "Tom Thumb" and the horse-drawn carriage became an American legend when it was circulated as a Currier & Ives print, diplomatically showing the two contestants running neck-and-neck.
In 1845, Cooper moved the ironworks to Trenton and built it into the largest rolling mill in the United States. In addition to railroad rails, the plant turned out iron beams for the new iron-framed, fireproof buildings that were beginning to appear in the major cities. The firm received orders for iron beams to frame the new dome of the U.S. Capitol, as well as for the U.S. Mint in Philadelphia. Then, in 1854, Cooper was one of the six investors who met at the home of his next-door neighbor, Cyrus Field, to form the company which would lay the under-ocean cable for the first Atlantic telegraph.
Peter Cooper considered the crowning achievement of his life to be the founding of "The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art." As a young man, he had resolved that if he should prosper, he would devote a portion of his money and energy to assist young men in the pursuit of knowledge. As a member of the Common Council of New York City, Cooper had been a Trustee of the Public School Society and, afterwards, a Commissioner of Education. But, in 1859, he realized his life's dream by founding the Cooper Union, building it a large, fireproof building, and offering free classes in science, art, and engineering to working men and women. The building also provided an extensive library and a large hall in which public lectures were given.
After reading the published transcripts of the Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858, Cooper and his friend William Cullen Bryant, who were both Jeffersonian Democrats, became more and more convinced that Abraham Lincoln should become President of the United States. In 1860, Cooper and Bryant invited Lincoln to speak in New York, and convinced Cooper's circle of entrepreneurs to attend the speech at the Cooper Union. On Feb. 27, 1860, Bryant presided at the podium, Cooper's friend David Dudley Field led Lincoln to the platform, and Peter Cooper looked on from the audience. The result of Lincoln's masterful speech was that many eastern Democrats helped vote him into the Presidency.
When Lincoln faced a difficult reelection battle against Gen. George McClellan in 1864, Cooper organized a rally of pro-war Democrats at Cooper Union to support Lincoln and the continuation of the war. One account says that a group of Boston Unionists came to New York, and went straight to Peter Cooper as someone who, "in an ugly squall, never said, 'Go, boy, and reef that topsail,' but always, 'Come, boys, let us do it.'" One of the Bostonians asked Cooper for letters of introduction, but Cooper answered, "There's no time for letters or palavers; just get into my buggy."
Cooper then drove the Bostonians at a reckless pace all over the city. "From door to door we drove," reported one passenger, "through the crowded streets, stirring up one timid friend, holding back the next who wanted some other method, insisting with all against delay, or doubt, or change of plans, till in half the time anyone else would have taken, Peter Cooper, with his big Union at his nod, had arranged for the great meeting."
Dialogue at Berlin Seminar:Toward a Eurasian 'New Deal'
by the Editors
Future generations, if a New Dark Age is averted, will surely look back on the Jan. 12-13, 2005 Berlin symposium as an historic turning point, when leading circles from Eurasia, Africa, and the Americas came together around a revolutionary perspective for lifting humanity from the depths of poverty and an onrushing new fascism. What American statesman and EIR founder Lyndon LaRouche presented, in his Jan. 12 keynote address, as a New Westphalia system of sovereign nation-states, taking up the challenge of a global economic revolution, to manage the world's strategic raw materials in the interest of mankind, not the interests of private oligarchical cartels, formed the basis for two days of non-stop Socratic dialogue, among an impressive array of leading individuals from dozens of nations.
- Dr. Su Jingxiang: Dollar Fall Originates In U.S. Extravagance
Dr. Su Jingxiang, associate professor, is vice director of the Center for Globalization Studies, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations. He gave this presentation to the Berlin seminar on Jan. 12.
- Maj. Gen. Vinod Saighal (ret.): 'The Globe Is Facing A Discontinuity'
Maj. Gen. Vinod Saighal (ret.) of India was, among his other responsibilities, the head of the UN peacekeeping forces in Gaza for eight years. He gave this presentation to the Berlin seminar on Jan. 12. Subheads have been added. In a future issue,we will publish a longer contribution, in which he develops his views in more depth.
- Dialogue
Here are excerpts from the discussion that followed the morning panel on Jan. 12. The moderator was Michael Liebig.
- Dr. Clifford A. Kiracofe, Jr.: The U.S.A. Confronts A Multipolar World
Dr. Kiracofe, a former senior professional staff member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, teaches at Virginia Military Institute, kiracofeca@vmi.edu. He prelongsented this paper to the Berlin seminar on Jan. 12.
- Prof. Stanislav Menshikov: Future Prospects for U.S.-Eurasia Relations
Professor Menshikov, doctor of economic sciences, is affiliated with the Central Mathematical Economics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences and is co-chair of Economists Allied Against the Arms Race. He is the author of major works on the world economy and the Russian economy. He was introduced by Jonathan Tennenbaum, who opened the panel on Jan. 13 with reference to Johannes Kepler's revolutionary thinking about astronomy.
- Dialogue
Here is some of the discussion that followed the concluding seminar panel, on Jan. 13.
Behind Privatization Door Lurks A Killer: 'Tax Simplification'
by Richard Freeman
President George W. Bush and radical Republicans in the House and Senate are planning to roll out a 'total overhaul' of the U.S. tax code, and perhaps use the 'Social Security debate' to ram it through Congress. According to those involved, the reforms are designed to massively reduce taxes on the upper 20% of America's families by incomeespecially the super-wealthy upper 5%while steeply increasing the tax burden on the lower 80% of families. But they would also cause sharp drops in government revenues, forcing deep cuts in vital Federal social and infrastructure programs.
Schwarzenegger Gears Up To Impose Fascist Populism on Californians
by Harley Schlanger
The booing in response to President Bush's lies about Social Security during his State of the Union address, combined with the sharp grilling of Condoleezza Rice by Senate Democrats during her confirmation hearing, demonstrate that blatant dishonesty to promote disastrous Bush Administration policies will no longer receive a free pass in the U.S. Congress. This growing feistiness of Democrats in Washington, in defense of Constitutional principles, raises a compelling question for Democrats in California: How much longer can Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger expect a free ride, as he continues to use lies and bully-boy tactics to push through the fascist agenda given him by his controller, George Shultz?
States Line Up on Medicaid Fight Against Bush Intent To Kill Off Poor
by Linda Everett
Bush's Fiscal Year 2006 budget is expected to reduce Federal spending on Medicaid, and may proffer Federal block grants to states, as a ruse for imposing severe cuts. The Administration knows these actions will make millions of people sickor dead. That is their intent. Now the political battle lines are forming, on a bipartisan basis, over exactly this point: Who will go along with harming and killing people? Who will seek a way to save lives?
Indonesia: Develop Infrastructure or Lose National Sovereignty
by Mike Billington
Indonesia, the world's fourth largest nation by population, is at a crossroads, brought about not only by the incredible destruction of the far western province of Aceh by the earthquake and tsunami of Dec. 26, 2004. Even before that disaster, Indonesia's recently elected government of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (known as SBY) had convened an 'Indonesian Infrastructure Summit' for Jan. 17-18, bringing together government and business leaders from around the world to address the conjunctural crisis facing the Indonesian economy.
Pinochet's Chile Model Still 'Screwing Mexico'
by Rube´n Cota Meza
Six years after having launched the private pension system in Mexico, the foreign bankers who dominate the Mexican banking system have finally succeeded in getting their hands on a big chunk of the total savings of Mexico's more than 32 million workers...to be placed as bets on the international roulette wheel of speculation, exactly as they had wanted ever since Pinochet's socalled 'Chile model' of private pensions was first installed in Mexico.
Report From Germany
by Rainer Apel
Monetarists Demand Even Deeper Cuts
The Berlin government is being pressured by financiers to move past Hartz IV to a still more brutal Hartz V.
Strategic Analysis: Bush's Middle East Policy Paradox
by Jeffrey Steinberg
Anynon-crazy person attempting to assess the Bush Administration's current policy towards Southwest Asia, quickly concludes that it is time to reach for the Excedrin headache pill....
Experienced Middle East hands in the Pentagon and State Department are horrified at the Keystone Cop 'regime change' schemes being activated by Washington and Israel. Vincent Cannistraro, former head of the CIA's Counter-Terrorism Center, told UPI's Sale, 'It's very, very, very dangerous.' A retired senior Naval Intelligence official warned that Israeli and American special operations officers, backing the MEK, stand zero chance of effecting a positive shift in Iran, and such operations open the prospect of a major regional explosion.
Iraq's Election: Was It Fish, or Fowl?
by Hussein Askary
...The Reality... Looking from outside the fishbowl, many Iraqis realize that these elections were held under circumstances that mean they have no legitimacy. The scenes of optimism and enthusiasm broadcast on the day of election around the world were an act of desperation by a great number of Iraqis, who want to be relieved from the current nightmare by any means.
Separatism Unleashed Against Bolivia and Its Neighbors
by Gretchen Small
EIR warned on July 9, 2004 that the nest of Cheneyac neoconservatives at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) in Washington, D.C. had set out to shatter Bolivia, in order to foment anarchy, war, and chaos throughout all of South America. How better to reduce the population of the region, eliminate the nation-states through which peoples could defend their interests, and then grab their resources?
Ukraine: A Postmodernist Revolution
By Konstantin Cheremnykh, a physician in St. Petersburg, Russia, and a close observer of Russian and Ukrainian politics.
Introduction 1: On Crafts In human civilization, crafts have traditionally existed to bring about progress. Blacksmiths, farmers, musicians, and space pilots, in different ways, express man's power over the universe. Within a nation, a talented craftsman reflects the traditions of that people, contributing to the nation's glory, as well as to the world's treasury of science, technological development, and culture...
Project Democracy Targets CIS for More Regime Change
by Elisabeth Hellenbroich and Mary Burdman
Warnings sounded by Russian representatives at EIR's Berlin seminar of Jan. 12-13, about a new wave of destabilizations in Russia and other Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) nations, were echoed on Jan. 25 by CIS Executive Committee Chairman Vladimir Rushailo in Dushanbe, Tajikistan. He said that a 'Georgia' (December 2003) or 'Ukraine' (December 2004) scenario of regime change may unfold in any CIS member country, 'and it may happen in non-member countries, too, as we have seen many times.'
Social Security: Dems Defend FDR Legacy From Bush, Wall St.
by Paul Gallagher
When George W. Bush, in his Feb. 2 State of the Union, made explicit his threat to bankrupt the Social Security system, the Democratic Partyled by its members of Congresswas extraordinarily united in a national fight to defend this legacy of President Franklin Roosevelt from privatization and looting. Democrats had called on a prominent grandson of FDR to denounce the Bush attack; their Senate leader, Harry Reid of Nevada, answered Bush on the evening of Feb. 2 with a proposed 'Marshall Plan to rebuild America's economic infrastructure'; Reid andNewYork Senator Charles Schumer went to the FDR Memorial the next morning to reject Bush's scheme; and the Congressmen reached out to form a national coalition to mobilize the party's constituencies to save Social Security from Bush and Wall Street, as Sen. Ron Wyden of Oregon put it.
Pres. Clinton Tells Some Useful Truths
Former President Bill Clinton was interviewed by U.S. journalist Charlie Rose during this year's World Economic Forum held in Davos, Switzerland, Jan. 26-30. EIR transcribed these excerpts from a taped version of the interview on the Davos website. His remarks provide an insight not only into the history recounted, but into the former President's developing thinking. The 'Charlie Rose' show airs on Public Television.
A Conversation With Rabbi Arthur Hertzberg
"Bush Is Lying . . . On Democracy, Social Security"
Rabbi Arthur Hertzberg is well known as a historian of Judaism and of American Jewry, a feisty intellectual, and a voice of influence in the fight for justice in the United States and Israel. Now retired, he is Bronfman Visiting Professor of Humanities at New York University.
Intense Senate Fight Weakens Gonzales
by Edward Spannaus
After three days of Senate floor debate on the nomination of Alberto Gonzales for U.S. Attorney General, 35 Democrats and one Independent (Jim Jeffords of Vermont) voted against the confirmation of Gonzalesfar more than anyone would have imagined when Bush first offered the nomination. Only two Attorney General nominees in U.S. history have received more opposing votes.

LaRouche: `The Immortality of Martin Luther King'
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
speaks to the Martin Luther King Day Prayer Breakfast in Talladega County, Alabama on Jan. 19, 2004
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