by Jeffrey Steinberg
EIR’s sources confirm press reports that CONPLAN 8022, which could involve the use of nuclear “bunker busters” against Iran or North Korea, is ready for action in support of Anglo-American imperial rule. But this utopian military doctrine is based on pure fantasy.
by Carl Osgood
Documentation: Excerpts from “Joint Publication 3-12: Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations: Final Coordination (2) 15 March 2005.”
by Jeffrey Steinberg
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
“In the financial world, it is as if someone had suddenly turned on the light in the kitchen, and floods of hedge-fund cockroaches are swarming in all directions. The existing world financial system can do nothing to stop this panic! It can only rage, scream, and smash things, all of which would only make everything worse than the moment before.” But there is a solution, if a calm voice prevails that says, “It’s only money!”
by Anita Gallagher
by Lothar Komp
by John Hoefle
by Lothar Komp
by John Hoefle
The derivatives danger exposed—in 1993.
by Paolo Raimondi
An interview with Mario Lettieri.
by Paolo Raimondi
An interview with Alfonso Gianni.
by Ramtanu Maitra
The destabilization of Uzbekistan signals that the old British colonial establishment, with former intelligence officer Bernard Lewis as its mentor, seems to have activated a course of action that can bring endless bloodshed in Central Asia.
by Jeffrey Steinberg
by Michele Steinberg
by Claudio Celani
by Muriel Mirak-Weissbach
by Rainer Apel
An interview with Elke Fimmen.
by Edward Spannaus
If Dick Cheney tries to ram through a Senate rule change to cut off a filibuster—the so-called nuclear option—the Democrats should shut down the Senate until the next election, Lyndon LaRouche said on May 20.
Documentation: From the Senate debate on May 18-19.
Labor leaders speak out on “The LaRouche Show.” The guests were Sue Daniels, former vice president of the Texas AFL-CIO, and currently on the national board of the Coalition of Labor Union Women; Eugene Morey, president of United Autoworkers Local 849, Ypsilanti, Mich.; Mark Sweazy, president of United Autoworkers, Aerospace and Agriculture Implement Workers Local 969 in Columbus, Ohio; and Heather Detweiler of the LaRouche Youth Movement in Philadelphia, Pa.
by Marcia Merry Baker
Interview with State Rep. Perry Clark.
by Carl Osgood
Hon. Lettieri is a member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, and sits on the Finance Committee. In February 2004 he was the initiator of a motion calling for a New Bretton Woods conference.
Hon. Gianni is a member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, and of its Commission on Labor and Welfare affairs, who co-sponsored the resolution for a New Bretton Woods.
Fimmen, a leader of the LaRouche movement in Germany, was one of the authors of Deutschlands Neocons: Wer führt den neoliberalen Großangriff auf den sozialen Bundesstaat?) (Germany’s Neo-Cons: Who Is Out To Destroy the Federal Social State?).
Clark has been in the Kentucky Legislature for six terms. He has filed a resolution “Urging Congress To Take Emergency Actions To Save the Economy and the Auto Industry.”