Articles and Speeches by
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. in 2002
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Note: This is a listing of only selected articles by Lyndon LaRouche from this year. All articles from this year are available in PDF format in the EIR Online Archive.
Conflict Is Not the Natural Condition Among Men and Nations
December 18, 2002
Reviewing an Original Discovery:
Believing Is Not Necessarily Knowing
December 16, 2002
Korea and World Peace
December 15, 2002
How To Reconstruct a Bankrupt World
December 12, 2002
LaRouche Tells Californians: Time for a Super-TVA
December 7, 2002
LaRouche Comments on Desperate Attacks
Against Brazil's Enéas Carneiro
December 3, 2002
A Presidential Thanksgiving Message
November 28, 2002
Italy's Classical Heritage, and Its Role in
Solving Today's Systemic Crisis
November 23, 2002
Securing the Future for Our Grandchildren
(video and transcript)
November 9, 2002
Mexico's Top Daily Newspaper Interviews LaRouche
November 9, 2002
`If Brazil Goes Down, So Does Wall Street'
November 5, 2002
Do You Want a Future?
Learn How to Solve the Crisis of Humanity
November 2, 2002
The Next Generations
October 20, 2002
The Historical Individual
October 20, 2002
Ever-More Electable LaRouche Tells You
What You Must Do About the Economy—Now!
October 10, 2002
Another Thing George W. Bush Does Not Know:
The American System of Political-Economy
October 7, 2002
Drug Legalization: Who Is Fooling Whom?
October 4, 2002
The United Nations Must Declare:
The President of the United States Is Insane
October 4, 2002
Truth! in U.S. National Security Policy:
A Boldly Modest U.S. Global Mission
September 27, 2002
Iraq Is a Fuse, But Cheney Built the Bomb
September 20, 2002
Israel Must Say, `No' to Israel Nuclear Blackmail
September 18, 2002
On Classical Tragedy: Shakespeare's George I;
Or, How George I Lost His Re-Election
September 11, 2002
The Truth About `Pollard II' and the Iraq War Threat
September 11, 2002
The World Will Never Seem the Same
August 31, 2002
President Must Act `In an FDR Fashion'
August 24, 2002
Special Report: Science and Infrastructure
August 23, 2002
Lyndon LaRouche in Dialogue with Mexico
August 22, 2002
China in a Changing World
August 17, 2002
LaRouche Interviewed Aug. 9 on Argentine National Radio Station
August 9, 2002
For Citizens Who Enjoy Thinking: Why My Candidacy Is Unique
August 5, 2002
LaRouche: 5 Million Leaflets To Stop McCain-Lieberman Is the Strategic Flank
July 27, 2002
The Electable LaRouche
July 26, 2002
Will the U.S. Strike Iraq?
July 23, 2002
The Real Corruption: McCain and Lieberman
July 14, 2002
An Imperial Criminal Court
July 9, 2002
LaRouche Advises Democrats on What They Must Do
July 7, 2002
Political Traditiona and Their Struggles in America:
An Historical Reading of Current Events
June 26, 2002
The Challenge of Peace:
For the Christian, for Example
June 16, 2002
`The Most Profound Crisis May Be a Gift'
(Address to the Commercial Association of São Paulo, Brazil)
June 13, 2002
`The Most Profound Crisis May Be a Gift'
(Remarks to the São Paulo City Council)
June 12, 2002
Wall Street Magicians and Their Tricks:
Once Again, They Have Fooled You!
June 7, 2002
Memorial Day Address:
The Lessons of Wartime for Statecraft Today
May 28, 2002
The Middle East as a Strategic Crossroad
May 26, 2002
Does Technology Steal Jobs?
May 21, 2002
The Case for D.C. General Hospital
May 20, 2002
LaRouche Endorses Spannaus, Hits Democrats' `Self-Inflicted Wounds'
May 20, 2002
The Northern Command: Crossing the Rubicon
May 17, 2002
The Rules by Which Games Are Played
May 7, 2002
The Middle East Blow-Back Effect
May 1, 2002
Laputa's President Bush
April 18, 2002
Energy Policy and the Strategic Crisis
April 16, 2002
LaRouche Tells Bush: Do Not Repeat Bill Clinton's Mistake!
April 14, 2002
Sharon Suckers Bush
April 5, 2002
The Emperors Bush and Nero
April 2, 2002
Easter, A Time for Reflection
March 29, 2002
Robert Rubin Was Cited
March 24, 2002
Steel Tariff Paradox Blooms
March 9, 2002
The Tariff Itself Is Not Europe's Problem
March 7, 2002
Freedom vs. `Democracy': How `Democracy' Became Diseased
March 5, 2002
Peace Between Two Presidents:
Open Reply to Ari Fleischer on President Clinton and the Middle East
March 2, 2002
God Only Knows!
February 28, 2002
Can the Democratic Party Survive?
February 19, 2002
After the Collapse of Enron: Next Comes the Cluster-Bust!
February 16, 2002
McCain's Big-Noose Party
February 8, 2002
Stop Kidding Us Over Enron!
February 8, 2002
Götterdämmerung in Palestine
January 30, 2002
Israeli Defense Forces Use Nazi Warsaw Ghetto Methods
January 28, 2002
And Now, a Year Later
Opening remarks to Washington, D.C. webcast
January 24, 2002
LaRouche Interview Online in Italy: Eliminate Maastricht Or No Europe
January 20, 2002
Economics: At the End of a Delusion
January 12, 2002
LaRouche Points to His 1995 `Triple Curve' Forecast of Today's Collapse
January 12, 2002
Continue the American Revolution!
January 6, 2002