Articles and Speeches by
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. in 2012
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Obama and the Trojan Horse!
December 21, 2012
LaRouche Webcast:
No to the Green Policy; Revive Our Credit System
December 7, 2012
An Economy Restored: The End to ‘Bail-Out’!
December 6, 2012
‘Hartz-IV Jobs’ in the U.S.A. Too:
Glass-Steagall Or Die?
November 29, 2012
Life in the Doldrums... ‘What Happened to The Times?’
November 25, 2012
The Crucial Issue of This Crisis
November 25, 2012
The LaRouche Recovery Program:
The First Step Is Glass-Steagall
November 16, 2012
But, There Is an Alternative ...:
The Calamity of the Second Obama Administration
November 9, 2012
LaRouche Webcast:
The Post-Election Prospects: Your Options Now
November 9, 2012
Policy Message: Hyperinflation Now Strikes!
November 8, 2012
The Ancient Roots of Chronic Modern War ...
On a Subject of Ancient Antiquity
November 4, 2012
LaRouche at National Press Club:
Benghazi 9/11: Obama’s Impeachable Crimes
November 2, 2012
LaRouche Webcast: Countdown to Obama’s Removal
October 19, 2012
A Thesis Carrying a Uniquely Original Message:
The End for Dummies!
October 18, 2012
The Future in Science:
The Coming of the End of the Cult of Sense-Deception
October 14, 2012
LaRouche: Save the Nation from the British Empire
October 12, 2012
It Is the Time To Really Begin To Think!
The Second Friday Begins
October 7, 2012
LaRouche Webcast: A Pathway Out of Our Greatest Crisis
October 5, 2012
End the Folly in Sense-Perception: Metaphor!
September 19, 2012
‘Bailing Out Barack’: Bernanke’s New ‘Bail-Out’ Fraud
September 12, 2012
The Power To Do Good: Mankind Has a Special Destiny in the Universe as We Know It
September 9, 2012
LaRouche on the Alex Jones Show:
War Among Nations Today Means Thermonuclear War
September 7, 2012
LaRouche: On the Death of Gail Billington
September 1, 2012
In One Way, or Another:
The End of the Oligarchical System
August 31, 2012
SDI Today!: Next, Beyond Mars
August 17, 2012
Edward Teller Was Right at Erice: The Threat Against Mankind
August 16, 2012
Curiosity, and the Triumph of the Noëtic Principle
August 8, 2012
LaRouche Address:
LaRouche Presents War Plan To Stop World War III
August 2, 2012
‘Barack Obama’s Crony’: Cass Sunstein Departs
August 1, 2012
The ‘Secret of Fire’: Beyond Sense Perceptions
July 31, 2012
Mankind’s Galactic World History, a Beginning:
The Evolution in Our Species
July 28, 2012
Music & Biology: The Human Mind: Two Views
July 22, 2012
The Doom of the Libor Rate: The End of an Imperial System
July 12, 2012
Glass-Steagall Understood: The Space in Which To Live
July 9, 2012
The Principles To Be Considered:
A New Life-Time for Our Society
July 6, 2012
The London Turn-About: The Once-in-a-Lifetime Option
July 5, 2012
The Great Conundrum
June 29, 2012
Two Other Questions: The Errors in Sense-Perception
June 23, 2012
Paul Volcker Blurted It Out!
What Is Whose Law?
June 17, 2012
The Ruler Can Not Actually Measure Itself:
Beyond Sense-Perception
June 8, 2012
In Brief Here: The End of Britain's ‘Bail-Out’
June 7, 2012
A Lesson from Wilhelm Furtwängler:
The World’s Breakdown-Crisis Is Now
May 29, 2012
A Needed View of Russia Today!: The Roots of the U.S.A.
May 5, 2012
It Began Yesterday!: The Showdown Has Now Begun
April 28, 2012
Speaking Clinically: Dreams of a Modern Nero
April 28, 2012
Liam Halligan and the British Option:
Time for Glass-Steagall in Britain?
April 15, 2012
LaRouche Addresses Town Hall Meetings:
Rescuing the Future
March 31, 2012
LaRouche to Seminar in Mexican Senate:
’Shift to an Economy of the Noösphere
March 20, 2012
LaRouche on Reagan’s SDI: ‘A Moment of Greatness’
March 10, 2012
LaRouche Addresses Town Hall Meetings:
Thermonuclear War Looms: How We Must Prevent It
March 10, 2012
Our World’s Fast-Waning Options
March 8, 2012
LaRouche to Berlin Conference:
A Science-Diver Recovery or Economic Extinction and War
February 25, 2012
Principle vs. Populism: The U.S.A.’s Last Chance
February 23, 2012
LaRouche PAC-TV Weekly Report:
Dinosaur or Human?
February 1, 2012
LaRouche PAC-TV Weekly Report:
The Economics of Extinction and the Principle of Progress
January 26, 2012
State of the Union:
Lyndon LaRouche Presents a Vision for America’s Future
January 18, 2012