Press Releases
and Other Items in 2004
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December 28, 2004:
LaRouche PAC Issues Mass Pamphlet Against Social Security Privatization
December 21, 2004:
LaRouche Jan. 5 Webcast To Address the Deadly Crisis in International Relations
December 16, 2004:
LaRouche on Ohio Radio Dec. 16:
We've Got Them Dead to Rights Stealing the vote and Stealing Social Security; Get Out and Mobilize
December 16, 2004:
Private Pensions in Chila, a Quarter Century On
December 16, 2004:
Major Chilean Daily Publishes Story on LaRouche Campaign vs. Bush's Privatization Drive
December 14, 2004:
Chile's Labor Movement Sends Message to U.S. Congress:
Don't Adopt Chile's Failed Fascist Pension Plan!
December 13, 2004:
Electors in Massachusetts Challenge Election Cold Coup
December 9, 2004:
After a Quarter Century Trial, the Results Are In:
Chile's Private Pension System Has Failed
December 9, 2004:
Bush Lies Proven: Clearly, We Will Cut Your Social Security Benefits
December 8, 2004:
January 5 LaRouche Webcast Set
November 14, 2004:
A Time for Some Real Leadership:
Is Fallujah a New Dien Bien Phu?
November 11, 2004:
LaRouche: GOP Vote Suppresion Is a Coup Against U.S. Constitution
November 10, 2004:
U.S.A. Making LaRouche SDI Proposal from 1980s a Reality with X-43A Development
November 6, 2004:
A Post-Election Message from Lyndon LaRouche:
Sounding the Certain Trumpet
November 3, 2004:
LaRouche Webcast on November 9:
`It's Still the Physical Economy, Stupid!'
October 22, 2004:
LaRouche PAC Statement on Washington Post Campaign Dirty Trick
October 21, 2004:
President Bush to Americans: Drop Dead!
October 19, 2004:
Helga Zepp-LaRouche:
`Stop Economic Destruction in Germany!
Revive the Stability Law of 1967!'
October 19, 2004:
LaRouche: Bush-Cheney Could Cause More Americans To Die of the Flu Than Were Killed in the 9/11 Attack
October 18, 2004:
LaRouche Warns of Nazi Reactivation in Europe and the Americas
October 16, 2004:
LaRouche To Address Ohio Town Meeting by Webcast October 27
October 9, 2004:
LaRouche: Latest Debate Proves Bush Is a Liar
October 8, 2004:
Mayors and Elected Officials Are Right:
Candidates Must Address PHysical Economy
September 27, 2004:
LaRouche Calls for Emergency Reregulation in Transport and Oil
September 27, 2004:
LaRouche: `The Number One Issue in the Presidential Debates
Is George W. Bush's Mental Illness'
September 22, 2004:
LaRouche PAC Issues New Pamphlet:
`It's the Physical Economy, Stupid!'
September 21, 2004:
BüSo After Election Breakthrough in Saxony Vote:
`Eight Million Jobs Through 200 Billion Euro Investments'
Is Still the Agenda!
September 20, 2004:
LaRouche: `A Vote for Bush-Cheney Is a Vote for
Perpetual War and Economic Hell'
September 13, 2004:
The Question That Must Be Asked On the Porter Goss Nomination
September 11, 2004:
Dumping the Undertaker:
How To Campaign for Kerry
September 11, 2004:
Why `LaRouche in 2004' Was Indispensable
Had I Not Been Excluded
September 7, 2004:
LaRouche on Putin Statement
September 4, 2004:
Sylva Olden Lee: A Fierce, Happy Partisan of Immortality (PDF)
August 30, 2004:
The Franklin Spy Case: A Non-Partisan, Institutional Reflex
August 19, 2004:
Schröder Blunders, Sticks to Austerity Plan
August 19, 2004:
Is McGreevey Scandal an Ashcroft Sting Operation?
August 18, 2004:
German Monday Demonstrations Expand
August 18, 2004:
Schröder in a Bind:
The World Monetary System Has Cracked in Germany Today!
August 15, 2004:
Bullshizzar's Feast
August 15, 2004:
Bush and Cheney: The Vietnam Dodgers' Team
August 6, 2004:
Conference Invitation:
Now Comes the Hopeful Reality Which the Coward Denied
July 28, 2004:
LaRouche To Announce Democratic Victory Offensive
at Boston Press Conference
July 25, 2004:
LaRouche Launches Campaign, Real Democratic Platform
To Take White House from Cheney/Bush
July 25, 2004:
DNC Chair Accuses Cheney of Responsibility for Disrupting LaRouche Youth Movement Participating in Democratic Convention
July 22, 2004:
Expose Attempt To Shut LaRouche Youth
Out of the Democratic Convention
July 21, 2004:
LaRouche to Announce Boston Democratic Platform
in July 21 Audio Webcast
June 20, 2004:
LaRouche Schedules Webcast for June 20
June 20, 2004:
The `Uro-Socialism' Threat to the U.S.A.
June 19, 2004:
Screwball Internet Slander of LaRouche Launched in Venezuela
June 15, 2004:
New Book Out in Japan:
The Best-Men, Ignoble Liars Behind Bush's No-Exit War
June 14, 2004:
New Release To Hit Cheney Hard
June 7, 2004:
LaRouche Challenges Kerry:
Be Presidential—Show the Guts to Support
Democrats' Call for Investigation
May 23, 2004:
An Open Letter to the Washington Post
May 19, 2004:
LaRouche Warns of Terror Threat from
Left-Right Synarchism in the Americas
May 11, 2004:
`The Mark of the Beast'
May 6, 2004:
Against Electronic Vote Fraud: Return to Paper Ballot, Missouri Told
May 1, 2004:
LaRouche Warns of Upcoming Cheney Operation Against Him
May 1, 2004:
LaRouche Elaborates How His LaRouche Doctrine Will Work
May 1, 2004:
Campaign 2004: It's Down to LaRouche and Kerry
May 1, 2004:
Italy's Alleanza Popolare Publishes `The LaRouche Doctrine'
May 1, 2004:
Leading Iraqi Scholar Endorses `The LaRouche Doctrine'
April 20, 2004:
International Webcast Scheduled:
`The Keys to Peace: The LaRouche Doctrine'
March 26, 2004:
Housing Boom: `History's First Global Property Bust' Coming?
March 10, 2004:
Cheney Under Attack in Senate at Tenet Testimony
March 10, 2004:
Argentine Makes IMF Blink, Misses Chance To End IMF System
February 28, 2004:
LaRouche Leads Democrats in Itemized Individual Contributions
February 25, 2004:
Inflation Striking: Prices Surge, Leading Raw Materials Inflation
February 22, 2004:
Cheney's Whole War-by-Fraud Strategy Is Now Exposed
February 29, 2004:
LaRouche Campaign Announces New Media Blitz
February 9, 2004:
LaRouche: Stop Cheney Coup, Stop Computer Voting
February 8, 2004:
Open Letter to the DNC:
The Most Important Moment in Your Lives to Date!
January 19, 2004:
Invitation to Schiller Institute-ICLC Feb. 14-15 Presidents' Day Conference
January 17, 2004:
Democrat LaRouche Plans Blitz in New Hampshire
January 15, 2004:
LaRouche Backs Calls for Investigation of D.C. Voting Irregularities
January 7, 2004:
LaRouche Presidential Campaign Releases Open Letter to Michigan Democratic Party Demanding Inclusion in Michigan Democratic Caucus
January 3, 2004:
Democrat LaRouche To Issue New Blast—Against Beast-Man Cheney