Articles and Speeches by
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. in 2009
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2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 |
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To What Are You Loyal?
December 31, 2009
LaRouche Meets with European LYM:
What Are Your Plans for the Rest of This Century?
December 27, 2009
More on Dynamics:
What Leibniz Intended
December 24, 2009
Bernanke Exits Now!:
National Banking
December 4, 2009
LaRouche Webcast: The Real Change Is Coming
December 3, 2009
Agreement Among Four Powers Can Avert Total Collapse
December 3, 2009
A Queen in Check!
November 29, 2009
The Dubai Crisis of Financial Europe"
The Copenhagen Horror!
November 28, 2009
Person & Pain: Brainwashed!
November 16, 2009
LaRouche Webcast: The Great Change of 2009
November 11, 2009
What Your Accountant Doesn't Know:
The Science of Society
November 10, 2009
LaRouche Address:
World Recovery Possible Only with a Four-Power Agreement
November 4, 2009
The Lesson of Indo-China: `No U.S. Land War in Asia!'
October 31, 2009
A Heartbeat Is Heard in Asia
October 30, 2009
LaRouche Sends Greetings:
Vernadsky Museum Marks 250th Anniversary
October 30, 2009
Several Observations: On Russia Now
October 12, 2009
LaRouche Tells Russian Weekly:
Four-Powers Initiative `Our Last Chance'
October 10, 2009
LaRouche in Rhodes:
A Four-Power Agreement Can Create a New World System
October 10, 2009
Peer Steinbrück Protested But:
Evans-Pritchard Blows His Lid
October 6, 2009
First Steps in the `LaRouche Plan':
Immediate Measures for U.S. Economic Survival!
October 6, 2009
The Season of a Twentieth Anniversary: Now, October!
September 30, 2009
`The LaRouche Plan': Rescuing the World's Economy
September 30, 2009
The Empire Crumbles: This Tower of Babble
September 28, 2009
An Election in Germany: Death Under the Brutish Boot
September 28, 2009
As Easy As Falling Downstairs: General McChrystal's Folly
September 24, 2009
LaRouche on Carter's Mid-East Policy
September 23, 2009
London Paints Charts Upside-Down
September 21, 2009
Statement by Lyndon LaRouche:
Bernanke's Money-Printing Is Hyperinflationary
September 16, 2009
Is Our President "Soul-Dead"?: Nero Was Also Dumb
September 13, 2009
The British Monarchy & Hitler Today
September 11, 2009
LaRouche Webcast: The Death of the British Empire
September 8, 2009
Are Europeans the World's Dumbest People?
August 31, 2009
Is the Democratic Party Already Dead?
August 27, 2009
LaRouche Addresses Diplomats:
Mass Strike Is Opportunity To Create New Monetary System
August 19, 2009
Powered Human Flight to Mars Orbit
August 7, 2009
LaRouche Webcast: The Fall of the House of Windsor
August 1, 2009
LaRouche Demands Bankruptcy Reorganization Now
July 28, 2009
LaRouche's April 11 Webcast:
President Obama's `Narcissus Syndrome'
April 11, 2009 (excerpts published July 24, 2009)
The Jack Stockwell Show:
LaRouche: We Can Now Beat Back the Enemies of the U.S.
July 21, 2009
LaRouche's Alternative
July 17, 2009
It Is Time To Declare War
July 17, 2009
LaRouche to Mexico's Pro-PLHINO Committee:
`Victory Is a Matter of Grand Strategy'
July 14, 2009
Economics As History:
The Science of Physical Economy
July 11, 2009
A Sequel on Economics As Science:
The Rule of Natural Law
June 27, 2009
LaRouche's June 27 Webcast: `Britain Delenda Est'
June 27, 2009
Zhou Xiaochuan Hooked by British:
Bank of China Official Takes British Bait
June 26, 2009
The Present Pandemic
June 21, 2009
LaRouche in Rome:
The Remedy: Put the System in Bankruptcy
June 17, 2009
North Korea: LaRouche Calls for U.S. Direct Dialogue
June 6, 2009
Economy for Scientists: Economic Science, In Short
May 29, 2009
An Unavoidable Duty: On Ricci vs. DeStefano
May 29, 2009
Where the Day Starts With Jerks: Wall Street
May 28, 2009
Obama's `Pound of Flesh'!: Act Now!
May 24, 2009
The Substance of Tensors: The Ontological Matter
May 21, 2009
A Notre Dame Event: Don't Ask Obama
May 18, 2009
The Monster Sitting On Your Skull!: Overhead!
May 18, 2009
LaRouche on the Middle East:
The End of Sykes-Picot: Moving Beyond Colonialism
May 4, 2009
The Real `New Bretton Woods':
A Dollar-Based Global Recovery
May 1, 2009
LaRouche's April 28 Webcast:
The Other Shoe Will Now Drop
April 28, 2009
Ohio's `Straight Talk Live' Radio
Interviews `the Legendary Lyndon LaRouche'
April 26, 2009
A Curious Note: A Good Heart, But Bad History
April 25, 2009
First, Deflation, Then: Soon, Hyperinflation
April 23, 2009
LaRouche: The President Was Shocked:
An Opportunity To Bring This Planet Out of the Crisis
April 15, 2009
LaRouche's April 11 Webcast:
President Obama's `Narcissus Syndrome'
April 11, 2009
LaRouche's April 11 Webcast:
`Seven Sequential Points' on Science, Economy, and the Future of Humanity
April 11, 2009
LaRouche's April 11 Webcast:
Dialogue with LaRouche
April 11, 2009
Comment on James Galbraith Paper:
Good Progress, But More Is Needed
April 7, 2009
Greetings to Kiev Conference: Science & Society Now
April 5, 2009
Emergency Address to the President and the People
March 25, 2009
March 21 Webcast:
LaRouche Declares War on the British Empire
March 21, 2009
LaRouche: We Must Return to FDR's 1944 Intention
March 18, 2009
LaRouche to Colombian Military University:
Proposals To Solve the Global Economic Crisis
March 18, 2009
A British, Malthusian Swindle:
A New World Currency As Fraud
March 13, 2009
Is George Soros a Modern Rumpelstiltskin?
March 13, 2009
LaRouche Replies to Query on National Bank
March 5, 2009
Kiev Podolynsky Conference Paper:
The Principle of Mind
March 4, 2009
LaRouche: Your Mission Is Your Existence
February 22, 2009
The Next Steps: Only Sovereign Nations Can Rebuild the Bankrupt Economy
February 21, 2009
Was Dorian Gray Autobiographical?:
How London Goes Down
February 17, 2009
LaRouche's Feb. 11 Webcast: `On the Next Step'
February 11, 2009
The Concluding Document of a Series:
Now Comes Economic Time
February 8, 2009
More on Physical Time:
The Meaning of Physical Time
February 3, 2009
LaRouche Comments on Davos: It's `Run Amok'
January 29, 2009
LaRouche on Afghanistan:
No U.S. Troops; Shut Down the Drug Traffic
January 29, 2009
LaRouche Explains How He Developed the `Triple Curve'
January 22, 2009
LaRouche's Jan. 22 Webcast: `The Issue Is Bankruptcy'
January 22, 2009
There Is Reason for Qualified Optimism
January 21, 2009
LaRouche's Historic Webcast: President Obama's Options
January 16, 2009
What Is a Nation?: Nations as Dynamical
January 14, 2009