Press Releases
and Other Items in 2013
December 27, 2013:
Schiller Institute To Hold Concert of Mozart Requiem in Boston To Honor JFK’s Vision of the Future
December 27, 2013:
Federal Judge, Citing Prince Bandar’s Hijacker, Says NSA Dragnet Data Collection Is Legal
December 27, 2013:
The Empire Accelerates Its China-Bashing, While Destabilization Wave Is Launched Across Asia
December 26, 2013:
Constructive Relations with Russia Are Possible, If EU Really Desires Them
December 25, 2013:
The New Year’s Day Now Before Us: Science & Christmastime
December 23, 2013:
LaRouche: NSA Ruling Underscores Obama’s Ripeness for Impeachment
December 23, 2013:
Kesha Rogers Runs for Senate To Restore JFK’s True Legacy
December 23, 2013:
Russia Signs Oil Exploration Agreement with Syria
December 23, 2013:
9/11-Saudi Coverup Begins To Crumble
December 23, 2013:
Congressional Brawl over Proposed Bill To Impose New Sanctions on Iran
December 22, 2013:
Leading Ukrainian Economist: Russia Has Saved Ukraine ‘For the Moment;’ Now Change the Entire Economic Model!
December 20, 2013:
IMF Demands Ukraine Commit Economic Suicide
December 9, 2013:
Kammenos Calls for Glass-Steagall, a New Deal and a Marshall Plan for Greece and Europe
December 9, 2013:
Kammenos Calls for Glass-Steagall, a New Deal and a Marshall Plan for Greece and Europe
December 5, 2013:
NCSL Legislative Forum in D.C. at the Center of Glass-Steagall Battle
December 4, 2013:
LaRouche: Ukraine Decision Is ‘Readjustment for Survival’
December 4, 2013:
Congressmen Jones and Lynch Introduce House Resolution Calling on Obama To Declassify 28-Page Section of Congressional 9/11 Report
December 4, 2013:
Lavrov Blasts NATO Interference in Ukrainian Internal Affairs
December 4, 2013:
Detroit Bankruptcy Ruling: ‘Dead-Ass Wrong and Morally Corrupt’
December 3, 2013:
Bob Graham on 9-11: You Don’t Have Everyone Moving the Same Direction Without a Head Coach Somewhere
December 2, 2013:
LaRouche PAC Announces Pearl Harbor Day Webcast: ‘Creating the Trans-Pacific Fusion Economy’
November 20, 2013:
LaRouche Webcast Presents Empire Genocide Policy, and How To Stop It
November 20, 2013:
Emergency Statement by Lyndon LaRouche
November 16, 2013:
Kerry’s Egypt Visit Spotlights Split with White House
November 16, 2013:
Illinois Physician: ‘Money and Math’ Are Destroying U.S. Health Care; Statistical Medicine Is Genocide
November 16, 2013:
Environmentalism Kills! The Case of the Rise of Dengue Fever
November 13, 2013:
Global War Danger Still on the Table
November 13, 2013:
Putin Visit to South Korea Spotlights Development Thrust
November 13, 2013:
Lebanese-Syrian Nun Talks About What’s Really Going On in Syria
November 13, 2013:
No Country Is Safe from Potential Polio Epidemic
November 12, 2013:
Worse Than Weimar!
October 30, 2013:
Glass-Steagall or Mass Genocide
October 24, 2013:
Pennsylvania Doctor Releases Statement Against ‘Murderous Obamacare’
October 23, 2013:
Medical Doctor To Hold Press Conference Against Obamacare
October 23, 2013:
Target of Saudi Denunciation of U.S.A. Is U.S. War-Avoidance Forces
October 21, 2013:
Fed Opponent of Glass-Steagall Reveals the Ugly Alternative, Bail-In
October 20, 2013:
Swiss Alliance for Bank Separation Prevails in First TV Debate
October 20, 2013:
Schiller Institute To Present Mozart Requiem in Remembrance of President John F. Kennedy
October 20, 2013:
Ban on Chinese Space Researchers Reversed, Thanks to Mobilization by Scientists
October 19, 2013:
LaRouche Associates Speak at Anti-Bail-In Seminar in Cyprus
October 16, 2013:
American Patriots Tell Congress: Have the Courage To ‘Pass Glass-Steagall Now!’
October 15, 2013:
Obama’s Entire Health and Economic Policy Is Intentional Genocide
October 15, 2013:
To Stop Genocide Against the American Citizens! Name the Crtime and Name the Names of the Criminals!
October 15, 2013:
Democratic Party Insider Admits LaRouche Was Right: Obama’s Genocidal True Colors Come Out in Budget Showdown
October 14, 2013:
Kra Canal Video Draws British (Blue) Blood
October 14, 2013:
Human Rights Watch Report Points to Gulf Funding of Opposition Atrocities in Syria
October 14, 2013:
Bank-Enforcer Keating’s ‘Longevity Index’ Was Also Promoted by Peter Orszag
October 5, 2013:
LaRouche: Behind the Shutdown and Debt Ceiling Swindle: Wall Street Orders Obama To Kill Glass-Steagall
October 3, 2013:
Gulf Funding for Global Jihadi Terrorists Raised at Hill Hearing on the Dangers al-Shabaab Poses to U.S.A.
October 3, 2013:
9/11 Families Demanding Release of FBI Documents on Saudi Ties to 9/11 Hijackers
October 3, 2013:
Iranian Jews Reject Netanyahu’s Warmongering
October 3, 2013:
Dems Fear Obama Will Again Negotiate ‘Grand Bargain’ To Cut Social Security
October 3, 2013:
U.S. Tries To Blackmail South Korea To Accept Anti-China Missile Systems
October 2, 2013:
LaRouche Demands Glass-Steagall Now!
September 14, 2013:
Rep. Walter Jones Again Urges Declassification of Full 9/11 Report
September 11, 2013:
Evidence of Syrian Rebel Use of Chemical Weapons Continues To Accumulate
September 10, 2013:
On the Eve of 9/11 Anniversary, Saudi Role in Original 9/11 Attack Identified Internationally; Will the U.S. Congress Finally Act?
September 10, 2013:
LaRouche Emphasizes Need for Glass-Steagall, as LaRouche PAC Policy Committee Returns to Washington
September 10, 2013:
New Report Outlines ‘Nuclear NAWAPA XXI: Gateway to the Fusion Economy’
September 6, 2013:
Russian Financial Crimes Expert Sorokin Calls for U.S.-Russian Cooperation Against Drug-Money Laundering
September 5, 2013:
Big Banks Own Dodd-Frank: Call It the ‘Wall Street Exemption Act’
August 29, 2013:
LaRouche Opposes Any Military Action on Syria; Danger of Thermonuclear War Is Too Grave
August 29, 2013:
Zepp-LaRouche: Intervention in Syria Could Lead to the Extermination of Civilization!
August 26, 2013:
General Ivashov, Russian Anti-Globalist Leaders Issue Appeal Against Syria Intervention
August 22, 2013:
Hysteria About Glass-Steagall Now Hits the White House
August 22, 2013:
LaRouche, EIR Launch New Campaign Against London-Riyadh 9/11 Axis
August 22, 2013:
EIR Pro-Glass-Steagall Op-Ed Provokes National Attack from American Bankers Association
August 22, 2013:
LaRouche PAC Takes Initiative for ‘Nuclear NAWAPA’
August 22, 2013:
Dempsey Again Warns Against U.S. Military Intervention in Syria
August 16, 2013:
Amnesty International Has Pointed to Muslim Brotherhood’s Crimes
August 15, 2013:
Egyptian Ambassador to Washington: The Muslim Brotherhood Ignited the Violence
August 13, 2013:
Resolution for Glass-Steagall Presented at National Conference of State Legislatures
August 12, 2013:
Swiss Bail-In Scheme: Stealing a Half-Trillion Euro from Depositors
August 12, 2013:
Iraqi MP Charges: Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Jordan Are Behind Killings in Iraq
August 6, 2013:
Wall Street Mafia in Desperate Drive To Stop Glass-Steagall
August 6, 2013:
Glass-Steagall Resolution Introduced in California
August 3, 2013:
LaRouche Warns: Israeli Actions in Syria Threaten World War
August 1, 2013:
LaRouche PAC Releases Video on Stopping Wall Street’s Crimes: ‘Glass-Steagall: Wall Street’s Permanent Bank Holiday’
July 30, 2013:
South Dakota Lawmakers Demand Action
July 29, 2013:
Troika Policies Devastate Southern Europe
July 29, 2013:
End Wall Street’s Theft of Pensions: Re-Enact Glass-Steagall
July 29, 2013:
Muslim Brotherhood Counts on Obama, British To Move Against Egypt’s Al-Sisi
July 29, 2013:
The British Solution to the World Food Shortage: Eat One-Third Less
July 18, 2013:
EIR Announces International Webcast:
Glass-Steagall: How To Stop the Global Financial Meltdown Over a Weekend Who Is Out To Topple the Kirchner Government in Argentina, and Why?
July 6, 2013:
Lyndon LaRouche: Principle of Economy: Increase Productivity
July 3, 2013:
Her Majesty’s Voice: Obama Tells Africans ‘Forget Modern Living Standards’
July 2, 2013:
Schiller Conference in San Francisco: Renewed Commitment to Glass-Steagall Fight
July 2, 2013:
Broad Congressional Mobilization Against Arming Syrian Rebels
July 2, 2013:
Dramatic New Move for Banking Separation in Italian Senate
July 1, 2013:
Memo to the U.S. Congress on Obama Gun-Running to Syria:
It’s Already Happening
June 27, 2013:
JPMorgan & Mega-Banks Publicly Oppose Glass-Steagall in Delaware
June 26, 2013:
Regulators Recommend Glass-Steagall to the House; British MP Tells Chancellor, ‘Glass-Steagall or Crash’
June 25, 2013:
LaRouche Declares: Only Pre-emptive Bankruptcy Action Against the British Can Save the United States
June 25, 2013:
Rep. Walter Jones’ H. Con. Res. 40, Making War Against Syria Without Congressional Approval an Impeachable Offense
June 17, 2013:
Russia, Turkey, and China Protest British Spying at 2009 G-20 Summit
June 17, 2013:
Russian Foreign Ministry Insists, No No-Fly Zone over Syria; The Issue in Syria Is World War III
June 17, 2013:
J.P. Morgan Report Says European Post-World War II Anti-Fascist Constitutions Are an Obstacle to Reimposing Fascism
June 16, 2013:
FDIC Vice President Thomas Hoenig Warns Germany: Get Serious About Deutsche Bank!
June 14, 2013:
It’s Not Market Rumors, It’s a Meltdown
June 14, 2013:
Memorial Urging Congress To Reinstate Glass-Steagall Introduced in New Jersey
June 13, 2013:
Fed Governor Says ‘Keep Printing’ After Fed Loses $155 Billion in May
June 9, 2013:
LaRouche: Impeach Obama Now, Or Face Overt Dictatorship
June 5, 2013:
Fears Mount for Prisoners in Yemen
May 31, 2013:
Memorial for Glass-Steagall Introduced in New York
May 31, 2013:
Bill To Impose ’Glass-Steagall’-Like Bank Separation Now in Italian Senate
May 31, 2013:
Syrian Opposition Group al-Nusra Caught with Sarin Gas by Turks
May 28, 2013:
Dodd-Frank Mandates Mass Murder and TreasonCrush It!
May 17, 2013:
Senator Harkin Introduces S. 985 To Reinstate Glass-Steagall
May 10, 2013:
Russia-U.S.A. Agreement To Hold New Syrian Conference Appears To Be a Strategic Shift
May 10, 2013:
Former Reagan Ass’t Secretary of Defense Backs Up Joint Chiefs’ Opposition to Syrian War
May 10, 2013:
Obama Administration Gun-Running to Syria Becomes a Public Issue
May 10, 2013:
FDIC Vice Chairman Thomas Hoenig Repeats Call for Glass-Steagall in Interview with U.K.’s Central Banking Journal
May 10, 2013:
Glass-Steagall Petition Registered in Italy
May 9, 2013:
LaRouche PAC Glass-Steagall Mobilization Shook Washington
May 3, 2013:
LaRouche PAC Declares Week of Action for Glass-Steagall, As Support Increases
May 3, 2013:
Open Fight for Glass-Steagall in Italy
May 3, 2013:
Following General Dempsey’s Lead, British Minister of Defense Demurs on Military Action in Syria
May 3, 2013:
The Dallah Avco Connection: Will Reopened 9/11 Case Nail Bandar, Basnan, and al-Bayoumi?
May 2, 2013:
Ted Kaufman and Thomas Hoenig Promote Glass-Steagall
May 1, 2013:
Russia’s Ivanov: Main Target of Narco-Aggression Is Eurasia
April 26, 2013:
LaRouche: ‘Obviously, John McCain Is Not What He Once Was’
April 25, 2013:
Now 17 States Have Had Glass-Steagall Memorials Introduced or Passed
April 25, 2013:
The UN Human Rights Council Is Investigating Greece’s Economic Program
April 21, 2013:
Did the FBI Just Bungle the Boston Bomb Plot, or Did It Actually Create It?
April 19, 2013:
Former Fed Governor Thomas Hoenig Delivers a ‘Primer’ on Glass-Steagall
April 19, 2013:
California Democratic Party Passes Resolution Against Obama’s Drone Executions
April 16, 2013:
Schiller Conference Passes Resolution: Either Glass-Steagall, or Chaos and Genocide
April 15, 2013:
Indiana House Becomes the Third State Legislature To Pass Memorial for Glass-Steagall
April 12, 2013:
Rogozin Urges Putin To Place Asteroid Defense on G-20 Agenda
April 10, 2013:
Maine Passes Glass-Steagall Memorial As National Campaign Takes Off
April 7, 2013:
The Cyprus Template: ‘Bail-In’ vs. Glass-Steagall
April 6, 2013:
Memorials for Immediate Passage of Glass-Steagall Put on the Agenda in 13 States
March 26, 2013:
LaRouche: Glass-Steagall or DieThe System Is Already Dead
March 25, 2013:
Schiller Conference Presents a New Paradigm: Using the SDI Principle Today To Save Mankind
March 24, 2013:
Daisuke Kotegawa Warns West of Self-Destruction of the Banking System
March 20, 2013:
LaRouche: The U.S.A. and Russia Must Return to the Principles of the 1983 SDI, To Avoid the Danger of Thermonuclear War
March 13, 2013:
Russian Federation Council Holds Special Meeting on Defense of Earth
March 12, 2013:
LaRouche: Stop the Coverup of Brit-Saudi Role in 9/11
March 7, 2013:
Rand Paul Declares Victory; Holder Sends Two-Liner
March 7, 2013:
Breakout for Glass-Steagall Beginning in U.S. States
March 7, 2013:
Air Force Journal Admits U.S. Aggressive Intention against Russia
March 7, 2013:
Churkin Tells UNSC, Libya Is Training Terrorists against Syria
March 7, 2013:
Assad Tells the Truth: Britain, U.S.A. Supporting al-Qaeda
February 28, 2013:
As LaRouche Said in 2009, the Federal Reserve Is Bankrupt
February 27, 2013:
Lyndon LaRouche PAC Releases Draft Legislation To Restore the Original Bank of the United States
February 19, 2013:
LaRouche: Cancel Hyperinflation and Enact Glass-Steagall, or Be Responsible for Genocide
February 19, 2013:
Brennan Refuses To Answer Key Questions on Drone Killings; Will Senators Play Along with Obama’s and Brennan’s Evasions?
February 15, 2013:
LaRouche PAC’s Deniston on the Asteroid Flyby:
‘We Are Flying Blind through the Solar System’
February 7, 2013:
A Question for John Brennan
February 7, 2013:
Former German Parliamentarian Exposes West’s Alliance with al-Qaeda
February 7, 2013:
Blair Demands ‘Generation of War’
January 31, 2013:
EIR Issues Updated Report on 9/11-Two
January 28, 2013:
New York City Schiller Conference Unanimously Endorses Rep. Walter Jones Call To Mobilize for H.C.R. 3 and H.R. 129
January 20, 2013:
End Obama’s Alliance with the Assassins of Benghazi:
Don’t Let the Administration Continue the Coverup!
January 18, 2013:
State Legislators Begin To Move for Glass-Steagall
January 17, 2013:
FDIC Vice-Chair Thomas Hoenig: Remove the Safety Net from Non-Bank Activities, Return to Glass-Steagall Framework
January 17, 2013:
Russia’s Gerasimov Scores Patriot Deployments in Turkey
January 17, 2013:
Dallas Fed President Richard Fischer Calls for End to Bailout of ‘Shadow Banking’
January 16, 2013:
Obama’s Benghazi al-Qaeda Allies Linked to Algeria al-Qaeda Gas Field Attack
January 7, 2013:
Louder Drumbeat for Glass-Steagall in London and U.S.A.
January 4, 2013:
Bill To Reinstitute Glass-Steagall Reintroduced in 113th Congress
January 4, 2013:
Rep. Jones Reintroduces House Concurrent Resolution To Stop Unconstitutional Wars