Articles and Speeches by
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. in 2000
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Note: This is a listing of only selected articles by Lyndon LaRouche from this year. All articles from this year are available in PDF format in the EIR Online Archive.
LaRouche Announces New Presidential Campaign `LaRouche in 2004'
December 27, 2000
LaRouche Says: Confederate-Sympathizer Ashcroft Cannot Be Confirmed as U.S. Attorney General
December 28, 2000
The Demise of an Importer of Last Resort
December 23, 2000
Fact Sheet: LaRouche On U.S. Supreme Court Election Ruling
December 22, 2000
Interview with Guadalajara Radio: LaRouche Defined U.S. Relations in Time of Global Crisis
December 18, 2000
Scalia and the Intent of Law
December 15, 2000
LaRouche to Webcast: Scalia Has No Regard for the Intent of Law
December 13, 2000
LaRouche to Congress: Form Committee To Investigate Fraud
December 12, 2000
Presidential Election 2000: `The Fall of Ozymandias'
December 12, 2000
The Fraud Against Edward Teller
December 9, 2000
LaRouche to Boston Council: `Shot Heard 'Round the World'
December 4, 2000
In Remembrance of Henry B. Gonzalez
December 4, 2000
The U.S. Strategic Interest in Russia
December 1, 2000
In the Footsteps of John Quincy Adams: My Strategy for the Americas
November 30, 2000
LaRouche on Peru Radio: Crisis Will Change the Political Geometry
November 25, 2000
LaRouche on Mexican Radio: `This Will Be A Time for Ingenuity'
November 25, 2000
LaRouche: Don't Shut Down Korean Industries
November 23, 2000
A Surprise in Dresden
November 22, 2000
Our `Times' of Decay: Grammar and Science
November 22, 2000
Teleconference: `Now Comes the Aftermath'
November 14, 2000
The Economy: The Rope in the House of the Hanged
November 14, 2000
`Leah Rabin Has Died'
November 14, 2000
Statement on U.S. Elections by Democrat Lyndon LaRouche
November 8, 2000
Politics as Art
November 6, 2000
Gore Might Elect George Bush
November 4, 2000
The Bestiality of the Fundies
October 31, 2000
LaRouche: With a New Bretton Woods, Argentina's Opportunities Are Great
October 31, 2000
Lesson of the Cole Incident: Stop Privatizing Our Generals
October 22, 2000
LaRouche in Ascoli Piceno: Italy's Leadership in World History Today
October 7, 2000
Benchmarking: Faking as an Art of Self-Deception
September 30, 2000
How Hollywood Should Be Rated
September 29, 2000
Don't Belittle Danish Voters on `No' to Euro
September 29, 2000
LaRouche: Wall Street Is Out to Crush Peru by Every Imaginable Method
September 28, 2000
Jesus Christ and Civilization
September 22, 2000
LaRouche Outlines Step to New Bretton Woods
September 21, 2000
LaRouche: Bring Oil Price Inflation Under Control
September 19, 2000 (reissued June 11, 2004)
LaRouche on N.Y. Bankers' Drive to Topple Fujimori
September 18, 2000
Kursk Affair an Excuse for New FBI, Birch Society Slander of LaRouche
September 13, 2000
Storm Over Asia, Take Two: I Told You So, and Now It Is Happening
September 2, 2000
LaRouche: Support Election of `Good FDR Democrats'
August 17, 2000
The Lost Art of Management
August 15, 2000
Water As a Strategic Flank: Wherein Clinton Failed
August 6, 2000
Al Hitler and Maledetto Busholini
July 31, 2000
SDI Revisited: In Defense of Strategy
Summer 2000
On a Basket of Hard Commodities: Trade Without Currency
July 18, 2000
LaRouche Warns: `A World Conflagration Is Coming'
June 24, 2000
LaRouche Promotes New Bretton Woods System While in Rome
June 23, 2000
Providing the Leadership the American People Will Need
June 22, 2000
LaRouche: They Are Out to `Dollarize' Peru and All of Ibero-America
June 19, 2000
Call Them `The Baby Doomers'
June 18, 2000
LaRouche Urges Peru: `Take a Firm Position and Stick It Out'
June 6, 2000
Regional Organization under a New Bretton Woods
June 3, 2000
LaRouche: Defend Peru's Sovereignty as Our Own
May 31, 2000
LaRouche Discusses His Policy for the Mideast
May 26, 2000
On the Subject of Strategic Method
May 26, 2000
Wake Up to the Danger of the `New Violence'
May 20, 2000
An Asian Monetary Fund
May 16, 2000
Who Was Charles Babbage?
May 11, 2000
The Failure of Globalization and the Need for a New Bretton Woods
May 3, 2000
The Terminal Phase of the Bankrupt System: What Nations Must Do Now
April 20, 2000
Information Society: A Doomed Empire of Evil
April 13, 2000
On the Subject of Missile-Defense: When Andropov Played Hamlet
April 2, 2000
`Escape from Fantasy Into the Hope of Reality'
March 4, 2000
The Becoming Death of Systems Analysis
March 2, 2000
LaRouche Holds Dialogue with Peruvian Accountants
February 25, 2000
Can the U.S. Become Once Again, a Temple of Liberty and Beacon of Hope?
February 19, 2000
U.S.A. vs. Lyndon LaRouche: 'He's a Bad Guy, But We Can't Tell You Why'
February 15, 2000
`Don't Vote for the Lions,' LaRouche Urges Michigan Voters
February 13, 2000
LaRouche Speaks for 80% of Voters Being Ignored by the `Bozo' Candidates
February 4, 2000
LaRouche: Join the Fight, Don't Be a Spectator!
February 1, 2000
The Issue of Mind-Set
January 23, 2000
Behind the Crisis in Russia and the Balkans
January 23 & 27, 2000
LaRouche: Dollarization in Ecuador Means Slavery
January 23, 2000
LaRouche Outlines a Viable Health-Care Policy for U.S.
January 22, 2000
Open Up Convention To Secure Democratic Victory, Says LaRouche
January 22, 2000
Sing the Music
January 18, 2000
The Issue of America's Manifest Destiny For Today
January 14, 2000
Put Britain on the List of States Sponsoring Terrorism
(January 11, 2000)
Return to Roosevelt's Concept of a Bretton Woods System
January 11, 2000
Puppet Emperor Lee Teng-hui
January 10, 2000
Gore: Ozymandias Topples!
January 7, 2000
Hyde-Bound Racism and the Constitution
January 6, 2000
What Is Government's Role in Health Policy?
January 6, 2000