Articles and Speeches by
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. in 2008
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2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 |
2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 |
Lyndon and Helga LaRouche, Guests on The LaRouche Show:
Make 2009 the International Year of Victory Against the British Empire
December 27, 2008
2007 Was AlreadTy a Year of World Crisis:
How Russia Was Surprised
December 27, 2008
Why the Academicians Have Usually Failed in Economics
December 19, 2008
LaRouche: Ivanov Is Right On Mumbai Terror Attack
December 19, 2008
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.: Press Conference at European Parliament
December 17, 2008
The Dynamics of Terrorism:
The Gravest Moment of Crisis in Modern History
December 9, 2008
The Lesson of Pearl Harbor Day
December 7, 2008
LaRouche in New Delhi:
As $1.4 Quadrillion Crashes, There Is Reason for Optimism
December 5, 2008
The Time Has Come for a New System
December 3, 2008
LaRouche's `Plan A,' or the Empire's `Plan B'
December 3, 2008
The `Islamic Problem' Is a British Creation
December 3, 2008
LaRouche in Russian Media: The Monetary System Is the Disease
November 27, 2008
Today's Global Crisis:
The Truth of Bretton Woods Lies Within Physical Science
November 24, 2008
A Four-Power Bloc Can Break the Opposition to Reform
November 19, 2008
LaRouche Webcast:
Greatest Crisis in Modern History: The Last Chance for Civilization?
November 18, 2008
The Subject Is `Dynamics': There Is But One Issue!
November 15, 2008
Only My Reforms Can Save the Planet from a Dark Age
November 11, 2008
LaRouche Reviews His Economic Forecasts
November 7, 2008
Kepler's Actual Discovery: Mathematics Is Not Science
November 5, 2008
Tory Ideologue Speaks! What's Left for Evans-Pritchard?
November 3, 2008
The Nov. 11th Resolution:
Whereas: The Present World's Monetary System Is Now Hopelessly Bankrupt
November 1, 2008
What Is the Real New Bretton Woods?
(October 31, 2008)
A True Classical Tragedy: Our Economy Is Bushed!
October 29, 2008
A New Dark Age Is Now Near: Today's Brutish Imperialism
October 18, 2008
The Weatherman Case Today
October 17, 2008
LaRouche: New Bretton Woods Must Revive Peace of Westphalia
October 16, 2008
LaRouche Statement: U.S. Must Take Up Lavrov's Offer Now!
October 15, 2008
Why the Economists Failed: Economy & Creativity
October 10, 2008
How the Human Mind Works (The Sight & Sound of Science)
October 8, 2008
LaRouche in Dialogue with Ecuador's Páez:
Repercussions, Alternatives to World Financial Crisis
October 6, 2008
LaRouche to Washington Diplomats:
A Four-Power Agreement To Save the World from Hell
October 2, 2008
LaRouche Webcast: LaRouche Presents Program for World Economic Recovery
October 1, 2008
Echoes of the Fall of the House of Bardi:
Wall Street's New Dark Age
September 22, 2008
On Bernanke et al.: Caught in His Rotor Blade
September 19, 2008
LaRouche Denounces Paulson's Latest Bailout Swindle
September 19, 2008
LaRouche The Planet Needs a New Financial Architecture
September 17, 2008
A Letter to Bankers: The Facts in the Case of Alan Greenspan
September 16, 2008
To All U.S. Government Institutions:
`Times That Try Men's Souls': Bush Must Telephone Medvedev
September 12, 2008
Since Sunday, Sept. 7th: Pelosi Democrats Buckle
September 12, 2008
Now Comes the Chain-Reaction: Blowing Up the World
September 10, 2008
What's Wrong in Europe? Are You Neotenous?
September 1, 2008
LaRouche Interview: Hit on South Ossetia: A British-Led Action
August 21, 2008
New Bretton Woods: Russia's Role in a Recovery
August 20, 2008
A Tale of Two Generations
August 21, 2008
Britain's Georgia Gambit: So, Hitler Invaded Poland
August 13, 2008
Lyndon LaRouche: Putin Was Right, He Acted To Prevent World War III
August 12, 2008
Why Paulson Blundered
August 8, 2008
Editorial Statement: We Need a Doctor, Not That Undertaker
August 7, 2008
LaRouche: The Fed Must Raise Interest Rates Now!
August 5, 2008
Maybe, Obama Is Not `The One'
August 2, 2008
`The Presumptuous Nominee'
July 30, 2008
Mr. Paulson's Consensual Folly
July 30, 2008
Why Gordon Grumbles: The Empire Crumbles
July 27, 2008
LaRouche: The U.S.A. Must Take the Lead
July 26, 2008
LaRouche Webcast: But Still Not Too Late for You
July 22, 2008
Not Only Socialists Were Duped: The Fraud of `Free Trade'
July 10, 2008
LaRouche Interview: Halt, Bankers! We Are the U.S. Government
July 6, 2008
Columbus Radio Interviews LaRouche on Economic Collapse and Presidential Election
July 6, 2008
From Shakespeare's Principle of Tragedy: Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
July 3, 2008
LaRouche in Rome: Thirty Years After the Moro Assassination
June 19, 2008
LaRouches’ Remarks to Rome Press Conference on Defeats to Free Trade and Lisbon Treaty
June 18, 2008
Your Enemy, George Soros
June 16, 2008
Free Trade vs. National Interest:
The Economics Debate about Russia
June 12, 2008
How To Shape History
June 9, 2008
It Is Not Over Yet: For the Moment, There Are Now Only Two Candidates
June 6, 2008
The Current Strategic Situation: Our World-Outlook Now
May 30, 2008
More on Insight: Science & the Making of History
May 21, 2008
LaRouche: Financial Crash Will Dominate Election
May 21, 2008
Science In Its Essence: On the Subject of `Insight'
May 9, 2008
LaRouche Webcast: `Tragedy and Hope'
May 7, 2008
LaRouche Congratulates President Carter
May 2, 2008
Senator Obama's Plight: Bind the Wounds
April 30, 2008
H.G. Wells' `Main Kampf': Sir Cedric Cesspool's Empire
April 28, 2008
An Interim LPAC Report: The U.S.A. 2008 Election
April 20, 2008
LaRouche Dialogue with Mexican Youth:
`We Live in a Creative Universe'
April 18, 2008
LaRouche to Pro-PLHINO Committee:
Stop the British-WWF Vampires Before They Suck Your Blood!
April 18, 2008
LaRouche in Monterrey, Mexico:
Out with Malthusian Ideas; Let's Develop the Planet!
April 18, 2008
How We Must Deal With the Worst Crisis in History
April 10, 2008
The Project Before Us
April 4, 2008
`Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread'
December 10, 1988 (reprinted April 18, 2008)
LaRouche's 1988 Offer to Moscow on Food Crisis
October 12, 1988 (reprinted April 18, 2008)
To Defenders of Jeremiah Wright
April 1, 2008
LaRouche Interviewed on Genesis Communications Network
April 1, 2008
LaRouche's Proposals
March 28, 2008
LaRouche's 1971 Forecast
March 28, 2008
Why Jeremiah Wright Is Not a Christian!
The Presidential Touch
March 25, 2008
Doom Has Struck! Three Steps to Survival
March 17, 2008
The Subject of Principle: Project `Genesis'
March 14, 2008
LaRouche Webcast: Rohatyn Crimes `Tantamount to High Treason'
March 12, 2008
LaRouche: FDR Methods Can Lead the World Out of the Nightmare
February 28, 2008
Dialogue with LaRouche: Revive the Principles of the Renaissance
February 28, 2008
A Strategic Economic Assessment:
That Doomed & Brutish Empire
February 19, 2008
The Real Issue Is the Peace of Westphalia
February 17, 2008
Mitt Romney Walks Out
February 15, 2008
Kanjorski Caves In
February 15, 2008
Bloomberg Fools Them Again: The Flirt
February 15, 2008
LaRouche in Munich: Today's Crisis Is the Opportunity To Bring the World Back to Sanity
February 13, 2008
LaRouche on Hyperinflationary Crisis:
We Have the Potential To Defeat the Threat of Fascism Today
January 30, 2008
LaRouche in Dialogue with Minister Pedro Páez on Ecuador Radio:
If We Change the System Now, We Can Save Civilization
January 30, 2008
Reply to Gen. Ivashov: A World System in Collapse!
January 29, 2008
How To Defend Your Dollar
January 25, 2008
Hyperinflation Is Here! This Economic Breakdown
January 23, 2008
My Early Encounter with Leibniz: On Monadology
January 22, 2008
LaRouche Webcast: Six Months Into the Greatest Ever Financial Crash
January 17, 2008
Science & Religion: Life at an Atheists's Funeral
January 11, 2008
EIR on London: London's Brutish Fairy-Tale
January 11, 2008
The One Is the Origin of Its Parts
January 11, 2008
The 68ers Reviewed: Under Their Skins
January 6, 2008
Life Within the Noösphere: What Is the Human Mind?
January 1, 2008