Articles and Speeches by
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. in 1999
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Note: This is a listing of only selected articles by Lyndon LaRouche from this year. All articles from this year are available in PDF format in the EIR Online Archive.
More Signs That the Bubble Is Collapsing
December 28, 1999
The Tinsel-Town Follies
December 26, 1999
What Foreigners Should Understand About the United States
December 22, 1999
LaRouche Briefs Journalists on Solutions to the Global Crisis
December 22, 1999
The Heritage Foundation Misspeaks--Again: `Who Needs Brains, When We Have Muscles?'
December 18, 1999
On the Subject of Education
November 8, 1999
Will the U.S.A. Keep Its Sovereignty?
October 30, 1999
The Washington Post 'Death Beam' Hoax
October 18, 1999
Bush To Be Hit by Gore Scandal
August 28, 1999
Brzezinski's Role in the Nuclear-War Potential
August 18, 1999
Is World War III Coming?
August 11, 1999
A Century of Catastrophe
August 6, 1999
Can You, Personally, Survive This Bust?
July 18, 1999
Star Wars and Littleton
June 11, 1999
LaRouche to Clinton: Tell Truth about China Embassy Bombing
June 14, 1999
The Case for a 'New Marshall Plan' for the Balkans
June 1, 1999
Cox Report: A Scientifically Illiterate Hoax
May 28, 1999
What EIR Knows and What Hollinger says
May 26, 1999
LaRouche: Targetting of Chinese Embassy was Intentional
May 10, 1999
Take the Economics 'I.Q.' Test
April 28, 1999
The Alternative to Financial Crisis and a Third World War
April 21, 1999
Blair Makes Case for NATO Bombing of Buckingham Palace
April 13, 1999
The Balkan War: 'The LaRouche Doctrine'
April 7, 1999
The Coming Scientific Revolution
April 2, 1999
LaRouche: Gore Provokes Total War!
March 27, 1999
Mad Brzezinski's Chessboard
March 16, 1999
The Road to Recovery (PDF)
February 26, 1999
The New ABM Flap
February 11, 1999
LaRouche Tells Russia: 'Scrap the IMF Package!'
January 26, 1999
Why General Shelton Must Retire Now
January 8, 1999
To Defeat Impeachment, You Must Defeat the New Confederacy
January 1, 1999