Press Releases
and Other Items in 2000
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December 28, 2000:
LaRouche Says: Confederate-Sympathizer Ashcroft
Cannot Be Confirmed as U.S. Attorney General
December 27, 2000:
LaRouche Announces New Presidential Campaign:
"LaRouche in 2004"
December 12, 2000:
LaRouche to Congress: Form Committee To Investigate Fraud
November 7, 2000:
New LaRouche Economics Book Released
November 7, 2000:
EIR Releases Autobiography of American Political Prisoner Michael Billington
October 29, 2000:
Italian Senate for "New Bretton Woods"
July 25, 2000:
Council on Foreign Relations Plans for Near-Term Financial Meltdown
June 30, 2000:
EIR Reveals How Diana Murder Cover-Up Has Turned Deadly
June 22, 2000:
Ad Hoc Democratic Party Platform Hearings Give Voice to the 80% of Lower Income Brackets
June 16, 2000:
EIR Issues Special Report: "The 'New Economy' Is Doomed"
May 23, 2000:
EIR Presents Battle Against Colonialism in Indochina Peninsula