by Jeffrey Steinberg
At a conference in Dubai, neo-con Patrick Clawson, of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, presented the Bush-Cheney Administration’s policy of a military strike against Iran: not “if,” but “when.” Lyndon LaRouche forecast the scenario last year: that if Bush were re-elected, the Administration would proceed immediately with military attacks on Iran and other nations. “Now people are getting it,” he commented on the Dubai report, “and they are saying: ‘Is it true?’ Of course it’s true! They intend to do it.” The policy is generating a storm of opposition in Washington, as well as among America’s allies abroad.
by Edward Spannaus
In actions which would have seemed inconceivable just a few weeks ago, 13 Senators voted against the confirmation of Condoleezza Rice as Secretary of State, while in the Senate Judiciary Committee, all eight Democrats voted against the confirmation of Alberto Gonzales to become U.S. Attorney General.
by Harley Schlanger
How was it that so many manipulated, impotent people who consider themselves Christian fundamentalists, suicidally cast their votes for George W. Bush? Harley Schlanger examines some of the historical and cultural roots of this phenomenon, which has misused the name of Christianity in order to destroy God-given reason, and leave men helpless before a very worldly oligarchy that seeks to control the nation.
by Marcia Merry Baker
by Jeffrey Steinberg
An interview with Dr. Justin Frank.
by Muriel Mirak-Weissbach
Due to the increasingly visible and aggressive opposition inside the United States, forces in Europe have mustered the gumption to stand up to the new war threat.
by Dean Andromidas
by Valerie Rush
by Luis Vásquez Medina
by Rainer Apel
by Paul Gallagher
Two of the vaunted “three legs” of retirement security in America—employer pension plans, and personal or household savings—are shrivelling; the third, Social Security, is under deadly assault.
by Paul Gallagher
by Mary Jane Freeman
by Rachel Douglas
by Cynthia R. Rush
by Cynthia R. Rush
by Allen Douglas
Allen Douglas takes off from a new book by Jack Greene and Alessandro Massignani, The Black Prince and the Sea Devils: The Story of Valerio Borghese and the Elite Units of the Decima Mas, to develop the bigger picture of Venetian intelligence warfare against sovereign nations over the centuries.
The author of Bush on the Couch: Inside the Mind of the President, Dr. Frank is a practicing psychoanalyst in Washington, D.C. He is on the faculty of the George Washington University Medical School.
Conyers Rips Sanctions Against Ohio Lawyers.
Call Him Pinochet; Call It Fascism.
In EIR of Jan. 21, 2005, the article “The Plot Against FDR: A Model for Bush’s Pinochet Plan Today,” on p. 32, mistakenly said that “the Swedish-based ball-bearing trust, Swedish Enskilda Bank (SKF), shipped ball bearings needed by the Allied war effort to Ibero-American Nazi-associated firms.” The correct name of the SKF is Svenska Kullager Fabriken, or Swedish Ball-Bearing Factory.