Press Releases
and Other Items in 2006
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December 29, 2006:
Financial Challenge for China: Currency at High vs. Dollar
December 27, 2006:
LaRouche's Next Webcast Jan. 11:
The Old Economics Is Dead, the New Economics Must Begin
December 23, 2006:
The South Korea Decision:
Stop Leveraged Takeover Bubble Before It Blows
December 23, 2006:
New Year's Message from the Schiller Institute:
Finally! Good News from the U.S.A.: New Hope for Germany
December 19, 2006:
Bonfire of Buyouts Accelerating, Preparing Default Explosion in Credit Markets
December 19, 2006:
Report Foresees 2.2 Million Families Foreclosed
December 18, 2006:
An Immoral HMO Case in Virginia:
Health Insurance Companies Threaten Our Lives:
Cut Their Profits, Not Hospital Care!
December 18, 2006:
Two Top Intelligence Veterans Assail Bush `Surge' Schemes
December 18, 2006:
Iran's Local Elections Bring Reformists and Pragmatists Back, Losses for Ahmedinejad
December 13, 2006:
Democrat Rodriguez's Win: Texas's 23rd C.D. Victory for `New Politics'
December 13, 2006:
LaRouche: Rodriguez Victory in San Antonio
Is `A Landslide Against Howard Dean'
December 13, 2006:
The `New Politics' Beats Incumbency, Money, and Cheney in Texas
December 12, 2006:
Mortgage Guru Warns: Risky Mortgages To Trigger Financial Crisis
December 10, 2006:
LaRouche: I Defend President Jimmy Carter
December 5, 2006:
China Sci & Tech Daily Covers Interview with LaRouche on Dollar Crisis
December 4, 2006:
Nevada Union Leader on Funding the ERA
November 27, 2006:
Behind the Cheney Trip to Riyadh
November 15, 2006:
Italy Consumer Federation Calls for New Bretton Woods
November 9, 2006:
November 16 Webcast by Lyndon LaRouche:
`Organizing the Recovery from the Great Crash of 2007'
November 9, 2006:
Bush Sings His Swan Song
November 8, 2006:
LaRouche: Bush Press Conference Shows Total Denial of Reality—Impeachment Is the Only Option To Save the Country
November 7, 2006:
LaRouche Warns: Top-Down Voter Suppression Could Trigger Financial Crash
November 2, 2006:
Bush-Cheney Plan a New Iraq in Darfur
October 27, 2006:
United States Embassy in Berlin Organizes Forum for Bush-Cheney Democrats, As a Counter-Operation Against LaRouche
October 24, 2006:
A Fascist Penetration of U.S. Democratic Party To Be Featured by U.S. Embassy in Berlin
October 19, 2006:
David Horowitz, Too, Proposes Genocide
October 18, 2006:
In Preparation for Lyndon LaRouche's Berlin Webcast on October 31, 2006
October 18, 2006:
Lynne Cheney's Circles Call for Mass Murder
October 17, 2006:
Campus Nazis at UCLA Promote Mass Murder
October 16, 2006:
U.C. San Diego Physics Professor Warns, `Voting Republican in November Is Voting To Wage Nuclear War'
September 29, 2006:
China Announces Successful Fusion Test
September 22, 2006:
LaRouche International Webcast Planned for October 31:
World Crisis on the Eve of U.S. General Election
September 17, 2006:
LaRouche Denounces Obvious Fraud in Observer, BBC Stories
September 12, 2006:
LaRouche Youth Submit Program for a Renaissance to Mexican Democratic Convention
September 12, 2006:
New Report on Life Expectancy Confirms Findings of EIR `Baltimore' Study
September 11, 2006:
LaRouche Calls for Immediate Impeachment of Bush and Cheney
September 8, 2006:
LaRouche: To Solve the `Mexican Crisis,' Get Bush and Cheney Out Now
September 4, 2006:
LaRouche to Rumsfeld:
FDR Defeated the Nazis, While the Bushes Collaborated
September 2, 2006:
The Census Bureau Report's Conclusions Are False, on Poverty and Incomes
August 31, 2006:
Entropy Runs Down-Hill:
The Great `Fool's Oil' Swindle
August 27, 2006:
New Yorker Fraud on Pensions Crisis:
Publishes Its History According to Lazard Bank and Wilbur Ross
August 19, 2006:
A World-Historical Moment
August 17, 2006:
LaRouche Warnings on Danger of Wider Mideast War Featured on Leading Russian TV Channel
August 17, 2006:
LaRouche Featured on Russia's Biggest Prime-Time TV News Program
August 14, 2006:
LaRouche Gives Full Support to Yossi Beilin Proposal
August 12, 2006:
LaRouche Offers Qualified Endorsement of United Nations Resolution 1701
August 7, 2006:
French State Wants To Silence 2007 Presidential Candidate Jacques Cheminade
August 4, 2006:
First U.S. Orders for Nuclear Plant Components
August 3, 2006:
LaRouche's Proposed Legislation for Retooling the U.S. Auto Industry
July 31, 2006:
Is Bush White House Plotting New `October Surprise' with Israel?
July 31, 2006:
LaRouche Youth Rally in Los Angeles Gives Congratulations to Löpez Obrador
July 30, 2006:
López Obrador Addresses Close to Three Million in Mexico's Zocalo
July 19, 2006:
LaRouche to Mercosur Summit:
We Need Large-Scale Development Programs, Now!
July 16, 2006:
1.5 Million Rally Against Fascsm in Mexico City:
López Obrador Calls for Twice As Many July 30
July 10, 2006:
LaRouche: Mexico's López Obrador Is Right To Say the Calderón Gang Intends To Rape Mexico and Its People
July 1, 2006:
Federalist Society-Linked Justices Rubber-Stamp Corrupt DeLay's Unconstitutional Power Grab
July 1, 2006:
Foolish Bush Tries To Flee Financial `Appointment in Samara'
June 12, 2006:
UAW Leadership Has Very Dirty Hands in Synarchist Dismemberment of Auto Industry
June 6, 2006:
Outsourcing Delphi: The Crime of Felix Rohatyn
June 5, 2006:
LaRouche Updates His Warning on Cheney Plans for Preventive Bombing Against Iran
June 2, 2006:
LaRouche Movement in Germany Issues Pamphlet Warning of Cheney Terror Strike
May 24, 2006:
LaRouche Warns of Cheney Plans To Launch Iran Strike in June
May 22, 2006:
LaRouche To Address June 9 Webcast on Emergency Actions Required by Congress
May 1, 2006:
Federal Protection of `Excess' Auto Capacity To Save and Retool for Infrastructure Mission
April 23, 2006:
Local Initiatives Support Conyers' Universal Health-Care Bill
April 12, 2006:
LaRouche on `the Crash of the Greenspan Bubble' at April 27 Webcast
April 3, 2006:
The Future Is Now: Oil for Nuclear Technology
April 3, 2006:
LaRouche To Address International Webcast April 27
March 31, 2006:
LaRouche: `If Congress Does Not Act To Stop the Destruction of the Auto Industry, They Don't Give a Damn About the United States
March 13, 2006:
U.S. Refusal of Russian Nuclear Cooperation Stymied Next-Generation Nuclear Technology Development
March 13, 2006:
Surprise Announcement: Brazil Plans Seven Nuclear Plants
March 13, 2006:
De-Leveraging of U.S. Housing Bubble Will Cause `Terrible Shock'
March 5, 2006:
Japan Dreads Interest-Rate `Regime Change'
March 2, 2006:
Economy: Game or Reality?
February 26, 2006:
Collapse of the `Carry Trade' Will Blow Out the System
February 13, 2006:
Shoot, Look, and LIsten
February 13, 2006:
LaRouche To Hold International Webcast on February 23
February 6, 2006:
LaRouche: `Gonzales Takes the Fifth':
Time for the U.S. Senate To Re-awaken to Reality
January 23, 2006:
LaRouche PAC Ad Against Alito Airs on Washington, D.C.'s Main News Radio Station
January 13, 2006:
LaRouche: Senate Must Have the Guts To Keep Fascist Alito Off the Supreme Court