Published: Tuesday, Aug.15, 2006
Volume 5, Issue Number 33
This Week You Need To Know:
August 8, 2006
If the presently imperilled U.S.A. is to be saved from that virtual state of bankruptcy, and worse, which it has permitted itself to enter today, the relevant lesson from the history of ancient Athens must be applied to not only our own citizenry, but that of western and central Europe. The recently revived attention to the case of ex-Communist and "Cold War Liberal" Richard Hofstadter, is a relevant case in point. Thirty-five years after his death, the effects of the influence of this "Cold War Liberal" and other ideologues of his type, are erupting like an old volcano on our world of today.
...full article, PDF
for the
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Recent LaRouche Webcasts*
"Rohatyn as Satan" |
July 20, 2006 |
"Emergency Actions Required by Congress" |
June 9, 2006 |
"The Greatest Economic Crisis in Modern History" |
Apr. 27, 2006 |
"Make a Platonic Revolution to Save Our Civilization" |
Feb. 23, 2006 |
"Rebuild a Looted U.S. Economy"
video: Baltimore: from Industrial Powerhouse to Death Zones |
Jan. 11, 2006 |
"The Tasks Before Us in the Post-Cheney Era"
Videos: US Dams, US Nuclear Plants |
Nov. 16, 2005 |
"Rediscovering America: The Lessons of LaRouche's Famous Oct. 12, 1988 Forecast" |
Oct. 12, 2005 |
Sept. 16, 2005 |
Emergency Webcast,
"Pulling This Nation Together Now!"
Sept. 3, 2005
"LaRouche Addresses Urgent Changes in Economic and Monetary Policy"
Short video (WMA format)
June 16, 2005
April 7, 2005
In his December 1971 debate against liberal economist Abba Lerner, Lyndon LaRouche gained notoriety among the New York synarchist financiers as the man who blew the lid off their plot to impose economic fascism on the United States. As he exposed Lerner's "Schacht without Hitler" version of Nazi economics,* he is blowing the lid again today off Felix Rohatyn's plot to use the Democratic Party to privatize the entire United States and turn it into a mere franchise of an international banking cartel. As part of the LaRouche Youth Movement (LYM)'s ongoing mobilization all across the country to free the Democratic Party from its folly by destroying Rohatyn politically, we returned to New York City, Rohatyn's home town, to deliver a public ass-kicking for all his neighbors to see.
...full article
InDepth Coverage

The Transit of A 'Cold War' Liberal
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
Richard Hofstadter: An Intellectual Biography
by David S. Brown
Chicago:University of Chicago Press, 2006
320 pages, hardcover, $27.50
As reviewed by the New York Times Book Review
Editor Sam Tanenhous, 'The Education of Richard Hofstadter,' Sunday, Aug. 6, 2006.
August 8, 2006
If the presently imperilled U.S.A. is to be saved from that virtual state of bankruptcy, and worse, which it has permitted itself to enter today, the relevant lesson from the history of ancient Athens must be applied to not only our own citizenry, but that of western and central Europe. The recently revived attention to the case of ex-Communist and 'Cold War Liberal' Richard Hofstadter, is a relevant case in point. Thirtyfive years after his death, the effects of the influence of this 'Cold War Liberal' and other ideologues of his type, are erupting like an old volcano on our world of today.
Strategic Studies:
President George W. Nero
by Lyndon H. LaRouche,Jr.
August 6, 2006
Everywhere, in the signs from Southwest Asia and the U.S. and European financial markets, we are seeing, without the slightest cause for equivocation, the announcement of the end, not of history, but of the legend of Francis Fukuyama. The present signs of that are now rising almost everywhere.
LaRouche Offers Qualified Endorsement of UN Res. 1701
On Friday, Aug. 11, 2006, the United Nations Security Council unanimously approved Resolution 1701, calling for an immediate ceasefire in Lebanon, and spelling out the terms of a phased withdrawal of all Israeli forces from Lebanon, as both an augmented United Nations Interim Force In Lebanon (UNIFIL) and troops from the Lebanese Army, assume security control of the area south of the Litani River.
Russian General: LaRouche Is Right; Financial Oligarchy Is Behind This War
by Rachel Douglas
Gen. Col. Leonid G. Ivashov, the outspoken former head of the International Military Cooperation Department of the Russian Ministry of Defense, has published a strategic assessment of the current fighting in Southwest Asia, which coincides in many points with the assessment issued July 23 by Lyndon LaRouche ('Stop Being a Dupe! Know Your Actual Enemy,' EIR, Aug. 4), whom Ivashov cited in the article. The commentary was published Aug. 7 by the Russian online Marketing and Consulting Information and Analysis Agency.
Lyndon LaRouche on Rense Show
'We're in AsymmetricWarfare, So Only Political Solutions Can Succeed'
Lyndon LaRouche was interviewed by Jeff Rense on www.rense.com on Aug. 7, 2006. We publish major excerpts here.
Book Review
Bush on the Ceiling, But Off the Wall
by Jeffrey Steinberg
In light of recent reports that President George W. Bush is in an unreachable state of what some would dare to allege as absolute insanity, the editors of EIR have decided that it is appropriate to republish this 2004 book review of Dr. Justin Frank's important book, Bush on the CouchInside the Mind of the President. The review was originally titled 'The Ugly Truth About G.W. Bush,' and appeared in EIR of Aug. 20, 2004.
Auto and Air Industry in the Pit
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
August 6, 2006
One of the crucial changes in industrial policy which erupted in the wake of the U.S. stock-market crash of October 1987, was the maddened lurch toward eliminating the costs of design engineering through the substitution of what was inherently incompetent reliance on what was called 'benchmarking' for the customary methods of experimental science. More than fifteen years later, the deadly impact of that change toward incompetence in corporate industrial management, has now caught up with the economy, more or less worldwide.
Engineering Services Offshore
Globalist Pipe Dream: Everything Offshore
by Marcia Merry Baker
ESOEngineering Services Offshoreis currently in the headlines as the new frontier of global outsourcing for everything from engineering design for autos, to aircraft, to construction. A new report lauding ESO, and promoting India as a potential world center, was released this Summer by Booz Allen Hamilton, the U.S.-based management consulting firm, which operates on behalf of globalization, and by Nasscom, the Indian association for IT (infotech) services and software.
Report From Ground Zero
Smoke Rising From Loudoun Housing Bubble
by L. Wolfe
As we head into a fateful period of weeks at the end of the world financial system, there are some ominous sounds coming from Loudoun County, Virginia, the northern suburb of Washington, D.C. that Lyndon LaRouche has termed the 'Ground Zero' of the multitrillion-dollarU.S. residential real estate and mortgage bubble.
Capital Investments Plunging in Germany
by Lothar Komp
Looking at export figures for the last few years, it seems that the German economy is stronger than ever. No other country, including Japan and China, sold more goods in international markets in 2005. The German export of machines, automobiles, and other capital goods even surpassed the export volume of the supposedly booming U.S. economy, which is five times bigger. The German trade surplus last year reached 150 billion euros, the biggest surplus ever, in spite of the extreme price increases for imported commodities.
Report From Germany
Wal-Mart Has To Be ExposedAlways
by Rainer Apel
The monster of anti-unionism and brutal cost-cutting is pulling out of Germany, closing 85 stores. Good riddance!
The Henry Jackson Society: Would-Be Fascist World Rule
by Scott Thompson and Michele Steinberg
On July 14, as Israeli bombers began their 5,000 sorties against Lebanon, including the devastation of Beirut, the mass murder of civilians in the town of Qana, and repeated assaults on other civilian population centers, a would-be Nuremberg Rally occurred on a small scale in an undisclosed location in Britain, where some 200 afficionados of the Henry ('Scoop') Jackson Society cheered the United Kingdom's support for the American-backed Israeli actions, and declared that this was 'The British Moment.'
With the Lieberman Defeat, Rohatyn's DLC is Doomed
by Nancy Spannaus
The defeat of the leading Republican Bush-lover in the Democratic Party, Joe Lieberman, in the Senate Democratic primary in Connecticut on Aug. 8, has thrown a huge monkeywrench into the efforts of the Felix Rohatyn-funded Democratic Leadership Council (DLC) to stage a comeback in the runup to the November Congressional elections. The field is now wide open for the Democrats to turn to Lyndon LaRouche's leadership, especially as LaRouche has been the spearhead of the anti-Lieberman drive. Any other course is going to lead, quite predictably, to a smashing Democratic defeat in November.
LYM Takes Anti-Fascist Battle To Rohatyn's Home Turf in NYC
by Matthew Ogden, LaRouche Youth Movement
In his December 1971 debate against liberal economist Abba Lerner, Lyndon LaRouche gained notoriety among the New York synarchist financiers as the man who blew the lid off their plot to impose economic fascism on the United States. As he exposed Lerner's 'Schacht without Hitler' version of Nazi economics,* he is blowing the lid again today off Felix Rohatyn's plot to use the Democratic Party to privatize the entire United States and turn it into a mere franchise of an international banking cartel.
Rumsfeld, General Abizaid Admit: We Face 'Asymmetric and Irregular Warfare'
by William F. Wertz, Jr.
As the result of forceful questioning by both Republican and Democratic Senators, during a hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee on Aug. 3, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Gen. John Abizaid, head of the U.S. Central Command, were forced to admit the reality of what Lyndon LaRouche has described as 'the onrushing threat of a modern nightmare of asymmetric World War III.' This crucial aspect of the hearing has been blacked out by the press.
'The People That Wishes To Be Free, Shall Be So'
by Gretchen Small
As the tumultuous Mexican election battle escalated, the LaRouche Youth Movement (LYM) introduced a new flank on Aug. 10: a message of support for Andre´s Manuel Lo´pez Obrador's civil resistance movement to secure a full recount of the July 2 Presidential election, sent by that heroine of Dr. Martin Luther King's civil rights struggle in the United States, Amelia Boynton Robinson. Recalling the trials endured by Dr. King's movement before justice was finally won, Mrs. Robinson urged Mexicans to take heart from the long battle waged by President Benito Jua´rez, to drive foreign invaders out, and restore Mexican sovereignty.
EIR Team in Nigeria Infrastructure Takes Root in Niger Delta
by Lawrence K. Freeman
Sir Henri Deterding, who created the Royal Dutch Shell oil company in the early 20th Century, and later supported Adolf Hitler's drive to create a Third Reich Empire, would be happy to see how Royal Dutch Shell has destroyed Nigeria, and prevented it from becoming an independent sovereign nation.
Nigeria Needs All Types of Industry
by Summer Shields, LaRouche Youth Movement
In the year 2000, NASA released a composite of hundreds of photographs taken by the Defense Meteorological Satellites Program, titled 'Earth at Night.' As the name suggests, the final image is a view of the Earth from space at night. Mankind's subduing of the Earth through infrastructure development is made clear by the intensity of man-made lights on the Earth's surface, as visible from space. The darker areas are the lesser-developed regions. In viewing this map, one cannot help but notice that the largest expanse of darkness, in terms of land area, exists on the continent of Africa. This is not what should be meant when one says 'black Africa"
Interview: Gov. Peter Otunuya Odili, M.D.
Large Infrastructure Key to Nigeria's Future
Dr. Odili is governor of Rivers state, Nigeria, in the Niger Delta region. The second largest oil-producing state, it is the heart of the nation's hydrocarbon deposits, and is known as the 'treasure base' of the nation. The Niger Delta region is also the world's second largest wetland area. Odili was interviewed by EIR's Lawrence Freeman on Aug. 1, 2006, in Port Harcourt, the state capital. Also taking part in the interview was Prof. Charles C. Okigbo, Ph.D., Department of Communication, North Dakota State University.
French State Wants To Silence Presidential Candidate Cheminade
The following statement was released on Aug. 5 by Jacques Cheminade, the head of the LaRouche movement in France, and a candidate in the French Presidential election of 2007, running in support of a New Bretton Woods agreement, and in defense of the tradition of the French nation-state, which fought for and inspired the American Revolution.
Israeli Peace Groups: Stop This Accursed War
As Israel becomes increasingly enmired in a Thirty Years' War scenario, the voices for peace inside the country are struggling to put forward an outlook supporting a just peace to a blinded population. Ten thousand peace advocates marched through Tel Aviv Aug. 5, in the weekly Saturday evening peace demonstration (given Israel's population of less than 7 million, this is like a 400,000-person U.S. gathering). The demonstrations began on day one of the war, and have gathered strength, although demonstrators are still meeting harassment by onlookers and police, and a general press blackout.
The Crash of 2006
As of Aug. 10, it had become obvious that the global break in the economic, financial, and political situation, which Lyndon LaRouche had forecast on April 20, 2006 to be coming by not much later than September 2006, was 'on.' It can be expected to proceed with mounting force in the immediate period ahead. The impulse toward this global breakdown crisis is the crucial element that must be understood, in order to comprehend why the synarchist banking establishment is currently ramming through the insane Israeli escalation toward World War III.
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"Our Purpose is to organize people to contribute, intellectually and otherwise, to the organizing of a mass-based movementa Gideon's Army, but with mass-base potential and actual supportto mobilize the members of Gideon's Army to study, to read, to think, to consult together, to organize together, to try to reach out and influence broader and broader layers of the population."
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. |
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