Articles and Speeches by
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. in 1996
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Note: This is a listing of only selected articles by Lyndon LaRouche from this year. All articles from this year are available in PDF format in the EIR Online Archive.
Reality Strikes! The Vital Issue of Statecraft Facing the U.S. in 1997
November 19, 1996
Russia's Relation to Universal History
November 14, 1996
Ring Around China: Britain Wants War
November 12, 1996
On the Subject of Evolution: The Descent to Bush from Man
November 6, 1996
The Murderous Issue of Food Policy
November 6, 1996
On November 6, Reality Strikes!
November 1, 1996
George Bush and the 'Ibykus Principle'
Foreword to EIR Special Report, "George Bush and the 12333 serial murder ring."
October 15, 1996
George Bush's 'Crack Force'
Foreword to the EIR Special Report, "Would a President Bob Dole Prosecute Drug Super-kingpin George Bush?"
September 13, 1996
From LaRouche's Testimony at Hearings on Gross Misconduct of U.S. Department of Justice
September 1, 1996
Dr. Fulani's Lamm Stew
July 31, 1996
The Pathology of 'Cultural Determinism'
August 17, 1996
U.S. Law: Neither Truth Nor Justice
August 16, 1996
Today's Echoes of Civil Wars in Ancient Rome
August 16, 1996
The Scientific Basis for Life on Mars
August 12, 1996
Lyndon LaRouche Offers Support for Teamsters' UPS Strike
August 12, 1996
International Terrorism Targets President Clinton's U.S.A.
July 31, 1996
Phil Gramm: Not the Only Quackademic
July 26, 1996
SDI: The Technical Side of 'Grand Strategy'
July 19, 1996 (Vol. 23, 29)
Now, Rid NATO of the Entente Cordiale!
June 28, 1996 (Vol. 23, No. 27)
Now, Rid NATO of the Entente Cordiale!
June 28, 1996
Israel's Patriots vs. Harvard's Racists
Commentary on Daniel Goldhagen's book, Hitler's Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust.
June 14, 1996 (Vol. 23, No. 25)
How `Consensual Pragmatism' Ruined U.S. Policymaking
Report to a Washington, D.C. audience on May 16, on the dangerous situation in Russia.
June 7, 1996 (Vol. 23, No. 24)
Letter to a Secondary Student: Return to Classical Education
June 5, 1996
More `Nobel Lies'
Review of Pragmatic Gradualism: Reform Strategy for Russia, the proceedings of an Economic Transition Group seminar.
Russia, the U.S.A., and the Global Financial Crisis
Remarks made at a round table discussion held in Moscow on April 24.
May 31, 1996 (Vol. 23, No. 23)
`Stop Wearing the Union Jack for Underwear'
Transcript of exchange between LaRouche and a member of the Sudanese opposition.
LaRouche Calls for Resignation of DNC Chief Fowler
May 12, 1996
U.S. Interests Are the Natural Ally of the Cause of Sudan
Speech to a conference on the theme, ''Stop the Dirty British Imperialist Operation Against Suden,'' held in Washington, D.C. on April 20.
May 3, 1996 (Vol. 23, No. 19)
LaRouche: The Economic Crisis Is the Major Issue of My Campaign
Uncensored transcript of a March 17 interview with Reuters' Los Angeles correspondent.
April 19, 1996 (Vol. 23, No. 17)
Foreign Policy to Defeat the British Empire
Transcript of speech delivered in Los Angeles on March 16.
April 5, 1996 (Vol. 23, No. 15)
LaRouche on the Anniversary of the Malvinas War
April 2, 1996
Accepting the U.N. as 'the World Government' Is Unconstitutional
Candidate's statement.
March 29, 1996 (Vol. 23, No. 14)
LaRouche Supports Army Specialist Michael New in Case Challenging United Nations' Supranational Powers
March 21, 1996
The LaRouche Record: National Economic Security
Feature containing excerpts of LaRouche policy statements on the financial and monetary crisis, the physical economy, and regional development initiatives.
March 15, 1996 (Vol. 23, No. 12)
Overturn the Axioms That are Leading Us to Catastrophe
Address to a conference of the Schiller Institute and International Caucus of Labor Committees, in Reston, Virginia on Feb. 17.
March 1, 1996 (Vol. 23, No. 10)
Subject: Reckless Disregard for Truth
Letter to Australian Member of Parliament Clyde Holding.
LaRouche Campaigns in New Hampshire for U.S. National Economic Security
Text of speech delivered in Manchester, New Hampshire on Feb. 6.
Space: The Ultimate Money Frontier.
February 23, 1996 (Vol. 23, No. 9)
Kapstein's Curious Hoax
Comment on Ethan B. Kapstein's assertion, in Foreign Affairs, that the financial system is ''shockproof.''
February 16, 1996 (Vol. 23, No. 8)
Unbalanced Minds Cannot Balance the U.S. Budget
Martin Luther King Day address delivered in Arlington, Virginia on Jan. 27.
February 2, 1996 (Vol. 23, No. 6)
LaRouche Holds Dialogue with Eastern Europeans
Selected transcripts of a day-long seminar, keynoted by LaRouche, held on Dec. 4, 1995, in Eltville, Germany.
January 26, 1996 (Vol. 23, No. 5)
LaRouche: Shall We Hang Billy Bailey and Let Newt Go Free?
January 24, 1996
Indict British Commonwealth and Monarchy for Aggressive War and Genocide in Africa
January 17, 1996
LaRouche: `Economic System Is Near Death'
January 16, 1996
We Are At the End of an Epoch
Address to a conference in Eltville, Germany, on Dec. 2, 1995.
January 1, 1996 (Vol. 23, No. 1)